Firearm registration = firearm confiscation

Are they going to take our cars away before they take our guns away? Those have been registered for a while now, should we be worried about confiscation?
--------------------------------- its different , car are not a RIGHT that government would go after . The main reason to not have registration of guns is because of a Healthy distrust of 'government' Slade .
Wtf?! I just went through this with Rustic, y’all are stuck on your talking points and not using your brains. Right or no right makes zero difference in the debate whether regulations equal confiscation. Come on man, wake up.
The collective will never be the friend of the individual
That’s your opinion but I’m pretty damn happy with what the “collective” has built in this country that I am lucky enough to live in. You go ahead and be sour grapes but you sound like a spoiled brat.
We have no real freedom in this country, the last hundred plus years has been an utter failure...
Career politicians have fucked over the country permanently
I dont know where you live but I feel pretty damn free and am very thankful for the life I lead
Are they going to take our cars away before they take our guns away? Those have been registered for a while now, should we be worried about confiscation?
--------------------------------- its different , car are not a RIGHT that government would go after . The main reason to not have registration of guns is because of a Healthy distrust of 'government' Slade .
Wtf?! I just went through this with Rustic, y’all are stuck on your talking points and not using your brains. Right or no right makes zero difference in the debate whether regulations equal confiscation. Come on man, wake up.
The collective will never be the friend of the individual
That’s your opinion but I’m pretty damn happy with what the “collective” has built in this country that I am lucky enough to live in. You go ahead and be sour grapes but you sound like a spoiled brat.
The problem with the "collective" is government's ability to use it as a means of depriving individuals of rights.

Example: We are taxed and government uses that money to puchase things or acquire land held by the collective. When an individual goes to make use of such land, government says "no you can't. You don't own that land. The Taxpayers do.".

The response: "I am a taxpayer."

Reply: "You are not the collective taxpayers. You are an indivisual."

Thus, the property held in common by "the taxpayers" is really held by no one but those in power.

Here's another:

Q. Who owns this food?
A. The People.
Q. Well, I am a person, one of the people. Can I eat this food?
A. No. It does not belong to you. It belongs to the People.
Q. So who gets to eat it?
A. The People.
Q. I am a person.
A. But, you're not the People.
Yeah, I agree that there are many examples of overreach and corrupt beaurocracy. That doesn’t make the entire system bad
Here's how regulation becomes constructive confiscation:

Regulation: All ammunition is banned.

Another Regulation: All firearms must be disassembled at all times, and all bolt carrier groups must be stored in a locked safe at all times.

Another: Magazines are banned.

Another (suggested in this very thread): All owners shall post a $1,000,000 bond on each firearm owned (or surrender them by XXX date to local law enforcement for distruction).

Another: Each firearm shall be taxed at $25,000 per month.

I could go on.

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--------------------------------- its different , car are not a RIGHT that government would go after . The main reason to not have registration of guns is because of a Healthy distrust of 'government' Slade .
Wtf?! I just went through this with Rustic, y’all are stuck on your talking points and not using your brains. Right or no right makes zero difference in the debate whether regulations equal confiscation. Come on man, wake up.
The collective will never be the friend of the individual
That’s your opinion but I’m pretty damn happy with what the “collective” has built in this country that I am lucky enough to live in. You go ahead and be sour grapes but you sound like a spoiled brat.
The problem with the "collective" is government's ability to use it as a means of depriving individuals of rights.

Example: We are taxed and government uses that money to puchase things or acquire land held by the collective. When an individual goes to make use of such land, government says "no you can't. You don't own that land. The Taxpayers do.".

The response: "I am a taxpayer."

Reply: "You are not the collective taxpayers. You are an indivisual."

Thus, the property held in common by "the taxpayers" is really held by no one but those in power.

Here's another:

Q. Who owns this food?
A. The People.
Q. Well, I am a person, one of the people. Can I eat this food?
A. No. It does not belong to you. It belongs to the People.
Q. So who gets to eat it?
A. The People.
Q. I am a person.
A. But, you're not the People.
Yeah, I agree that there are many examples of overreach and corrupt beaurocracy. That doesn’t make the entire system bad
It makes the entire system untrustworth and suspect. That is the very issue with which Jefferson struggled.
Here's how regulation becomes constructive confiscation:

Regulation: All ammunition is banned.

Another Regulation: All firearms must be disassembled at all times, and all bolt carrier groups must be stored in a locked safe at all times.

Another: Magazines are banned.

Another (suggested in this very thread): All owners shall post a $1,000,000 bond on each forearm owned (or surrender them by XXX date to local law enforcement for distruction).

Another: Each firearm shall be taxed at $25,000 per month.

I could go on.

Paranoid fantasies...but we're used to it
--------------------------------- its different , car are not a RIGHT that government would go after . The main reason to not have registration of guns is because of a Healthy distrust of 'government' Slade .
Wtf?! I just went through this with Rustic, y’all are stuck on your talking points and not using your brains. Right or no right makes zero difference in the debate whether regulations equal confiscation. Come on man, wake up.
The collective will never be the friend of the individual
That’s your opinion but I’m pretty damn happy with what the “collective” has built in this country that I am lucky enough to live in. You go ahead and be sour grapes but you sound like a spoiled brat.
We have no real freedom in this country, the last hundred plus years has been an utter failure...
Career politicians have fucked over the country permanently
I dont know where you live but I feel pretty damn free and am very thankful for the life I lead
People don’t know what they got until it’s gone...
I think that was a Cinderella song?

Freedom has been disappearing for decades
--------------------------------- its different , car are not a RIGHT that government would go after . The main reason to not have registration of guns is because of a Healthy distrust of 'government' Slade .
Wtf?! I just went through this with Rustic, y’all are stuck on your talking points and not using your brains. Right or no right makes zero difference in the debate whether regulations equal confiscation. Come on man, wake up.
The collective will never be the friend of the individual
That’s your opinion but I’m pretty damn happy with what the “collective” has built in this country that I am lucky enough to live in. You go ahead and be sour grapes but you sound like a spoiled brat.
The problem with the "collective" is government's ability to use it as a means of depriving individuals of rights.

Example: We are taxed and government uses that money to puchase things or acquire land held by the collective. When an individual goes to make use of such land, government says "no you can't. You don't own that land. The Taxpayers do.".

The response: "I am a taxpayer."

Reply: "You are not the collective taxpayers. You are an indivisual."

Thus, the property held in common by "the taxpayers" is really held by no one but those in power.

Here's another:

Q. Who owns this food?
A. The People.
Q. Well, I am a person, one of the people. Can I eat this food?
A. No. It does not belong to you. It belongs to the People.
Q. So who gets to eat it?
A. The People.
Q. I am a person.
A. But, you're not the People.
Yeah, I agree that there are many examples of overreach and corrupt beaurocracy. That doesn’t make the entire system bad
Yes it does
Firearm registration = firearm confiscation


one should also stock up on 80 % finished lower billets
Wtf?! I just went through this with Rustic, y’all are stuck on your talking points and not using your brains. Right or no right makes zero difference in the debate whether regulations equal confiscation. Come on man, wake up.
The collective will never be the friend of the individual
That’s your opinion but I’m pretty damn happy with what the “collective” has built in this country that I am lucky enough to live in. You go ahead and be sour grapes but you sound like a spoiled brat.
The problem with the "collective" is government's ability to use it as a means of depriving individuals of rights.

Example: We are taxed and government uses that money to puchase things or acquire land held by the collective. When an individual goes to make use of such land, government says "no you can't. You don't own that land. The Taxpayers do.".

The response: "I am a taxpayer."

Reply: "You are not the collective taxpayers. You are an indivisual."

Thus, the property held in common by "the taxpayers" is really held by no one but those in power.

Here's another:

Q. Who owns this food?
A. The People.
Q. Well, I am a person, one of the people. Can I eat this food?
A. No. It does not belong to you. It belongs to the People.
Q. So who gets to eat it?
A. The People.
Q. I am a person.
A. But, you're not the People.
Yeah, I agree that there are many examples of overreach and corrupt beaurocracy. That doesn’t make the entire system bad
It makes the entire system untrustworth and suspect. That is the very issue with which Jefferson struggled.
Well I’m pretty happy how it’s all worked out. Sorry you’re not
--------------------------------- its different , car are not a RIGHT that government would go after . The main reason to not have registration of guns is because of a Healthy distrust of 'government' Slade .
Wtf?! I just went through this with Rustic, y’all are stuck on your talking points and not using your brains. Right or no right makes zero difference in the debate whether regulations equal confiscation. Come on man, wake up.
The collective will never be the friend of the individual
That’s your opinion but I’m pretty damn happy with what the “collective” has built in this country that I am lucky enough to live in. You go ahead and be sour grapes but you sound like a spoiled brat.
We have no real freedom in this country, the last hundred plus years has been an utter failure...
Career politicians have fucked over the country permanently
I dont know where you live but I feel pretty damn free and am very thankful for the life I lead
-------------------------------------------- i don't know your age but its my observation that younger people are fine with the boot on their neck as they know no different . As example , Mandatory motorcycle helmets . When i started riding in about 1965 it pizzed me off that mandatory helmet laws were starting . Same thing with mandatory seat belts at a later date . Same for restrictions on smoking in privately owned bars and restraunts where the bars owner should be the boss of what happens in his private property Slade . ------------------- a couple example of disappearing Freedom Slade .
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Wtf?! I just went through this with Rustic, y’all are stuck on your talking points and not using your brains. Right or no right makes zero difference in the debate whether regulations equal confiscation. Come on man, wake up.
The collective will never be the friend of the individual
That’s your opinion but I’m pretty damn happy with what the “collective” has built in this country that I am lucky enough to live in. You go ahead and be sour grapes but you sound like a spoiled brat.
We have no real freedom in this country, the last hundred plus years has been an utter failure...
Career politicians have fucked over the country permanently
I dont know where you live but I feel pretty damn free and am very thankful for the life I lead
-------------------------------------------- i don't know your age but its my observation that younger people are fine with the boot on their neck as they know no different . As example , Mandatory motorcycle helmets . when i started riding in about 1965 it pizzed me off that mandatory helmet laws were starting . Same thing with mandatory seat belts at a later date . Same for restrictions on smoking in privately own bars and restraunts where the bars owner should be the boss of what happens in his private property Slade . ------------------- a couple example of disappearing Freedom Slade .
Yep, The federal government/deep state just keep on chipping away. You put a frog in water turn up the heat gradually they don’t know any different...
A well functioning militia in good working order is trained, has a command structure and knows what weapons it’s members have

I'm not in a militia, dingus. You can be sure that when I am I'll let my commanding officer know what I'm bringing to bear.
But the NRA tells us everyone is part of the militia
Everyone of us has a right to private firearm ownership and that is no one else’s business, and certainly not the federal governments business
Wtf?! I just went through this with Rustic, y’all are stuck on your talking points and not using your brains. Right or no right makes zero difference in the debate whether regulations equal confiscation. Come on man, wake up.
The collective will never be the friend of the individual
That’s your opinion but I’m pretty damn happy with what the “collective” has built in this country that I am lucky enough to live in. You go ahead and be sour grapes but you sound like a spoiled brat.
We have no real freedom in this country, the last hundred plus years has been an utter failure...
Career politicians have fucked over the country permanently
I dont know where you live but I feel pretty damn free and am very thankful for the life I lead
-------------------------------------------- i don't know your age but its my observation that younger people are fine with the boot on their neck as they know no different . As example , Mandatory motorcycle helmets . When i started riding in about 1965 it pizzed me off that mandatory helmet laws were starting . Same thing with mandatory seat belts at a later date . Same for restrictions on smoking in privately owned bars and restraunts where the bars owner should be the boss of what happens in his private property Slade . ------------------- a couple example of disappearing Freedom Slade .
I’m 39, have houses in Texas and California and split my time between both states. You can ride helmet free in Texas but your highly regulated in California. The difference in regulations are noticeable but not enough to have a tremendous impact on my life. I pretty much do what I want when I want no matter where I am. We are all lucky to live in this great country.
its the PRINCIPLE that government is overstepping its bounds Slade .
So what’s your point? I don’t like big government, I speak out when I see gov overstep and be wasteful. But I’m not crying about not being free in America like you both are doing. Grow up
The collective will never be the friend of the individual
That’s your opinion but I’m pretty damn happy with what the “collective” has built in this country that I am lucky enough to live in. You go ahead and be sour grapes but you sound like a spoiled brat.
We have no real freedom in this country, the last hundred plus years has been an utter failure...
Career politicians have fucked over the country permanently
I dont know where you live but I feel pretty damn free and am very thankful for the life I lead
-------------------------------------------- i don't know your age but its my observation that younger people are fine with the boot on their neck as they know no different . As example , Mandatory motorcycle helmets . When i started riding in about 1965 it pizzed me off that mandatory helmet laws were starting . Same thing with mandatory seat belts at a later date . Same for restrictions on smoking in privately owned bars and restraunts where the bars owner should be the boss of what happens in his private property Slade . ------------------- a couple example of disappearing Freedom Slade .
I’m 39, have houses in Texas and California and split my time between both states. You can ride helmet free in Texas but your highly regulated in California. The difference in regulations are noticeable but not enough to have a tremendous impact on my life. I pretty much do what I want when I want no matter where I am. We are all lucky to live in this great country.
That is fine, just don’t expect anyone else to have the same views
[chuckle] haven't heard me cry . i just note reality . Freedom is being strangled by all sorts of rules and regulation in this USA . I don't cry because i figure that i got the best of the USA in my 70 years although my parents had it a bit better but i partially lived in their times . I figure that my Generation is the last Generation of Real Americans as i watch you youngers and your kids being replaced by third world foreigners Slade .
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