Finally! First Gay Marriage In Florida!

Prove it, what chapter and verse? Otherwise shut up.

Leviticus 11:7-8
And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.

Isaiah 66:17
“Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.
My Bible says Rats but same meaning. The dietary laws were changed by Jesus. The sin of homosexuality is covered under sexual immorality which Jesus speaks about.
The backpedaling begins :rofl:
I am not backpedaling, you are still an idiot.
Okay homophobe
I am not a homophobe, I just happen to know the truth, unlike you idiot.
Leviticus 11:7-8
And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.

Isaiah 66:17
“Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.
My Bible says Rats but same meaning. The dietary laws were changed by Jesus. The sin of homosexuality is covered under sexual immorality which Jesus speaks about.
The backpedaling begins :rofl:
I am not backpedaling, you are still an idiot.
Okay homophobe
I am not a homophobe, I just happen to know the truth, unlike you idiot.
True sometimes I forget that people who hate guys aren't necessarily homophobes. They're just assholes.
My Bible says Rats but same meaning. The dietary laws were changed by Jesus. The sin of homosexuality is covered under sexual immorality which Jesus speaks about.
The backpedaling begins :rofl:
I am not backpedaling, you are still an idiot.
Okay homophobe
I am not a homophobe, I just happen to know the truth, unlike you idiot.
True sometimes I forget that people who hate guys aren't necessarily homophobes. They're just assholes.
I don't hate guys, I just happen to Love women. Gay is sin and God hates sin, pretty simple to those who are smart enough to understand it. Good luck.
Too late for that, oldfart made a fool out of himself a long time ago.

Another thumper who hasn't read the bible.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

You might want to read the bible.

I have said it before, those who don't believe in God or God's word are stupid to use it to support their lies.

Says the "christian" who doesn't even know what his bible says about eating pork.

Says the idiot who has no idea what he is talking about. IDIOT!!!!!!!!!
Wow you dig yourself deeper in the hole with every post :rofl:

Being a "christian" and all, he's reeel ethical so I'm sure he'll be along in a moment to apologize for his ignorance about the bible.
Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

Wow so you think homosexuality will send you to hell because of Leviticus, but when Leviticus says you can't eat pork you ignore that. Maybe you should actually read the bible bud. I spent 12 years learning about it. You haven't even read it! :rofl:

Gee, I hope they know that Isaiah says not to eat mice!
Prove it, what chapter and verse? Otherwise shut up.

Leviticus 11:7-8
And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.

Isaiah 66:17
“Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.
My Bible says Rats but same meaning. The dietary laws were changed by Jesus. The sin of homosexuality is covered under sexual immorality which Jesus speaks about.

Jesus changed dietary laws?

I didn't know that.

Please post the bible verse .............................


And you ASSSume what Jesus meant to say?


I love to stay for this but alas, can't.

Have fun wriggling.

Of course God loves Gays. We have been admonished not to judge them. We have also been warned not to engage in such sin. Not to accept that sin as virtue.

Jesus said that remarrying after divorce was adultery- and therefore a sin.

Have you been as opposed to remarriage after divorce- not accepting that sin as a virtue- as you oppose homosexuality?
Of course God loves Gays. We have been admonished not to judge them. We have also been warned not to engage in such sin. Not to accept that sin as virtue.

Jesus said that remarrying after divorce was adultery- and therefore a sin.

Have you been as opposed to remarriage after divorce- not accepting that sin as a virtue- as you oppose homosexuality?

Catholics believe that divorce is a sin and there should be no remarriage. I am not a catholic. I do not quote scripture but the Bible does permit divorce. Moses recognized divorce. Jesus recognized divorce under Mosaic law but said that was not what God originally intended.

See, one of the objections I have to Christians claiming that they are against homosexuality because of the Bible is that they seem so unaware of what the Bible says.

8Jesus replied, “Moses permitted divorce only as a concession to your hard hearts, but it was not what God had originally intended.9And I tell you this, whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery—unless his wife has been unfaithful.d

Adultery is certainly a sin

Jesus confirms that later in the same section:

16 Someone came to Jesus with this question: “Teacher,f what good deed must I do to have eternal life?”

17“Why ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. But to answer your question—if you want to receive eternal life, keepg the commandments.”

18“Which ones?” the man asked.

And Jesus replied: “‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. 19Honor your father and mother. Love your neighbor as yourself.’h

Are you as appalled by Newt Gingrich marrying his third wife as you are about homosexuals marrying in Florida?

If not- why not?
Equality means each person gets to marry the consenting adult of his or her choice. Terms redefine, and this is one of those times. I know you don't like it, but you don't have the right to deny happiness to others in matrimony and love.

That it disturbs your sensibility is understood, but your sensibility is not constitutionally protected.

Is it a marriage in the eyes of God?

Show me where says it is not.
The backpedaling begins :rofl:
I am not backpedaling, you are still an idiot.
Okay homophobe
I am not a homophobe, I just happen to know the truth, unlike you idiot.
True sometimes I forget that people who hate guys aren't necessarily homophobes. They're just assholes.
I don't hate guys, I just happen to Love women. Gay is sin and God hates sin, pretty simple to those who are smart enough to understand it. Good luck.
Blindly following religious dogma is neither intelligence or understanding.
Blindly following religious dogma is what landed the pharisees in big doo doo with Jesus, and AmericanFirst, Where R My Keys, and others of that ilk are going to find that out as well.
I'm quite aware of the legality of gay "marriage' (equal protection under the law)
My only protest is the word itself. Call it Domestic Partnership or Civil Union or whatever.
Gays SHOULD have the same right to lose half of their shit in divorce as anyone else.
Just don't put an eraser on a pen and tell me it's a pencil.

I won't address the sin of homosexuality except that we are ALL sinners and fall short of the glory of God

And that is you right as an American , to believe any bat shit nut religion you want, just don't try to legislate it , not every religion belives "we are ALL sinners ". No one is forcing your ilk to do anything

Where have I mentioned anything about legislation of my beliefs?
Quite the opposite as I stated everyone is entitled to equal protection under the law.
Nor have I said anything to imply that something is being forced on me (or my religion).

Since that's the only two points you tried (and failed) to make, your reply is moot.
Militant atheism is as stupid as any of the more extreme religions.

Guno, prove to me that God does not exist. You can't? So you believe (faith) that without conclusive evidence God does not exist?

Yup, you are on the same path as Westboro Baptist.
Difference is Christians actually believe the Bible not just use it to support their sick perversions while otherwise denying God. Idiot.
Then why do many of them, such as yourself, only follow the bits and pieces that let them carry on with their sick perversions?

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

Wow so you think homosexuality will send you to hell because of Leviticus, but when Leviticus says you can't eat pork you ignore that. Maybe you should actually read the bible bud. I spent 12 years learning about it. You haven't even read it! :rofl:

If you can show where I ever said that homosexuality will send you to hell, you would being doing miracles, cause I never said any such thing. Do you have to make up things your opponent says in every debate, or just this one?

And I believe you're the one that made assinine comments regarding Christians and eating pork, so please tell us all why Christians shouldn't eat pork?
Difference is Christians actually believe the Bible not just use it to support their sick perversions while otherwise denying God. Idiot.
Then why do many of them, such as yourself, only follow the bits and pieces that let them carry on with their sick perversions?

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?
Liberals deny the existence of Jesus Christ. That's how they do it. Once Christ and the New Testament is denied it's all the old testament.

Well, Christians certainly don't deny the existence of Jesus Christ, so even with your explanation of their 'reasoning', their comments still makes no sense since they're supposedly referring to Christians and not themselves. I think it just clearly shows that that have no idea what the hell they're talking about.
Then why do many of them, such as yourself, only follow the bits and pieces that let them carry on with their sick perversions?

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?
Too late for that, oldfart made a fool out of himself a long time ago.

Another thumper who hasn't read the bible.

So, since you seem to know so much, why don't you explain why Christians shouldn't be eating pork?
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?
Too late for that, oldfart made a fool out of himself a long time ago.

Another thumper who hasn't read the bible.

Who are these 'many'? And how do you know they only follow 'bits and pieces', especially given that you obviously have no understanding of the Bible to begin with? And lastly, who is carrying on with 'sick perversions', and what are these 'sick perversions'? Your entire post was a lie, yet I'm sure that somehow you're very proud of it. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

You might want to read the bible.

I have said it before, those who don't believe in God or God's word are stupid to use it to support their lies.

Says the "christian" who doesn't even know what his bible says about eating pork.


What does it say? Are you really this lacking in basic knowledge of the Christian faith? Nevermind, stupid question.. lol
Well since many Christians eat pork, get haircuts, shave, and don't execute their wives for not being virgins... I would say they're cherry picking.

Oh and ignoring the poor and desiring war are pretty bad too.

Hmmm... why wouldn't a Christian eat pork? Are you sure you don't mean Jews? Maybe you better go back and read the Bible again before you continue to make a fool of yourself?

Wow so you think homosexuality will send you to hell because of Leviticus, but when Leviticus says you can't eat pork you ignore that. Maybe you should actually read the bible bud. I spent 12 years learning about it. You haven't even read it! :rofl:

Gee, I hope they know that Isaiah says not to eat mice!
Prove it, what chapter and verse? Otherwise shut up.

Leviticus 11:7-8
And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.

Isaiah 66:17
“Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.

Okay, so has no one ever educated you on how to read and understand the Bible then? Do you really lack simple understanding of Christianity and its basic principles? You do understand that Jesus Christ fulfilled the law when he died on the cross and what that means? And that you look like a fool with your comments and posting of scripture?
Wow so you think homosexuality will send you to hell because of Leviticus, but when Leviticus says you can't eat pork you ignore that. Maybe you should actually read the bible bud. I spent 12 years learning about it. You haven't even read it! :rofl:

Gee, I hope they know that Isaiah says not to eat mice!
Prove it, what chapter and verse? Otherwise shut up.

Leviticus 11:7-8
And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.

Isaiah 66:17
“Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.
My Bible says Rats but same meaning. The dietary laws were changed by Jesus. The sin of homosexuality is covered under sexual immorality which Jesus speaks about.
The backpedaling begins :rofl:

What is he backpedaling on? Are you another idiot who has no understanding of Christianity and the Bible? Apparently so.
Wow so you think homosexuality will send you to hell because of Leviticus, but when Leviticus says you can't eat pork you ignore that. Maybe you should actually read the bible bud. I spent 12 years learning about it. You haven't even read it! :rofl:

Gee, I hope they know that Isaiah says not to eat mice!
Prove it, what chapter and verse? Otherwise shut up.

Leviticus 11:7-8
And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.

Isaiah 66:17
“Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig's flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.
My Bible says Rats but same meaning. The dietary laws were changed by Jesus. The sin of homosexuality is covered under sexual immorality which Jesus speaks about.

Jesus changed dietary laws?

I didn't know that.

Please post the bible verse .............................


And you ASSSume what Jesus meant to say?


I love to stay for this but alas, can't.

Have fun wriggling.


You claim to be an atheist expert, but you have no basic understanding of the Christian religion, and make a fool of yourself by even attempting to discuss it.

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