Fiorina Ad


Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
This is awesome. Kicks the old rich white woman's cankles right out from under her. Cankle sweep!

It would be a good commercial if this was the presidential election coming up. But we're not at that point yet. For sake of the primary, it did nothing to make me view Fiorina favorably. She should have spoke about herself, when she tried it was shallow. My general impression, slinging mud at this point seems weak.
This kind of thing should have been done in 2008 and 2012.
It was. On a national scale. And it failed. :thup:
No, neither Republican candidate went after Obama. They played by "gentlemen's rule."
Omg you're a huge pussy! :laugh:

That isn't an argument.
It was at least as close to an argument as the dumbass nonsense you said.
If I'm wrong, prove it.

Find ONE example where John McCain or Mitt Romney went after Obama based on is questionable past.
It was. On a national scale. And it failed. :thup:
No, neither Republican candidate went after Obama. They played by "gentlemen's rule."
Omg you're a huge pussy! :laugh:

That isn't an argument.
It was at least as close to an argument as the dumbass nonsense you said.
If I'm wrong, prove it.

Find ONE example where John McCain or Mitt Romney went after Obama based on is questionable past.
Give me an example of Obama going after Romney or McCain based on their pasts. If you can, I'll counter with what you asked.

You started it after all.
No, neither Republican candidate went after Obama. They played by "gentlemen's rule."
Omg you're a huge pussy! :laugh:

That isn't an argument.
It was at least as close to an argument as the dumbass nonsense you said.
If I'm wrong, prove it.

Find ONE example where John McCain or Mitt Romney went after Obama based on is questionable past.
Give me an example of Obama going after Romney or McCain based on their pasts. If you can, I'll counter with what you asked.

You started it after all.
Obama did not go after John McCain for his past. I never said he did.

Obama did not go after Mitt Romney for his past, but other people did so on Obama's behalf. I never said he did.

Now it's your turn. Show me where McCain or Romney went after Obama for his past.
Carly is a girl, so she can get down in the mud with Hillary and have a cat fight.

And they can't call her a sexist.
So it's one more incarnation of the 'accomplishment' canard.

What has Carly Fiorina accomplished?
Boy is Carly ugly. Yeah, Clinton can't say she engineered wrecking a major tech corporation. That's an accomplishment of Carly's. Why this woman thinks she's qualified to be president is beyond me.

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