Firearms registration would be unconstitutional and virtually impossible in the US

Hmmm...the numbers are not correct.
"The numbers" argument is a post hoc fallacy and proves nothing.

Two facts prove my claim:
1: 'Assault weapons" were not confiscated under the ban, so the number available did not decline
2: New 'assault weeapons' were manufactured and sold under the ban (see below) so the number available increased

The 1994 AWB did nothing to reduce access to 'assault weapons', so it could not have "worked".

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Since it didn't ban any guns, how did it work?

Actually, Clinton's AWB was responsible for the biggest export of firearms into the US. Warehouses in Russia, China, and Europe were packed full of surplus firearms that weren't covered by the AWB, and some enterprising capitalists saw a good opportunity to fill the void. Millions of semi-automatic pistols and rifles were imported into the US, by simply making a few minor modifications. Among those were the SKS rifle from Russia and China. Stock 10-round magazines that could easily be replaced with a 20 or 30-round "duckbil" magazine. They could be made to fire full-auto by simply holding them a certain way, and causing them to "bump-fire"

Russia and China also exported an unknown millions of WW2-era bolt-action riffles, like the Mosin-Nagant. Those could be bought for $30 back during Clinton's ban. Russia and China also flooded the country with billions of rounds of cheap ammunition.

Those were good times, yup.

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