"Fingerprint" of Greenland ice melt seen in satellite sea level data

Entropy is a MEASURE of the order of a system and thus can indicate how much energy is available for work, but you can alter the entropy of a system without touching the total energy. It is YOU who do not understand basic thermodynamic principles. Entropy is a quantity, not a process.

Entropy is an inherent property of matter ... of course it can be measured ... and there's an equation of state that describes entropy for most any system ... just like mass isn't a measure, it's a property ... and there's an equation of state that describes the mass of most any system ...

Grow up, will you ... Billy_Bob is trying to explain something and we don't need your ignorant trolling ... you're a LIAR, so shut the fuck up ...
Entropy is an inherent property of matter ... of course it can be measured ... and there's an equation of state that describes entropy for most any system
It is a property of a system, not just matter. And because it is a property and not a process, it makes no sense to say that entropy cools matter. But that is what Billy Boy was saying.
... just like mass isn't a measure, it's a property
Mass is a property that may be measured.
... and there's an equation of state that describes the mass of most any system ...
There are several equations of state that include mass as a term but... so what?

Grow up, will you ... Billy_Bob is trying to explain something and we don't need your ignorant trolling ... you're a LIAR, so shut the fuck up ...
I have to assume that you are unaware that Billy Boy does NOT have a PhD. He is a retired cop who took a senior citizen's class in meteorology. Over the years he's been on this board he has made some frightful mistakes in very basic physics. He has argued that gravity is magnetic in nature, that photons pick and choose where they will go (a la SSDD) and has rejected the greenhouse effect in its entirety. If you search his posts for links to technical material backing his claims, you will find it seriously lacking. He is NOT someone to use for a source on anything besides basic meteorology and perhaps criminal science. That he has chosen to lie about having a PhD means that I am treating him a great deal more nicely than he actually deserves. If you want to climb in bed with an ignorant liar that is your call but don't fool yourself into thinking there'll be no cost to it.
So surface air isn't at the surface?
More like waste heat from electricity usage radiates heat in all directions and warms the air with not all of the heat being directed towards the surface like sunlight does when it strike the surface.
Really? I suggest you talk to your stove.
So dumb.

I said, “ electricity used to perform work doesn’t produce heat other than friction,” and then gave a specific example describing such.

In physics, work is the energy transferred to or from an object via the application of force along a displacement. In its simplest form, for a constant force aligned with the direction of motion, it equals the product of the force strength and the distance traveled.

What work is my stove doing?
If I'm using a vacuum, the vacuum creates heat while in use? my fridge does as well, as does my stove, my freezers, my drills. Why do you think no heat is produced while using motors? Have you ever touched a screw removed from wood before? It leaves a scar from the heat. friction, ever hear of it? How about incandescent lights?
Why does your vacuum and fridge produce heat? Is it because of friction? Like I said before… electricity used to perform work doesn’t produce heat other than friction,” and then gave a specific example describing such. Are you arguing that your vacuum and fridge did no work? Or are you arguing you don’t have to count the work your vacuum and fridge did in the energy balance? Your fridge and vacuum were doing work and the energy to perform that work must be accounted for and subtracted from the total energy used. The remaining amount are the losses due to friction.
And yet infrared radiation was less at six solar farms after installing PV cells.

And yet infrared radiation was less inside my fridge than outside.
During an Ice Age!!!
I like to live dangerously.
Your arguing that solar doesn’t produce an incremental cooling effect when an incremental cooling effect was measured at six solar farms after PV cells were installed isn’t living dangerously, it’s idiotic
And yet infrared radiation was less at six solar farms after installing PV cells.

And yet, 95 is still larger than 60. 76 is also larger than 60.
Even though the panels may reflect less solar radiation, the photons being converted into electricity more than offset the increased solar radiation absorbed by the lower albedo PV cells. Which is why there was less infrared heat emitted at the solar farms after the panels were installed.
I have to assume that you are unaware that Billy Boy does NOT have a PhD.

Internet entities are not granted college degrees of any kind ... these are fictitious characters ... James Bond only knows as much math as Ian Fleming ... and not one subscript more ...

I react only to what is posted ... and if Billy_Bob or you post something that is correct ... you know perfectly well I'll agree with either of you ... regardless of any claimed college education ... I know college educated people, they do not hang out on the internet like we do ... we're dealing with strictly sub-average people here ...

YOU don't know the first thing about computer modeling, and Billy_Bob does ... I don't care where he learned it, just that you haven't ... you rely on consensus, Billy_Bob relies on experience ... guess who's right here? ...

You're wrong about entropy ... and you know it ... but The Liar you are, now you'll be backtracking like the little pussy girl you are ...

ETA: I'm not saying Billy_Bob is right all the time, I won't even say he's right in this debate ... I understand what he's saying, and so should all of us ... it's a good way to model this question ... The Liar doesn't want anybody to learn ...
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Your arguing that solar doesn’t produce an incremental cooling effect when an incremental cooling effect was measured at six solar farms after PV cells were installed isn’t living dangerously, it’s idiotic

I explained it to you before.

If the panels bounced back less energy to space than the bare ground, you're producing an "incremental heating effect", even if you move some of that extra heat to the city.

Covering huge areas of 0.4 albedo with panels of 0.05 albedo doesn't cool the planet.
Claiming it will usher in a new ice age is idiotic.
Even though the panels may reflect less solar radiation, the photons being converted into electricity more than offset the increased solar radiation absorbed by the lower albedo PV cells. Which is why there was less infrared heat emitted at the solar farms after the panels were installed.

Retaining 95% makes the planet warmer than retaining 60%.
Even though the panels may reflect less solar radiation, the photons being converted into electricity more than offset the increased solar radiation absorbed by the lower albedo PV cells. Which is why there was less infrared heat emitted at the solar farms after the panels were installed.
Given the temperatures solar panels achieve on a sunny day, that I have experienced with my own finger tips, I find it hard to believe that a field covered with panels has a lower average temperature than a field covered with plants of any sort - even if it were bare dirt. What is the source of these data you've been yammering about showing less IR from PV fields?
Given the temperatures solar panels achieve on a sunny day, that I have experienced with my own finger tips, I find it hard to believe that a field covered with panels has a lower average temperature than a field covered with plants of any sort - even if it were bare dirt. What is the source of these data you've been yammering about showing less IR from PV fields?

I think it was satellite readings...at night...after hours of cooling by air currents moving under, over and between the panels. They cool faster than the bare ground, because they're better at transfering heat to the air blowing over them.

Ding is afraid that'll cause an ice age.
I explained it to you before.

If the panels bounced back less energy to space than the bare ground, you're producing an "incremental heating effect", even if you move some of that extra heat to the city.

Covering huge areas of 0.4 albedo with panels of 0.05 albedo doesn't cool the planet.
Claiming it will usher in a new ice age is idiotic.
Again…. Even though the panels may reflect less solar radiation, the photons being converted into electricity more than offset the increased solar radiation absorbed by the lower albedo PV cells. Which is why there was less infrared heat emitted at the solar farms after the panels were installed.
Given the temperatures solar panels achieve on a sunny day, that I have experienced with my own finger tips, I find it hard to believe that a field covered with panels has a lower average temperature than a field covered with plants of any sort - even if it were bare dirt. What is the source of these data you've been yammering about showing less IR from PV fields?
How many more times am I going to have to provide you this link? Do you have memory issues?


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