Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

They don't get paid to risk their lives for a moron who doesn't even think the safety of his home and family is worth $75.
Squirting a hose isn't much of a risk.

Where is your water source? How much do you have access to? What is stored in the house? Is the LP gas turned off? Abestos? Ammunition? Plastics?

Just squirt water? Let your local fire fighters know what you think.
Better yet: tell her it's a flammable metals fire. Let her throw water on there when I have potassium and magnesium inside the house.

We'll see how that turns out.

Ravi, did you know that water can become fuel for a fire?
Why is there an extra 75 buck fee for fire services when the people already pay property tax?

I'd like to know where that money is going and what it's being used for, as well as why property taxes don't cover fire services?
If you read the fucking article or any of the links you wouldn't ask that stupid question,
Wow. 30 pages on this thread.. Not something I expected. But anyways, I didn't make this to support this guys decision not to pay the fee.. Although it's a stupid-ass system to begin with. I made it to disagree with the decision of the REPUBLICAN leaders in that area

Yes, because make this a partisan issue doesn't make you look like an idiot at all..
The Obion County, Tenn. family whose home burned on Sept. 29 while firefighters watched from their truck has insurance to payoff their mortgage but not enough to cover everything lost or to rebuild, according to the family and their insurance agent.

The fire chief of the nearby city of South Fulton refused to put out the fire that took the home of Gene and Paulette Cranick because they were not on the list of property owners who had paid the $75 annual subscription fee for fire protection services. Property owners outside the South Fulton city limits must pay a fee if they want the service; the county does not offer fire service.

Paulette Cranick said they had been away and forgot to pay the fee this year but have paid it in years past. The Cranicks have lived on the farm for 40 years, 21 of them in the modular home that burned.

The family has coverage with Farm Bureau Insurance through local agent, Josh Simmons, who raced to the scene of the fire as soon as he learned about it. Simmons says the insurance company would not refuse or reduce payouts on the fire loss just because the fee has not been paid. Neither Cranick nor Simmons would confirm the amount of the policy.

"It's not enough to rebuild but it's better than nothing at all," said Paulette Cranick.

The home reportedly caught fire after a trash-burning fire started by the Cranicks' grandson grew out of control. The Cranicks said they called 911 but the fire department from the South Fulton city fire department would not respond because they were not on the list of subscribers.

The firemen only acted after the Cranicks' fire spread to an adjacent field. They are required to respond to brush fires, according to Simmons. But that did not help the Cranicks.

"It [the Cranicks' home] could have been saved, no doubt," said Simmons.

Simmons said he knows of one other time this has happened. He said the insurance policy has a provision for a reduction in payouts if a fire protection service has not been subscribed but that the insurer has not enforced that in these situations.

The Cranicks said they also forgot to pay their fire service fee on time about three years ago. But the fire department then did not hesitate to put out a chimney fire and let them pay the fee the next day.
Tennessee Tragedy: Family Had No Fire Service But Had Some Insurance

this isn't 'new' news we discussed this as it has been posted already.
You know......Arizona has privatized most of their prisons. Incidentally, it was a privatized AZ prison that those 2 guys and 1 chick escaped from where they'd been gone several hours before anyone noticed them as being gone.

End result? A couple of people died who didn't need to because they escaped from prison.

I'm sure noone ever escaped from a state-run prison.
Now? Some dude's house catches fire and burns down because they've privatized the fire department

No, you illiterate fucking waste of life, they didn't. Learn to read.
, resulting in the man not paying a 75 dollar fee (still wondering why property taxes don't cover fire services there)

Answered in the fucking article.
Nope.......we DO need the government in certain instances. Wanna talk about BP not doing their job properly?

Really? That's your example? The MMS was a huge part of the problem, dipshit.
Nope........I hope this dude soaks the county for as much as it takes to re-build his home and replace everything he's lost, as well as a decent sum for the headache and bullshit he's had to go through.

Yes... just bend his neighbors over...
I don't know if it's just me but my old fire department was an absolute joke, and everyone was forced to pay for it.

The house literally next door to the station burnt to the ground.
The Obion County, Tenn. family whose home burned on Sept. 29 while firefighters watched from their truck has insurance to payoff their mortgage but not enough to cover everything lost or to rebuild, according to the family and their insurance agent.

The fire chief of the nearby city of South Fulton refused to put out the fire that took the home of Gene and Paulette Cranick because they were not on the list of property owners who had paid the $75 annual subscription fee for fire protection services. Property owners outside the South Fulton city limits must pay a fee if they want the service; the county does not offer fire service.

Paulette Cranick said they had been away and forgot to pay the fee this year but have paid it in years past. The Cranicks have lived on the farm for 40 years, 21 of them in the modular home that burned.

The family has coverage with Farm Bureau Insurance through local agent, Josh Simmons, who raced to the scene of the fire as soon as he learned about it. Simmons says the insurance company would not refuse or reduce payouts on the fire loss just because the fee has not been paid. Neither Cranick nor Simmons would confirm the amount of the policy.

"It's not enough to rebuild but it's better than nothing at all," said Paulette Cranick.

The home reportedly caught fire after a trash-burning fire started by the Cranicks' grandson grew out of control. The Cranicks said they called 911 but the fire department from the South Fulton city fire department would not respond because they were not on the list of subscribers.

The firemen only acted after the Cranicks' fire spread to an adjacent field. They are required to respond to brush fires, according to Simmons. But that did not help the Cranicks.

"It [the Cranicks' home] could have been saved, no doubt," said Simmons.

Simmons said he knows of one other time this has happened. He said the insurance policy has a provision for a reduction in payouts if a fire protection service has not been subscribed but that the insurer has not enforced that in these situations.

The Cranicks said they also forgot to pay their fire service fee on time about three years ago. But the fire department then did not hesitate to put out a chimney fire and let them pay the fee the next day.
Tennessee Tragedy: Family Had No Fire Service But Had Some Insurance

So he has a history of not paying his bill -- saw they came out anyway when he had not paid in a previous year and somehow was out of town supposedly and did not pay yet again?
Incidentally.......this kinda happened before, and the previous fire chief told him that he'd put out the fire and the guy could pay the 75 dollar fee the next day (which he did).

So he got a break and didn't larn his lesson?
Ain't it great when we privatize emergency services?

Who privatized what now? Did you read the article?

What the stupid demonRat asshole is doing is scamming the system. All his neighbors have to pay seventy five dollars a year while he just pays the day after he has a fire. He rolled the dice and the dumbass lost. It's no fault of the Republicans no matter what their stupid ass twats try to say. I remember these bleeding heart libruls are the same fucking people who would pull an infant out feet first jam a scissors through the base of his skull, spread them and suck his brains out. So, I for one ain't buying their bullshit.

So he got a break and didn't larn his lesson?

Who privatized what now? Did you read the article?

What the stupid demonRat asshole is doing is scamming the system. All his neighbors have to pay seventy five dollars a year while he just pays the day after he has a fire. He rolled the dice and the dumbass lost. It's no fault of the Republicans no matter what their stupid ass twats try to say. I remember these bleeding heart libruls are the same fucking people who would pull an infant out feet first jam a scissors through the base of his skull, spread them and suck his brains out. So, I for one ain't buying their bullshit.


It pisses me off that the purveyor of this stupid OP makes an inference that REPUBLICANS are at fault here and that REPUBLICANS would stand around while people burned to death. DemonRats are just flat out disgusting people.
What the stupid demonRat asshole is doing is scamming the system. All his neighbors have to pay seventy five dollars a year while he just pays the day after he has a fire. He rolled the dice and the dumbass lost. It's no fault of the Republicans no matter what their stupid ass twats try to say. I remember these bleeding heart libruls are the same fucking people who would pull an infant out feet first jam a scissors through the base of his skull, spread them and suck his brains out. So, I for one ain't buying their bullshit.


It pisses me off that the purveyor of this stupid OP makes an inference that REPUBLICANS are at fault here and that REPUBLICANS would stand around while people burned to death. DemonRats are just flat out disgusting people.

It was an all republican city council that voted the law in. No democrat would vote for people to have to pay a fee.
I am sure glad they didn't have this where I lived when our house caught on fire, especially when that fire was not our fault. My parent's house was saved because the fireman did their job.
We pay property taxes for a reason. And I am glad I live in a country where in most places we can count on the fire department saving our house when it catches on fire.
Envy........greedy fuckers are the ones that are always keeping up with the Jones', and therefore are more envious than those who aren't greedy.

When the Jones discover the wonders of fire protection, i'd advise keeping up.

Sloth.........greedy fuckers like to have others (read "little people") do the work for them while they rake in the profits. Think Wall St. and most CEO's.

Maybe he should have bought his own gear and fought the fire himself?
Gluttony........greedy fuckers are the ones most likely to overindulge, thus resulting in gluttony.

Instead of using their money on more important things- like fire protection
What the stupid demonRat asshole is doing is scamming the system. All his neighbors have to pay seventy five dollars a year while he just pays the day after he has a fire. He rolled the dice and the dumbass lost. It's no fault of the Republicans no matter what their stupid ass twats try to say. I remember these bleeding heart libruls are the same fucking people who would pull an infant out feet first jam a scissors through the base of his skull, spread them and suck his brains out. So, I for one ain't buying their bullshit.


It pisses me off that the purveyor of this stupid OP makes an inference that REPUBLICANS are at fault here and that REPUBLICANS would stand around while people burned to death. DemonRats are just flat out disgusting people.

:lol: I don't blame you for being pissed off about the Republican inference in the OP but I don't think you need to blame all Democrats over it.

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