Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

You do realize that greed is one of the 7 deadly sins, right?

By the way........who determines who is "deserving"? You? Cash? What?

Paying for one's needs is Greed and a sin?

As If.

It would behoove you to recall some of the other deadly sins:




Are particularly apt when discussing someone who is jealous that others have more than him, insists that they are his keepers, and expects them to foot his bills.

Envy........greedy fuckers are the ones that are always keeping up with the Jones', and therefore are more envious than those who aren't greedy.

Sloth.........greedy fuckers like to have others (read "little people") do the work for them while they rake in the profits. Think Wall St. and most CEO's.

Gluttony........greedy fuckers are the ones most likely to overindulge, thus resulting in gluttony.

You really ain't that bright are ya?

You really are a poor widdle booby, aren't you?

But keep up the class warfare cause that somebody who chooses not to spend $75 to protect his home and family is the poster victim upon whom we should base our public policy.
You do realize that telling some anonymous poster on a message board to 'shut up' makes you look pretty damned stupid, right?

I also believe in God. And I pray that He will judge us all on our merits as individuals - and not 'collectively'. I always leave it to God to decide who should or should not burn in hell - He knows far more than I do.... but if you're arrogant enough to judge others, that's your business.

But are you serious? Shut up! Until you can start thinking for yourself and stop telling people how they should their lives (no doubt your against a women's right to choose and you're against gay marriages) then I'll stop judging you and morons like yourself! God doesn't need you; nor me, to tell people how to live or the choices they can make. He is powerful enough to do that on his own!

mrrichards whatever, you keep harping on big business but this has nothing to do with ANY business. This is an issue of how one government is interacting with another. IE, how the city government is attempting to handle county government responsibilities. So please continue to blather like an abject moron about big business, but realize your arguments are totally baseless.

McDowell, you think this interaction worked out well where the firefighters just stood around and watched a family's home burned down the ground while endangering lives? If you could critically think for a moment, you would realize that it didn't work well! That's why people are talking about it, that's why it's on the news, and that's why people are outraged. The neighbors are furious that they had to witness their friend's house burning down while another house almost suffered the same fate! So what does this have to with big business? This is the model and the system that the corporations want to implement for America! What's next? Have the 911 operator ask you for an account number before she can send the Police over to your house while your wife is getting raped?Screw that! I'll take Government over Walmart any day! Open your eyes you blind idiot!
A vehicle moving on the public road ways is not the same as a house on its own lot. The tax bases to support infrastructure are from different sources.

Try again.

Okay, I stand corrected.
Would you like to respond the the liability issue which was the crux of the post?

"By the way, the neighbor whose grass caught fire is the actual cause of the fire which caused his neighbors house to burn.
It seems the neighbor who allowed his land to become a fire hazard breached his duty to the community and his neighbor.
The man who lost his house and all his possessions, lost three dogs and his grandchildren's cat, has a cause of action.
The suit will be quite interesting, I suspect, and hopefully very, very expensive.
I suspect the loss of $75 will pale in comparison to what the city will pay in legal fees and settlement costs."

except for the fact that the fire started in a barrel in the cranick's back yard, and not in the neighbor's yard, that's a very interesting story.

not a word of truth to it, but very interesting.

But are you serious? Shut up! Until you can start thinking for yourself and stop telling people how they should their lives (no doubt your against a women's right to choose and you're against gay marriages) then I'll stop judging you and morons like yourself! God doesn't need you; nor me, to tell people how to live or the choices they can make. He is powerful enough to do that on his own!

mrrichards whatever, you keep harping on big business but this has nothing to do with ANY business. This is an issue of how one government is interacting with another. IE, how the city government is attempting to handle county government responsibilities. So please continue to blather like an abject moron about big business, but realize your arguments are totally baseless.

McDowell, you think this interaction worked out well where the firefighters just stood around and watched a family's home burned down the ground while endangering lives? If you could critically think for a moment, you would realize that it didn't work well! That's why people are talking about it, that's why it's on the news, and that's why people are outraged. The neighbors are furious that they had to witness their friend's house burning down while another house almost suffered the same fate! So what does this have to with big business? This is the model and the system that the corporations want to implement for America! What's next? Have the 911 operator ask you for an account number before she can send the Police over to your house while your wife is getting raped?Screw that! I'll take Government over Walmart any day! Open your eyes you blind idiot!

The more exclamations marks you use, the more comical the post!

Just a helpful hint as you take your baby steps into the interwebz!!
Question. I'm driving through this Tennessee town in my camper, a fire starts but i've not paid my $75 dollars. What's a firefighter to do?

By the way, the neighbor whose grass caught fire is the actual cause of the fire which caused his neighbors house to burn.
It seems the neighbor who allowed his land to become a fire hazard breached his duty to the community and his neighbor.
The man whose who lost his house and all his possessions, lost three dogs and his grandchildren's cat, has a cause of action.
The suit will be quite interesting, I suspect, and hopefully very, very expensive.
I suspect the loss of $75 will pale in comparison to what the city will pay in legal fees and settlement costs.

bullshit, the cheap assed homeowner's grandson started the fire. his neighbord should sue him for the $500 firefighters bill.
mrrichards whatever, you keep harping on big business but this has nothing to do with ANY business. This is an issue of how one government is interacting with another. IE, how the city government is attempting to handle county government responsibilities. So please continue to blather like an abject moron about big business, but realize your arguments are totally baseless.

McDowell, you think this interaction worked out well where the firefighters just stood around and watched a family's home burned down the ground while endangering lives? If you could critically think for a moment, you would realize that it didn't work well! That's why people are talking about it, that's why it's on the news, and that's why people are outraged. The neighbors are furious that they had to witness their friend's house burning down while another house almost suffered the same fate! So what does this have to with big business? This is the model and the system that the corporations want to implement for America! What's next? Have the 911 operator ask you for an account number before she can send the Police over to your house while your wife is getting raped?Screw that! I'll take Government over Walmart any day! Open your eyes you blind idiot!

The more exclamations marks you use, the more comical the post!

Just a helpful hint as you take your baby steps into the interwebz!!

Comical that no one can prove me wrong and or try to justify the privatization of social services because it's complete bullshit and you really don't want to admit that you've been sucking big business cock all this time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But it's not too late: WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS; YOU'VE BEEN LIVING IN A DREAM WORLD CALLED FOX NEWS!!!! And I do stress the exclamation points and CAPS :)
Good luck to ya!
Question. I'm driving through this Tennessee town in my camper, a fire starts but i've not paid my $75 dollars. What's a firefighter to do?

By the way, the neighbor whose grass caught fire is the actual cause of the fire which caused his neighbors house to burn.
It seems the neighbor who allowed his land to become a fire hazard breached his duty to the community and his neighbor.
The man whose who lost his house and all his possessions, lost three dogs and his grandchildren's cat, has a cause of action.
The suit will be quite interesting, I suspect, and hopefully very, very expensive.
I suspect the loss of $75 will pale in comparison to what the city will pay in legal fees and settlement costs.

bullshit, the cheap assed homeowner's grandson started the fire. his neighbord should sue him for the $500 firefighters bill.

Wow. 30 pages on this thread.. Not something I expected. But anyways, I didn't make this to support this guys decision not to pay the fee.. Although it's a stupid-ass system to begin with. I made it to disagree with the decision of the REPUBLICAN leaders in that area, to just let the house burn down.
No matter how many times I say that, you righties won't get it through your thick skulls. YES, THE GUY SHOULDA PAYED THE FEE.. AND YES, THE FIRE DEPT. SHOULDA PUT THE FIRE OUT ANYWAYS.
People in the area are outraged, and for good reason. I know If I were a paying neighbour, I'd be saying, put that shit out before it spreads to my home, and I get damaged.

What ever happened to just helping people regardless of profit/cost? Or even helping, then worrying about the cost? Why not just bill the guy after putting the fire out?

Imagine with me, if it had been one of those republican leaders who hadn't payed the fine.. And their house cought fire. Gu-ran-tee they woulda put it out. He would've demanded it.

Where in the article did it say Republicans were to blame you fucking moron?
Daniel Foster, of the National Review writes:

I have no problem with this kind of opt-in government in principle — especially in rural areas where individual need for government services and available infrastructure vary so widely. But forget the politics: what moral theory allows these firefighters (admittedly acting under orders) to watch this house burn to the ground when 1) they have already responded to the scene; 2) they have the means to stop it ready at hand; 3) they have a reasonable expectation to be compensated for their trouble?

The counterargument is, of course, that this kind of system only works if there are consequences for opting out. For the firefighters to have put out the blaze would have opened up a big moral hazard and generated a bunch of future free-riding — a lot like how the ban on denying coverage based on preexisting conditions, paired with penalties under the individual mandate that are lower than the going premiums, would lead to folks waiting until they got sick to buy insurance.

But that analogy is not quite apt. Mr. Cranick, who has learned an incredibly expensive lesson about risk, wasn’t offering to pay the $75 fee. He was offering to pay whatever it cost to put out the fire. If an uninsured man confronted with the pressing need for a heart transplant offered to pay a year in back-premiums to an insurer to cover the operation, you’d be right to laugh at him. But imagine if that man broke out his check book to pay for the whole shebang, and hospital administrators denied him the procedure to teach him a lesson.

Pay-to-Spray Firefighters Watch as Home Burns - By Daniel Foster - The Corner - National Review Online
A vehicle moving on the public road ways is not the same as a house on its own lot. The tax bases to support infrastructure are from different sources.

Try again.

Okay, I stand corrected.
Would you like to respond the the liability issue which was the crux of the post?

"By the way, the neighbor whose grass caught fire is the actual cause of the fire which caused his neighbors house to burn.
It seems the neighbor who allowed his land to become a fire hazard breached his duty to the community and his neighbor.
The man who lost his house and all his possessions, lost three dogs and his grandchildren's cat, has a cause of action.
The suit will be quite interesting, I suspect, and hopefully very, very expensive.
I suspect the loss of $75 will pale in comparison to what the city will pay in legal fees and settlement costs."

except for the fact that the fire started in a barrel in the cranick's back yard, and not in the neighbor's yard, that's a very interesting story.

not a word of truth to it, but very interesting.


Okay, I stand corrected.
Would you like to respond the the liability issue which was the crux of the post?

"By the way, the neighbor whose grass caught fire is the actual cause of the fire which caused his neighbors house to burn.
It seems the neighbor who allowed his land to become a fire hazard breached his duty to the community and his neighbor.
The man who lost his house and all his possessions, lost three dogs and his grandchildren's cat, has a cause of action.
The suit will be quite interesting, I suspect, and hopefully very, very expensive.
I suspect the loss of $75 will pale in comparison to what the city will pay in legal fees and settlement costs."

except for the fact that the fire started in a barrel in the cranick's back yard, and not in the neighbor's yard, that's a very interesting story.

not a word of truth to it, but very interesting.



what a fucking lazy assed moron you are.

No pay, no spray: Firefighters let home burn - U.S. news - Life -
Where I live, it's against the law to burn trash outside.
McDowell, you think this interaction worked out well where the firefighters just stood around and watched a family's home burned down the ground while endangering lives? If you could critically think for a moment, you would realize that it didn't work well! That's why people are talking about it, that's why it's on the news, and that's why people are outraged. The neighbors are furious that they had to witness their friend's house burning down while another house almost suffered the same fate! So what does this have to with big business? This is the model and the system that the corporations want to implement for America! What's next? Have the 911 operator ask you for an account number before she can send the Police over to your house while your wife is getting raped?Screw that! I'll take Government over Walmart any day! Open your eyes you blind idiot!

The more exclamations marks you use, the more comical the post!

Just a helpful hint as you take your baby steps into the interwebz!!

Comical that no one can prove me wrong and or try to justify the privatization of social services because it's complete bullshit and you really don't want to admit that you've been sucking big business cock all this time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But it's not too late: WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS; YOU'VE BEEN LIVING IN A DREAM WORLD CALLED FOX NEWS!!!! And I do stress the exclamation points and CAPS :)
Good luck to ya!

I'm not a conservative or a Republican. Fee-based emergency services are dumb. Sucking government cock is the same as sucking big-business cock; you're a cocksucker either way. Thanks for playing.
Where I live, it's against the law to burn trash outside.

This man get stupider by the minute, he let's his grandson burn trash outside and in close proximity to his home and doesn't even have a hose at the ready to douse the flames.
Okay, I stand corrected.
Would you like to respond the the liability issue which was the crux of the post?

"By the way, the neighbor whose grass caught fire is the actual cause of the fire which caused his neighbors house to burn.
It seems the neighbor who allowed his land to become a fire hazard breached his duty to the community and his neighbor.
The man who lost his house and all his possessions, lost three dogs and his grandchildren's cat, has a cause of action.
The suit will be quite interesting, I suspect, and hopefully very, very expensive.
I suspect the loss of $75 will pale in comparison to what the city will pay in legal fees and settlement costs."

except for the fact that the fire started in a barrel in the cranick's back yard, and not in the neighbor's yard, that's a very interesting story.

not a word of truth to it, but very interesting.



Where is the link to your version moron?
The problem with WC's alternative universe theory is that Cranick doesn't live in the city. The city is not responsible for him except to the extent that he subscribes to particular services it provides to unincorporated areas.

He declined to subscribe.
The problem with WC's alternative universe theory is that Cranick doesn't live in the city. The city is not responsible for him except to the extent that he subscribes to particular services it provides to unincorporated areas.

He declined to subscribe.

He forgot.

The guy lost like 4 animals in the fire, along with all of his and his families things. And their house.
Yet you continue to make excuses as to why he deserved it.
As TP wrote:
It has been 28 years since conservative historian Doug Wead first coined the term “compassionate conservative.” It now appears that if any such philosophy ever existed, it has few adherents in the modern conservative movement.
"I thought they'd come out and put it out, even if you hadn't paid your $75, but I was wrong," said Gene Cranick.

He knew he hadn't paid.

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