Fire Warfare


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2012
So. Cal.
Are terrorists starting all the fires?

[ame=]Economic Warfare Super Panel William Scott - YouTube[/ame]
Strikes me as a tad conspiratorial, having lived in areas prone to wildfire, but not beyond the realm of possibilities...

If true, don't expect the government to ever admit to it...
Strikes me as a tad conspiratorial, having lived in areas prone to wildfire, but not beyond the realm of possibilities...

If true, don't expect the government to ever admit to it...
There seems to be some compelling evidence there.
People do this stuff all the time where I live. Been doing it for decades. It get's them off. It's not terrorism, it's arson. There is a huge difference.
People do this stuff all the time where I live. Been doing it for decades. It get's them off. It's not terrorism, it's arson. There is a huge difference.
Did you listen to the comments during the first 2 minutes of the video?
I get it, but I need evidence. There are some many "fire bugs" as I call them running around it's hard to say who is responsible.
I'd say that if I was a filthy terrorist then I'd burn down a forest but I'd need the world to know why I did it because the point of terrorism is ultimately dealt with politically as opposed to an arsonist who needs a nap in the looney bin because he does it for fun.
I wonder if the geniuses in Homeland and the CIA who couldn't find a Russian terrorist in Boston ever considered that there might be a sabotage network in the US. There was a radical left wing domestic terrorist gang involved in torching home developments and SUV's that apparently went underground when Obama was elected. Where did the anti-corporate, anti-capitalist OWS rabble go to? It wouldn't surprise me if the oil spills and forest fires were the result of sabotage but don't count on A.G. Holder or the current "justice dept" to consider the possibility.

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