Firefighters call Trumps comments reckless and insulting

If we hold hands and believe in climate change real hard there will be no more fires.
There you go again Proving you're a trumpette simp Guess you think these last 5 or 6 fires labeled the worst in history have nothing to do with climate change?

3500 fires a year in California for the last 5 years........Historically it has been up and down in numbers........THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF FIRE A YEAR IN CALIFORNIA for OVER A 100 YEARS..............

No amount of ..........what caused it...............who done gonna change it........There WILL BE FIRES there EVERY YEAR.................

The problem is the dense forest...........and millions of dead trees............causing a raging inferno when a fire happens...............

5 times the number of trees per acre from back in time..............POWDER KEG...........The forest must be thinned....and loggers need to come back in and use the wood instead of waste it.............and more controlled burns............But the Timber industry is dead...................Regulations and home cost increases........

Learn or Burn California.
If we hold hands and believe in climate change real hard there will be no more fires.
There you go again Proving you're a trumpette simp Guess you think these last 5 or 6 fires labeled the worst in history have nothing to do with climate change?
3500 fires a year in California .......last 5 years.............The only difference is that the growth is too dense causing FIRE BOMBS.............
If we hold hands and believe in climate change real hard there will be no more fires.
There you go again Proving you're a trumpette simp Guess you think these last 5 or 6 fires labeled the worst in history have nothing to do with climate change?
They are the worst in history because the dead brush and bark beetle infested trees are allowed to remain and grow.
Could be.

i don't understand this need to make our leaders into flawless creatures. They are flawed one does good all.the time. No one is all evil. Why can't we admit that?

I think it inspires people to idolize their leaders. Democrats did the same thing with Obama.
Republicans remind me of the walking dead

Even Neil Young knows
No, it's you people that are the walking dead. Trump has like, magic powers over you reanimated corpses. Everything he does, you automatically attack him for, even when he's right.

Seriously, when I actually see Democraps defending MS-13 a notoriously violent gang of criminals, simply because Trump said they were bad...... you guys are zombies. Just mindlessly opposing everything Trump says.

If Trump came out tomorrow sayings the moon landings were not faked, you people would be talking about all the evidence that they were faked.

Even Neil Young knows
Rock legend Neil Young, who lost his home in the wildfires sweeping through the Malibu area, lashed out at President Donald Trump for his denial of climate science.

Last week, Trump blamed the fire damage on “gross mismanagement” of forests in California and threatened to cut off federal funding. In response, Young slammed “our so-called president,” saying the real reason wasn’t mismanagement, but climate change.

“The extreme weather events and our extended drought is part of it,” Young wrote on his website, adding:

“Our temperatures are higher than ever here in our hottest summer on record. That has not helped. DT seems to be the Denier. (I’m holding back and not using the word liar just because it rhymes with denier). It really is time for a reckoning with this unfit leader. Maybe our new Congress can help. I sure hope so.”

Some 400 square miles have burned in California, leaving 150,000 people displaced. In the northern part of the state, 29 people were killed in the Camp Fire, which also destroyed more than 6,700 buildings. In the south, fires killed two people and destroyed at least 180 structures in the Malibu area.

So you agree with blaming climate change

No I don't believe climate change is the primary factor. And the reason for this is basic logic. How much can a fire burn, if it has no fuel? Well it can't. It doesn't matter how hot things get, if there is no fuel, there is no fire.

Death Valley routinely reaches 120 degrees. Yet you don't hear about the massive fire storms sweeping through death valley, because there is nothing (or little) to burn.

Wild fires in California are as old as California has been a state. But up till about the late 70s early 80s, California had an active policy of thinning the trees and clearing underbrush, especially in areas closer to residences and populations.

Then the left-wing eco-freaks decided to slowly clamp down on the lumber industry, and reduce, if not eliminate forestry.

The result is not surprising to those of us on the right-wing, that now fires burn faster, hotter, and consume larger areas, and result in more deaths than in the past.

Even some people in the forestry industry are saying this pro-earth policy is a disaster, because now fires are burning so hot, it scorches the soil so bad that they can't replant.

Now does climate change have an effect? Of course. No one denies that the Earth has been warming since the last ice age. And obviously more heat does have an effect. But to claim that this effect is significant, or primary, in the face of the massive effects of bad policy by left-wingers in California..... no. That is ridiculous. The primary fault is bad California policies.

3500 fires a year in California for the last 5 years........Historically it has been up and down in numbers........THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF FIRE A YEAR IN CALIFORNIA for OVER A 100 YEARS..............

No amount of ..........what caused it...............who done gonna change it........There WILL BE FIRES there EVERY YEAR.................

The problem is the dense forest...........and millions of dead trees............causing a raging inferno when a fire happens...............

5 times the number of trees per acre from back in time..............POWDER KEG...........The forest must be thinned....and loggers need to come back in and use the wood instead of waste it.............and more controlled burns............But the Timber industry is dead...................Regulations and home cost increases........

Learn or Burn California.
So by omitting drought you think that has nothing to do with it?
Lack Of Controlled Burns Contributing To California Wildfires

California’s devastating wildfires have been fueled by drought, heat and what Calfire calls missed opportunities to clear overgrown forests.

Controlled burns, fuel load, vegetation management – these are buzz words being thrown around the state capital right now. While the state is making all that a priority, the fact of the matter is it hasn’t for decades and we are dealing with the consequences.
The new normal California faces is a year-round fire season. But if you ask any fire official, these flames are fueled by more than hotter, drier weather. They’re also fueled by unchecked growth.

“After aggressively suppressing fires for the last 100 years we have put our forests in a state of peril,” said Calfire Chief Thom Porter.

As a result, our communities are also in peril. It’s a situation largely of our own making, says Calfire.

By abstaining from controlled burns year after year, unchecked growth has multiplied, dried out and created a tinderbox. The overgrowth has fueled deadly, out-of-control wildfires like the Carr Fire near Redding that took the lives of a four- and five-year-old.

That same fire killed two firefighters and injured three from Marin County when flames hit a big path of dry, overgrown brush.

“Prescribed burns alone will not stop that, but it is a tool that we can use to reduce the effect of those large fires,” said Porter.

Calfire currently has a goal of burning 20,000 acres a year, a goal put into place in 2016.

Last year.. Calfire came close with 19,000 acres control-burned. But two years ago, only 13,000 acres were burned while the previous three years each saw only around 3,000 acres burned.

“If we had made this investment 10 or 20 years ago we would have seen – in some areas – smaller, less damaging fires.”
I think it inspires people to idolize their leaders. Democrats did the same thing with Obama.
Republicans remind me of the walking dead

Even Neil Young knows
No, it's you people that are the walking dead. Trump has like, magic powers over you reanimated corpses. Everything he does, you automatically attack him for, even when he's right.

Seriously, when I actually see Democraps defending MS-13 a notoriously violent gang of criminals, simply because Trump said they were bad...... you guys are zombies. Just mindlessly opposing everything Trump says.

If Trump came out tomorrow sayings the moon landings were not faked, you people would be talking about all the evidence that they were faked.

Even Neil Young knows
Rock legend Neil Young, who lost his home in the wildfires sweeping through the Malibu area, lashed out at President Donald Trump for his denial of climate science.

Last week, Trump blamed the fire damage on “gross mismanagement” of forests in California and threatened to cut off federal funding. In response, Young slammed “our so-called president,” saying the real reason wasn’t mismanagement, but climate change.

“The extreme weather events and our extended drought is part of it,” Young wrote on his website, adding:

“Our temperatures are higher than ever here in our hottest summer on record. That has not helped. DT seems to be the Denier. (I’m holding back and not using the word liar just because it rhymes with denier). It really is time for a reckoning with this unfit leader. Maybe our new Congress can help. I sure hope so.”

Some 400 square miles have burned in California, leaving 150,000 people displaced. In the northern part of the state, 29 people were killed in the Camp Fire, which also destroyed more than 6,700 buildings. In the south, fires killed two people and destroyed at least 180 structures in the Malibu area.

What does Neil Young know about anything? Who cares what he says? Are you seriously suggesting we should give a crap what Neil Young says about national policy?

If he's a respected authority in your world, then why not listen to Kanye West? Crazy people.

Second, what does this have to do with Trump? Are you such an idiot that you think if only Trump believed in man-made climate change, that magically your forest fires would cease to exist? That somehow a camp fire would never have been lit, and never started burning down homes?

Obama completely believed in man-made global warming, and yet there were 5 devastating wild fires in California, that burned over 1.2 Million hectares of land, and 300 buildings were burned to the ground, and 2 people were killed.

Neil is an idiot. Trump is still absolutely correct. The reason these fires are so bad, is because California eliminated cutting trees, and clearing underbrush, which they used to do.

Please explain how Obama's belief in man-made global warming, failed to magically prevent that? I mean if you are going to blame Trump for a wild fire because he doesn't believe that man is the cause of global warming, then explain how Obama belief that man is causing global warming didn't prevent those wild fires?

And by the way.... idiot.... those left-wing Democrap morons in California all believe in man made global warming.... so why didn't their belief prevent those fires? After all, they should be taking steps to deal with it... right? Since they believe it?

You people are the dumbest bunch of mindless apes.....
LOL Neil young makes the AH in our WH look like a 1st grade student He lies and you folks eat it up And you calling anyone an idiot is a laugh You are one stupid trumpette

Before you start talking about how other people look like 1st graders..... I would honestly suggest that you stop typing posts like a 1st grader. That post was barely English.

3500 fires a year in California for the last 5 years........Historically it has been up and down in numbers........THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF FIRE A YEAR IN CALIFORNIA for OVER A 100 YEARS..............

No amount of ..........what caused it...............who done gonna change it........There WILL BE FIRES there EVERY YEAR.................

The problem is the dense forest...........and millions of dead trees............causing a raging inferno when a fire happens...............

5 times the number of trees per acre from back in time..............POWDER KEG...........The forest must be thinned....and loggers need to come back in and use the wood instead of waste it.............and more controlled burns............But the Timber industry is dead...................Regulations and home cost increases........

Learn or Burn California.
So by omitting drought you think that has nothing to do with it?
California is always dry...........has deserts...........more trees means more water consumption by the trees competing for the water............too many trees they die............become powder kegs............

Not doing the controlled burns for decades has helped cause this.......killing the logging industry has done this..........people not buying and building houses because of costs has caused this..................

If proper management was done.............the large fires would be less likely...............and easier to fight.........With dense dead trees everywhere and the fighters are screwed when they go.............

Another article showed over 6 million dead trees in California...........from old fires and bugs...........useless use of over 6 million trees........and fires from hell................

I can post some of that can look it's true............

LEARN OR BURN.........that includes the BLM and Federal lands.

How about some of the Federal lands being developed for lower cost housing........that aren't too far from population centers so people can stop living in tents.
Republicans remind me of the walking dead

Even Neil Young knows
No, it's you people that are the walking dead. Trump has like, magic powers over you reanimated corpses. Everything he does, you automatically attack him for, even when he's right.

Seriously, when I actually see Democraps defending MS-13 a notoriously violent gang of criminals, simply because Trump said they were bad...... you guys are zombies. Just mindlessly opposing everything Trump says.

If Trump came out tomorrow sayings the moon landings were not faked, you people would be talking about all the evidence that they were faked.

Even Neil Young knows
Rock legend Neil Young, who lost his home in the wildfires sweeping through the Malibu area, lashed out at President Donald Trump for his denial of climate science.

Last week, Trump blamed the fire damage on “gross mismanagement” of forests in California and threatened to cut off federal funding. In response, Young slammed “our so-called president,” saying the real reason wasn’t mismanagement, but climate change.

“The extreme weather events and our extended drought is part of it,” Young wrote on his website, adding:

“Our temperatures are higher than ever here in our hottest summer on record. That has not helped. DT seems to be the Denier. (I’m holding back and not using the word liar just because it rhymes with denier). It really is time for a reckoning with this unfit leader. Maybe our new Congress can help. I sure hope so.”

Some 400 square miles have burned in California, leaving 150,000 people displaced. In the northern part of the state, 29 people were killed in the Camp Fire, which also destroyed more than 6,700 buildings. In the south, fires killed two people and destroyed at least 180 structures in the Malibu area.

What does Neil Young know about anything? Who cares what he says? Are you seriously suggesting we should give a crap what Neil Young says about national policy?

If he's a respected authority in your world, then why not listen to Kanye West? Crazy people.

Second, what does this have to do with Trump? Are you such an idiot that you think if only Trump believed in man-made climate change, that magically your forest fires would cease to exist? That somehow a camp fire would never have been lit, and never started burning down homes?

Obama completely believed in man-made global warming, and yet there were 5 devastating wild fires in California, that burned over 1.2 Million hectares of land, and 300 buildings were burned to the ground, and 2 people were killed.

Neil is an idiot. Trump is still absolutely correct. The reason these fires are so bad, is because California eliminated cutting trees, and clearing underbrush, which they used to do.

Please explain how Obama's belief in man-made global warming, failed to magically prevent that? I mean if you are going to blame Trump for a wild fire because he doesn't believe that man is the cause of global warming, then explain how Obama belief that man is causing global warming didn't prevent those wild fires?

And by the way.... idiot.... those left-wing Democrap morons in California all believe in man made global warming.... so why didn't their belief prevent those fires? After all, they should be taking steps to deal with it... right? Since they believe it?

You people are the dumbest bunch of mindless apes.....
LOL Neil young makes the AH in our WH look like a 1st grade student He lies and you folks eat it up And you calling anyone an idiot is a laugh You are one stupid trumpette

Before you start talking about how other people look like 1st graders..... I would honestly suggest that you stop typing posts like a 1st grader. That post was barely English.
I sure beat the shit out of Trumps tweets And sorry you couldn't understand my last post Go to the back of the 1st grade class you must be in

Now add in the Federal Land fires..............7k to 10k a year

It's not just California with the problem but the BLM as well............Need to start logging the trees again.

There should be no BLM. This is California's land, it's their problem.
Vast areas of the west are owned by the Federal Gov't...........I posted the stats for those fires as well............both are accountable for mismanagement of land......

I've long supported the States getting more of the land...........and not so much to the feds.

3500 fires a year in California for the last 5 years........Historically it has been up and down in numbers........THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF FIRE A YEAR IN CALIFORNIA for OVER A 100 YEARS..............

No amount of ..........what caused it...............who done gonna change it........There WILL BE FIRES there EVERY YEAR.................

The problem is the dense forest...........and millions of dead trees............causing a raging inferno when a fire happens...............

5 times the number of trees per acre from back in time..............POWDER KEG...........The forest must be thinned....and loggers need to come back in and use the wood instead of waste it.............and more controlled burns............But the Timber industry is dead...................Regulations and home cost increases........

Learn or Burn California.
So by omitting drought you think that has nothing to do with it?
California is always dry...........has deserts...........more trees means more water consumption by the trees competing for the water............too many trees they die............become powder kegs............

Not doing the controlled burns for decades has helped cause this.......killing the logging industry has done this..........people not buying and building houses because of costs has caused this..................

If proper management was done.............the large fires would be less likely...............and easier to fight.........With dense dead trees everywhere and the fighters are screwed when they go.............

Another article showed over 6 million dead trees in California...........from old fires and bugs...........useless use of over 6 million trees........and fires from hell................

I can post some of that can look it's true............

LEARN OR BURN.........that includes the BLM and Federal lands.

How about some of the Federal lands being developed for lower cost housing........that aren't too far from population centers so people can stop living in tents.
Eagle I don't disagree with you at all Better care has to be taken
Even Neil Young knows
No, it's you people that are the walking dead. Trump has like, magic powers over you reanimated corpses. Everything he does, you automatically attack him for, even when he's right.

Seriously, when I actually see Democraps defending MS-13 a notoriously violent gang of criminals, simply because Trump said they were bad...... you guys are zombies. Just mindlessly opposing everything Trump says.

If Trump came out tomorrow sayings the moon landings were not faked, you people would be talking about all the evidence that they were faked.

Even Neil Young knows
Rock legend Neil Young, who lost his home in the wildfires sweeping through the Malibu area, lashed out at President Donald Trump for his denial of climate science.

Last week, Trump blamed the fire damage on “gross mismanagement” of forests in California and threatened to cut off federal funding. In response, Young slammed “our so-called president,” saying the real reason wasn’t mismanagement, but climate change.

“The extreme weather events and our extended drought is part of it,” Young wrote on his website, adding:

“Our temperatures are higher than ever here in our hottest summer on record. That has not helped. DT seems to be the Denier. (I’m holding back and not using the word liar just because it rhymes with denier). It really is time for a reckoning with this unfit leader. Maybe our new Congress can help. I sure hope so.”

Some 400 square miles have burned in California, leaving 150,000 people displaced. In the northern part of the state, 29 people were killed in the Camp Fire, which also destroyed more than 6,700 buildings. In the south, fires killed two people and destroyed at least 180 structures in the Malibu area.

What does Neil Young know about anything? Who cares what he says? Are you seriously suggesting we should give a crap what Neil Young says about national policy?

If he's a respected authority in your world, then why not listen to Kanye West? Crazy people.

Second, what does this have to do with Trump? Are you such an idiot that you think if only Trump believed in man-made climate change, that magically your forest fires would cease to exist? That somehow a camp fire would never have been lit, and never started burning down homes?

Obama completely believed in man-made global warming, and yet there were 5 devastating wild fires in California, that burned over 1.2 Million hectares of land, and 300 buildings were burned to the ground, and 2 people were killed.

Neil is an idiot. Trump is still absolutely correct. The reason these fires are so bad, is because California eliminated cutting trees, and clearing underbrush, which they used to do.

Please explain how Obama's belief in man-made global warming, failed to magically prevent that? I mean if you are going to blame Trump for a wild fire because he doesn't believe that man is the cause of global warming, then explain how Obama belief that man is causing global warming didn't prevent those wild fires?

And by the way.... idiot.... those left-wing Democrap morons in California all believe in man made global warming.... so why didn't their belief prevent those fires? After all, they should be taking steps to deal with it... right? Since they believe it?

You people are the dumbest bunch of mindless apes.....
LOL Neil young makes the AH in our WH look like a 1st grade student He lies and you folks eat it up And you calling anyone an idiot is a laugh You are one stupid trumpette

Before you start talking about how other people look like 1st graders..... I would honestly suggest that you stop typing posts like a 1st grader. That post was barely English.
I sure beat the shit out of Trumps tweets And sorry you couldn't understand my last post Go to the back of the 1st grade class you must be in
Mismanagement of the land is the cause of these massive fires.........His tweets........while taken harshly for the timing ............are spot on about why these fires are so massive now..............

However, we need to look at the Federal Lands as well. ALL have been mismanaged for decades.
California timber industry maybe 'piece of the puzzle' to help reduce state's wildfire risk

'Wake-up call for California'
According to the California Forestry Association, tree density in the Sierra Nevada is too high when compared with the region's historical rates, creating an elevated fire hazard. It estimates there was an average of 40 trees per acre in the Sierras roughly 150 years ago but puts that number today at hundreds of trees per acre.

"Fire used to naturally go through the forest, and with 40 trees per acre, the fire will mostly stay on the ground, without creating a catastrophe," said Rich Gordon, president and CEO of the association, which represents the timber industry. "This has been a wake-up call for California. We have to do something different to prevent these catastrophic fires."

As Gordon sees it, large tree growth plus a history of fire suppression and reduced timber activity have created an unnatural setting of continuous fuels. Moreover, he said it's led to too many trees competing for water during droughts.

"The industry is certainly prepared to assist and encourage and support the thinning of our forests," said Gordon. "We can actually have more resilient, fire resistant forests if we thin them a little bit."

Wood agrees that the selective removal of trees to reduce fuels and a more robust timber strategy in the state "can be a piece of the puzzle" to reduce the fire risk.

Another thing they did not mention, is that I have read articles talking about biomass powered electric plants. They closed them down, because it didn't "burn as clean" supposedly. But those biomass power plants, would help to clear underbrush.

That underbrush that builds up a large layer of burnable fuel, is what allows the fires to burn so hot they end up catching the trees on fire.
"the fire will mostly stay on the ground"
That's where those biomass burning power plants used to play a part in reducing the wild fire dangers.
California timber industry maybe 'piece of the puzzle' to help reduce state's wildfire risk

'Wake-up call for California'
According to the California Forestry Association, tree density in the Sierra Nevada is too high when compared with the region's historical rates, creating an elevated fire hazard. It estimates there was an average of 40 trees per acre in the Sierras roughly 150 years ago but puts that number today at hundreds of trees per acre.

"Fire used to naturally go through the forest, and with 40 trees per acre, the fire will mostly stay on the ground, without creating a catastrophe," said Rich Gordon, president and CEO of the association, which represents the timber industry. "This has been a wake-up call for California. We have to do something different to prevent these catastrophic fires."

As Gordon sees it, large tree growth plus a history of fire suppression and reduced timber activity have created an unnatural setting of continuous fuels. Moreover, he said it's led to too many trees competing for water during droughts.

"The industry is certainly prepared to assist and encourage and support the thinning of our forests," said Gordon. "We can actually have more resilient, fire resistant forests if we thin them a little bit."

Wood agrees that the selective removal of trees to reduce fuels and a more robust timber strategy in the state "can be a piece of the puzzle" to reduce the fire risk.

Another thing they did not mention, is that I have read articles talking about biomass powered electric plants. They closed them down, because it didn't "burn as clean" supposedly. But those biomass power plants, would help to clear underbrush.

That underbrush that builds up a large layer of burnable fuel, is what allows the fires to burn so hot they end up catching the trees on fire.
"the fire will mostly stay on the ground"
That's where those biomass burning power plants used to play a part in reducing the wild fire dangers.
Plants put out ppm per million in bad stuff............but are used to provide electricity to the to build and has been around to lessen their impact................Billions spent down where i'm from to put them into the plants.............. avoiding the controlled burns and the loggers they are paying a HELL OF A PRICE........with uncontrolled fires burning whole cities down..................wasted forest........emitting mountains of CO2........way more than if they had been used for our benefit instead of burning millions of acres...............not to mention paper products and wood.............

Over 6 million trees WASTED........rotted to the point of uselessness except for burning the world down.
Even Neil Young knows
Rock legend Neil Young, who lost his home in the wildfires sweeping through the Malibu area, lashed out at President Donald Trump for his denial of climate science.

Last week, Trump blamed the fire damage on “gross mismanagement” of forests in California and threatened to cut off federal funding. In response, Young slammed “our so-called president,” saying the real reason wasn’t mismanagement, but climate change.

“The extreme weather events and our extended drought is part of it,” Young wrote on his website, adding:

“Our temperatures are higher than ever here in our hottest summer on record. That has not helped. DT seems to be the Denier. (I’m holding back and not using the word liar just because it rhymes with denier). It really is time for a reckoning with this unfit leader. Maybe our new Congress can help. I sure hope so.”

Some 400 square miles have burned in California, leaving 150,000 people displaced. In the northern part of the state, 29 people were killed in the Camp Fire, which also destroyed more than 6,700 buildings. In the south, fires killed two people and destroyed at least 180 structures in the Malibu area.

What does Neil Young know about anything? Who cares what he says? Are you seriously suggesting we should give a crap what Neil Young says about national policy?

If he's a respected authority in your world, then why not listen to Kanye West? Crazy people.

Second, what does this have to do with Trump? Are you such an idiot that you think if only Trump believed in man-made climate change, that magically your forest fires would cease to exist? That somehow a camp fire would never have been lit, and never started burning down homes?

Obama completely believed in man-made global warming, and yet there were 5 devastating wild fires in California, that burned over 1.2 Million hectares of land, and 300 buildings were burned to the ground, and 2 people were killed.

Neil is an idiot. Trump is still absolutely correct. The reason these fires are so bad, is because California eliminated cutting trees, and clearing underbrush, which they used to do.

Please explain how Obama's belief in man-made global warming, failed to magically prevent that? I mean if you are going to blame Trump for a wild fire because he doesn't believe that man is the cause of global warming, then explain how Obama belief that man is causing global warming didn't prevent those wild fires?

And by the way.... idiot.... those left-wing Democrap morons in California all believe in man made global warming.... so why didn't their belief prevent those fires? After all, they should be taking steps to deal with it... right? Since they believe it?

You people are the dumbest bunch of mindless apes.....
LOL Neil young makes the AH in our WH look like a 1st grade student He lies and you folks eat it up And you calling anyone an idiot is a laugh You are one stupid trumpette

Before you start talking about how other people look like 1st graders..... I would honestly suggest that you stop typing posts like a 1st grader. That post was barely English.
I sure beat the shit out of Trumps tweets And sorry you couldn't understand my last post Go to the back of the 1st grade class you must be in
Mismanagement of the land is the cause of these massive fires.........His tweets........while taken harshly for the timing ............are spot on about why these fires are so massive now..............

However, we need to look at the Federal Lands as well. ALL have been mismanaged for decades.
My question to you eagle is how many men would be needed to make those million or so acres more safe?During 2018, a total of 7,579 fires had burned an area of 1,667,855 acres (6,749.57 km2), the largest amount of burned acreage recorded in a California fire season, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and the National Interagency Fire Center, as of November 11.
What does Neil Young know about anything? Who cares what he says? Are you seriously suggesting we should give a crap what Neil Young says about national policy?

If he's a respected authority in your world, then why not listen to Kanye West? Crazy people.

Second, what does this have to do with Trump? Are you such an idiot that you think if only Trump believed in man-made climate change, that magically your forest fires would cease to exist? That somehow a camp fire would never have been lit, and never started burning down homes?

Obama completely believed in man-made global warming, and yet there were 5 devastating wild fires in California, that burned over 1.2 Million hectares of land, and 300 buildings were burned to the ground, and 2 people were killed.

Neil is an idiot. Trump is still absolutely correct. The reason these fires are so bad, is because California eliminated cutting trees, and clearing underbrush, which they used to do.

Please explain how Obama's belief in man-made global warming, failed to magically prevent that? I mean if you are going to blame Trump for a wild fire because he doesn't believe that man is the cause of global warming, then explain how Obama belief that man is causing global warming didn't prevent those wild fires?

And by the way.... idiot.... those left-wing Democrap morons in California all believe in man made global warming.... so why didn't their belief prevent those fires? After all, they should be taking steps to deal with it... right? Since they believe it?

You people are the dumbest bunch of mindless apes.....
LOL Neil young makes the AH in our WH look like a 1st grade student He lies and you folks eat it up And you calling anyone an idiot is a laugh You are one stupid trumpette

Before you start talking about how other people look like 1st graders..... I would honestly suggest that you stop typing posts like a 1st grader. That post was barely English.
I sure beat the shit out of Trumps tweets And sorry you couldn't understand my last post Go to the back of the 1st grade class you must be in
Mismanagement of the land is the cause of these massive fires.........His tweets........while taken harshly for the timing ............are spot on about why these fires are so massive now..............

However, we need to look at the Federal Lands as well. ALL have been mismanaged for decades.
My question to you eagle is how many men would be needed to make those million or so acres more safe?During 2018, a total of 7,579 fires had burned an area of 1,667,855 acres (6,749.57 km2), the largest amount of burned acreage recorded in a California fire season, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and the National Interagency Fire Center, as of November 11.
I don't know that answer..............but I do know that this neglect is decades old...............Allowing them to harvest the trees doesn't cost anything if regulations are relaxed to get rid of the red tape.............which is local, state , and federal there..........

Allow them to get the wood out without so many regulations and they will start thinning the forests without cost to the taxpayers...........Decade old problems will not fix themselves over night........

California Proposes to Relax Logging Regulations

Faced with ongoing catastrophic fires, and the certainty that they will only worsen in the future, California finally demonstrates some common sense. Without admitting that they were wrong, and actually the cause of the conditions that have resulted in the catastrophic fire threat, California Governor Jerry Brown has relaxed logging restrictions “to mitigate climate change fire risk.” Somehow CO2 prevented California from thinning our their forests and maintaining healthy and safe conditions.

Timber industry officials say the changes are needed to cut red tape and increase incentives for landowners, particularly in the Sierra Nevada, to thin pine and fir forests that have become dangerously overgrown after 100 years of fire fighting.

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