Fiornia LIES: the Planned Parenthood tapes she described don't exist.

With the Republicans no heavily engaged in energizing the people--providing Uppers For The People(?): Shouldn't we be getting free samples, or free sample assortments, free sample trainloads(?)!?!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Nothing on this planet free, which is why Republicans often cite data from an outer planet, Pluto. . . .or Goofy!)
Gee, can't think of any reason why Carly Fiorina might want to support government funding going towards cancer screening for women...

PP can do all the cancer screening for women that needs to be done without the 40% of their funding that the Feds give them every year. What happened to cancer screening under Obamacare?

It is Medicaid screening being done at PP, for one thing.
Both and The Wall Street Journal have outed her:

At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos
"""But the image she described isn’t in the video. Instead, the video taken by an antiabortion group depicted a former employee of a tissue procurement company stating what she says she saw at a Planned Parenthood clinic. There was never any video that depicted, as Ms. Fiorina stated, a live fetus on a table."""
At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos

Phucking drama queen will say anything to get elected.

I wonder how many lies she had to tell to become CEO of HP. Oh, forgot...they fired her.

Yes there is

watch at around 5:18

LOL. Info wars and something that may or may not be a actual fetus making slight movements? Even so, how do you link that to PP?

There is a video which does have the scenes that she described, that was the point.

Link to credible source?

It doesn't matter, the point was it was there, when others said it did not exist.
Republicans are known for lying.

If you like your doctor...If you like your health plan...Dodging snipers' bullets on the tarmac...I did not have sex with that woman...

Need any more to be convinced dimocrats lie all the time? If so inclined I could add dozens more, hundreds and hundreds.
"Saddam gives aid and protection to terrorist, including al Qaeda" George W. Bush State of the Union Address 2002.
The Mother of all Lies, the one that connected Saddam to al Qaeda and hence, 9/11. Made live in front of the Congress, American people and world population as a lead in to the invasion of Iraq. That one makes all the political stuff look like simple political stuff. The Mother of all Lies cost hundreds of thousands of lives an started the out of control fire in the ME that is still burning out of control.

Did Bush get the Liar of the Year award for saying that? Did the UN condemn Iraq for that? The answer is to both questions is NO!
Gee, can't think of any reason why Carly Fiorina might want to support government funding going towards cancer screening for women...

PP can do all the cancer screening for women that needs to be done without the 40% of their funding that the Feds give them every year. What happened to cancer screening under Obamacare?

It is Medicaid screening being done at PP, for one thing.

Are you saying every woman that gets cancer screening at PP is on Medicaid? LOL
Gee, can't think of any reason why Carly Fiorina might want to support government funding going towards cancer screening for women...

PP can do all the cancer screening for women that needs to be done without the 40% of their funding that the Feds give them every year. What happened to cancer screening under Obamacare?

It is Medicaid screening being done at PP, for one thing.

Are you saying every woman that gets cancer screening at PP is on Medicaid? LOL

I would have said that if I wanted to say that.

That taxpayer money comes from two main sources:

  1. The Medicaid health care program for low-income people;
  2. Federal grants, such as the Title X family planning program.
Cutting funding to Planned Parenthood through the federal grant programs would be relatively simple, because Congress controls that flow of money. But, cutting off Planned Parenthood from Medicaid could be more complicated. The organization says about 75 percent of its government funding is state and federal Medicaid dollars, though it wouldn’t give a breakdown, reports Politico.

Republicans Want to End Federal Medicaid Funding of Planned Parenthood -- But States Have a Warning
Do you think it's ok for the U.S. to scale down it's military, while Russia, China and N. Korea are building up theirs?

Perhaps this pie chart can help......

Republicans are known for lying.

If you like your doctor...If you like your health plan...Dodging snipers' bullets on the tarmac...I did not have sex with that woman...

Need any more to be convinced dimocrats lie all the time? If so inclined I could add dozens more, hundreds and hundreds.
"Saddam gives aid and protection to terrorist, including al Qaeda" George W. Bush State of the Union Address 2002.
The Mother of all Lies, the one that connected Saddam to al Qaeda and hence, 9/11. Made live in front of the Congress, American people and world population as a lead in to the invasion of Iraq. That one makes all the political stuff look like simple political stuff. The Mother of all Lies cost hundreds of thousands of lives an started the out of control fire in the ME that is still burning out of control.

Did Bush get the Liar of the Year award for saying that? Did the UN condemn Iraq for that? The answer is to both questions is NO!
I used the wrong date for the State of the Union Address. It wasn't 2002, it was 2003. It took years to be able to absolutely confirm Bush had lied. It was like the search for WMD's. It wasn't until all the classified documents and data could be examined and Iraq had been fully searched and all the characters questioned that the lie became exposed and confirmed. By that time it made little difference. No WMD's or al Qaeda connection, no problem. Change the mission and reasons for being there. Can you even remember the reasons and mission in 2005 or 2006? Why were we there in 2007?
Both and The Wall Street Journal have outed her:

At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos
"""But the image she described isn’t in the video. Instead, the video taken by an antiabortion group depicted a former employee of a tissue procurement company stating what she says she saw at a Planned Parenthood clinic. There was never any video that depicted, as Ms. Fiorina stated, a live fetus on a table."""
At Debate, Carly Fiorina Described Scenes Not in Abortion Videos

Phucking drama queen will say anything to get elected.

I wonder how many lies she had to tell to become CEO of HP. Oh, forgot...they fired her.

Yes there is

watch at around 5:18

LOL. Info wars and something that may or may not be a actual fetus making slight movements? Even so, how do you link that to PP?

There is a video which does have the scenes that she described, that was the point.

Link to credible source?

It doesn't matter, the point was it was there, when others said it did not exist.

No.That was some disgusting Alex Jones scam. Only an idiot would believe his crap. I guess that's why you are so convinced. Did you see his pictures of bigfoot, and his expose on space aliens? He had props made for those too.
Republicans are known for lying.
Liberals are known for supporting the murder of babies & selling their body parts.

Personally I'd rather be know as a liar than the scum I just described

A child dies every 4 seconds because of hunger, disease, or abuse around the world. 20,000 a day.

And your choice is to do nothing.

You are pro-choice and you let children die every day.
These republicans are a funny group, they'll do ANYTHING to protect the fetus, but when mothers and fathers raise poor children and use government assistance, they tell the parents they're not responsible and don't need food stamps/Medicaid/etc.. What do these tucking idiots propose we do with these kids? Let them die? The adoption system is already full enough, and republicans don't care about that either, given they want to stop gay couples from adopting. Fucking nuts.

It is really bizarre how conservatives ultra compartmentalize all these things as if one in no way is related to the other.

"Abortion is utter evil against god because it is life"..."but once its born we have no responsibility at all to help the child survive and we get to criticize and demonize its parents if they ever need anyone's financial help ever".

Worse is when these people claim to be Christian as the reason for their beliefs. "What you do for the least of these my brothers you do also for me". Christ lays on that hippie stuff pretty heavy, and it is utterly rejected by modern conservatives. They aren't interested in turning any cheeks or doing good to those who wrong you. In fact, it would be hard to find anything conservatives do that actually syncs up with the bible.
So Fiorina *may* have taken some license in her description of the videos, but the event that she described did in fact occur (and probably many times).

Based on...........???? (some outfit's ex employee's word?)

(shit, GWB didn't even listen to his own NSA)
Yes there is

watch at around 5:18

LOL. Info wars and something that may or may not be a actual fetus making slight movements? Even so, how do you link that to PP?

There is a video which does have the scenes that she described, that was the point.

Link to credible source?

It doesn't matter, the point was it was there, when others said it did not exist.

No.That was some disgusting Alex Jones scam. Only an idiot would believe his crap. I guess that's why you are so convinced. Did you see his pictures of bigfoot, and his expose on space aliens? He had props made for those too.

Even the scams and loons have to get their videos from somewhere, Jones did not produce this.
Here it is from you tube uploaded by the Center for Medical Progress.

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