Finally! Supreme Court rules in favor of First Amendment rights for Christians etc.

Your business does as are not separate from your different than your home..the government can't force you to rent rooms in your home.

Not really a good analogy. If you are a landlord, you actually ARE held to non-discrimination laws.

No....ecoli is damage to someone that has to be made whole...not even close to the same have nothing to argue except you want to persecute religious people, and you want to discriminate against people based on their skin lost this week.....

I love when white Christians act like they are oppressed just because they have to follow the same rules as everyone else.
And the gay proprietor can deny wedding related services to conservatives if he/she chooses to do so.

The Constitution was intended to give every American the right to be wrong, to hold stupid or bigoted opinions, to believe or think whatever he/she does so long as no rights of others are infringed. Nobody should be forced to agree with, contribute to or participate in activities he/she believes to be wrong, unethical, improper or he/she just doesn't want to do it.

There is no Constitutional right to force somebody else to provide a product you want when that somebody else does not offer that product for sale.
Not true
He can’t claim a religious objection
What it means is that same sex couples can be denied wedding related services by bigoted Conservatives hiding under their Christianity.

No reception hall, invitations, cake, limo, hotel room ….…all in the name of Jesus
They can always go to a place which caters to their beliefs. They certainly don’t need to attempt to gain the services of an organization or church which they know won’t support them.
See...I disagree....I think if you own a business you should be able to serve or not serve anyone you want........the problem in the jim crow era was you had people who didn't care about serving black people along with whites.....but the democrats...the racists....needed to stop that since those businesses would outperform the racist ones.....

A good source for this was Walter E. Williams, the economist....he used to explain the origins of jim crow......look him up...
In theory I agree. But I also don't have a problem if a community wants to establish a non-discriminatory policy as a requirement for business licenses. I think it sufficiently and morally wrong for a baker to refuse to sell a muffin he has for sale to a gay person or black person or whatever that it should be against the law to refuse that person for no other reason than he/she is gay or black or whatever.

But I also think a business should be able to post reasonable requirements for patrons in his/her place of business, i.e. coat and tie required or no shirt, no shoes, no service. And if he/she is stupid enough to post "No MAGA hats or shirts" or some such as that, it's their business and their loss of profits. Such rules would apply to all--gay, straight, black, white, whatever.
They can always go to a place which caters to their beliefs. They certainly don’t need to attempt to gain the services of an organization or church which they know won’t support them.
Not in Conservative small town America
They are far from the Wedding Capitol of the World.

Those business that will accommodate gays will quickly face the Bud Light treatment
Quite a bit of "logic" on display there?
He is absolutely correct. If a customer doesn't want what is in the store, why force the store to sell things against their will. That is coercion. The customer isn't being denied any goods for sale in the store. Anyone may buy the store's items.
Just in. The Supreme Court just ruled that a Christian graphic artist was not required to work with same sex couples for a wedding website. Does that mean the baker no longer has to bake a wedding cake with designs for a same sex couple?
Do you have a link?

Who was the plaintiff in this case?
He is absolutely correct. If a customer doesn't want what is in the store, why force the store to sell things against their will. That is coercion. The customer isn't being denied any goods for sale in the store. Anyone may buy the store's items.
With the exception of essentials I believe any buisness should be able to refuse service to anyone and let the market sort it out. There has to be some exceptions though. When I was a kid real estate agents in my small town would not even talk to minorities. Back with the gas stations had attendants they would not pump gas for black people. Etc, but a wedding cake the free market can decide. My opinion has evolved on this subject.
Time to make a religious belief that a restaurant doesn't have to follow health regulations.

Time to make a religious belief that a business doesn't have to follow OSHA regulations.

Nope....what is it with you morons and making up dumb crap to defend racism in colleges and defending persecuting religious believers?

You guys truly are fascists......

Health regulations have nothing to do with basic have nothing, you are on the side of racism and religious persecution, so everything you bring up is stupid and shallow...
Just in. The Supreme Court just ruled that a Christian graphic artist was not required to work with same sex couples for a wedding website. Does that mean the baker no longer has to bake a wedding cake with designs for a same sex couple?

Not sure of the details of the ruling, but I would say that a baker should provide a basic wedding cake without specific designs to anyone who pays for it. That's my idea of public accommodation, BUT the baker ought to be free to decline specific designs that conflict with his/her religious beliefs, politics, or whatever else. If a baker refuses to design a cake with MAGA stuff on it, fine by me. Here's the cake, pay me first and then put whatever you want to on it.
Not sure of the details of the ruling, but I would say that a baker should provide a basic wedding cake without specific designs to anyone who pays for it. That's my idea of public accommodation, BUT the baker ought to be free to decline specific designs that conflict with his/her religious beliefs, politics, or whatever else. If a baker refuses to design a cake with MAGA stuff on it, fine by me. Here's the cake, pay me first and then put whatever you want to on it.

I think the baker actually did.......he sold everything to anyone, except for wedding cakes for gay weddings.......and the left is still trying to destroy him...
Do you have a link?

Who was the plaintiff in this case?
There are dozens of links....just google Christian web designer SCOTUS and virtually every news group has a story on it. I'll offer you this one that emphasizes the majority rationale:


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