Fire up the ovens, awesome gassing exercise coming soon to your hometown!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Logan's Run anyone?

We're harvesting dead babies, and encouraging people to get gassed. Aren't progressives awesome?

"Right-to-die campaigner Philip Nitschke, 67, will invite people on stage to inhale gas from his updated version of the Deliverance machine that helped end the lives of four terminally people in the 1990s using intravenous drugs. Dr Nitschke said the move to gas made his new Destiny euthanasia machine much easier to use as no special skills, such as inserting an IV tube, are required.
"Destiny asks three questions before delivering a lethal gas made up of nine per cent carbon monoxide and 91 per cent nitrogen through either a face mask, or nasal prongs, to the patient wanting to die. Volunteers at next month’s ‘Dicing with Dr Death’ show, the first public appearance of the new machine, will receive 100 per cent nitrogen."

This particular douchebag isn't in the US, but it's just a matter of time. Keep in mind how many times a day you hear the left lamenting how far we lag behind the modern, *civilized* countries across the sea when it comes to things like killing people *mercifully* for things like mental illness, pain, distress, or just economics.

I submit for your consideration the obvious stupidity of anybody who would volunteer to participate in such an experiment. I'm sure they are all progressives themselves. Which is almost an argument FOR it, except we all know that they will quickly realize it's a lot more fun to gas others than it is to gas oneself.

Dr Death s Edinburgh Fringe 2015 show will see right-to-die campaigner gas audiences - Edinburgh - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent
If Obama had his way, gassing people would be mandatory, not optional.
It's their life. If someone wants to end it what business is it of yours and what right do you have to stop them?
It's their life. If someone wants to end it what business is it of yours and what right do you have to stop them?
Not only this, but just a week ago she was wishing for all the left to die. Literally. Its enshrined forever in a Religion Forum topic where Ravi captired koshergrlalliebaba's melt down.

So she wants these people to hurry up and die and now has a butthurt thread about them ending their own lives. Cant make her fraudulant phony little self any better at what she does if you were a parody of it.
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I'm sure Obama is buying a good many if these machines. You know if grandma needs a new knee, she can be hooked up to the machine.
Logan's Run anyone?

We're harvesting dead babies, and encouraging people to get gassed. Aren't progressives awesome?

"Right-to-die campaigner Philip Nitschke, 67, will invite people on stage to inhale gas from his updated version of the Deliverance machine that helped end the lives of four terminally people in the 1990s using intravenous drugs. Dr Nitschke said the move to gas made his new Destiny euthanasia machine much easier to use as no special skills, such as inserting an IV tube, are required.
"Destiny asks three questions before delivering a lethal gas made up of nine per cent carbon monoxide and 91 per cent nitrogen through either a face mask, or nasal prongs, to the patient wanting to die. Volunteers at next month’s ‘Dicing with Dr Death’ show, the first public appearance of the new machine, will receive 100 per cent nitrogen."

This particular douchebag isn't in the US, but it's just a matter of time. Keep in mind how many times a day you hear the left lamenting how far we lag behind the modern, *civilized* countries across the sea when it comes to things like killing people *mercifully* for things like mental illness, pain, distress, or just economics.

I submit for your consideration the obvious stupidity of anybody who would volunteer to participate in such an experiment. I'm sure they are all progressives themselves. Which is almost an argument FOR it, except we all know that they will quickly realize it's a lot more fun to gas others than it is to gas oneself.

Dr Death s Edinburgh Fringe 2015 show will see right-to-die campaigner gas audiences - Edinburgh - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent
A better way to kill yourself? Good, as long as it's used appropriately.
So, to recap...progressives think that mentally ill people should never have their self destructive impulses moderated.
So, to recap...progressives think that mentally ill people should never have their self destructive impulses moderated.
To recap, a mentally ill o.p. who literally wished for the death of over a third of Americans....

Has an issue with assisted suicide

Derp derper grl.
Logan's Run anyone?

We're harvesting dead babies, and encouraging people to get gassed. Aren't progressives awesome?

"Right-to-die campaigner Philip Nitschke, 67, will invite people on stage to inhale gas from his updated version of the Deliverance machine that helped end the lives of four terminally people in the 1990s using intravenous drugs. Dr Nitschke said the move to gas made his new Destiny euthanasia machine much easier to use as no special skills, such as inserting an IV tube, are required.
"Destiny asks three questions before delivering a lethal gas made up of nine per cent carbon monoxide and 91 per cent nitrogen through either a face mask, or nasal prongs, to the patient wanting to die. Volunteers at next month’s ‘Dicing with Dr Death’ show, the first public appearance of the new machine, will receive 100 per cent nitrogen."

This particular douchebag isn't in the US, but it's just a matter of time. Keep in mind how many times a day you hear the left lamenting how far we lag behind the modern, *civilized* countries across the sea when it comes to things like killing people *mercifully* for things like mental illness, pain, distress, or just economics.

I submit for your consideration the obvious stupidity of anybody who would volunteer to participate in such an experiment. I'm sure they are all progressives themselves. Which is almost an argument FOR it, except we all know that they will quickly realize it's a lot more fun to gas others than it is to gas oneself.

Dr Death s Edinburgh Fringe 2015 show will see right-to-die campaigner gas audiences - Edinburgh - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent
And not only that, in the Netherlands a woman is about to marry A DOG!!!

Dutch woman to marry dog after cat-husband dies - NY Daily News

Thanks Obama!!! :mad:

I just got my orders to report to the fema camps, for training on something to do with christians :eek-52:

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