Firefighters call Trumps comments reckless and insulting

Did you know that in California when a dead tree falls the forest service can remove it from a roadway to the side of the road...they can cut it into smaller pieces but they by law must leave it right where it is to mulch.....or burn hotter than the blazes if a fire rolls through.....its a mental disorder to worry more for worms and termites than homes and lives...California is being managed by crazy people....
I just saw the absolute worst video I’ve ever seen in my life. People were in their car, an entire family, and they were freaking out because the traffic was at a standstill and everything was burning all around them.

No cars were moving and they were just freaking out.

They were hoping their windows wouldn’t shatter. They had their air conditioner on high but they said the windows felt really hot.

So they made it. They’re in a hotel.
One guy, a veteran, is 85, and he said it’s the first time in his life that he’s been homeless.

In another car, the father was singing to his little kids because they were so scared.

And this was Trump's fault?
Gee, I never thought of that. Is that your suggestion?
It seems like only Republicans get happy when peoples lives are ruined. I just don’t understand this kind of people. This kind of awful.
As the flames leapt from house to house one group of men ran into the flames undeterred by the heat. They had no fear.

Those would be the looters.
It seems like only Republicans get happy when peoples lives are ruined. I just don’t understand this kind of people. This kind of awful.
Who's happy about it, dumbass. Dims, on the other hand, deliberately try to ruin people's lives.
Could be.

i don't understand this need to make our leaders into flawless creatures. They are flawed one does good all.the time. No one is all evil. Why can't we admit that?

I think it inspires people to idolize their leaders. Democrats did the same thing with Obama.
Republicans remind me of the walking dead

Even Neil Young knows
No, it's you people that are the walking dead. Trump has like, magic powers over you reanimated corpses. Everything he does, you automatically attack him for, even when he's right.

Seriously, when I actually see Democraps defending MS-13 a notoriously violent gang of criminals, simply because Trump said they were bad...... you guys are zombies. Just mindlessly opposing everything Trump says.

If Trump came out tomorrow sayings the moon landings were not faked, you people would be talking about all the evidence that they were faked.

Even Neil Young knows
Rock legend Neil Young, who lost his home in the wildfires sweeping through the Malibu area, lashed out at President Donald Trump for his denial of climate science.

Last week, Trump blamed the fire damage on “gross mismanagement” of forests in California and threatened to cut off federal funding. In response, Young slammed “our so-called president,” saying the real reason wasn’t mismanagement, but climate change.

“The extreme weather events and our extended drought is part of it,” Young wrote on his website, adding:

“Our temperatures are higher than ever here in our hottest summer on record. That has not helped. DT seems to be the Denier. (I’m holding back and not using the word liar just because it rhymes with denier). It really is time for a reckoning with this unfit leader. Maybe our new Congress can help. I sure hope so.”

Some 400 square miles have burned in California, leaving 150,000 people displaced. In the northern part of the state, 29 people were killed in the Camp Fire, which also destroyed more than 6,700 buildings. In the south, fires killed two people and destroyed at least 180 structures in the Malibu area.
Young is a musician. He should stick to what he's good at. No one gives a fuck about his opinions on man made global warming.
Sometimes bri people who excel at one thing are pretty damn good at others
How many trees dried out due to 'climate change...'

The Mojave Desert takes up a lot of California, which has always been one of the driest states. Trees drying out have been dry in warm weather since the year one. The argument that climate change did it is absurd, and the Democrats using this situation to further smear President Trump is just plain looney!

But nothing is to much of a lie to use it as an excuse for Democrats to smear Republicans as much as they can. Good grief, the French believe the mirage the Demmies have farted out on the internet. And they gave President the shun shit when he visited there too. :puhleeze: But not to worry, the Demmies have to get even, as they're in their planning rooms planning the next lying strategy to one-up President Trump.
I have both Republican friends & family in northern Calif, they are sick over the death & destruction there, and are not happy that Trump disrespects the state because its more Democrat than Republican.
That's not true and you know it, too. Just you link to President Trump saying such an unheard of thing! He never said he disrespected the State of California. He never said he disrespects a state because it is Democrat in its majority. Knowing that they planted too many trees and never did anything about thinning the trees out after planting only points out that it WAS dereliction of duty on the part of Forest Management in the area where entire communities were wiped out, the homes of thousands of people were burned down, and the whole nine yards.

Failure to thin the trees out to 40 per acre led to the heinous nature of this particular fire, and after the trees were harvested a decade or so ago, they were overplanted, then left to become the one of the largest fire hazard areas on the planet. They better put a new class on the agenda in California colleges called "Do the right thing."
Yeah he doesn't disrespect blue states Just screw with their taxes and deductions

Yeah he doesn't disrespect blue states Just screw with their taxes and deductions

Linky, linky, twinky.
How many trees dried out due to 'climate change...'

The Mojave Desert takes up a lot of California, which has always been one of the driest states. Trees drying out have been dry in warm weather since the year one. The argument that climate change did it is absurd

LOS ANGELES — The death toll from the Camp fire in the Northern California town of Paradise jumped to 42 Monday, making the deadliest fire in state history, as President Donald Trump approved a major disaster declaration for the state.

Officials said they recovered the remains of 13 additional victims Monday as teams continued search the burned-out remains of thousands of lost homes.

Trump's move came just two days after he criticized California, erroneously claiming that poor forest management caused the fires of the last week and threatened to cut off funding. His comments were met with widespread outrage from both California officials and many firefighters.

But on Monday, Trump struck a more conciliatory note.

"I just approved an expedited request for a Major Disaster Declaration for the State of California," he wrote on Twitter. "Wanted to respond quickly in order to alleviate some of the incredible suffering going on. I am with you all the way. God Bless all of the victims and families affected."
CAL FIRE - Climate Change Program
Our backpeddaler n' chief needs to pay Malibu a visit....

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Firefighters don't have a thing to do with land management.

The State Land Commission manages California land and the BLM manages Federal land.
It seems like only Republicans get happy when peoples lives are ruined. I just don’t understand this kind of people. This kind of awful.
That is not true, and you know it, too, don't you. Republicans do all they can for other people. We just don't bring the big brass band in to announce it. That's the conservative way. There's really not much else to understand, except that even conservatives who spent their lives giving their all to other people die the same way they came into the world--with not much to show for it except for taxes on the farm the fat cats in the nearby city overcharged us for so they could pocket the change in so many self-serving year end bonuses that we not only didn't get, we get stiffed for produce and on the hoof prices for regularly by middlemen buyers who go for the million bucks in 10 years goal. Even so, that's the way it's always been. Just don't you ever try to say to my face I have ever thrilled at seeing someone's lives ruined. I live on the same street as 3 Texas prisons. Every night I pray that the inmates find a way to turn their lives around when they get done serving their sentences so that their families never have to lose them again. And I pray for their jailers, many of whom have to shower and change before they leave the work premises because of stuff that is thrown or jetted at them, often for no reason. How can you come here day after day besmirching my fellow Republicans, most of who have worked hard all their lives so their families can buy the necessities of life and children turn out to be productive citizens when it's their turn as adults. The Republicans I know here do many public services that go unsung.
He’s being a jerk because it’s California.

Meanwhile when wild fires hit red states , or hurricanes blow bye them, he’s quick to hand out fema welfare .
Good grief.... Only in your TDS mind do you see favoritism, conspiracy, and political jockeying in everything Trump. LOL.
I think it inspires people to idolize their leaders. Democrats did the same thing with Obama.
Republicans remind me of the walking dead

Even Neil Young knows
No, it's you people that are the walking dead. Trump has like, magic powers over you reanimated corpses. Everything he does, you automatically attack him for, even when he's right.

Seriously, when I actually see Democraps defending MS-13 a notoriously violent gang of criminals, simply because Trump said they were bad...... you guys are zombies. Just mindlessly opposing everything Trump says.

If Trump came out tomorrow sayings the moon landings were not faked, you people would be talking about all the evidence that they were faked.

Even Neil Young knows
Rock legend Neil Young, who lost his home in the wildfires sweeping through the Malibu area, lashed out at President Donald Trump for his denial of climate science.

Last week, Trump blamed the fire damage on “gross mismanagement” of forests in California and threatened to cut off federal funding. In response, Young slammed “our so-called president,” saying the real reason wasn’t mismanagement, but climate change.

“The extreme weather events and our extended drought is part of it,” Young wrote on his website, adding:

“Our temperatures are higher than ever here in our hottest summer on record. That has not helped. DT seems to be the Denier. (I’m holding back and not using the word liar just because it rhymes with denier). It really is time for a reckoning with this unfit leader. Maybe our new Congress can help. I sure hope so.”

Some 400 square miles have burned in California, leaving 150,000 people displaced. In the northern part of the state, 29 people were killed in the Camp Fire, which also destroyed more than 6,700 buildings. In the south, fires killed two people and destroyed at least 180 structures in the Malibu area.
Young is a musician. He should stick to what he's good at. No one gives a fuck about his opinions on man made global warming.
Sometimes bri people who excel at one thing are pretty damn good at others
Most of the time, however, they are only good at the one thing, like Neil Young. Like you, he's a fucking idiot.
Firefighters have their life on the line and our President blames them

Firefighter groups: Trump's California wildfire tweet was 'shameful' and 'ill-informed'

The presidents of two professional firefighters associations have denounced President Donald Trump's assertion that "gross mismanagement of the forests" is to blame for California's devastating fires.

California Professional Firefighters president Brian Rice called the President's words "ill-informed, ill-timed and demeaning" in a written statement.

Harold Schaitberger, General President of the International Association of Fire Fighters, said the comments were "reckless and insulting."

A. Trump never blamed the firefighters which you know full well, so not sure why you felt the need to lie unless you really had no point.

B. Firefighters didn't call his comments reckless or insulting. The union presidents did, whom I would go out on a limb and guess are very partisan Democrats.

I was actually in southern California over the weekend for work and one of the guys in the office brought Trump's comments up to me and he agrees with him. He said California has been mismanaging the forests for years and they do bear responsibility for the extent of these fires.
Republicans remind me of the walking dead

Even Neil Young knows
No, it's you people that are the walking dead. Trump has like, magic powers over you reanimated corpses. Everything he does, you automatically attack him for, even when he's right.

Seriously, when I actually see Democraps defending MS-13 a notoriously violent gang of criminals, simply because Trump said they were bad...... you guys are zombies. Just mindlessly opposing everything Trump says.

If Trump came out tomorrow sayings the moon landings were not faked, you people would be talking about all the evidence that they were faked.

Even Neil Young knows
Rock legend Neil Young, who lost his home in the wildfires sweeping through the Malibu area, lashed out at President Donald Trump for his denial of climate science.

Last week, Trump blamed the fire damage on “gross mismanagement” of forests in California and threatened to cut off federal funding. In response, Young slammed “our so-called president,” saying the real reason wasn’t mismanagement, but climate change.

“The extreme weather events and our extended drought is part of it,” Young wrote on his website, adding:

“Our temperatures are higher than ever here in our hottest summer on record. That has not helped. DT seems to be the Denier. (I’m holding back and not using the word liar just because it rhymes with denier). It really is time for a reckoning with this unfit leader. Maybe our new Congress can help. I sure hope so.”

Some 400 square miles have burned in California, leaving 150,000 people displaced. In the northern part of the state, 29 people were killed in the Camp Fire, which also destroyed more than 6,700 buildings. In the south, fires killed two people and destroyed at least 180 structures in the Malibu area.
Young is a musician. He should stick to what he's good at. No one gives a fuck about his opinions on man made global warming.
Sometimes bri people who excel at one thing are pretty damn good at others
Most of the time, however, they are only good at the one thing, like Neil Young. Like you, he's a fucking idiot.
Bri the only fn idiots are you guys who eat up the trump bullshit Are you that easy to con ?How TF have you lived so long? You're a dupe and I'm being kind
Even Neil Young knows
No, it's you people that are the walking dead. Trump has like, magic powers over you reanimated corpses. Everything he does, you automatically attack him for, even when he's right.

Seriously, when I actually see Democraps defending MS-13 a notoriously violent gang of criminals, simply because Trump said they were bad...... you guys are zombies. Just mindlessly opposing everything Trump says.

If Trump came out tomorrow sayings the moon landings were not faked, you people would be talking about all the evidence that they were faked.

Even Neil Young knows
Rock legend Neil Young, who lost his home in the wildfires sweeping through the Malibu area, lashed out at President Donald Trump for his denial of climate science.

Last week, Trump blamed the fire damage on “gross mismanagement” of forests in California and threatened to cut off federal funding. In response, Young slammed “our so-called president,” saying the real reason wasn’t mismanagement, but climate change.

“The extreme weather events and our extended drought is part of it,” Young wrote on his website, adding:

“Our temperatures are higher than ever here in our hottest summer on record. That has not helped. DT seems to be the Denier. (I’m holding back and not using the word liar just because it rhymes with denier). It really is time for a reckoning with this unfit leader. Maybe our new Congress can help. I sure hope so.”

Some 400 square miles have burned in California, leaving 150,000 people displaced. In the northern part of the state, 29 people were killed in the Camp Fire, which also destroyed more than 6,700 buildings. In the south, fires killed two people and destroyed at least 180 structures in the Malibu area.
Young is a musician. He should stick to what he's good at. No one gives a fuck about his opinions on man made global warming.
Sometimes bri people who excel at one thing are pretty damn good at others
Most of the time, however, they are only good at the one thing, like Neil Young. Like you, he's a fucking idiot.
Bri the only fn idiots are you guys who eat up the trump bullshit Are you that easy to con ?How TF have you lived so long? You're a dupe and I'm being kind

What "bullshit?" That's all coming from the morons who claim Trump blamed the fire fighters. That would be you, shit for brains.
Even Neil Young knows
Rock legend Neil Young, who lost his home in the wildfires sweeping through the Malibu area, lashed out at President Donald Trump for his denial of climate science.

Last week, Trump blamed the fire damage on “gross mismanagement” of forests in California and threatened to cut off federal funding. In response, Young slammed “our so-called president,” saying the real reason wasn’t mismanagement, but climate change.

“The extreme weather events and our extended drought is part of it,” Young wrote on his website, adding:

“Our temperatures are higher than ever here in our hottest summer on record. That has not helped. DT seems to be the Denier. (I’m holding back and not using the word liar just because it rhymes with denier). It really is time for a reckoning with this unfit leader. Maybe our new Congress can help. I sure hope so.”

Some 400 square miles have burned in California, leaving 150,000 people displaced. In the northern part of the state, 29 people were killed in the Camp Fire, which also destroyed more than 6,700 buildings. In the south, fires killed two people and destroyed at least 180 structures in the Malibu area.
Young is a musician. He should stick to what he's good at. No one gives a fuck about his opinions on man made global warming.
Sometimes bri people who excel at one thing are pretty damn good at others
Most of the time, however, they are only good at the one thing, like Neil Young. Like you, he's a fucking idiot.
Bri the only fn idiots are you guys who eat up the trump bullshit Are you that easy to con ?How TF have you lived so long? You're a dupe and I'm being kind

What "bullshit?" That's all coming from the morons who claim Trump blamed the fire fighters. That would be you, shit for brains.
Wouldn't it have been presidential to have a little empathy to those engulfed in the fires horror? The man has no heart, devoid of any feelings except for his bank accounts In the midst of all that horror all he could do was bash California?

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