Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

another demonRat who won't deal with reality.

Just answer the question. Your demonRat this and demonRat that is very childish. It is a legitimate question.

What do you think demonRat? Would you pay your $75 dollars or try to cheapskate your way out?

I'd pay it. But I also think fire department coverage should be compulsory, as it is in most places. But that's not the question here. Do you let the trapped person/persons burn to death? After all, he didn't pay, that's not in question. Should not the same freemarket/conservative principles apply?
Just answer the question. Your demonRat this and demonRat that is very childish. It is a legitimate question.

What do you think demonRat? Would you pay your $75 dollars or try to cheapskate your way out?

I'd pay it. But I also think fire department coverage should be compulsory, as it is in most places. But that's not the question here. Do you let the trapped person/persons burn to death? After all, he didn't pay, that's not in question. Should not the same freemarket/conservative principles apply?

What do you think I'd do demonRat?
What do you think demonRat? Would you pay your $75 dollars or try to cheapskate your way out?

I'd pay it. But I also think fire department coverage should be compulsory, as it is in most places. But that's not the question here. Do you let the trapped person/persons burn to death? After all, he didn't pay, that's not in question. Should not the same freemarket/conservative principles apply?

What do you think I'd do demonRat?

I think you'd put it out if there were people trapped. At least I hope so.
If my house had a chimney fire and the fire department came out, put the fire out and let me pay the fee afterwards, my thoughts would be "whew! we sure lucked out with that. Can't ever let that happen again cause next time we might not be so lucky" and I'd make damn sure that bill got paid.

This guy just assumed he'd be covered again.

That's the difference between conservative and liberal.

:lol: Really? I have it on good authority Mr Cranick actually voted for Boosh.

Bush was a liberal... Unless you can point out where he was Conservative for the rest of us...
Bullshit. They responded to the neighbor's (a neighbor who paid for the service) brush fire and acted on it. Imagine that.

Nothing in regard to the house that was burning down.

While I agree the firefighters had the right to not do anything I think they are scum for not doing anything.

That is all.

Rav how do you reconcile responding and putting fires out anyway, even if the fee hasn't been paid?

Do you understand that typical human nature will lead to everyone else realizing that they don't have to pay, and that the department will eventually run into funding issues?

When you take your equipment 5 miles from the station for a structure fire, your district is left vulnerable in the event that another call comes in. Usually in that situation a nearby district will provide mutual aid and cover the empty station during the call.

Who do you think is going to pay for all of this if the $75 subscribers just give up paying and still get coverage?

that's why you pay for it with taxes, instead of some nitwit fee for service scheme.

btw, can we have a national defense that is fee for service, that I can opt out of? I'll agree that the government doesn't have to defend me from all those foreign enemies we supposedly have, as long as I don't have to pay the fee.
I'd pay it. But I also think fire department coverage should be compulsory, as it is in most places. But that's not the question here. Do you let the trapped person/persons burn to death? After all, he didn't pay, that's not in question. Should not the same freemarket/conservative principles apply?

What do you think I'd do demonRat?

I think you'd put it out if there were people trapped. At least I hope so.

Bump. I need an answer to this Willow. It goes to the heart of why this is even a debate.
I don't know if this has been brought up, I haven't read all the posts, but couldn't they have put out the fire and then billed him? It wouldn't have to be just the $75 or whatever the fee is, they could either come up with a cost for putting out the fire, or charge him $75 for every year he was in residence and didn't pay, whatever.
The Obion County, Tenn. family whose home burned on Sept. 29 while firefighters watched from their truck has insurance to payoff their mortgage but not enough to cover everything lost or to rebuild, according to the family and their insurance agent.
Tennessee Tragedy: Family Had No Fire Service But Had Some Insurance

There go the neighborhood property values.

So this bozo ALSO cheated on his home owner insurance too? This just gets better and better. Surely even the bleeding hearts must see a trend here.
How's he cheating his insurance?
I don't know if this has been brought up, I haven't read all the posts, but couldn't they have put out the fire and then billed him? It wouldn't have to be just the $75 or whatever the fee is, they could either come up with a cost for putting out the fire, or charge him $75 for every year he was in residence and didn't pay, whatever.

That's kinda how I feel, too. Bill him something ridiculous even - A couple thousand or whatever. But don't stand idly by with the immediate means to put it out, and watch it burn as he frantically tries to put it out with a garden hose. That's just wrong and I can't believe there's people who say it isn't.
I find it amazing that some defend this slickster who thought he could get the same service as those who pay.

Indicative of personal values, IMO.
Who's defending him?

So far I've heard two major lines of response:

-Tough shit, shoulda payed


-Shouldn't be able to opt out

Everyone's agreed he's an idiot.
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I find it amazing that some defend this slickster who thought he could get the same service as those who pay.

Indicative of personal values, IMO.
Who's defending him?

So far I've heard two major lines of response:

-Tough shit, shoulda payed


-Shouldn't be able to opt out

Everyone's agreed he's an idiot.

And it begs the question, how much disregard does one deserve for being an idiot?

I'm waiting for an answer one way or the other from the Cons who say the fire department was right - Do you, or do you not, put the fire out if the man was trapped inside?

[not holding my breath for response]
What's wrong with just funding the fire department out of taxes and be done with it?

because libturds slime out of paying taxes too.

Would it kill you to post like an adult?

If this was a taxpayer funded service, then they could enforce the law by some other means than watching someone's house burn down.

I posted the truth. Remember now, most of obie wan's appointee's were lax in their taxpaying..
I think you'd put it out if there were people trapped. At least I hope so.

Bump. I need an answer to this Willow. It goes to the heart of why this is even a debate.

You tell me. What would Willow do?

I don't know. You're quite radical in your right wing views. Maybe, just radical enough that you'd say tough shit, he's a dead man. It's in your court, friend.
Incidentally.......this kinda happened before, and the previous fire chief told him that he'd put out the fire and the guy could pay the 75 dollar fee the next day (which he did).

So he got a break and didn't learn his lesson?
Ain't it great when we privatize emergency services?
Who privatized what now? Did you read the article?
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Bump. I need an answer to this Willow. It goes to the heart of why this is even a debate.

You tell me. What would Willow do?

I don't know. You're quite radical in your right wing views. Maybe, just radical enough that you'd say tough shit, he's a dead man. It's in your court, friend.

That's what I thought you'd think. Says a helluva lot more about your moronic ass than it says about me. You dumbtwats actually think Republicans would stand around and let human beings burn to death. Well fucktard I got news for you that's what you assholes do to people. Remember Waco?
Incidentally.......this kinda happened before, and the previous fire chief told him that he'd put out the fire and the guy could pay the 75 dollar fee the next day (which he did).

So he got a break and didn't larn his lesson?
Ain't it great when we privatize emergency services?

Who privatized what now? Did you read the article?

What the stupid demonRat asshole is doing is scamming the system. All his neighbors have to pay seventy five dollars a year while he just pays the day after he has a fire. He rolled the dice and the dumbass lost. It's no fault of the Republicans no matter what their stupid ass twats try to say. I remember these bleeding heart libruls are the same fucking people who would pull an infant out feet first jam a scissors through the base of his skull, spread them and suck his brains out. So, I for one ain't buying their bullshit.

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