Finally: President Trump calls Mueller’s Investigation Illegal

There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
Sessions was an idiot for recusing himself.
No need to. No crime was committed by Trump campaign. Mueller investigation is bogus.

Then why all the guilty pleas from folks in the Trump campaign?
There’s an old Chinese blessing (or curse, depending on the “source”) which says: may you live in interesting times. And interesting times we live in my friends, at least from the news-cycle perspective. If you remember the Mueller investigation, which started almost 2 years ago, well, its aim was to determine whether the Trump campaign colluded with those pesky russkies in what has been largely described by the talking heads in the fake news corporate left-mainstream-media as “Russia Collusion”. Forget about the fact that “collusion” is not illegal, but concentrate on the main issue: Mueller’s DEM filled investigation team was supposed to find out who did what with whom from Russia, or something along these lines. After tens of millions of dollars (taxpayer money obviously) spent on smoke and mirrors, and countless lives ruined by this so-called “independent” investigation (Flynn, Manafort et al), there is zero (as in 0) evidence with regard to any “Russian collusion” in the 2016 campaign. At least on Trump’s part.

And today, the POTUS drew a line in the sand and said: enough is enough. He also stated clearly what many people were already saying from the beginning: Mueller’s investigation is illegal. Here’s from an interview with Rudi Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, who revealed that Donald Trump’s legal team is working at a rebuttal to counter (preemptively) a possible negative report from Mueller’s team:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

The President is going to have to take decisive action at some point. By that, I mean firing Sessions, Rosenstein and/or Mueller, and/or shutting down the special prosecutor investigation entirely (which presumably would send ongoing prosecutions to local US Attorney offices, and have Democrats and their lap dog media on a RANT that we have not seen before).

He may be waiting until after the mid-term election. Or he may be waiting until after the horrible Paul Ryan is gone and a new Congress sworn in. He may be waiting to see if the GOP holds the House.. But I don’t think remaining a punching bag and guessing as to Mueller’s intentions is a good strategy.
Sessions was an idiot for recusing himself.
No need to. No crime was committed by Trump campaign. Mueller investigation is bogus.
Really? How do you know there wasn't a crime committed by the Trump campaign?
I have been kicking lil faun's ass up and down this forum from the day he swung his little cyber purse in my direction. I think he may be one of those masochistic leftards that " get off" on being bitchslapped.
She or he changes the subject...moves the goal posts and out and out lies to try and win a debate....when she or he fails at that she or he runs.....that's when you know you won with Fauny....Faun is my private whipping to get his goat....

Lil faun suffers from delusions of grandeur. Every uppcut he takes, he turns into " I made your hand sore!" He rises off of the cyber canvas with wobbly legs and offers forth his chin. What the hell, it's his cyber dime.

Keep running, delusional dale....

Why would Russia pay a $145m bribe to a Senator with no vote in the Uranium One deal?


The Hildebeast is a deep state swamp rat going back to the CIA controlled cocaine running into the Mena airstrip in Arkansas. She helpedcto launder drug money with the help of HSBC. It was all a part of Iran/ Contra.

Says your imagination.

Why do so many conservative arguments require such a deep dive into creative writing?
I have been kicking lil faun's ass up and down this forum from the day he swung his little cyber purse in my direction. I think he may be one of those masochistic leftards that " get off" on being bitchslapped.
She or he changes the subject...moves the goal posts and out and out lies to try and win a debate....when she or he fails at that she or he runs.....that's when you know you won with Fauny....Faun is my private whipping to get his goat....

Lil faun suffers from delusions of grandeur. Every uppcut he takes, he turns into " I made your hand sore!" He rises off of the cyber canvas with wobbly legs and offers forth his chin. What the hell, it's his cyber dime.

Keep running, delusional dale....

Why would Russia pay a $145m bribe to a Senator with no vote in the Uranium One deal?


The Hildebeast is a deep state swamp rat going back to the CIA controlled cocaine running into the Mena airstrip in Arkansas. She helpedcto launder drug money with the help of HSBC. It was all a part of Iran/ Contra.

BTW, did you know that the Hildebeast knew all about the deaths of those two teens that came across the Cinton/Bush enterprise? It was Bill "drop trou" that ordered the boys that had been beaten to death be laid on the railroad spare me the bullshit lie that lil ol Hildebeast was just another senator with little to no "pull". Mueller personally dropped off a uranium sample to Moscow in knew that, correct?

Life sucks for you right now....don't count on it getting any better for leftards. The fun hasn't started yet.

Hope this helps!

Life sucks?? You’re delusional, delusional dale. I guess you haven’t seen that NYT op/ed, huh?

Meanwhile, you’re a pussy. You can’t answer such a simple question. Why would Russia pay a $145 million bribe to a U.S. Senator who had no influence in the deal for which they were offering a bribe?

The only ones that are in denial that the Hildebeast received 145 million federal reserve notes ( and that is a conservative estimate) are leftards that circle the wagons around this deep state crook. The Clinton and Bush crime family are huge parts of the shadow government and deep state. You live in this little tiny bubble and defends all things "leftard" because leftardism is what defines your existence. That's pretty fucking sad. What is even worse is that you can't debate or discuss anything even remotely civilly because any attack against the leftard clown posse is like a personal attack against you. You are all about identity politics. I recall all the shit talking you did about the 2016 election and how you were "bookmarking" posts to "rub their noses that their prediction of Trump winning was wrong. Who was left having a big ol heapin' helpin of crow, lil faun? But no one rubbed your nose in the dirt like they should have. I could do a history search of your posts where you lamely ridiculed others and talking shit.

To sum it all up, the Hildebeast got millions and millions of federal reserve notes for greasing the skids to procure uranium for the very country YOU and your leftard pals blame for costing the klunt the election. If it wasn't for all of those trees? You could see that obscured forest.

Hope this helps!!!!
She or he changes the subject...moves the goal posts and out and out lies to try and win a debate....when she or he fails at that she or he runs.....that's when you know you won with Fauny....Faun is my private whipping to get his goat....

Lil faun suffers from delusions of grandeur. Every uppcut he takes, he turns into " I made your hand sore!" He rises off of the cyber canvas with wobbly legs and offers forth his chin. What the hell, it's his cyber dime.

Keep running, delusional dale....

Why would Russia pay a $145m bribe to a Senator with no vote in the Uranium One deal?


The Hildebeast is a deep state swamp rat going back to the CIA controlled cocaine running into the Mena airstrip in Arkansas. She helpedcto launder drug money with the help of HSBC. It was all a part of Iran/ Contra.

BTW, did you know that the Hildebeast knew all about the deaths of those two teens that came across the Cinton/Bush enterprise? It was Bill "drop trou" that ordered the boys that had been beaten to death be laid on the railroad spare me the bullshit lie that lil ol Hildebeast was just another senator with little to no "pull". Mueller personally dropped off a uranium sample to Moscow in knew that, correct?

Life sucks for you right now....don't count on it getting any better for leftards. The fun hasn't started yet.

Hope this helps!

Life sucks?? You’re delusional, delusional dale. I guess you haven’t seen that NYT op/ed, huh?

Meanwhile, you’re a pussy. You can’t answer such a simple question. Why would Russia pay a $145 million bribe to a U.S. Senator who had no influence in the deal for which they were offering a bribe?

The only ones that are in denial that the Hildebeast received 145 million federal reserve notes ( and that is a conservative estimate) are leftards that circle the wagons around this deep state crook. The Clinton and Bush crime family are huge parts of the shadow government and deep state. You live in this little tiny bubble and defends all things "leftard" because leftardism is what defines your existence. That's pretty fucking sad. What is even worse is that you can't debate or discuss anything even remotely civilly because any attack against the leftard clown posse is like a personal attack against you. You are all about identity politics. I recall all the shit talking you did about the 2016 election and how you were "bookmarking" posts to "rub their noses that their prediction of Trump winning was wrong. Who was left having a big ol heapin' helpin of crow, lil faun? But no one rubbed your nose in the dirt like they should have. I could do a history search of your posts where you lamely ridiculed others and talking shit.

To sum it all up, the Hildebeast got millions and millions of federal reserve notes for greasing the skids to procure uranium for the very country YOU and your leftard pals blame for costing the klunt the election. If it wasn't for all of those trees? You could see that obscured forest.

Hope this helps!!!!'re hopelessly huffing conspiracy batshit again. Just like you did with your Truther nonsense and in defiance of all logic, Pizzagate.

Your imagination about 'crime families' isn't evidence. Its merely a demonstration that you enjoy Godfather fan fiction.
She or he changes the subject...moves the goal posts and out and out lies to try and win a debate....when she or he fails at that she or he runs.....that's when you know you won with Fauny....Faun is my private whipping to get his goat....

Lil faun suffers from delusions of grandeur. Every uppcut he takes, he turns into " I made your hand sore!" He rises off of the cyber canvas with wobbly legs and offers forth his chin. What the hell, it's his cyber dime.

Keep running, delusional dale....

Why would Russia pay a $145m bribe to a Senator with no vote in the Uranium One deal?


The Hildebeast is a deep state swamp rat going back to the CIA controlled cocaine running into the Mena airstrip in Arkansas. She helpedcto launder drug money with the help of HSBC. It was all a part of Iran/ Contra.

BTW, did you know that the Hildebeast knew all about the deaths of those two teens that came across the Cinton/Bush enterprise? It was Bill "drop trou" that ordered the boys that had been beaten to death be laid on the railroad spare me the bullshit lie that lil ol Hildebeast was just another senator with little to no "pull". Mueller personally dropped off a uranium sample to Moscow in knew that, correct?

Life sucks for you right now....don't count on it getting any better for leftards. The fun hasn't started yet.

Hope this helps!

Life sucks?? You’re delusional, delusional dale. I guess you haven’t seen that NYT op/ed, huh?

Meanwhile, you’re a pussy. You can’t answer such a simple question. Why would Russia pay a $145 million bribe to a U.S. Senator who had no influence in the deal for which they were offering a bribe?

The only ones that are in denial that the Hildebeast received 145 million federal reserve notes ( and that is a conservative estimate) are leftards that circle the wagons around this deep state crook. The Clinton and Bush crime family are huge parts of the shadow government and deep state. You live in this little tiny bubble and defends all things "leftard" because leftardism is what defines your existence. That's pretty fucking sad. What is even worse is that you can't debate or discuss anything even remotely civilly because any attack against the leftard clown posse is like a personal attack against you. You are all about identity politics. I recall all the shit talking you did about the 2016 election and how you were "bookmarking" posts to "rub their noses that their prediction of Trump winning was wrong. Who was left having a big ol heapin' helpin of crow, lil faun? But no one rubbed your nose in the dirt like they should have. I could do a history search of your posts where you lamely ridiculed others and talking shit.

To sum it all up, the Hildebeast got millions and millions of federal reserve notes for greasing the skids to procure uranium for the very country YOU and your leftard pals blame for costing the klunt the election. If it wasn't for all of those trees? You could see that obscured forest.

Hope this helps!!!!
No, that doesn’t help because you’re still running away from the question I asked. Which is pretty fucking hysterical given how you run around here, begging for people to debate you on your conspiracies. Yet here I am, in your face, and you flat out refuse to address the elephant in the room.

You claim Russia gave Hillary $145 million to bribe her for her vote for the Uranium One deal. Well you’ve been shown that almost all of that money actually came while she was a U.S. Senator, not when she was Secretary of State. And you’ve been shown that ALL of it, except for the half mill to Bill for a speech, came from Canadians, not Russians. And you know that CFIUS (which was 9 votes, not just Hillary’s) had to vote unanimously for the deal to go through and that no U.S. Senator was involved.

So either you can explain a rational reason for why would Russia bribe a U.S. Senator with $145 million when said U.S. Senator had zero influence over the Uranium One deal going through, or you merely come across as batshit insane as you always do.

Choice is yours, Sparky.

Sessions was an idiot for recusing himself.

Sessions is still old school Republican following the Marquess of Queensberry rules in a WWF match where the Communists have chains, knives, and bottles. He can't grasp that the civility he yearns for will not happen. The democrats are vicious thugs with zero integrity. democrats have one code - destroy America through any means.
You have no clue what you are talking about. You sound like a banana republic dictator. You try it and Trump will find himself in a jail cell. You are the Russia loving commie.

Says the scumbag literally cheering on a coup.

What exactly will you put Trump in jail for , Commie fuck? Closing the wage gap that you scum have so diligently crafted over the last 30 years?

Oh and traitor, I'm sure you were OUTRAGED when your god-emperor did this?

Is that what you're basing this on?

Just you want things to be as quick as basketball?

So if "Nothing" happens in a short time, then nothing happened ever?
He's milking a great paying job for him and HUNDREDS OF STAFF is that Hard for your pea brain to comprehend. He better indict within 2 months or he will be gone!
Why 2 months? Benghazi took 4 years. What's the rush?

Here's a handy chart for the "wrap it up!" crowd :)

Your chart left out Barry Sotoro.

Trey Gowdy's 2 year witch hunt and 8 other investigations that found BUPKIS on Ben Ghazi were by congress - not special investigators.

Poli-Sci101? :)

Ohhh, flat out lying, how clever.

DeRpHate, how many acting attorney generals have been held in contempt by Congress for their openly criminal acts?

Let's see, there is that fucking crook Holder, then there is.... oh, um, nope only Holder - the scum from the most corrupt administration in American history.
Ohhh, flat out lying, how clever.

DeRpHate, how many acting attorney generals have been held in contempt by Congress for their openly criminal acts?

Let's see, there is that fucking crook Holder, then there is.... oh, um, nope only Holder - the scum from the most corrupt administration in American history.

Holder did nothing wrong - On the flip side, Beauregard the Keebler Elf lied to Congress.
What facts? You haven't shown us anything confirming some "anti-Trump dossier". That's why you are still a liar.

What a fucking liar you are traitor.

The Washington Post reported this week that Clinton’s campaign and the DNC funded the dossier.

The transaction passed through Democratic lawyer Marc Elias of the law firm Perkins Coie. Elias contracted the work out to opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which had the connection to Steele, the former British spy.

While none of the principals have denied that the Clinton campaign and DNC funded the dossier through payments to Perkins Coie, everyone involved is claiming they did not know about the project.

Clinton has said she did not know about it. Current DNC chairman Tom Perez, who was elected in April of this year, deflected to past DNC leadership. Former DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) said she had no knowledge of it.

CNN reported that both Wasserman Schultz and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta testified in a closed-door briefing with congressional investigators that they knew nothing about it. Notably, Elias is Podesta’s lawyer and was present for that meeting with lawmakers, raising questions about whether he should have interjected.

Clinton, Trump and the Russia dossier: What you need to know

You lying little fuck

Look liar, if you aren't going to prove the dossier is "fake", stop typing a whole bunch of shit that means nothing.


The dossier that you just lied you knew nothing about? You are pathological.

Commie fuck, do you think this is Facebook? You can't just lie reality into the cornfield here.

Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the infamous anti-Donald Trump dossier, acknowledges that a sensational charge his sources made about a tech company CEO and Democratic Party hacking is unverified.

In a court filing, Mr. Steele also says his accusations against the president and his aides about a supposed Russian hacking conspiracy were never supposed to be made public, much less posted in full on a website for the world to see on Jan. 10.

He defends himself by saying he was betrayed by his client and that he followed proper internal channels by giving the dossier to Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, to alert the U.S. government.

SEE ALSO: Inside the court case of Christopher Steele's Trump dossier

Mr. Steele has not spoken publicly about his disputed opposition research project, but for the first time he is being forced to talk in a London court through his attorneys.}

Christopher Steele admits dossier charge unverified

You lying little fuck.

And here's another lie you haven't proven. You and Trump should get together to see how many lies you can pedal in one day.


It's Official: DOJ IG Refers Lyin' McCabe To Federal Prosecutor For Possible Criminal Charges

The Nunes memo was proven bogus.

Oh really?

"proven" in what way shit eater?

How do we know? Nunes has been MIA about his own memo ever since. What happened to that liar? Lol!


Iz boogus cuz we at ThinkHatred don like it.

You fucking retard.

The memo’s central claim is that the FBI omitted context in its application to surveil the Trump adviser, Carter Page. The document notes that the FBI used material compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, whose work was partly funded by Democrats, and who the memo says was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president”.

The memo also claims that the FBI “terminated” Steele as a source because he spoke with the media, and that texts between an FBI agent and FBI attorney “demonstrated a clear bias against Trump”. The agent was removed from the investigation in December.}

'Nunes memo' published after Trump declassifies controversial document

So which of these claims do your Chinese handlers allege to be false? What evidence to you traitors offers to substantiate your claims?

We're looking, but you aren't showing anything. More lies!


Read, you fucking retard

You do know that Papadopolous plead guilty right? So, if all that were true, how come Papadopolous hasn't come forward, and advised Mueller for his own defense? If the story were true, the FBI wouldn't be looking into the dossier for validity. Boss, I'm miles ahead of you on all these stories. You can't keep lying your way through all these made up scenarios and expect them to work. But you foolishly think you can. What a joke.


Poppenfresh admitted he lied to the FSB about his interaction with the FSB spy Stefan Halper. WHY was the FSB spying on the campaign of the opposition party?

Can you say "treason?"

It's ALL you scumbags do.
Says the fucktard commie vomiting "collusion."

The only collusion is between you Communists and Mexico, as I have proven.

Mexico is flooding our country with an underclass of invaders who enrich their nation. The new likely president is unabashedly Communist. He says it is a ‘human right’ for every person in the world to be able to enter the USA illegally. If he’s elected, he wants his people to pour into the USA in even greater numbers. We already catch 50,000 invaders a month and those are the ones we catch.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador declared it a “human right” for all North Americans during a speech this past week, reported.

He vowed that he would be advocating for all migrants once he wins the July 1 election.

“And soon, very soon — after the victory of our movement — we are going to defend the migrants of the entire American continent and all the migrants of the world who, by necessity have to leave their villages to seek life in the United States,” Obrador said.

“It is a human right that we are going to defend,” he added.

Will the Democrats in this country ever stand up for the USA? They are also colluding to hurt the USA.}

Greatest Threat of Collusion by America's Enemies Is Not From Russia

Few on our side are using the word "collusion" at this point. It's yours now and bellowing it just makes ya look dumb.

Independent Sentinel? Just looked at the stories on their main politics page! :D
Politics Archives -

Somewhere between Right and EXTREEEEEME Right (but to the left of you ;-)
Independent Sentinel - Media Bias/Fact Check

Anyone right of Mao is "extreme" according to the Marxist press.

Oh, and your own source rates "Accuracy: High"

Do you even read what you link? :dunno:

Yes I do - Politifact, Factcheck, Snopes, NPR, and many other sources I link are rated dead center to barely left of center.
Maybe you should try Gateway Pundit or Breitbart next time - They might be slightly more credible than Independent Sentinel. :wink:

If they rate the discredited Politifraud and the joke that is Snopes as "dead center" then they have no credibility, Comrade.
Then why all the guilty pleas from folks in the Trump campaign?

Why indeed comrade.

So far the defense against the Inquisition terrorist campaign against General Michael Flynn has cost $19 million. Grand Inquisitor Torquemada has unlimited funds. He has zero restraints and zero oversight. Mewler-Torquemada is a pile of shit and not only destroyed General Flynn, he went after his children and grand children.

Just as with his namesake, Torquemada offers his victims that Faustian choice "Confess or we will continue raping your wife and daughters."'re hopelessly huffing conspiracy batshit again. Just like you did with your Truther nonsense and in defiance of all logic, Pizzagate.

Your imagination about 'crime families' isn't evidence. Its merely a demonstration that you enjoy Godfather fan fiction.

A conspiracy whack job spewing "Russian Collusion" is in NO position to criticize others.
Holder did nothing wrong - On the flip side, Beauregard the Keebler Elf lied to Congress.

Nothing wrong because America must die.

But of course drug cartel Holder engaged in hundreds of felonies. The most corrupt AG in history, followed by the second most corrupt. Now in all fairness, the election rigging kunt Lynch would have engaged in more corrupt acts had she had more time.
Holder did nothing wrong - On the flip side, Beauregard the Keebler Elf lied to Congress.

Nothing wrong because America must die.

But of course drug cartel Holder engaged in hundreds of felonies. The most corrupt AG in history, followed by the second most corrupt. Now in all fairness, the election rigging kunt Lynch would have engaged in more corrupt acts had she had more time.

You live in a parallel universe with precious little grasp of reality ...
Which is why we'll continue to keep an eye on ya :wink:

Last edited:
Sessions was an idiot for recusing himself.

Sessions is still old school Republican following the Marquess of Queensberry rules in a WWF match where the Communists have chains, knives, and bottles. He can't grasp that the civility he yearns for will not happen. The democrats are vicious thugs with zero integrity. democrats have one code - destroy America through any means.
He needs to grow a pair of testicles.
Ohhh, flat out lying, how clever.

DeRpHate, how many acting attorney generals have been held in contempt by Congress for their openly criminal acts?

Let's see, there is that fucking crook Holder, then there is.... oh, um, nope only Holder - the scum from the most corrupt administration in American history.

Holder did nothing wrong - On the flip side, Beauregard the Keebler Elf lied to Congress.
Holder was a racist and a dirt bag who authorized spying on reporters and members of the Senate. He also refused to enforce immigration laws.
Lil faun suffers from delusions of grandeur. Every uppcut he takes, he turns into " I made your hand sore!" He rises off of the cyber canvas with wobbly legs and offers forth his chin. What the hell, it's his cyber dime.

Keep running, delusional dale....

Why would Russia pay a $145m bribe to a Senator with no vote in the Uranium One deal?


The Hildebeast is a deep state swamp rat going back to the CIA controlled cocaine running into the Mena airstrip in Arkansas. She helpedcto launder drug money with the help of HSBC. It was all a part of Iran/ Contra.

BTW, did you know that the Hildebeast knew all about the deaths of those two teens that came across the Cinton/Bush enterprise? It was Bill "drop trou" that ordered the boys that had been beaten to death be laid on the railroad spare me the bullshit lie that lil ol Hildebeast was just another senator with little to no "pull". Mueller personally dropped off a uranium sample to Moscow in knew that, correct?

Life sucks for you right now....don't count on it getting any better for leftards. The fun hasn't started yet.

Hope this helps!

Life sucks?? You’re delusional, delusional dale. I guess you haven’t seen that NYT op/ed, huh?

Meanwhile, you’re a pussy. You can’t answer such a simple question. Why would Russia pay a $145 million bribe to a U.S. Senator who had no influence in the deal for which they were offering a bribe?

The only ones that are in denial that the Hildebeast received 145 million federal reserve notes ( and that is a conservative estimate) are leftards that circle the wagons around this deep state crook. The Clinton and Bush crime family are huge parts of the shadow government and deep state. You live in this little tiny bubble and defends all things "leftard" because leftardism is what defines your existence. That's pretty fucking sad. What is even worse is that you can't debate or discuss anything even remotely civilly because any attack against the leftard clown posse is like a personal attack against you. You are all about identity politics. I recall all the shit talking you did about the 2016 election and how you were "bookmarking" posts to "rub their noses that their prediction of Trump winning was wrong. Who was left having a big ol heapin' helpin of crow, lil faun? But no one rubbed your nose in the dirt like they should have. I could do a history search of your posts where you lamely ridiculed others and talking shit.

To sum it all up, the Hildebeast got millions and millions of federal reserve notes for greasing the skids to procure uranium for the very country YOU and your leftard pals blame for costing the klunt the election. If it wasn't for all of those trees? You could see that obscured forest.

Hope this helps!!!!
No, that doesn’t help because you’re still running away from the question I asked. Which is pretty fucking hysterical given how you run around here, begging for people to debate you on your conspiracies. Yet here I am, in your face, and you flat out refuse to address the elephant in the room.

You claim Russia gave Hillary $145 million to bribe her for her vote for the Uranium One deal. Well you’ve been shown that almost all of that money actually came while she was a U.S. Senator, not when she was Secretary of State. And you’ve been shown that ALL of it, except for the half mill to Bill for a speech, came from Canadians, not Russians. And you know that CFIUS (which was 9 votes, not just Hillary’s) had to vote unanimously for the deal to go through and that no U.S. Senator was involved.

So either you can explain a rational reason for why would Russia bribe a U.S. Senator with $145 million when said U.S. Senator had zero influence over the Uranium One deal going through, or you merely come across as batshit insane as you always do.

Choice is yours, Sparky.

Oh...she took $145 million from Russia while a member of the Senate. Hmmm. What committees was she on? So the relationship carried over to her days as Secretary of State...I get it.
Holder did nothing wrong - On the flip side, Beauregard the Keebler Elf lied to Congress.

Nothing wrong because America must die.

But of course drug cartel Holder engaged in hundreds of felonies. The most corrupt AG in history, followed by the second most corrupt. Now in all fairness, the election rigging kunt Lynch would have engaged in more corrupt acts had she had more time.

You live in a parallel universe with precious little grasp of reality ...
Which is why we'll continue to keep an eye on ya :wink:


Nah, I just stick to the truth.

You wage civil war to end America, lies are your primary weapon.

That lies are really the only weapon you have is WHY you will be defeated.

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