Fiornia LIES: the Planned Parenthood tapes she described don't exist.

Victory here in south Carolina, two planned parenthood clinics has been shut down for violations.

Were they over charging for baby parts? :eek:
No, but one I heard let a few babies hit the landfill. Scum they are and anyone that supports abortion.
ABC's George Stephanopoulos Challenges Carly Fiorina's False Description Of Planned Parenthood Videos
Yeah they will just dump babies in the nearest landfill. I was at the veterinarian with my dog last week. Someone had to put their dog down. Got it cremated, at St Francis hospital. Didn't have the money to get the remains back, but was assured that her dogs remains would be spread at the top of a mountain. A decent hospital will go out of their way to dispose of a dog. Better than planned parenthood will dispose of a babies remains. Your kind are scum.

What do they do with dog fetuses/embryos when they perform a spaying of a dog that is already pregnant?
“O’Donnell describes the harvesting, or ‘procurement,’ of organs from a nearly intact late-term fetus aborted at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte’s Alameda clinic in San Jose, CA,” CMP notes in their latest video’s description.
Except the video itself credits the Grantham Collection for the late term fetus that was SPLICED into the PP video made by CMP!!!

If that is true then O'Donnell is lying and not Carly Fiorina.
The whole point was that the video did not exist and it does.
Her wish to seem tough in calling for bigger army, bigger navy, bigger marine force, bigger air force, actually a preamble to how she bankrupted HP and Lucent.

I'd like to remind all who cheer for Fiorina's "love" for the unborn child...while clamoring for additional war armaments..........of what such armaments helped us spawn in the ME and elsewhere.


Do you think it's ok for the U.S. to scale down it's military, while Russia, China and N. Korea are building up theirs?

Yes, absolutely.
Both and The Wall Street Journal have outed her:

At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos
"""But the image she described isn’t in the video. Instead, the video taken by an antiabortion group depicted a former employee of a tissue procurement company stating what she says she saw at a Planned Parenthood clinic. There was never any video that depicted, as Ms. Fiorina stated, a live fetus on a table."""
At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos

Phucking drama queen will say anything to get elected.

I wonder how many lies she had to tell to become CEO of HP. Oh, forgot...they fired her.

Yes there is

watch at around 5:18

If that bothers you as much as you pretend, why don't you want to put the woman who had such an abortion in prison for life?
Her wish to seem tough in calling for bigger army, bigger navy, bigger marine force, bigger air force, actually a preamble to how she bankrupted HP and Lucent.

I'd like to remind all who cheer for Fiorina's "love" for the unborn child...while clamoring for additional war armaments..........of what such armaments helped us spawn in the ME and elsewhere.


Do you think it's ok for the U.S. to scale down it's military, while Russia, China and N. Korea are building up theirs?

Yes, absolutely.

So typical of the liberal left and their defense of abortion. So she got the details wrong the gist of what she remembered is right. But a president of the US who has many intelligent services at his disposal lies about why 4 men died and the left acts as if the four had it coming. Sick.
Both and The Wall Street Journal have outed her:

At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos
"""But the image she described isn’t in the video. Instead, the video taken by an antiabortion group depicted a former employee of a tissue procurement company stating what she says she saw at a Planned Parenthood clinic. There was never any video that depicted, as Ms. Fiorina stated, a live fetus on a table."""
At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos

Phucking drama queen will say anything to get elected.

I wonder how many lies she had to tell to become CEO of HP. Oh, forgot...they fired her.

Yes there is

watch at around 5:18

If that bothers you as much as you pretend, why don't you want to put the woman who had such an abortion in prison for life?

What bothers me is the lies being spread about Carly Fiorina that the video did not exist.
As long as tax dollars are not spent for abortions I could care less.
Whether it was in the video or not it happens. There lies the real problem and only a sick mofo would sit back and say or do nothing

Whether it was true this time, it happens........ Isn't that what Al Sharpton said when the Brawley case blew up in his face? Not surprising you would try that too. Just like he did, you need to learn that you need verifiable facts to back up your claims. Just because you say it doesn't mean it's true.
Both and The Wall Street Journal have outed her:

At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos
"""But the image she described isn’t in the video. Instead, the video taken by an antiabortion group depicted a former employee of a tissue procurement company stating what she says she saw at a Planned Parenthood clinic. There was never any video that depicted, as Ms. Fiorina stated, a live fetus on a table."""
At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos

Phucking drama queen will say anything to get elected.

I wonder how many lies she had to tell to become CEO of HP. Oh, forgot...they fired her.

Yes there is

watch at around 5:18

LOL. Info wars and something that may or may not be a actual fetus making slight movements? Even so, how do you link that to PP?

There is a video which does have the scenes that she described, that was the point.

Link to credible source?
Gee, can't think of any reason why Carly Fiorina might want to support government funding going towards cancer screening for women...

PP can do all the cancer screening for women that needs to be done without the 40% of their funding that the Feds give them every year. What happened to cancer screening under Obamacare?

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