Finally! Supreme Court rules in favor of First Amendment rights for Christians etc.

It certainly did. Now, Harvard can't say to a very highly qualified applicant: "You are a great choice, but you are the 'wrong' race, so we reject you in favor of another on that basis."

No, but it will continue to reject people on the basis of...

Not having the right parents who went there before or are members of current staff.
Not having a family who dumped a shitload of money in contributions.
Not being a brain-dead jock who promotes their largely unnecessary sports teams.

Either you get rid of all the set-asides or you leave some.

One of the other.
?? You just admitted that you simply made up the absurd claim that "A university deny's an African-American admission and no one can ask them 'why?'"

It's certainly not in the Court's decision.
WTF are you talking about, dude? Affirmative Action made it illegal to deny someone based on race. SCOTUS took that away. Now all you mother-fucker, asshole racist Republicans, can go to hell! Fuck you, you got what you wanted.
WTF are you talking about, dude? Affirmative Action made it illegal to deny someone based on race. SCOTUS took that away. Now all you mother-fucker, asshole racist Republicans, can go to hell! Fuck you, you got what you wanted.
AA did not make any such thing illegal.

It mandated quotas
WTF are you talking about, dude? Affirmative Action made it illegal to deny someone based on race. SCOTUS took that away. Now all you mother-fucker, asshole racist Republicans, can go to hell! Fuck you, you got what you wanted.
Wow. OK. Don't take offense as I slowly back out the room.

Have a blessed day.
That is exactly what they can do! ...
That's what they HAVE been doing for a long time now. With this ruling, they cannot legally do so any longer. I'm sure the leftist universities will try to work around the law just like their ilk did in the Reconstruction South following the American Civil War.
That's what they HAVE been doing for a long time now. With this ruling, they cannot legally do so any longer. I'm sure the leftist universities will try to work around the law just like their ilk did in the Reconstruction South following the American Civil War.

And they'll have no trouble doing so.

All they have to do is 1_ Throw out the SAT test as a measure (which a lot of them are already doing and thank God.) and 2) Make selections based on life story and economic circumstances.

So the Black kid who worked two jobs to save up for college and volunteered at his local community center is going to get in over the Asian Kid whose Tiger Mom wouldn't let him have dinner if he got an A-.

Works for me.

All they have to do is 1_ Throw out the SAT test as a measure (which a lot of them are already doing and thank God.) and 2) Make selections based on life story and economic circumstances.

So the Black kid who worked two jobs to save up for college and volunteered at his local community center is going to get in over the Asian Kid whose Tiger Mom wouldn't let him have dinner if he got an A-.

You probably don't realize just how racist you are, do you? Well guess what? You're a fucking disgrace.
And they'll have no trouble doing so.

All they have to do is 1_ Throw out the SAT test as a measure (which a lot of them are already doing and thank God.) and 2) Make selections based on life story and economic circumstances.

So the Black kid who worked two jobs to save up for college and volunteered at his local community center is going to get in over the Asian Kid whose Tiger Mom wouldn't let him have dinner if he got an A-.

Works for me.

Yeah....academic performance is so over rated.......

I hope no one ever has to live in something these idiots build.... about we let both of them in by using the SAT as the know, the unbiased doofus.
And they'll have no trouble doing so.

All they have to do is 1_ Throw out the SAT test as a measure (which a lot of them are already doing and thank God.) and 2) Make selections based on life story and economic circumstances.

So the Black kid who worked two jobs to save up for college and volunteered at his local community center is going to get in over the Asian Kid whose Tiger Mom wouldn't let him have dinner if he got an A-.

Works for me.
Yep, it's the end of the world.....Better get that sandwich board and get out to the corner, and yell "repent"
Oh yes it did! What is to stop a university from denying admittance to people of color?
Universities will and should grant admissions by merit regardless of race. They were denying the highest achievers because they are Asian. That is discrimination.

What you should oppose is admitting lower achievers based on a legacy admissions policy.
None of these decisions affect white people as it does people of color and women.

This is a White Privilege Supreme Court.
That’s an idiotic position. This court is saying admissions should be based on merit, not race. Academic achievement and merit is based on effort and dedication. Black kids have the same god given potential as white or Asian kids.
Well, why don't you GFY with this ra ra racism BS! Your comments make racism more prevalent, not less. And for that, FUCK YOU!
Actually idiots like you perpetuate racism. You think blacks are inferior or just plain dumb and unable to compete. An ass whooping would be thing for imbeciles like you.
That’s an idiotic position. This court is saying admissions should be based on merit, not race. Academic achievement and merit is based on effort and dedication. Black kids have the same god given potential as white or Asian kids.
It is a most accurate position in that the ruling favors whites specifically and disfavors women and peoples of color.

You know that, I know that, we all know that.

The decision won't stand for long.

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