Fire Arms.

They chose my son to do a *survey*. I got the notification and the declination form about 2 days after they started interrogating the kids.
ya know?, I like THAT one even better!
No, they probably wont but foreign troops would.
Most Americans wouldn't hesitate to open up on foreign troops. It's unlikely they'd even feel bad about it.
Wasn't Obama supposed to take all the guns? What happened?

The US Constitution and some non-activist judges. That all could change if people elect the wicked witch of New York.

What happened? The same thing that happened after Commie Care went into effect that was supposed to save us up to $2,500 year in medical insurance costs, and allow us to keep our doctor and health facility.

The same thing that happened in Iraq when DumBama pulled all of our troops out.

The same thing that happened with the Pork Bill that was supposed to provide all those good paying shovel ready jobs and boost the economy.

The same thing that happened when his pig wife forced restaurants to put calorie count on all their food items in their menus.
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No matter what corrupt games are played with courts and laws, the fact will remain that the criminals operating under false color of law, who are sent to rob the people of their arms, will be overwhelmingly outnumbered and outgunned by those that they are trying to rob.

It's likely not going to come down to that. What could happen is they make owning a firearm a major crime subject to years in prison and fines. They could make it illegal to defend yourself with a firearm in your home.

Many law abiding people will surrender their guns willingly so as not to risk ending up in jail. Or they can place a tax of $5.00 per round on your ammunition. They can allow firearms manufacturers to be sued by cities when murders happen. That would either put them all out of business or make firearms so expensive nobody will be able to afford one.

They can do a lot of things unless we do everything in our power to make sure Hil-Liar gets nowhere near that White House. Tell your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, everybody.
When you are a rich corrupt elitist bitch like Crooked Hillary you can hire armed bodyguards so you don't need firearms yourself.

However, the rest of us can't afford it.

Just another example of how Libtard assholes like Crooked Hillary don't give a shit about real Americans.

Her and her rich shithead Limousine Liberals can hire someone to protect them while the rest of us peons are forced to disarm and be victims.

Agreed. It's like Rush Liberal said so many times:

"Folks, liberals have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
When the military comes to your door, demands all of your fire arms and your wife and kids are behind you...what will you do?

They will take them from my cold, dead hands. It's that simple.
Sooner the better.

When the military comes to your door, demands all of your fire arms and your wife and kids are behind you...what will you do?

They will take them from my cold, dead hands. It's that simple.
Sooner the better.
Well then... What are you waiting for? Get the ball rolling. No? Yeah. I thought not. Typical liberal..
Always waiting for someone else to "do" for you... So pathetically sad...
...and totally relative, which is what makes 'reality' so.

(referring to post # 57)

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