Finally, Fox starts blaming Obama for missing Malaysian Airliner. What took so long?

Well except no one is blaming Obama for the missing plane, they ARE noting that we have resources we could bring to bear to possibly find it and that we may need to force Malaysia to accept our help. Which requires do nothing Obama to actually do something.

Keep lying your links do not even support their own headlines.

Why would they note that?

Why is it even an issue?

The US sent out several planes and ships to assist.

How much does the US need to send out?

Oh wait..those are rational questions.

And FOX? Well they are the Saudi Network that's been aiming at Obama 24/7.

No need to let up now.

the US also has to be INVITED to investigate.... they have only been asked to assist on a limited basis.

but it's not like they ever let facts get in the way.

if he sent a ton of ships, they'd cry he's wasting our money and why does the US always have to do everything.

It is absolutely true that the US has to be invited to help. It is also absolutely true that derpys OP is utter horseshit.
Sarge: Well except no one is blaming Obama for the missing plane, they ARE noting that we have resources we could bring to bear to possibly find it and that we may need to force Malaysia to accept our help. Which requires do nothing Obama to actually do something.

This statement is so absurd on it's face I would think that even the most die-hard neocon
would recoil at it's interventionism-on-steroids stance. The only true conservative it could possibly appeal to would be one so besotted by Obama hatred they're completely willing to throw common sense out the window.
I've been looking into the Shroud of Turin for a while (which I'll post about within a week or so) and I started watching a video hosted by a right-wing evangelist (I didn't know his angle at first.) He was expounding on what signs and symbols had been found on the shroud. When he started talking about how Obama's number (444?) had been identified as a marking I turned it off. I don't have that much spare time. I'm not sure if he was going to implicate Obama in the Crucifixion but I wouldn't be surprised.


Hell he was there, man.


For Jesus himself testified, that a prophet hath no honor in his own country.
John 4:44 ASV


Now...Time for your bath.:eusa_angel::eusa_angel::eusa_angel:
Do the Obot cult followers EVER stop whining?

You all fed us how he was a President OF THE WORLD...So why shouldn't he be blamed?

good gawd go change your diapers
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What heads of state are for - scapegoating. And it's why by definition you need someone clinically mentally ill to run for those offices. Only a fool wants to be 'in charge' since that means every problem in the world gets blamed on you. :) Of course if you can hack it for 4 or 8 years, the retirement package is awesome and you never have to work again. :)
Why do derps like rderp and DeltaDerp seek so much to toss Obumbler's salad?

Why can't they ever just acknowledge and admit that President Obumbler is a massive clusterfuck of fail from start to finish?

EVERYbody knows that even Obumbler had nothing to do with the missing Malaysian airliner. Nobody is seriously claiming otherwise. Yet the usual lolberal derp suspects feel compelled to rush to the defense of The ONE.

Laughable lolberals.
I've been looking into the Shroud of Turin for a while (which I'll post about within a week or so) and I started watching a video hosted by a right-wing evangelist (I didn't know his angle at first.) He was expounding on what signs and symbols had been found on the shroud. When he started talking about how Obama's number (444?) had been identified as a marking I turned it off. I don't have that much spare time. I'm not sure if he was going to implicate Obama in the Crucifixion but I wouldn't be surprised.

Read the linked stories. They do not support their titles.

That's what hacks do

If they didn't they'd have nothing to do

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