Firefighters call Trumps comments reckless and insulting

If there's one thing that marks Trump, it's his courtesy and consideration for others
That is Trump...........Fire fighters were mad, because they are in the middle of fighting a massive fire again.......but he's saying the truth.................

Timing..........well.........they are offended by the timing but IT'S THE TRUTH.............I've been posting it.......

Am I my data wrong...........I posted sources from California Fire Authority itself..........

The forests must be thinned and more controlled burns need to happen WHICH WILL EMIT CO2........

better than destroying the state with fires...............use the energy of the woods.......electricity........and make products out of it......................instead of the taxpayers paying for it...........get INDUSTRY TO DO IT FOR YOU.

Jerry Brown is easing regs now...........because he is realizing that if they don't thin these forests out more of these massive fires are going to happen.............
Trump links Canadian lumber imports to deadly California wildfires

“It’s not a global warming thing, it’s a management situation,” said Trump. “And one of the elements that he talked about was the fact that we have fallen trees, and instead of removing those fallen trees, which get to be extremely combustible, instead of removing them, gently removing them, beautifully removing them, we leave them to burn.”

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke then decried the import of lumber to the U.S. as fallen trees are left to rot on the ground.

“We import lumber in this country, and yet there are billions of board feet that are on the forest floor rotting,” said Zinke. “When you have rotting timber, when housing prices are going up, when a lot of Americans are right at that border of affording a house, and yet we are wasting billions of board feet for not being able to bring them to a local lumber yard.”

“Just to add, just to conclude, especially when Canada is charging us a lot of money to bring their timber down into our country. So ridiculous, here we have it,” said Trump. “We’re not even talking about cutting down trees… we’re talking about lying on the floor creating a hazard and a tremendous death trap.”
If there's one thing that marks Trump, it's his courtesy and consideration for others
That is Trump...........Fire fighters were mad, because they are in the middle of fighting a massive fire again.......but he's saying the truth.................

Timing..........well.........they are offended by the timing but IT'S THE TRUTH.............I've been posting it.......

Am I my data wrong...........I posted sources from California Fire Authority itself..........

The forests must be thinned and more controlled burns need to happen WHICH WILL EMIT CO2........

better than destroying the state with fires...............use the energy of the woods.......electricity........and make products out of it......................instead of the taxpayers paying for it...........get INDUSTRY TO DO IT FOR YOU.

Jerry Brown is easing regs now...........because he is realizing that if they don't thin these forests out more of these massive fires are going to happen.............

Yes. you are wrong. So is Trump.
If there's one thing that marks Trump, it's his courtesy and consideration for others
That is Trump...........Fire fighters were mad, because they are in the middle of fighting a massive fire again.......but he's saying the truth.................

Timing..........well.........they are offended by the timing but IT'S THE TRUTH.............I've been posting it.......

Am I my data wrong...........I posted sources from California Fire Authority itself..........

The forests must be thinned and more controlled burns need to happen WHICH WILL EMIT CO2........

better than destroying the state with fires...............use the energy of the woods.......electricity........and make products out of it......................instead of the taxpayers paying for it...........get INDUSTRY TO DO IT FOR YOU.

Jerry Brown is easing regs now...........because he is realizing that if they don't thin these forests out more of these massive fires are going to happen.............

Yes. you are wrong. So is Trump.
I provided evidence on this issue..............have you................derp.............
California timber industry maybe 'piece of the puzzle' to help reduce state's wildfire risk

'Wake-up call for California'
According to the California Forestry Association, tree density in the Sierra Nevada is too high when compared with the region's historical rates, creating an elevated fire hazard. It estimates there was an average of 40 trees per acre in the Sierras roughly 150 years ago but puts that number today at hundreds of trees per acre.

"Fire used to naturally go through the forest, and with 40 trees per acre, the fire will mostly stay on the ground, without creating a catastrophe," said Rich Gordon, president and CEO of the association, which represents the timber industry. "This has been a wake-up call for California. We have to do something different to prevent these catastrophic fires."

As Gordon sees it, large tree growth plus a history of fire suppression and reduced timber activity have created an unnatural setting of continuous fuels. Moreover, he said it's led to too many trees competing for water during droughts.

"The industry is certainly prepared to assist and encourage and support the thinning of our forests," said Gordon. "We can actually have more resilient, fire resistant forests if we thin them a little bit."

Wood agrees that the selective removal of trees to reduce fuels and a more robust timber strategy in the state "can be a piece of the puzzle" to reduce the fire risk.

Another thing they did not mention, is that I have read articles talking about biomass powered electric plants. They closed them down, because it didn't "burn as clean" supposedly. But those biomass power plants, would help to clear underbrush.

That underbrush that builds up a large layer of burnable fuel, is what allows the fires to burn so hot they end up catching the trees on fire.
"the fire will mostly stay on the ground"
That's where those biomass burning power plants used to play a part in reducing the wild fire dangers.
Plants put out ppm per million in bad stuff............but are used to provide electricity to the to build and has been around to lessen their impact................Billions spent down where i'm from to put them into the plants.............. avoiding the controlled burns and the loggers they are paying a HELL OF A PRICE........with uncontrolled fires burning whole cities down..................wasted forest........emitting mountains of CO2........way more than if they had been used for our benefit instead of burning millions of acres...............not to mention paper products and wood.............

Over 6 million trees WASTED........rotted to the point of uselessness except for burning the world down.

Yeah, exactly my point. Shutting down biomass burning power plants, didn't avoid the production of pollutants, did it?
If there's one thing that marks Trump, it's his courtesy and consideration for others
That is Trump...........Fire fighters were mad, because they are in the middle of fighting a massive fire again.......but he's saying the truth.................

Timing..........well.........they are offended by the timing but IT'S THE TRUTH.............I've been posting it.......

Am I my data wrong...........I posted sources from California Fire Authority itself..........

The forests must be thinned and more controlled burns need to happen WHICH WILL EMIT CO2........

better than destroying the state with fires...............use the energy of the woods.......electricity........and make products out of it......................instead of the taxpayers paying for it...........get INDUSTRY TO DO IT FOR YOU.

Jerry Brown is easing regs now...........because he is realizing that if they don't thin these forests out more of these massive fires are going to happen.............

Yes. you are wrong. So is Trump.
I provided evidence on this issue..............have you................derp.............

You are wrong and Trump is wrong.
Who’s to blame for California’s raging infernos? - WND

Who or what is to blame for all this destruction?

If you listen to California Governor Jerry Brown, an avowed environmentalist, this is the “new normal” – a situation caused by man- made climate change. We should get used to it.

But there is another consideration, and that relates to the political decisions made by the Clinton and the Obama administrations dealing with how our forests are managed.

Prior to that, forests, private and government owned, were cared for by the U.S. Forest Service as well as private logging companies. Their goal was to preserve the forests so they would survive for the future. Trees would be thinned when they became overgrown, dead and diseased trees were removed, underbrush cleared out and controlled burns conducted as needed.

It worked perfectly, and the concept maintained the forests and allowed logging to provide lumber for that industry and all of us who need wood for houses and furniture and other consumer products.

But then the feds got involved, influenced by the Greens, who had decided that humans were causing the destruction of “nature” and they knew best how to rectify it. They wanted to “re-wild” the forests.

It became against the law to cut dead trees, to remove fallen trees, to thin out growing trees so trees will grow healthier, to clear out underbrush, to have controlled burns, and even to cut fire-roads into forests, roads which firefighters need during a conflagration.

Despite an infestation of the pine-bark beetle in the Sierra Nevada, which has left thousands of dead trees, it is impossible to remove them. As a result, they’re a disaster awaiting just one spark – which, as we are seeing, is exactly what happens.

The Forest Service says in 2015 there were 20 million dead trees in the Sierra; 66 million in 2016; and last year it was 102 million.

Well they are wild now............are they happy now.......
I have both Republican friends & family in northern Calif, they are sick over the death & destruction there, and are not happy that Trump disrespects the state because its more Democrat than Republican.
I have both Republican friends & family in northern Calif, they are sick over the death & destruction there, and are not happy that Trump disrespects the state because its more Democrat than Republican.
Who the hell says Trump isn't sick of the death and destruction there as well..............What he is saying is the Truth.......whether you like it or not...........whether you are Dem or Rep.................

Deal with the powder keg or this will continue to happen.................and more will die tomorrow................and next year................I've shown the stats................they don't lie...........your gonna have fires every year there..........thousands of them.............

Change policy or continue to burn.............THAT IS THE TRUTH...........

If you can't handle the truth then so be it........................How about fixing it...............Even the Gov of California is coming around...............finally realizing he has to do something on managing the forests there...........

Last article..........102 million dead trees............useless..........waiting to burn............
California timber industry maybe 'piece of the puzzle' to help reduce state's wildfire risk

'Wake-up call for California'
According to the California Forestry Association, tree density in the Sierra Nevada is too high when compared with the region's historical rates, creating an elevated fire hazard. It estimates there was an average of 40 trees per acre in the Sierras roughly 150 years ago but puts that number today at hundreds of trees per acre.

"Fire used to naturally go through the forest, and with 40 trees per acre, the fire will mostly stay on the ground, without creating a catastrophe," said Rich Gordon, president and CEO of the association, which represents the timber industry. "This has been a wake-up call for California. We have to do something different to prevent these catastrophic fires."

As Gordon sees it, large tree growth plus a history of fire suppression and reduced timber activity have created an unnatural setting of continuous fuels. Moreover, he said it's led to too many trees competing for water during droughts.

"The industry is certainly prepared to assist and encourage and support the thinning of our forests," said Gordon. "We can actually have more resilient, fire resistant forests if we thin them a little bit."

Wood agrees that the selective removal of trees to reduce fuels and a more robust timber strategy in the state "can be a piece of the puzzle" to reduce the fire risk.
That tells me that President Trump was right in the first place. It WAS forest mismanagement--they planted way too many trees per acre and failed to thin them out as they grew. That really has nothing to do with the firefighting community unless they knew the areas had too many trees per acre and did nothing. It was a case of pinus silvanus derilicti.
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I have both Republican friends & family in northern Calif, they are sick over the death & destruction there, and are not happy that Trump disrespects the state because its more Democrat than Republican.
That's not true and you know it, too. Just you link to President Trump saying such an unheard of thing! He never said he disrespected the State of California. He never said he disrespects a state because it is Democrat in its majority. Knowing that they planted too many trees and never did anything about thinning the trees out after planting only points out that it WAS dereliction of duty on the part of Forest Management in the area where entire communities were wiped out, the homes of thousands of people were burned down, and the whole nine yards.

Failure to thin the trees out to 40 per acre led to the heinous nature of this particular fire, and after the trees were harvested a decade or so ago, they were overplanted, then left to become the one of the largest fire hazard areas on the planet. They better put a new class on the agenda in California colleges called "Do the right thing."
I have both Republican friends & family in northern Calif, they are sick over the death & destruction there, and are not happy that Trump disrespects the state because its more Democrat than Republican.
That's not true and you know it, too. Just you link to President Trump saying such an unheard of thing! He never said he disrespected the State of California. He never said he disrespects a state because it is Democrat in its majority. Knowing that they planted too many trees and never did anything about thinning the trees out after planting only points out that it WAS dereliction of duty on the part of Forest Management in the area where entire communities were wiped out, the homes of thousands of people were burned down, and the whole nine yards.

Failure to thin the trees out to 40 per acre led to the heinous nature of this particular fire, and after the trees were harvested a decade or so ago, they were overplanted, then left to become the one of the largest fire hazard areas on the planet. They better put a new class on the agenda in California colleges called "Do the right thing."
Yeah he doesn't disrespect blue states Just screw with their taxes and deductions
However, we need to look at the Federal Lands as well. ALL have been mismanaged for decades.

And how is cutting funding for that helpful?

If there's one thing that marks Trump, it's his courtesy and consideration for others

What color is the sky in your universe?

That is Trump...........Fire fighters were mad, because they are in the middle of fighting a massive fire again.......but he's saying the truth.................

No, they're being defunded by proxy

“It’s not a global warming thing, it’s a management situation,” said Trump

So how many of trees dried out due to climatic change?

And how is cutting funding for that helpful?
According to the industries it's the red tape...........Spotted Owl an the like........don't know if that can be deregulated with E.O. alone...........In regards to hampering logging efforts to make it profit worthy .................They would do a lot of it without funding given permission.........but they need to make a profit.........In my area the Southern pine is doing real well..........out west........not so much...........

Guess what...........not as much Federal land here and they practice forest conservation.......and we have water.......

So one solution is to allow them to harvest the trees instead of wasting them.

No, they're being defunded by proxy
They spend billions fighting fires out there.............California is not the only place with wild fires............but California is heavily populated.......big difference.......

So how many of trees dried out due to climatic change?
I don't buy into the Climate change the data I showed had thousands of fires a year back to 1913......that I've shown they are bigger.........why.........because there are too many trees and dead wood out there......causing them to explode............That trend is being done by the Greens out there.............who have hampered logging and controlled burns..........

Little history.......they did that with water......stopping desalination plants until it became a crisis.........they didn't start building them til the water problem became major..........

Same with power..........2 out of 3 utilities went bankrupt back then..........blackouts all over California......because of regulations........yeah I know Enron was evil and they were.........but they were the grid..........Power companies built out of state back then to avoid the greens.
Maybe they don't have much confidence that he's done any good.

Could be.

i don't understand this need to make our leaders into flawless creatures. They are flawed one does good all.the time. No one is all evil. Why can't we admit that?

I think it inspires people to idolize their leaders. Democrats did the same thing with Obama.
Republicans remind me of the walking dead

Even Neil Young knows
No, it's you people that are the walking dead. Trump has like, magic powers over you reanimated corpses. Everything he does, you automatically attack him for, even when he's right.

Seriously, when I actually see Democraps defending MS-13 a notoriously violent gang of criminals, simply because Trump said they were bad...... you guys are zombies. Just mindlessly opposing everything Trump says.

If Trump came out tomorrow sayings the moon landings were not faked, you people would be talking about all the evidence that they were faked.

Even Neil Young knows
Rock legend Neil Young, who lost his home in the wildfires sweeping through the Malibu area, lashed out at President Donald Trump for his denial of climate science.

Last week, Trump blamed the fire damage on “gross mismanagement” of forests in California and threatened to cut off federal funding. In response, Young slammed “our so-called president,” saying the real reason wasn’t mismanagement, but climate change.

“The extreme weather events and our extended drought is part of it,” Young wrote on his website, adding:

“Our temperatures are higher than ever here in our hottest summer on record. That has not helped. DT seems to be the Denier. (I’m holding back and not using the word liar just because it rhymes with denier). It really is time for a reckoning with this unfit leader. Maybe our new Congress can help. I sure hope so.”

Some 400 square miles have burned in California, leaving 150,000 people displaced. In the northern part of the state, 29 people were killed in the Camp Fire, which also destroyed more than 6,700 buildings. In the south, fires killed two people and destroyed at least 180 structures in the Malibu area.
Young is a musician. He should stick to what he's good at. No one gives a fuck about his opinions on man made global warming.
I hope Neil young will remember...that we don't need him around anyhow.....
Idiots like Neil Young drive through Malibu Canyon all the time...they see the dead kindling everywhere and just drive on by...never giving it a second my town we did something about it and remove the dead trees and the doesn't take a rocket scientist to know a danger when you see it...

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