Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

You know......Arizona has privatized most of their prisons. Incidentally, it was a privatized AZ prison that those 2 guys and 1 chick escaped from where they'd been gone several hours before anyone noticed them as being gone.

End result? A couple of people died who didn't need to because they escaped from prison.

Now? Some dude's house catches fire and burns down because they've privatized the fire department, resulting in the man not paying a 75 dollar fee (still wondering why property taxes don't cover fire services there), and having his house burn to the ground.

Nope.......we DO need the government in certain instances. Wanna talk about BP not doing their job properly? How about the mines in Utah and West Va that collapsed or blew up because the owners wanted to cut corners to maximize profit at the expense of the workers?

How about some GOP plans to privatize Social Security? If another Wall St. meltdown happens after they do that, MANY grandparents are going to be moving in with their kids and eating cat food.

Nope........I hope this dude soaks the county for as much as it takes to re-build his home and replace everything he's lost, as well as a decent sum for the headache and bullshit he's had to go through.

Oh today are SAFER because of government regulation.
Lefty, do I have to point out the town's Mayor has to live in town? Where he has fire protection? This whole thread has been an epic fail by the left and we have you to thank. Thank you.

Considering that the mayor would most likely live within city limits and have already paid for the service via his property taxes, that is an irrelevant analogy.

The homeowner in question lived outside of city limits in an unincorporated area of the county. Fire service in that area is Opt In. He Opted Out.

What is it about personal responsibility that bothers you so much?
I just occurred to me that if this had been a RICH rural resident, the left would have brought marshmellows. The rich guy always deserves it.
Go read the article from TP. All of the counties' board members are Republican.
Indeed they are, currently. What part of a policy being in place since 1990 has you confused?

I'm not confused. I'm just saying.. Imagine if it was turned around, that Republican mayor's house was on fire, and he didn't pay his fee. Heads would roll if the firefighters stood by and watched as his house, and everything in it burned to the ground.

Then heads would roll. If you make that exception for one, you have to make that exception for all. . . . and then no one would pay because a fire would be put out, regardless.

Considering that the mayor would most likely live within city limits and have already paid for the service via his property taxes, that is an irrelevant analogy.

The homeowner in question lived outside of city limits in an unincorporated area of the county. Fire service in that area is Opt In. He Opted Out.

What is it about personal responsibility that bothers you so much?

Ok, one of the county board members than. The analogy is a good one.

Doesn't bother me. What bothers me is how people able to do something, sat by and watch someones house burn down.
I firmly believe in being my brothers keeper. Even if that means helping them out when they didn't deserve it.
If nobody paid, there would be no fire fighters to put out anyone's fire.

Just sayin'.
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."
Mathew 10:34

Going to church doesn't mean you have a relationship with God. It just means you place "tradition" on a pedestal. So yea, I missed a lot of church because, more often than not, they just want my money.
I firmly believe in being my brothers keeper. Even if that means helping them out when they didn't deserve it.

And that, in a nutshell, reveals the moral bankruptcy and self-destructive nature of your philosophy.

What does it do to a culture when the height of "value" is to expend resources on the undeserving?
I got rear-ended (to the tune of $2,400) six weeks after I dropped collision. The other guy didn't have any insurance. Should my insurance company pay for the damage anyway, if I tell them I'll pay for collision coverage now?

Considering that the mayor would most likely live within city limits and have already paid for the service via his property taxes, that is an irrelevant analogy.

The homeowner in question lived outside of city limits in an unincorporated area of the county. Fire service in that area is Opt In. He Opted Out.

What is it about personal responsibility that bothers you so much?

Ok, one of the county board members than. The analogy is a good one.

Doesn't bother me. What bothers me is how people able to do something, sat by and watch someones house burn down.
I firmly believe in being my brothers keeper. Even if that means helping them out when they didn't deserve it.

And, in your system, there will be zero fire protection for the county.

Cool plan you have there. :thup:
I firmly believe in being my brothers keeper. Even if that means helping them out when they didn't deserve it.

And that, in a nutshell, reveals the moral bankruptcy and self-destructive nature of your philosophy.

What does it do to a culture when the height of "value" is to expend resources on the undeserving?

You do realize that greed is one of the 7 deadly sins, right?

By the way........who determines who is "deserving"? You? Cash? What?
Ok, one of the county board members than. The analogy is a good one.

Doesn't bother me. What bothers me is how people able to do something, sat by and watch someones house burn down.
I firmly believe in being my brothers keeper. Even if that means helping them out when they didn't deserve it.

You failed here. I suggest you get a list of people who haven't paid for fire protection and start writing checks.
I firmly believe in being my brothers keeper. Even if that means helping them out when they didn't deserve it.

And that, in a nutshell, reveals the moral bankruptcy and self-destructive nature of your philosophy.

What does it do to a culture when the height of "value" is to expend resources on the undeserving?

You do realize that greed is one of the 7 deadly sins, right?

By the way........who determines who is "deserving"? You? Cash? What?

Paying for one's needs is Greed and a sin?

As If.

It would behoove you to recall some of the other deadly sins:




Are particularly apt when discussing someone who is jealous that others have more than him, insists that they are his keepers, and expects them to foot his bills.
And that, in a nutshell, reveals the moral bankruptcy and self-destructive nature of your philosophy.

What does it do to a culture when the height of "value" is to expend resources on the undeserving?

You do realize that greed is one of the 7 deadly sins, right?

By the way........who determines who is "deserving"? You? Cash? What?

Paying for one's needs is Greed and a sin?

As If.

It would behoove you to recall some of the other deadly sins:




Are particularly apt when discussing someone who is jealous that others have more than him, insists that they are his keepers, and expects them to foot his bills.

Envy........greedy fuckers are the ones that are always keeping up with the Jones', and therefore are more envious than those who aren't greedy.

Sloth.........greedy fuckers like to have others (read "little people") do the work for them while they rake in the profits. Think Wall St. and most CEO's.

Gluttony........greedy fuckers are the ones most likely to overindulge, thus resulting in gluttony.

You really ain't that bright are ya?
5 of the 8 municipalities in the county don't have a subscription fee for the areas they service beyond the city limits.

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Three (3) of the municipal departments are offering services on a subscription basis, and
five (5) municipal departments are offering services on an as needed basis without
subscription or ability to pay for response. The municipal fire departments which utilize a
subscription service are not bound to and do not respond to fires on rural properties which
do not have a subscription for fire service. The only rural property owners guaranteed to
receive fire protection services are those who choose to pay for it. It they choose not to
purchase an annual subscription and require fire protection services, they fall on the mercy
of a municipal department who provide services on an as needed basis. When such
occurs, the responding fire department normally provides those services without

I think that's what the guy was banking on. One of the five non-subscription departments would come out. Still a stupid gamble.
Greed - Hoarding money that could help your family and neighbors should a fire break out.

Sloth - Too lazy to go pay your bill.

Anger - striking the Fire Chief for not helping.
I find it amazing that some defend this slickster who thought he could get the same service as those who pay.

Indicative of personal values, IMO.
If you read the article linked, he had a chimney fire three years ago, the fire department put it out and he paid them the $75 after the fact.

Apparently the fire department has become vindictive.

or they felt he should have learned his lesson and did what they in all likelihood asked him to do last time; pay up for it up front like everyone else and warn him, they won't be saving his ass again..... Once bitten, twice shy....
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