Finally! Supreme Court rules in favor of First Amendment rights for Christians etc.

Leftards are liars and hypocrites.

They don't WANT a color blind society, that's the last thing in the world they want.

Their schtick depends on victims. Without victims they're dead in the water, they'll never win an election EVER without victims.
I bet you judge no
You probably don't realize just how racist you are, do you? Well guess what? You're a fucking disgrace.

Not at all, dripping Poop. Don't you have some disgusting videos to watch?

(Just for fun, everyone look up unkotare's screen name on Google. DO NOT check out the image search. Once you've seen it, you can't unsee it.)

Yeah....academic performance is so over rated.......

I hope no one ever has to live in something these idiots build.... about we let both of them in by using the SAT as the know, the unbiased doofus.

The SAT isn't unbiased. It was a test developed by a racist, and it still has very racist components.

Universities are chucking it now because it's a largely flawed measure of academic success.

The SAT doesn't predict how smart you are, it just measures how good you are at taking tests.

Someone in my family scored a perfect score on her SAT. And she failed miserably in her first year of college. Why? Because she simply didn't have the discipline to do the work.

(Then again, her parents are Trump supporters... so go figure.)
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Yep, it's the end of the world.....Better get that sandwich board and get out to the corner, and yell "repent"

Naw, the universities will just find other ways to get black kids in the door.

The ruling left a couple wide open. One was it exempted the Military Academies. So all the Ivy League has to do is adopt the same system for selecting candidates. Have every member of Congress forward five qualified candidates.

The other thing it left open was that race CAN be considered as part of the narrative. Which means if you are the poor black kid who worked two jobs to save for college, and is active in the community center, you are going to get in before the Asian kid whose parents drilled him on test taking every day.

The universities can also chuck white privilege admissions like legacies and children of staff.
Naw, the universities will just find other ways to get black kids in the door.

The ruling left a couple wide open. One was it exempted the Military Academies. So all the Ivy League has to do is adopt the same system for selecting candidates. Have every member of Congress forward five qualified candidates.

The other thing it left open was that race CAN be considered as part of the narrative. Which means if you are the poor black kid who worked two jobs to save for college, and is active in the community center, you are going to get in before the Asian kid whose parents drilled him on test taking every day.

The universities can also chuck white privilege admissions like legacies and children of staff.

Why not admit the ones who deserve it and forget about race?

Proves how incompetent and stupid Sotomayor is.

I sell welding supplies. According to Sotomayor, I should be forced to sell dildos to whomever demands them and if I don't I'm discriminating. That's the most idiotic argument I've ever heard. I would expect a Kindergartner to come up with that.
No. According to Sotomayer, if you sell welding supplies, you can’t discriminate when it comes to who you sell it to. Now…if you normally weld dildos…you can’t discriminate there either.

Sounds a tad uncomfortable.
Why not admit the ones who deserve it and forget about race?


Okay, how do you determine who "deserves it"?

Or more precisely, who deserves the Golden Ticket of an Ivy League school vs. who has to settle for State College...

GPA and SAT scores? Well, SAT's are flawed, and GPA's often reflect in inequities of our school system.

42% of white applicants for Harvard were selected on the basis of Legacies, Athletics, Children of Staff or Dean's Interest (namely, the Dean is going to be really interested in you because your parents contributed six figures to buy a new lecture hall.)

The recent Varsity Blues Scandal shows how that system is rigged, and not in a good way.
Okay, how do you determine who "deserves it"?

Or more precisely, who deserves the Golden Ticket of an Ivy League school vs. who has to settle for State College...

GPA and SAT scores? Well, SAT's are flawed, and GPA's often reflect in inequities of our school system.

42% of white applicants for Harvard were selected on the basis of Legacies, Athletics, Children of Staff or Dean's Interest (namely, the Dean is going to be really interested in you because your parents contributed six figures to buy a new lecture hall.)

The recent Varsity Blues Scandal shows how that system is rigged, and not in a good way.

If a , let's say Asian scores off the charts and say a black has decent but not that great scores.

Who gets the ticket?

Forgot about race... admissions has no clue who is what race....who should get the ticket?

I just boiled it down for you
If a , let's say Asian scores off the charts and say a black has decent but not that great scores.

Who gets the ticket?

Forgot about race... admissions has no clue who is what race....who should get the ticket?

Who actually worked harder to get there?
Who had to overcome more obstacles?
Which one will provide the greater benefit to society with his degree?

See, asked the questions you don't have the answers for.

It's always amusing to see white people say, "Poor Little Asians" when promoting this garbage, when they didn't really ask for your help.
Who actually worked harder to get there?
Who had to overcome more obstacles?
Which one will provide the greater benefit to society with his degree?

See, asked the questions you don't have the answers for.

It's always amusing to see white people say, "Poor Little Asians" when promoting this garbage, when they didn't really ask for your help.

Good grief. You're racist to the very core. I'm guessing you're black or just an incredibly stupid leftist

You're affirmative action got slapped down for a reason, stop whining like a little girl and accept it
Good grief. You're racist to the very core. I'm guessing you're black or just an incredibly stupid leftist

You're affirmative action got slapped down for a reason, stop whining like a little girl and accept it

Again, you work on the assumption that this ruling will mean much of anything.

It really won't.

Universities will just find other ways to help people of color, and we'll all be better off for it.
Which means you admit to being a liar and coward

Quote me word for word you ignorant lying bitch
so you roll as a troll

Not at all, dripping Poop. Don't you have some disgusting videos to watch?

(Just for fun, everyone look up unkotare's screen name on Google. DO NOT check out the image search. Once you've seen it, you can't unsee it.)

The SAT isn't unbiased. It was a test developed by a racist, and it still has very racist components.

Universities are chucking it now because it's a largely flawed measure of academic success.

The SAT doesn't predict how smart you are, it just measures how good you are at taking tests.

Someone in my family scored a perfect score on her SAT. And she failed miserably in her first year of college. Why? Because she simply didn't have the discipline to do the work.

(Then again, her parents are Trump supporters... so go figure.)
It was almost as easy as the asvab used by the army
Again, you work on the assumption that this ruling will mean much of anything.

It really won't.

Universities will just find other ways to help people of color, and we'll all be better off for it.

I agree with you to a point.

If they want to help people of color.

Right now, they are excluding asians (but I guess they qualify as white).

And you'll continue to see Harvard accept morons like Joy Reid.

We are so much better off having her around.


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