Finally: President Trump calls Mueller’s Investigation Illegal

He needs to grow a pair of testicles.


He needs to be replaced by an AG who understands this is a street brawl. You don't trade jabs with these Communists, you kick them in the fucking teeth. Mueller is using tactics out of the 14th century Spanish Inquisition. He must be treated as the pile of shit that he is. Most of Mewler-Torquemada's team should be arrested, today, for obstruction of justice and malicious prosecution.
Ohhh, flat out lying, how clever.

DeRpHate, how many acting attorney generals have been held in contempt by Congress for their openly criminal acts?

Let's see, there is that fucking crook Holder, then there is.... oh, um, nope only Holder - the scum from the most corrupt administration in American history.

Holder did nothing wrong - On the flip side, Beauregard the Keebler Elf lied to Congress.
Holder was a racist and a dirt bag who authorized spying on reporters and members of the Senate. He also refused to enforce immigration laws.

He sold guns to Mexican Drug cartels (I would LOVE to see an investigation into his finances, because the fucker was/is on that payroll of the cartels).

Holder violated RICO statutes with the "Operation Choke Point" racketeering. Holder's thugs in the Obama department of "fuck justice" would raid banks who did business with LEGAL businesses on the Obama enemies list. Among enemies targeted were Remington and Ruger. The Holder gangsters basically told the banks "don't do business with out enemies or we will shut you down."

This is probably the most outrageous abuse of government power in history, but our corrupt press buried it and the cowardly GOP failed to act.
He needs to grow a pair of testicles.


He needs to be replaced by an AG who understands this is a street brawl. You don't trade jabs with these Communists, you kick them in the fucking teeth. Mueller is using tactics out of the 14th century Spanish Inquisition. He must be treated as the pile of shit that he is. Most of Mewler-Torquemada's team should be arrested, today, for obstruction of justice and malicious prosecution.
Time to fight.
Ohhh, flat out lying, how clever.

DeRpHate, how many acting attorney generals have been held in contempt by Congress for their openly criminal acts?

Let's see, there is that fucking crook Holder, then there is.... oh, um, nope only Holder - the scum from the most corrupt administration in American history.

Holder did nothing wrong - On the flip side, Beauregard the Keebler Elf lied to Congress.
Holder was a racist and a dirt bag who authorized spying on reporters and members of the Senate. He also refused to enforce immigration laws.

He sold guns to Mexican Drug cartels (I would LOVE to see an investigation into his finances, because the fucker was/is on that payroll of the cartels).

Holder violated RICO statutes with the "Operation Choke Point" racketeering. Holder's thugs in the Obama department of "fuck justice" would raid banks who did business with LEGAL businesses on the Obama enemies list. Among enemies targeted were Remington and Ruger. The Holder gangsters basically told the banks "don't do business with out enemies or we will shut you down."

This is probably the most outrageous abuse of government power in history, but our corrupt press buried it and the cowardly GOP failed to act.
Damn right he did! Should be in prison!
What facts? You haven't shown us anything confirming some "anti-Trump dossier". That's why you are still a liar.

What a fucking liar you are traitor.

The Washington Post reported this week that Clinton’s campaign and the DNC funded the dossier.

The transaction passed through Democratic lawyer Marc Elias of the law firm Perkins Coie. Elias contracted the work out to opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which had the connection to Steele, the former British spy.

While none of the principals have denied that the Clinton campaign and DNC funded the dossier through payments to Perkins Coie, everyone involved is claiming they did not know about the project.

Clinton has said she did not know about it. Current DNC chairman Tom Perez, who was elected in April of this year, deflected to past DNC leadership. Former DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) said she had no knowledge of it.

CNN reported that both Wasserman Schultz and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta testified in a closed-door briefing with congressional investigators that they knew nothing about it. Notably, Elias is Podesta’s lawyer and was present for that meeting with lawmakers, raising questions about whether he should have interjected.

Clinton, Trump and the Russia dossier: What you need to know

You lying little fuck

Look liar, if you aren't going to prove the dossier is "fake", stop typing a whole bunch of shit that means nothing.


The dossier that you just lied you knew nothing about? You are pathological.

Commie fuck, do you think this is Facebook? You can't just lie reality into the cornfield here.

Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the infamous anti-Donald Trump dossier, acknowledges that a sensational charge his sources made about a tech company CEO and Democratic Party hacking is unverified.

In a court filing, Mr. Steele also says his accusations against the president and his aides about a supposed Russian hacking conspiracy were never supposed to be made public, much less posted in full on a website for the world to see on Jan. 10.

He defends himself by saying he was betrayed by his client and that he followed proper internal channels by giving the dossier to Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, to alert the U.S. government.

SEE ALSO: Inside the court case of Christopher Steele's Trump dossier

Mr. Steele has not spoken publicly about his disputed opposition research project, but for the first time he is being forced to talk in a London court through his attorneys.}

Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified

You lying little fuck.

And here's another lie you haven't proven. You and Trump should get together to see how many lies you can pedal in one day.


It's Official: DOJ IG Refers Lyin' McCabe To Federal Prosecutor For Possible Criminal Charges

The Nunes memo was proven bogus.

Oh really?

"proven" in what way shit eater?

How do we know? Nunes has been MIA about his own memo ever since. What happened to that liar? Lol!


Iz boogus cuz we at ThinkHatred don like it.

You fucking retard.

The memo’s central claim is that the FBI omitted context in its application to surveil the Trump adviser, Carter Page. The document notes that the FBI used material compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, whose work was partly funded by Democrats, and who the memo says was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president”.

The memo also claims that the FBI “terminated” Steele as a source because he spoke with the media, and that texts between an FBI agent and FBI attorney “demonstrated a clear bias against Trump”. The agent was removed from the investigation in December.}

'Nunes memo' published after Trump declassifies controversial document

So which of these claims do your Chinese handlers allege to be false? What evidence to you traitors offers to substantiate your claims?

We're looking, but you aren't showing anything. More lies!


Read, you fucking retard

You do know that Papadopolous plead guilty right? So, if all that were true, how come Papadopolous hasn't come forward, and advised Mueller for his own defense? If the story were true, the FBI wouldn't be looking into the dossier for validity. Boss, I'm miles ahead of you on all these stories. You can't keep lying your way through all these made up scenarios and expect them to work. But you foolishly think you can. What a joke.


Poppenfresh admitted he lied to the FSB about his interaction with the FSB spy Stefan Halper. WHY was the FSB spying on the campaign of the opposition party?

Can you say "treason?"

It's ALL you scumbags do.
The whole story is right here. If you don't get it, you're either too retardrd to get it, or you don't want to know.
What facts? You haven't shown us anything confirming some "anti-Trump dossier". That's why you are still a liar.

What a fucking liar you are traitor.

The Washington Post reported this week that Clinton’s campaign and the DNC funded the dossier.

The transaction passed through Democratic lawyer Marc Elias of the law firm Perkins Coie. Elias contracted the work out to opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which had the connection to Steele, the former British spy.

While none of the principals have denied that the Clinton campaign and DNC funded the dossier through payments to Perkins Coie, everyone involved is claiming they did not know about the project.

Clinton has said she did not know about it. Current DNC chairman Tom Perez, who was elected in April of this year, deflected to past DNC leadership. Former DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) said she had no knowledge of it.

CNN reported that both Wasserman Schultz and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta testified in a closed-door briefing with congressional investigators that they knew nothing about it. Notably, Elias is Podesta’s lawyer and was present for that meeting with lawmakers, raising questions about whether he should have interjected.

Clinton, Trump and the Russia dossier: What you need to know

You lying little fuck

Look liar, if you aren't going to prove the dossier is "fake", stop typing a whole bunch of shit that means nothing.


The dossier that you just lied you knew nothing about? You are pathological.

Commie fuck, do you think this is Facebook? You can't just lie reality into the cornfield here.

Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the infamous anti-Donald Trump dossier, acknowledges that a sensational charge his sources made about a tech company CEO and Democratic Party hacking is unverified.

In a court filing, Mr. Steele also says his accusations against the president and his aides about a supposed Russian hacking conspiracy were never supposed to be made public, much less posted in full on a website for the world to see on Jan. 10.

He defends himself by saying he was betrayed by his client and that he followed proper internal channels by giving the dossier to Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, to alert the U.S. government.

SEE ALSO: Inside the court case of Christopher Steele's Trump dossier

Mr. Steele has not spoken publicly about his disputed opposition research project, but for the first time he is being forced to talk in a London court through his attorneys.}

Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified

You lying little fuck.

And here's another lie you haven't proven. You and Trump should get together to see how many lies you can pedal in one day.


It's Official: DOJ IG Refers Lyin' McCabe To Federal Prosecutor For Possible Criminal Charges

The Nunes memo was proven bogus.

Oh really?

"proven" in what way shit eater?

How do we know? Nunes has been MIA about his own memo ever since. What happened to that liar? Lol!


Iz boogus cuz we at ThinkHatred don like it.

You fucking retard.

The memo’s central claim is that the FBI omitted context in its application to surveil the Trump adviser, Carter Page. The document notes that the FBI used material compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, whose work was partly funded by Democrats, and who the memo says was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president”.

The memo also claims that the FBI “terminated” Steele as a source because he spoke with the media, and that texts between an FBI agent and FBI attorney “demonstrated a clear bias against Trump”. The agent was removed from the investigation in December.}

'Nunes memo' published after Trump declassifies controversial document

So which of these claims do your Chinese handlers allege to be false? What evidence to you traitors offers to substantiate your claims?

We're looking, but you aren't showing anything. More lies!


Read, you fucking retard

You do know that Papadopolous plead guilty right? So, if all that were true, how come Papadopolous hasn't come forward, and advised Mueller for his own defense? If the story were true, the FBI wouldn't be looking into the dossier for validity. Boss, I'm miles ahead of you on all these stories. You can't keep lying your way through all these made up scenarios and expect them to work. But you foolishly think you can. What a joke.


Poppenfresh admitted he lied to the FSB about his interaction with the FSB spy Stefan Halper. WHY was the FSB spying on the campaign of the opposition party?

Can you say "treason?"

It's ALL you scumbags do.
This is the whole story. If you don't get it, it's because you are too retarded, or just don't want to get it; Analysis | Did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians to get ‘dirt’ on Trump to feed it to the FBI?
He's milking a great paying job for him and HUNDREDS OF STAFF is that Hard for your pea brain to comprehend. He better indict within 2 months or he will be gone!
Why 2 months? Benghazi took 4 years. What's the rush?

Here's a handy chart for the "wrap it up!" crowd :)

Your chart left out Barry Sotoro.

Trey Gowdy's 2 year witch hunt and 8 other investigations that found BUPKIS on Ben Ghazi were by congress - not special investigators.

Poli-Sci101? :)

Ohhh, flat out lying, how clever.

DeRpHate, how many acting attorney generals have been held in contempt by Congress for their openly criminal acts?

Let's see, there is that fucking crook Holder, then there is.... oh, um, nope only Holder - the scum from the most corrupt administration in American history.
What criminal acts?
Ohhh, flat out lying, how clever.

DeRpHate, how many acting attorney generals have been held in contempt by Congress for their openly criminal acts?

Let's see, there is that fucking crook Holder, then there is.... oh, um, nope only Holder - the scum from the most corrupt administration in American history.
What criminal acts?

There were none - They just like the fantasy of jailing (or killing in some cases) their political opponents.
It's the Putin, Erdogan, Duterte playbook that their Dear Donald uses.
  • Thanks
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The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely
I hope he does :lol:

Poor Purge does not understand that firing the whole lot of them doesn't solve the Russia conundrum for his Orange Overlord. Bob has his finding thus far on a hair trigger and will post them online the second he gets the word. Nothing Dotard can do about the Southern District of NY either as they continue to investigate Trump's shady business practices. And more charges will pop up on a state level.

Pardons? Great - Go there too! He can't pardon anyone on state charges and they will be compelled to testify without 5th amendment privileges. If they lie - off to jail and nothing Mango Menace can do about it.

Firings and pardons will also put the final nail in the coffin on the case for obstruction of justice.

So yes, I hope he does too. :)
He needs to grow a pair of testicles.


He needs to be replaced by an AG who understands this is a street brawl. You don't trade jabs with these Communists, you kick them in the fucking teeth. Mueller is using tactics out of the 14th century Spanish Inquisition. He must be treated as the pile of shit that he is. Most of Mewler-Torquemada's team should be arrested, today, for obstruction of justice and malicious prosecution.
What tactics out of the "Inquisition"? What "obstruction of justice" by Mueller and his team?
The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely
I hope he does :lol:

Poor Purge does not understand that firing the whole lot of them doesn't solve the Russia conundrum for his Orange Overlord. Bob has his finding thus far on a hair trigger and will post them online the second he gets the word. Nothing Dotard can do about the Southern District of NY either as they continue to investigate Trump's shady business practices. And more charges will pop up on a state level.

Pardons? Great - Go there too! He can't pardon anyone on state charges and they will be compelled to testify without 5th amendment privileges. If they lie - off to jail and nothing Mango Menace can do about it.

Firings and pardons will also put the final nail in the coffin on the case for obstruction of justice.

So yes, I hope he does too. :)
And the only reason why they would be firing them, was because the law is working, and the truth is exposed. They want the actual criminals to decide if they are to be exposed for their criminal behavior. They're as criminal as Trump and his team are.
What facts? You haven't shown us anything confirming some "anti-Trump dossier". That's why you are still a liar.

What a fucking liar you are traitor.

The Washington Post reported this week that Clinton’s campaign and the DNC funded the dossier.

The transaction passed through Democratic lawyer Marc Elias of the law firm Perkins Coie. Elias contracted the work out to opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which had the connection to Steele, the former British spy.

While none of the principals have denied that the Clinton campaign and DNC funded the dossier through payments to Perkins Coie, everyone involved is claiming they did not know about the project.

Clinton has said she did not know about it. Current DNC chairman Tom Perez, who was elected in April of this year, deflected to past DNC leadership. Former DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) said she had no knowledge of it.

CNN reported that both Wasserman Schultz and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta testified in a closed-door briefing with congressional investigators that they knew nothing about it. Notably, Elias is Podesta’s lawyer and was present for that meeting with lawmakers, raising questions about whether he should have interjected.

Clinton, Trump and the Russia dossier: What you need to know

You lying little fuck

Look liar, if you aren't going to prove the dossier is "fake", stop typing a whole bunch of shit that means nothing.


The dossier that you just lied you knew nothing about? You are pathological.

Commie fuck, do you think this is Facebook? You can't just lie reality into the cornfield here.

Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the infamous anti-Donald Trump dossier, acknowledges that a sensational charge his sources made about a tech company CEO and Democratic Party hacking is unverified.

In a court filing, Mr. Steele also says his accusations against the president and his aides about a supposed Russian hacking conspiracy were never supposed to be made public, much less posted in full on a website for the world to see on Jan. 10.

He defends himself by saying he was betrayed by his client and that he followed proper internal channels by giving the dossier to Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, to alert the U.S. government.

SEE ALSO: Inside the court case of Christopher Steele's Trump dossier

Mr. Steele has not spoken publicly about his disputed opposition research project, but for the first time he is being forced to talk in a London court through his attorneys.}

Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified

You lying little fuck.

And here's another lie you haven't proven. You and Trump should get together to see how many lies you can pedal in one day.


It's Official: DOJ IG Refers Lyin' McCabe To Federal Prosecutor For Possible Criminal Charges

The Nunes memo was proven bogus.

Oh really?

"proven" in what way shit eater?

How do we know? Nunes has been MIA about his own memo ever since. What happened to that liar? Lol!


Iz boogus cuz we at ThinkHatred don like it.

You fucking retard.

The memo’s central claim is that the FBI omitted context in its application to surveil the Trump adviser, Carter Page. The document notes that the FBI used material compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, whose work was partly funded by Democrats, and who the memo says was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president”.

The memo also claims that the FBI “terminated” Steele as a source because he spoke with the media, and that texts between an FBI agent and FBI attorney “demonstrated a clear bias against Trump”. The agent was removed from the investigation in December.}

'Nunes memo' published after Trump declassifies controversial document

So which of these claims do your Chinese handlers allege to be false? What evidence to you traitors offers to substantiate your claims?

We're looking, but you aren't showing anything. More lies!


Read, you fucking retard

You do know that Papadopolous plead guilty right? So, if all that were true, how come Papadopolous hasn't come forward, and advised Mueller for his own defense? If the story were true, the FBI wouldn't be looking into the dossier for validity. Boss, I'm miles ahead of you on all these stories. You can't keep lying your way through all these made up scenarios and expect them to work. But you foolishly think you can. What a joke.


Poppenfresh admitted he lied to the FSB about his interaction with the FSB spy Stefan Halper. WHY was the FSB spying on the campaign of the opposition party?

Can you say "treason?"

It's ALL you scumbags do.
The whole story is right here. If you don't get it, you're either too retardrd to get it, or you don't want to know.
What facts? You haven't shown us anything confirming some "anti-Trump dossier". That's why you are still a liar.

What a fucking liar you are traitor.

The Washington Post reported this week that Clinton’s campaign and the DNC funded the dossier.

The transaction passed through Democratic lawyer Marc Elias of the law firm Perkins Coie. Elias contracted the work out to opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which had the connection to Steele, the former British spy.

While none of the principals have denied that the Clinton campaign and DNC funded the dossier through payments to Perkins Coie, everyone involved is claiming they did not know about the project.

Clinton has said she did not know about it. Current DNC chairman Tom Perez, who was elected in April of this year, deflected to past DNC leadership. Former DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) said she had no knowledge of it.

CNN reported that both Wasserman Schultz and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta testified in a closed-door briefing with congressional investigators that they knew nothing about it. Notably, Elias is Podesta’s lawyer and was present for that meeting with lawmakers, raising questions about whether he should have interjected.

Clinton, Trump and the Russia dossier: What you need to know

You lying little fuck

Look liar, if you aren't going to prove the dossier is "fake", stop typing a whole bunch of shit that means nothing.


The dossier that you just lied you knew nothing about? You are pathological.

Commie fuck, do you think this is Facebook? You can't just lie reality into the cornfield here.

Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the infamous anti-Donald Trump dossier, acknowledges that a sensational charge his sources made about a tech company CEO and Democratic Party hacking is unverified.

In a court filing, Mr. Steele also says his accusations against the president and his aides about a supposed Russian hacking conspiracy were never supposed to be made public, much less posted in full on a website for the world to see on Jan. 10.

He defends himself by saying he was betrayed by his client and that he followed proper internal channels by giving the dossier to Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, to alert the U.S. government.

SEE ALSO: Inside the court case of Christopher Steele's Trump dossier

Mr. Steele has not spoken publicly about his disputed opposition research project, but for the first time he is being forced to talk in a London court through his attorneys.}

Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified

You lying little fuck.

And here's another lie you haven't proven. You and Trump should get together to see how many lies you can pedal in one day.


It's Official: DOJ IG Refers Lyin' McCabe To Federal Prosecutor For Possible Criminal Charges

The Nunes memo was proven bogus.

Oh really?

"proven" in what way shit eater?

How do we know? Nunes has been MIA about his own memo ever since. What happened to that liar? Lol!


Iz boogus cuz we at ThinkHatred don like it.

You fucking retard.

The memo’s central claim is that the FBI omitted context in its application to surveil the Trump adviser, Carter Page. The document notes that the FBI used material compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, whose work was partly funded by Democrats, and who the memo says was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president”.

The memo also claims that the FBI “terminated” Steele as a source because he spoke with the media, and that texts between an FBI agent and FBI attorney “demonstrated a clear bias against Trump”. The agent was removed from the investigation in December.}

'Nunes memo' published after Trump declassifies controversial document

So which of these claims do your Chinese handlers allege to be false? What evidence to you traitors offers to substantiate your claims?

We're looking, but you aren't showing anything. More lies!


Read, you fucking retard

You do know that Papadopolous plead guilty right? So, if all that were true, how come Papadopolous hasn't come forward, and advised Mueller for his own defense? If the story were true, the FBI wouldn't be looking into the dossier for validity. Boss, I'm miles ahead of you on all these stories. You can't keep lying your way through all these made up scenarios and expect them to work. But you foolishly think you can. What a joke.


Poppenfresh admitted he lied to the FSB about his interaction with the FSB spy Stefan Halper. WHY was the FSB spying on the campaign of the opposition party?

Can you say "treason?"

It's ALL you scumbags do.
This is the whole story. If you don't get it, it's because you are too retarded, or just don't want to get it; Analysis | Did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians to get ‘dirt’ on Trump to feed it to the FBI?

Jeff Bezos Trump hating blog is the "whole story?" :rofl:

I already gave you the whole story, from a dozen different sources.

You are just a hack


Barack Obama and Debbie Wasserman Schultz coronated Hillary Clinton to be the next president.

Banana republic dictator Barry instructed the Republicans that they would run Jeb! as the sacrifice to Stumbles McMyturn. The swamp rat republicans like McCain, Flake, Collins agreed in return for undisclosed favors from the regime.

But 8 years of Obama corruption had made the peasants uppity. On the left they supported Stalinist Bernie Sanders. Banana republic Barry and Shultz rigged the primary so Felonia Milhouse Von Pantsuit won.

But the middle also revolted, which the regime had no control over. Donald Trump was spouting crazy talk about ending corruption and giving people a voice. So banana republic Barry set the FSB after him. He also set the corrupt IRS after him, but they were not sufficient to take down a billionaire.

FSB supreme commandant Comey differed to Reich commandant Andrew McCabe who immediately used NSA spying apparatus to spy on this usurper Trump. Comrade John McCain instantly started attacking with the forces of the swamp.

Roger Stone contacted the NSA with evidence that the corrupt Obama regime and their department of "fuck justice" were flagrantly violating federal law by using illegal NSA surveillance of American citizens to try and rig the election. The NSA revoked access by the FSB into their spying on Trump.

This left the Obama thugs with the prospect of an honest election, something democrats will not abide. So they turned to foreign spy agencies to try and dig up dirt on Trump. Bruce Ohr of Obama's corrupt department of "fuck justice" passed the idea of using the Kremlin to fabricate dirt on Trump. His wife Nellie sold the idea to her boss, infamous leftist Glenn Simpson sold the idea to Hillary Clinton and Fusion borrowed British spy Chris Steele from the FSB to interact with the Kremlin to produce or fabricate damaging doccuments.

FSB operative Peter Strzok on orders from banana republic Barry leaked the fabricated dossier to Yahoo news who published it as fact without bothering to vet it. Even Jeff Bezos hate blog, the Washington Post refused to follow suit. But Yahoo is entirely devoid of integrity.

But even with the slander and libel of the dossier along with a thousand other dirty tricks, the unimaginable happened, the Americans that democrats so bitterly hate elected Donald Trump.

The FSB was in trouble, the corrupt fuckers at the Obama department of "fuck justice" were in deep shit. Loretta Lynch had been caught coordinating with Bill Clinton to rig the election. Trump would get access to documents proving that the Obama banana republic had tampered with the election, along with thousands of other crimes.

So operatives McCabe and Stzok took the fabricated dossier that Hillary paid for to obtain a FISA warrant so they could spy on Trump, but they needed some thread of support, so they took the Yahoo story that THEY had leaked as support for the fabricated dossier.

See traitor, you treasonous scum depend on ignorance. You depend on shit rags like the NY Times to crush the truth.

But just like in the election, you have failed.

You'll be going to prison, or worse.
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.

If Trump does any of those things, it will precipitate a Bigger Constitutional crisis than the one going on now.

The people are turning on this Treasonous criminal as the watch him obstructing justice in plain sight.

The lying, the bad decisions, the trade wars.
More BS and lies. Or you want to quote the hmmmm... ABCZ poll today....ROTFLMFAO...didn't their poll also call for an 85% Hildebeast win....why yes it did!

SHe is a waste of your time that dumb fk literally thinks ppl like you or I are Russian bots. She also flat out said she and others do what htey do on purpose until they run ppl off the board. Don't let that .........t. run you off LOL.... Cyka's been working on me for 2 yrs.

Did you watch Obam deception yet?
Ohhh, flat out lying, how clever.

DeRpHate, how many acting attorney generals have been held in contempt by Congress for their openly criminal acts?

Let's see, there is that fucking crook Holder, then there is.... oh, um, nope only Holder - the scum from the most corrupt administration in American history.
What criminal acts?

There were none - They just like the fantasy of jailing (or killing in some cases) their political opponents.
It's the Putin, Erdogan, Duterte playbook that their Dear Donald uses.

Oh gosh, that's right, democrats are above the law.

So racketeering under "Operation Choke Point" which would put you or I in prison for life doesn't matter, Holder is above the law.

Operation Fast and Furious, where Holder walked guns to Mexican drug cartels, guns that were used to murder two federal agents - well no problem, Holder is above the law.

We have two laws in this nation, we can't expect Stalinist rulers to be subject to the laws meant for peasants.
He needs to grow a pair of testicles.


He needs to be replaced by an AG who understands this is a street brawl. You don't trade jabs with these Communists, you kick them in the fucking teeth. Mueller is using tactics out of the 14th century Spanish Inquisition. He must be treated as the pile of shit that he is. Most of Mewler-Torquemada's team should be arrested, today, for obstruction of justice and malicious prosecution.
What tactics out of the "Inquisition"? What "obstruction of justice" by Mueller and his team?

Yeah fucktard.

So when the first Torquemada was conducting his Inquisition in Spain in the 14th century, he would torture his victim, just as Mewler-Torquemada tortures his, Such as taking a white collar criminal like Manifort and putting him in solitary confinement for a year.

But the original Torquemada encountered men who would not break, no matter how much he tortured them. Mewler-Torquemada also found men who resisted his evil and would not "confess" to being witches, regardless of what he did to them.

The original Torquemada would bring in the wives and daughters of his victims and have them raped in front of his victims until they would confess.

Mewler-Torquemada does the same. Gen. Flynn would not confess to the phony charges that the scumbag Mewler made. So Torquemada had his son detained and made the credible threat that the General either confess, or he would throw his son in prison and sell his grand children into slavery. (foster care)

Mewler-Torquemada is right out of the 14th century, a disreputable pile of shit.

The fucker did the same thing in the DC Anthrax case where he DESTROYED the life of his victim, then it was revealed that his victim had nothing to do with it. It's just the way Torquemada operates.

When Comey and Mueller Bungled the Anthrax Case | RealClearPolitics
Oh gosh, that's right, democrats are above the law.

So racketeering under "Operation Choke Point" which would put you or I in prison for life doesn't matter, Holder is above the law.

Operation Fast and Furious, where Holder walked guns to Mexican drug cartels, guns that were used to murder two federal agents - well no problem, Holder is above the law.

We have two laws in this nation, we can't expect Stalinist rulers to be subject to the laws meant for peasants.

Lol ^ Fast & Furious AWWWK!!
Holder did nothing illegal
And you were quiet as a mouse for Operation Wide Receiver huh? :)
'Operation Wide Receiver': The Bush Administration Had Its Very Own ATF 'Gun Walking' Scandal

Keep running, delusional dale....

Why would Russia pay a $145m bribe to a Senator with no vote in the Uranium One deal?


The Hildebeast is a deep state swamp rat going back to the CIA controlled cocaine running into the Mena airstrip in Arkansas. She helpedcto launder drug money with the help of HSBC. It was all a part of Iran/ Contra.

BTW, did you know that the Hildebeast knew all about the deaths of those two teens that came across the Cinton/Bush enterprise? It was Bill "drop trou" that ordered the boys that had been beaten to death be laid on the railroad spare me the bullshit lie that lil ol Hildebeast was just another senator with little to no "pull". Mueller personally dropped off a uranium sample to Moscow in knew that, correct?

Life sucks for you right now....don't count on it getting any better for leftards. The fun hasn't started yet.

Hope this helps!

Life sucks?? You’re delusional, delusional dale. I guess you haven’t seen that NYT op/ed, huh?

Meanwhile, you’re a pussy. You can’t answer such a simple question. Why would Russia pay a $145 million bribe to a U.S. Senator who had no influence in the deal for which they were offering a bribe?

The only ones that are in denial that the Hildebeast received 145 million federal reserve notes ( and that is a conservative estimate) are leftards that circle the wagons around this deep state crook. The Clinton and Bush crime family are huge parts of the shadow government and deep state. You live in this little tiny bubble and defends all things "leftard" because leftardism is what defines your existence. That's pretty fucking sad. What is even worse is that you can't debate or discuss anything even remotely civilly because any attack against the leftard clown posse is like a personal attack against you. You are all about identity politics. I recall all the shit talking you did about the 2016 election and how you were "bookmarking" posts to "rub their noses that their prediction of Trump winning was wrong. Who was left having a big ol heapin' helpin of crow, lil faun? But no one rubbed your nose in the dirt like they should have. I could do a history search of your posts where you lamely ridiculed others and talking shit.

To sum it all up, the Hildebeast got millions and millions of federal reserve notes for greasing the skids to procure uranium for the very country YOU and your leftard pals blame for costing the klunt the election. If it wasn't for all of those trees? You could see that obscured forest.

Hope this helps!!!!
No, that doesn’t help because you’re still running away from the question I asked. Which is pretty fucking hysterical given how you run around here, begging for people to debate you on your conspiracies. Yet here I am, in your face, and you flat out refuse to address the elephant in the room.

You claim Russia gave Hillary $145 million to bribe her for her vote for the Uranium One deal. Well you’ve been shown that almost all of that money actually came while she was a U.S. Senator, not when she was Secretary of State. And you’ve been shown that ALL of it, except for the half mill to Bill for a speech, came from Canadians, not Russians. And you know that CFIUS (which was 9 votes, not just Hillary’s) had to vote unanimously for the deal to go through and that no U.S. Senator was involved.

So either you can explain a rational reason for why would Russia bribe a U.S. Senator with $145 million when said U.S. Senator had zero influence over the Uranium One deal going through, or you merely come across as batshit insane as you always do.

Choice is yours, Sparky.

Oh...she took $145 million from Russia while a member of the Senate. Hmmm. What committees was she on? So the relationship carried over to her days as Secretary of State...I get it.
No, you don’t get it. You’re a conservative, meaning you’re not capable of getting it. Sorry, that’s just how it is. :dunno:

The rightard claim is she was bribed by Russia with $145 million for her to approve of the Uranium One deal with Rosatom in 2010. Forget for the moment that nearly all of that money came from Canadians, not Russians; but it also came while she was a U.S. Senator and no Senators had anything to do with that deal being approved.

So why would Russia pay a “bribe” of $145 million to someone for their vote when they didn’t get a vote at the time the “bribe” was paid?
The Hildebeast is a deep state swamp rat going back to the CIA controlled cocaine running into the Mena airstrip in Arkansas. She helpedcto launder drug money with the help of HSBC. It was all a part of Iran/ Contra.

BTW, did you know that the Hildebeast knew all about the deaths of those two teens that came across the Cinton/Bush enterprise? It was Bill "drop trou" that ordered the boys that had been beaten to death be laid on the railroad spare me the bullshit lie that lil ol Hildebeast was just another senator with little to no "pull". Mueller personally dropped off a uranium sample to Moscow in knew that, correct?

Life sucks for you right now....don't count on it getting any better for leftards. The fun hasn't started yet.

Hope this helps!

Life sucks?? You’re delusional, delusional dale. I guess you haven’t seen that NYT op/ed, huh?

Meanwhile, you’re a pussy. You can’t answer such a simple question. Why would Russia pay a $145 million bribe to a U.S. Senator who had no influence in the deal for which they were offering a bribe?

The only ones that are in denial that the Hildebeast received 145 million federal reserve notes ( and that is a conservative estimate) are leftards that circle the wagons around this deep state crook. The Clinton and Bush crime family are huge parts of the shadow government and deep state. You live in this little tiny bubble and defends all things "leftard" because leftardism is what defines your existence. That's pretty fucking sad. What is even worse is that you can't debate or discuss anything even remotely civilly because any attack against the leftard clown posse is like a personal attack against you. You are all about identity politics. I recall all the shit talking you did about the 2016 election and how you were "bookmarking" posts to "rub their noses that their prediction of Trump winning was wrong. Who was left having a big ol heapin' helpin of crow, lil faun? But no one rubbed your nose in the dirt like they should have. I could do a history search of your posts where you lamely ridiculed others and talking shit.

To sum it all up, the Hildebeast got millions and millions of federal reserve notes for greasing the skids to procure uranium for the very country YOU and your leftard pals blame for costing the klunt the election. If it wasn't for all of those trees? You could see that obscured forest.

Hope this helps!!!!
No, that doesn’t help because you’re still running away from the question I asked. Which is pretty fucking hysterical given how you run around here, begging for people to debate you on your conspiracies. Yet here I am, in your face, and you flat out refuse to address the elephant in the room.

You claim Russia gave Hillary $145 million to bribe her for her vote for the Uranium One deal. Well you’ve been shown that almost all of that money actually came while she was a U.S. Senator, not when she was Secretary of State. And you’ve been shown that ALL of it, except for the half mill to Bill for a speech, came from Canadians, not Russians. And you know that CFIUS (which was 9 votes, not just Hillary’s) had to vote unanimously for the deal to go through and that no U.S. Senator was involved.

So either you can explain a rational reason for why would Russia bribe a U.S. Senator with $145 million when said U.S. Senator had zero influence over the Uranium One deal going through, or you merely come across as batshit insane as you always do.

Choice is yours, Sparky.

Oh...she took $145 million from Russia while a member of the Senate. Hmmm. What committees was she on? So the relationship carried over to her days as Secretary of State...I get it.
No, you don’t get it. You’re a conservative, meaning you’re not capable of getting it. Sorry, that’s just how it is. :dunno:

The rightard claim is she was bribed by Russia with $145 million for her to approve of the Uranium One deal with Rosatom in 2010. Forget for the moment that nearly all of that money came from Canadians, not Russians; but it also came while she was a U.S. Senator and no Senators had anything to do with that deal being approved.

So why would Russia pay a “bribe” of $145 million to someone for their vote when they didn’t get a vote at the time the “bribe” was paid?
I get it completely. Hillary lost fair and square but lunatic left can’t get over it. So they will do whatever it takes to overturn a constitutional democratic election. Because liberals don’t care about the United States or people with views different than their own. They are willing to destroy the country because their views were rejected in 2016.

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