Fiorina: Nothing More Threatening to Liberal Media Than A Conservative Woman


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Everybody knows they're frightened of a lot of things...
Fiorina: Nothing More Threatening to Liberal Media Than A Conservative Woman
"Of course there's a double standard."
Trey Sanchez


Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina appeared on Fox News Sunday yesterday to give her reaction to The View's female hosts after they railed her for having what they perceived as a "demented" smile throughout the latest GOP debate. She noted that as a guest on the "pro-female" show a few months ago, nothing negative was said about her appearance and wondered if they'd like to say that to her face the next time she is on.

Fiorina accurately assessed the situation -- pointing out the obvious -- that liberal women only tolerate other liberal women:

There's nothing more threatening to the liberal media, in general, and to Hillary Clinton, in particular, than a conservative woman.

"So, of course, there's a double standard," she added.


Fiorina: Nothing More Threatening to Liberal Media Than A Conservative Woman
They don't dare discuss her ideas or facts. All they have is her appearance. For how old she is and what she has gone through, she is pretty hot nonetheless
They don't dare discuss her ideas or facts. All they have is her appearance. For how old she is and what she has gone through, she is pretty hot nonetheless

No, dum dum. Some of us happen to have decades of experience as tech professionals. Some of us worked in the Silicon Valley in the late nineties/early oughts fixing the lovely HP personal computers when our consumers needed help. HP *was* a leading computer company that made a great product, and we appreciated our customers. Many of my good friends employed by the corporation did their jobs happily, until the joke called 'Fiorina' was given the helm of CEO to 'take over' company operations. Her incompetence became palpable very quickly. Fiorina acquired and introduced Compaq into the HP mix 13 years ago. The albatross that Compaq turned out be ended the brand forever. The failure was so immense, 13,000 very talented tech people lost their jobs instantly. Awesome. But it sounds like Presidential material to YOU, you mental giant, AmIrite?? Yeah, only if you're a really stupid person who doesn't process facts, perhaps...

You seem to think we're all so superficial that all we care about is 'how hot she is'. Really? (she's hideous, IMO) God, I can't tell you how off the mark you are. Your simple mind won't process it. THAT'S why she doesn't have a prayer. It's sad that in the information age, some people are *still* too dumb too use Google to learn key information on presidential candidates. Good luck with that.
Everybody knows they're frightened of a lot of things...
Fiorina: Nothing More Threatening to Liberal Media Than A Conservative Woman
"Of course there's a double standard."
Trey Sanchez


Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina appeared on Fox News Sunday yesterday to give her reaction to The View's female hosts after they railed her for having what they perceived as a "demented" smile throughout the latest GOP debate. She noted that as a guest on the "pro-female" show a few months ago, nothing negative was said about her appearance and wondered if they'd like to say that to her face the next time she is on.

Fiorina accurately assessed the situation -- pointing out the obvious -- that liberal women only tolerate other liberal women:

There's nothing more threatening to the liberal media, in general, and to Hillary Clinton, in particular, than a conservative woman.

"So, of course, there's a double standard," she added.


Fiorina: Nothing More Threatening to Liberal Media Than A Conservative Woman

As a liberal, if I was afraid of 1/10 of the things you claim I'm afraid of, I would have to kill myself instead of living in all that fear.
I love how inside the Republican bubble of bullshit they make up stuff like this that really doesn't anyone outside of it.

No one outside their own stupid cabal was "threatened" by Sarah Palin but it didn't stop them from inventing the same stupid claim back in '08 and even in '12 that liberals were either scared or threatened of Palin running for President, when in fact, on the contrary, progressives wanted Palin to win the nomination because of how much of a dingbat she was.

Fiorina's the same. If you're going to champion the free market and then end up as the Republican standard bearer who ran HP into the ground and was fired, I don't see what there is to be threatened over by that hilarious irony that yet another "free market Republican" totally failed at free market capitalism.
There is nothing frightening about a Conservative Woman. They are the most thoughtless of the bunch since the political party that has adopted the ideology has tried to see to it that women are a permanent underclass of Americans. One really has to wonder what in that Party would appeal to them. They spend just as freely as the Democrats. There hasn't been a GOP president in 40 years that left office with a smaller government than the one they adopted. There hasn't been a GOP president that hasn't circumvented the Constitution by sending troops to Panama, Greneda, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, East Timor, Somolia, and Lebanon all without Congressional approval. It truly boggles the mind.

As for Carly, she is quite formidible and will make an interesting choice for commerce secretary.
They don't dare discuss her ideas or facts. All they have is her appearance. For how old she is and what she has gone through, she is pretty hot nonetheless

No, dum dum. Some of us happen to have decades of experience as tech professionals. Some of us worked in the Silicon Valley in the late nineties/early oughts fixing the lovely HP personal computers when our consumers needed help. HP *was* a leading computer company that made a great product, and we appreciated our customers. Many of my good friends employed by the corporation did their jobs happily, until the joke called 'Fiorina' was given the helm of CEO to 'take over' company operations. Her incompetence became palpable very quickly. Fiorina acquired and introduced Compaq into the HP mix 13 years ago. The albatross that Compaq turned out be ended the brand forever. The failure was so immense, 13,000 very talented tech people lost their jobs instantly. Awesome. But it sounds like Presidential material to YOU, you mental giant, AmIrite?? Yeah, only if you're a really stupid person who doesn't process facts, perhaps...

You seem to think we're all so superficial that all we care about is 'how hot she is'. Really? (she's hideous, IMO) God, I can't tell you how off the mark you are. Your simple mind won't process it. THAT'S why she doesn't have a prayer. It's sad that in the information age, some people are *still* too dumb too use Google to learn key information on presidential candidates. Good luck with that.

hillary clinton liberal or socialist? - Google Search

hillary clinton liberal or socialist? - Bing
There is nothing frightening about a Conservative Woman. They are the most thoughtless of the bunch since the political party that has adopted the ideology has tried to see to it that women are a permanent underclass of Americans. One really has to wonder what in that Party would appeal to them. They spend just as freely as the Democrats. There hasn't been a GOP president in 40 years that left office with a smaller government than the one they adopted. There hasn't been a GOP president that hasn't circumvented the Constitution by sending troops to Panama, Greneda, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, East Timor, Somolia, and Lebanon all without Congressional approval. It truly boggles the mind.

As for Carly, she is quite formidible and will make an interesting choice for commerce secretary.

Everybody knows they're frightened of a lot of things...
Fiorina: Nothing More Threatening to Liberal Media Than A Conservative Woman
"Of course there's a double standard."
Trey Sanchez


Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina appeared on Fox News Sunday yesterday to give her reaction to The View's female hosts after they railed her for having what they perceived as a "demented" smile throughout the latest GOP debate. She noted that as a guest on the "pro-female" show a few months ago, nothing negative was said about her appearance and wondered if they'd like to say that to her face the next time she is on.

Fiorina accurately assessed the situation -- pointing out the obvious -- that liberal women only tolerate other liberal women:

There's nothing more threatening to the liberal media, in general, and to Hillary Clinton, in particular, than a conservative woman.

"So, of course, there's a double standard," she added.


Fiorina: Nothing More Threatening to Liberal Media Than A Conservative Woman

Carly Fiorina is the biggest threat to Hillary Clinton and they know it. In the CNBC debate they didn't even put her picture on the debate platform. All the male GOP candidates were in that picture, but she sure wasn't--LOL Then during the after polling debate they didn't list her--just the male candidates. It was fairly obvious what they were trying to do. (She doesn't exist, just ignore what you think you saw)--LOL

Then the looks. I mean if you're a woman and that's all you can figure out to talk about Fiorina--you've got some real serious issues going on--especially coming from an overweight woman on the View.--LOL

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point lead as the 1st woman POTUS. Women are the majority voters at 54% and outvote men by 10 points. That's like going into a Super Bowl game with the other team having a 3 touchdown lead before we vote.

If Republicans don't wake up real quick, and get off of these male candidates, and move to Carly Fiorina they are going to realize the unadulterated POWER of women voters in this country on election eve, and it's not going to be "pretty".

Awesome. But it sounds like Presidential material to YOU, you mental giant, AmIrite?? Yeah, only if you're a really stupid person who doesn't process facts, perhaps...

When all the Democrats can muster is a criminal and a socialist, I wonder, how come so many of them peg them as presidential material? Is this a failure to process reality? Or is it simple willful ignorance?

Awesome, thou mental giant. Go thee unto the world and preach thy misogyny.
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You seem to think we're all so superficial that all we care about is 'how hot she is'. Really? (she's hideous, IMO) God, I can't tell you how off the mark you are. Your simple mind won't process it. THAT'S why she doesn't have a prayer. It's sad that in the information age, some people are *still* too dumb too use Google to learn key information on presidential candidates. Good luck with that.

Simple minded people vote for people simply because they happen to belong to their party. I've seen it, I've done it. I escaped such cognitive dissonance. But in this information age, information doesn't matter at all.

Your post amounts to nothing more than:

"Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?"

Your hatred of Fiorina shows.

(Extra points to those who know where that quote comes from.)
Awesome. But it sounds like Presidential material to YOU, you mental giant, AmIrite?? Yeah, only if you're a really stupid person who doesn't process facts, perhaps...

When all the Democrats can muster is a criminal and a socialist, I wonder, how come so many of them peg them as presidential material? Is this a failure to process reality? Or is it simple willful ignorance?

Awesome, thou mental giant. Go thee unto the world and preach thy misogyny.

I'll let you in on a secret - I don't plan to vote for another Clinton in my lifetime. So I guess that makes me a double+ misogynist. lol
You seem to think we're all so superficial that all we care about is 'how hot she is'. Really? (she's hideous, IMO) God, I can't tell you how off the mark you are. Your simple mind won't process it. THAT'S why she doesn't have a prayer. It's sad that in the information age, some people are *still* too dumb too use Google to learn key information on presidential candidates. Good luck with that.

Simple minded people vote for people simply because they happen to belong to their party. I've seen it, I've done it. I escaped such cognitive dissonance. But in this information age, information doesn't matter at all.

Your post amounts to nothing more than:

"Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?"

Your hatred of Fiorina shows.

(Extra points to those who know where that quote comes from.)

Trump is an ex game show host. Carly is a failed CEO. I haven't hidden my disdain for either. I hope the Republicans run both on the nomination ticket. It will be the greatest gift they could give the Democrats.

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