Fiornia LIES: the Planned Parenthood tapes she described don't exist.

Gee, can't think of any reason why Carly Fiorina might want to support government funding going towards cancer screening for women...

PP can do all the cancer screening for women that needs to be done without the 40% of their funding that the Feds give them every year. What happened to cancer screening under Obamacare?

It is Medicaid screening being done at PP, for one thing.

Are you saying every woman that gets cancer screening at PP is on Medicaid? LOL

I would have said that if I wanted to say that.

That taxpayer money comes from two main sources:

  1. The Medicaid health care program for low-income people;
  2. Federal grants, such as the Title X family planning program.
Cutting funding to Planned Parenthood through the federal grant programs would be relatively simple, because Congress controls that flow of money. But, cutting off Planned Parenthood from Medicaid could be more complicated. The organization says about 75 percent of its government funding is state and federal Medicaid dollars,kdown though it wouldn’t give a breakdown reports Politico.

Republicans Want to End Federal Medicaid Funding of Planned Parenthood -- But States Have a Warning

Did you ever wonder why they won't disclose the breakdown of what tax money pays for?
"Fiornia LIES: the Planned Parenthood tapes she described don't exist."

The entire Planned Parenthood non-issue is a ridiculous lie contrived by the right – that a republican presidential candidate would seek to propagate that lie comes as no surprise.
Republicans are known for lying.

If you like your doctor...If you like your health plan...Dodging snipers' bullets on the tarmac...I did not have sex with that woman...

Need any more to be convinced dimocrats lie all the time? If so inclined I could add dozens more, hundreds and hundreds.
"Saddam gives aid and protection to terrorist, including al Qaeda" George W. Bush State of the Union Address 2002.
The Mother of all Lies, the one that connected Saddam to al Qaeda and hence, 9/11. Made live in front of the Congress, American people and world population as a lead in to the invasion of Iraq. That one makes all the political stuff look like simple political stuff. The Mother of all Lies cost hundreds of thousands of lives an started the out of control fire in the ME that is still burning out of control.

Did Bush get the Liar of the Year award for saying that? Did the UN condemn Iraq for that? The answer is to both questions is NO!
I used the wrong date for the State of the Union Address. It wasn't 2002, it was 2003. It took years to be able to absolutely confirm Bush had lied. It was like the search for WMD's. It wasn't until all the classified documents and data could be examined and Iraq had been fully searched and all the characters questioned that the lie became exposed and confirmed. By that time it made little difference. No WMD's or al Qaeda connection, no problem. Change the mission and reasons for being there. Can you even remember the reasons and mission in 2005 or 2006? Why were we there in 2007?

Even the UN called Iraq in material breach of the cease fire and you still blame Bush for repeating what he was told by the CIA and other free world intelligence agencies. It's not like Iraq never had any WMD's or didn't use them against Iran and the Kurds. They did, and wouldn't account for them.
By the way, they aren't "selling body parts", the costs incurred are for storage and handling, much in the same way that hospitals are charged by blood banks for the blood they provide.

Refrigeration and specialty storage ain't cheap people.
The progtard mindset....just sick

If the videos are not incriminating and "heavily edited" (as deemed so by some left loon group PP hired) why are the Dems trying to block them in the hearings? LOL Idiot leftists

PS Loons, anyone can view the entire videos on line :rolleyes:


Dems Try to Block Planned Parenthood Videos at House Hearing - Breitbart

Ahhhhh, Breibart...Yet another source of Tablets from Mt, Sinai

Faux Professor if all you can do is whine about source go bother someone who cares about your BS. Freaking fraud
Are we a nation of laws.....or a nation of religious NUTS???

The National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act of 1993 allows a woman to consent to donating fetal tissue after an abortion. The federal law sets restrictions that prevent the woman from knowing or having a say in how the tissue is used, or profiting from it.

Researchers have used fetal tissue since the 1930s; experimentation on the tissue was instrumental in eventually developing the polio vaccine. Current studies are using the tissue to research diseases like AIDS, muscular dystrophy and Parkinson’s disease
Republicans are known for lying.

If you like your doctor...If you like your health plan...Dodging snipers' bullets on the tarmac...I did not have sex with that woman...

Need any more to be convinced dimocrats lie all the time? If so inclined I could add dozens more, hundreds and hundreds.
"Saddam gives aid and protection to terrorist, including al Qaeda" George W. Bush State of the Union Address 2002.
The Mother of all Lies, the one that connected Saddam to al Qaeda and hence, 9/11. Made live in front of the Congress, American people and world population as a lead in to the invasion of Iraq. That one makes all the political stuff look like simple political stuff. The Mother of all Lies cost hundreds of thousands of lives an started the out of control fire in the ME that is still burning out of control.

Did Bush get the Liar of the Year award for saying that? Did the UN condemn Iraq for that? The answer is to both questions is NO!
I used the wrong date for the State of the Union Address. It wasn't 2002, it was 2003. It took years to be able to absolutely confirm Bush had lied. It was like the search for WMD's. It wasn't until all the classified documents and data could be examined and Iraq had been fully searched and all the characters questioned that the lie became exposed and confirmed. By that time it made little difference. No WMD's or al Qaeda connection, no problem. Change the mission and reasons for being there. Can you even remember the reasons and mission in 2005 or 2006? Why were we there in 2007?

Even the UN called Iraq in material breach of the cease fire and you still blame Bush for repeating what he was told by the CIA and other free world intelligence agencies. It's not like Iraq never had any WMD's or didn't use them against Iran and the Kurds. They did, and wouldn't account for them.
I have not been discussing the WMD's except that he used them for the lead in to the lie about Saddam aiding and protecting al Qaeda. That plus the comparison of how those lies were allowed to sit a simmer until they were no longer relevant before becoming exposed and confirmed as lies. In the case of WMD's some argument might be advanced until the Downing Street memo's come into play, but in regards to Saddam and al Qaeda there is no argument about that being a lie and never has been. The only defense of that lie is deflection and evasion.

If you like your doctor...If you like your health plan...Dodging snipers' bullets on the tarmac...I did not have sex with that woman...

Need any more to be convinced dimocrats lie all the time? If so inclined I could add dozens more, hundreds and hundreds.
"Saddam gives aid and protection to terrorist, including al Qaeda" George W. Bush State of the Union Address 2002.
The Mother of all Lies, the one that connected Saddam to al Qaeda and hence, 9/11. Made live in front of the Congress, American people and world population as a lead in to the invasion of Iraq. That one makes all the political stuff look like simple political stuff. The Mother of all Lies cost hundreds of thousands of lives an started the out of control fire in the ME that is still burning out of control.

Did Bush get the Liar of the Year award for saying that? Did the UN condemn Iraq for that? The answer is to both questions is NO!
I used the wrong date for the State of the Union Address. It wasn't 2002, it was 2003. It took years to be able to absolutely confirm Bush had lied. It was like the search for WMD's. It wasn't until all the classified documents and data could be examined and Iraq had been fully searched and all the characters questioned that the lie became exposed and confirmed. By that time it made little difference. No WMD's or al Qaeda connection, no problem. Change the mission and reasons for being there. Can you even remember the reasons and mission in 2005 or 2006? Why were we there in 2007?

Even the UN called Iraq in material breach of the cease fire and you still blame Bush for repeating what he was told by the CIA and other free world intelligence agencies. It's not like Iraq never had any WMD's or didn't use them against Iran and the Kurds. They did, and wouldn't account for them.
I have not been discussing the WMD's except that he used them for the lead in to the lie about Saddam aiding and protecting al Qaeda. That plus the comparison of how those lies were allowed to sit a simmer until they were no longer relevant before becoming exposed and confirmed as lies. In the case of WMD's some argument might be advanced until the Downing Street memo's come into play, but in regards to Saddam and al Qaeda there is no argument about that being a lie and never has been. The only defense of that lie is deflection and evasion.

You obviously wouldn't know what a lie is if it bit you on the ass. I will belay that comment if you tell me that these two people were lying as well.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
There are two Planned Parenthood sting videos that were shot inside Planned Parenthood clinics (other videos exist, taped at conferences and lunch meetings). One was taped in Louisiana and the other in Colorado. And in both videos, Planned Parenthood employees do work with the fetal tissue, showing the pro-life advocates posing as tissue buyers the different parts of the body.

But the things Fiorina describes — the legs kicking, the intact "fully formed fetus," the heart beating, the remarks about having to "harvest its brain" — are pure fiction.

You don't have to take my word for it; You can watch the footage right here. The part showing fetal tissue begins about an hour and 18 minutes in and runs nearly through the end of the video, shot at the Colorado clinic.

Here's what gets me. Fiornia is a businesswoman, a profession, a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE who would never stand in the way of career gal getting a legal medical procedure -- she probably has 50 friends and associates who have done so. And she goes on TV and PRETENDS to be a social conservative.

Why does she pretend? To win over the far-right base...


Now, isn't that precious?
“O’Donnell describes the harvesting, or ‘procurement,’ of organs from a nearly intact late-term fetus aborted at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte’s Alameda clinic in San Jose, CA,” CMP notes in their latest video’s description.
Except the video itself credits the Grantham Collection for the late term fetus that was SPLICED into the PP video made by CMP!!!
If that is true then O'Donnell is lying and not Carly Fiorina.
The whole point was that the video did not exist and it does.
How is Fiorina NOT lying by mindlessly parroting O'Donnell's lie?
That makes Fiorina a stupid lying GOSSIP!

And the whole point is it wasn't PP!
"Fiornia LIES: the Planned Parenthood tapes she described don't exist."

The entire Planned Parenthood non-issue is a ridiculous lie contrived by the right – that a republican presidential candidate would seek to propagate that lie comes as no surprise.

Then you should take the issue up with Center for Medical Progress.
Here is their letter that they wrote to Congress in Aug.
CMP's Open Letter to Congress in Reply to Planned Parenthood's Aug. 27 Letter

While denying any wrongdoing, Planned Parenthood leadership has admitted to Congress and to the public their knowledge and support of the fetal tissue supply programs in operation at multiple Planned Parenthood affiliates.
Instead of practicing transparency about the fetal tissue supply that Planned Parenthood claims to be so “proud” of, the organization and its allies are engaging in a pattern of stonewalling Congress and law enforcement and attacking whistleblowers with false and unsubstantiated calumnies. We agree with Speaker Boehner’s office: “The American people deserve the facts— not PR releases.”
Toward that end, there are two key admissions in Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards’ letter to Congress of August 27 that the investigating Committees should focus on particularly. First, Richards admits that multiple Planned Parenthood affiliates have recently received payments of $45 to $60 “per tissue specimen” from various Tissue Procurement Organizations (TPOs). Second, Richard admits that abortion procedure “adjustments to facilitate fetal tissue donations” may occur at Planned Parenthood facilities. We believe these two admissions, of payments for specimens of fetal tissue and changes to abortion procedures in order to get better specimens, constitute prima facie evidence of the three points CMP has raised all along: 1) That Planned Parenthood sells aborted fetal tissue, 2) That Planned Parenthood changes the abortion procedure in order to get saleable tissue, and 3) That there is knowledge and approval
Yeaaah.... All the Planned Parenthood issue has exposed is abject, unadulterated evil.

That's all... .
There are two Planned Parenthood sting videos that were shot inside Planned Parenthood clinics (other videos exist, taped at conferences and lunch meetings). One was taped in Louisiana and the other in Colorado. And in both videos, Planned Parenthood employees do work with the fetal tissue, showing the pro-life advocates posing as tissue buyers the different parts of the body.

But the things Fiorina describes — the legs kicking, the intact "fully formed fetus," the heart beating, the remarks about having to "harvest its brain" — are pure fiction.

You don't have to take my word for it; You can watch the footage right here. The part showing fetal tissue begins about an hour and 18 minutes in and runs nearly through the end of the video, shot at the Colorado clinic.

Here's what gets me. Fiornia is a businesswoman, a profession, a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE who would never stand in the way of career gal getting a legal medical procedure -- she probably has 50 friends and associates who have done so. And she goes on TV and PRETENDS to be a social conservative.

Why does she pretend? To win over the far-right base... exists....Brett Baer from Fox News said the Federalist found the video on the pp videos...

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