Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down

No. I would have paid the fuckin fee on time.
Jesus Christ you lefites are a miracle.

Oh shut the hell up you right-wing schmuck; and that goes for all the rest of you that enjoy sucking big business's dick! Why change a paradigm that has been working successfully for everyone else in this fucking country? Might I suggest you look up the San Bruno, CA explosion that occurred just recently? Here was a case that a whole suburban block -and more- was decimated by a gas line explosion and PG&E was at total fault. Through the taxpayer's money, the firefighters did an amazing job and the Government helped the victims by providing shelter, food, and clothes. Do you really want a fee to pay for existing social services and privatize it all so the rich make even more profits? You fucking morons! Why do you thrive on sucking big business's dick when they're working very hard against your best interest? Oh, I know why: because 1) they've manipulated you think that you're freedom is getting robbed by the government and 2) that God is against these types of Government takeovers. All along, right behind your back, they're shutting down manufacturing plants, eliminating American jobs, cutting wages, killing the middle class dream, and sending more American jobs overseas. Why? Because 5 mansions isn't enough! They're just laughing at you schmucks because you bought into their fear induced propaganda which supports their agenda to saturate the wealth to the top 2%! Don't you think it's a little strange that Wall Street is doing well but at the same time unemployment is at it's highest right now? That's because when unemployment goes up; their profits go up! It's not rocket science you "God fearing" dimwits! WAKE UP!!!!

I do believe in God and in Christ; when it comes time to be judged, I pray that God forgives them greedy mother fuckers for destroying America although I know they derve to burn in hell!

You do realize that telling some anonymous poster on a message board to 'shut up' makes you look pretty damned stupid, right?

I also believe in God. And I pray that He will judge us all on our merits as individuals - and not 'collectively'. I always leave it to God to decide who should or should not burn in hell - He knows far more than I do.... but if you're arrogant enough to judge others, that's your business.

But are you serious? Shut up! Until you can start thinking for yourself and stop telling people how they should their lives (no doubt your against a women's right to choose and you're against gay marriages) then I'll stop judging you and morons like yourself! God doesn't need you; nor me, to tell people how to live or the choices they can make. He is powerful enough to do that on his own!
I love the responses.. They prove the point of this OP.
In my mind, any person who would stand by, and watch a house burn to the ground, knowing they could prevent it, is fucking heartless.
What happened to helping people and not worrying about cost/or profit?
This is what all of America would look like with Conservatives in charge. Your house is on fire? Hold on.. Did you pay your yearly fee?
Wait, you're being raped? Did you pay the yearly fee?
Wow. Just wow.

I have a few questions for you.

Do your parents own your home?
Do you know if your parents have fire insurance?
Have you asked them why they have fire insurance?
Do your parents think your home is worth $75 dollars a year to have the fire department show up if your house is on fire?

Go and ask them these specific questions and let us know what they think. I am not asking about the morality of the issue....just the basic answers to the questions.

Still looking for those answers YL
Oh shut the hell up you right-wing schmuck; and that goes for all the rest of you that enjoy sucking big business's dick! Why change a paradigm that has been working successfully for everyone else in this fucking country? Might I suggest you look up the San Bruno, CA explosion that occurred just recently? Here was a case that a whole suburban block -and more- was decimated by a gas line explosion and PG&E was at total fault. Through the taxpayer's money, the firefighters did an amazing job and the Government helped the victims by providing shelter, food, and clothes. Do you really want a fee to pay for existing social services and privatize it all so the rich make even more profits? You fucking morons! Why do you thrive on sucking big business's dick when they're working very hard against your best interest? Oh, I know why: because 1) they've manipulated you think that you're freedom is getting robbed by the government and 2) that God is against these types of Government takeovers. All along, right behind your back, they're shutting down manufacturing plants, eliminating American jobs, cutting wages, killing the middle class dream, and sending more American jobs overseas. Why? Because 5 mansions isn't enough! They're just laughing at you schmucks because you bought into their fear induced propaganda which supports their agenda to saturate the wealth to the top 2%! Don't you think it's a little strange that Wall Street is doing well but at the same time unemployment is at it's highest right now? That's because when unemployment goes up; their profits go up! It's not rocket science you "God fearing" dimwits! WAKE UP!!!!

I do believe in God and in Christ; when it comes time to be judged, I pray that God forgives them greedy mother fuckers for destroying America although I know they derve to burn in hell!

You do realize that telling some anonymous poster on a message board to 'shut up' makes you look pretty damned stupid, right?

I also believe in God. And I pray that He will judge us all on our merits as individuals - and not 'collectively'. I always leave it to God to decide who should or should not burn in hell - He knows far more than I do.... but if you're arrogant enough to judge others, that's your business.

But are you serious? Shut up! Until you can start thinking for yourself and stop telling people how they should their lives (no doubt your against a women's right to choose and you're against gay marriages) then I'll stop judging you and morons like yourself! God doesn't need you; nor me, to tell people how to live or the choices they can make. He is powerful enough to do that on his own!
Wrong about your assumption of her views on abortion and gay marriage.

Take a breath and get ahold of yourself. You might be able to make a post that contains some rational thought rather than just emotion.
Oh shut the hell up you right-wing schmuck; and that goes for all the rest of you that enjoy sucking big business's dick! Why change a paradigm that has been working successfully for everyone else in this fucking country? Might I suggest you look up the San Bruno, CA explosion that occurred just recently? Here was a case that a whole suburban block -and more- was decimated by a gas line explosion and PG&E was at total fault. Through the taxpayer's money, the firefighters did an amazing job and the Government helped the victims by providing shelter, food, and clothes. Do you really want a fee to pay for existing social services and privatize it all so the rich make even more profits? You fucking morons! Why do you thrive on sucking big business's dick when they're working very hard against your best interest? Oh, I know why: because 1) they've manipulated you think that you're freedom is getting robbed by the government and 2) that God is against these types of Government takeovers. All along, right behind your back, they're shutting down manufacturing plants, eliminating American jobs, cutting wages, killing the middle class dream, and sending more American jobs overseas. Why? Because 5 mansions isn't enough! They're just laughing at you schmucks because you bought into their fear induced propaganda which supports their agenda to saturate the wealth to the top 2%! Don't you think it's a little strange that Wall Street is doing well but at the same time unemployment is at it's highest right now? That's because when unemployment goes up; their profits go up! It's not rocket science you "God fearing" dimwits! WAKE UP!!!!

I do believe in God and in Christ; when it comes time to be judged, I pray that God forgives them greedy mother fuckers for destroying America although I know they derve to burn in hell!

You do realize that telling some anonymous poster on a message board to 'shut up' makes you look pretty damned stupid, right?

I also believe in God. And I pray that He will judge us all on our merits as individuals - and not 'collectively'. I always leave it to God to decide who should or should not burn in hell - He knows far more than I do.... but if you're arrogant enough to judge others, that's your business.

But are you serious? Shut up! Until you can start thinking for yourself and stop telling people how they should their lives (no doubt your against a women's right to choose and you're against gay marriages) then I'll stop judging you and morons like yourself! God doesn't need you; nor me, to tell people how to live or the choices they can make. He is powerful enough to do that on his own!

just like a demonRat. won't pay for a service, wants the service, expects it for free, and expects conservatives to pay for their service. Thanks for posting basementdweller. It's typical of demonRat behavior.

Nothing is free when your taxes pay for it moron! But it looks like this county wants to do things their own damn way by privatizing the firefighters!

Stop sucking big business's dick. They really do hate you but don't mind a good sucking!
Oh shut the hell up you right-wing schmuck; and that goes for all the rest of you that enjoy sucking big business's dick! Why change a paradigm that has been working successfully for everyone else in this fucking country? Might I suggest you look up the San Bruno, CA explosion that occurred just recently? Here was a case that a whole suburban block -and more- was decimated by a gas line explosion and PG&E was at total fault. Through the taxpayer's money, the firefighters did an amazing job and the Government helped the victims by providing shelter, food, and clothes. Do you really want a fee to pay for existing social services and privatize it all so the rich make even more profits? You fucking morons! Why do you thrive on sucking big business's dick when they're working very hard against your best interest? Oh, I know why: because 1) they've manipulated you think that you're freedom is getting robbed by the government and 2) that God is against these types of Government takeovers. All along, right behind your back, they're shutting down manufacturing plants, eliminating American jobs, cutting wages, killing the middle class dream, and sending more American jobs overseas. Why? Because 5 mansions isn't enough! They're just laughing at you schmucks because you bought into their fear induced propaganda which supports their agenda to saturate the wealth to the top 2%! Don't you think it's a little strange that Wall Street is doing well but at the same time unemployment is at it's highest right now? That's because when unemployment goes up; their profits go up! It's not rocket science you "God fearing" dimwits! WAKE UP!!!!

I do believe in God and in Christ; when it comes time to be judged, I pray that God forgives them greedy mother fuckers for destroying America although I know they derve to burn in hell!

You do realize that telling some anonymous poster on a message board to 'shut up' makes you look pretty damned stupid, right?

I also believe in God. And I pray that He will judge us all on our merits as individuals - and not 'collectively'. I always leave it to God to decide who should or should not burn in hell - He knows far more than I do.... but if you're arrogant enough to judge others, that's your business.

But are you serious? Shut up! Until you can start thinking for yourself and stop telling people how they should their lives (no doubt your against a women's right to choose and you're against gay marriages) then I'll stop judging you and morons like yourself! God doesn't need you; nor me, to tell people how to live or the choices they can make. He is powerful enough to do that on his own!

mrrichards whatever, you keep harping on big business but this has nothing to do with ANY business. This is an issue of how one government is interacting with another. IE, how the city government is attempting to handle county government responsibilities. So please continue to blather like an abject moron about big business, but realize your arguments are totally baseless.
Oh shut the hell up you right-wing schmuck; and that goes for all the rest of you that enjoy sucking big business's dick! Why change a paradigm that has been working successfully for everyone else in this fucking country? Might I suggest you look up the San Bruno, CA explosion that occurred just recently? Here was a case that a whole suburban block -and more- was decimated by a gas line explosion and PG&E was at total fault. Through the taxpayer's money, the firefighters did an amazing job and the Government helped the victims by providing shelter, food, and clothes. Do you really want a fee to pay for existing social services and privatize it all so the rich make even more profits? You fucking morons! Why do you thrive on sucking big business's dick when they're working very hard against your best interest? Oh, I know why: because 1) they've manipulated you think that you're freedom is getting robbed by the government and 2) that God is against these types of Government takeovers. All along, right behind your back, they're shutting down manufacturing plants, eliminating American jobs, cutting wages, killing the middle class dream, and sending more American jobs overseas. Why? Because 5 mansions isn't enough! They're just laughing at you schmucks because you bought into their fear induced propaganda which supports their agenda to saturate the wealth to the top 2%! Don't you think it's a little strange that Wall Street is doing well but at the same time unemployment is at it's highest right now? That's because when unemployment goes up; their profits go up! It's not rocket science you "God fearing" dimwits! WAKE UP!!!!

I do believe in God and in Christ; when it comes time to be judged, I pray that God forgives them greedy mother fuckers for destroying America even though I know they deserve to burn in hell and have their eyes gouged out by ravenous crows!!

You must miss a lot of church.:eek:
:rolleyes: They showed up with a water truck.

As for what was in the house...they never asked, did they?

OK..they showed up with one truck with water.

What would happen if they used up their one truck full of water on the home that didn't pay for the service. The fire got out of hand and spread to the neighbor and burned down the house that DID pay for the service?

What would have happened if they hosed down the grass before it reached the home? Oh, right, the house wouldn't have burnt down.
Wow. 30 pages on this thread.. Not something I expected. But anyways, I didn't make this to support this guys decision not to pay the fee.. Although it's a stupid-ass system to begin with. I made it to disagree with the decision of the REPUBLICAN leaders in that area, to just let the house burn down.
No matter how many times I say that, you righties won't get it through your thick skulls. YES, THE GUY SHOULDA PAYED THE FEE.. AND YES, THE FIRE DEPT. SHOULDA PUT THE FIRE OUT ANYWAYS.
People in the area are outraged, and for good reason. I know If I were a paying neighbour, I'd be saying, put that shit out before it spreads to my home, and I get damaged.

What ever happened to just helping people regardless of profit/cost? Or even helping, then worrying about the cost? Why not just bill the guy after putting the fire out?

Imagine with me, if it had been one of those republican leaders who hadn't payed the fine.. And their house cought fire. Gu-ran-tee they woulda put it out. He would've demanded it.
Sourcethat they are Republicans. Thanks.

And, do recall that this policy has been in place for 20+ years.

Thanks in advance for some attempt to back up nothing but cheap talk.

Go read the article from TP. All of the counties' board members are Republican.
A vehicle moving on the public road ways is not the same as a house on its own lot. The tax bases to support infrastructure are from different sources.

Try again.

Okay, I stand corrected.
Would you like to respond the the liability issue which was the crux of the post?

"By the way, the neighbor whose grass caught fire is the actual cause of the fire which caused his neighbors house to burn.
It seems the neighbor who allowed his land to become a fire hazard breached his duty to the community and his neighbor.
The man whose who lost his house and all his possessions, lost three dogs and his grandchildren's cat, has a cause of action.
The suit will be quite interesting, I suspect, and hopefully very, very expensive.
I suspect the loss of $75 will pale in comparison to what the city will pay in legal fees and settlement costs."
Damn, you ARE lazy.

Read, and discover like most of the rest of us.

Or, just keep showing us your intellectual laziness.

Why continue to provide evidence you're an asshole? Need the attention that badly?
Life in a Libertarian World

Yup, personal responsibility! Instead we live in a Progressive Liberal country atm. Bush and Obama are as extreme as Government gets and it’s burning to entire country to the ground instead of just the people that foolishly run their life and their business… when failing at life make sure you take everyone with you, good call RW.

“Life in a Libertarian World,” Haha, if only we were so lucky! Have you noticed progression as a society has slowed down dramatically the more Government forces itself into our daily lives? I know it’s a weird concept to you RW because you believe without Government we would all be living in mud huts killing each other with sticks… Makes you wonder how and why we progressed so much quicker when Governments role was so minor or nonexistent.

You mean back when we were living in mud huts and killing with sticks?
This fire went on for hours because garden hoses just wouldn't put it out. It wasn't until that fire spread to a neighbor's property, that anyone would respond.

Turns out, the neighbor had paid the fee.

"I thought they'd come out and put it out, even if you hadn't paid your $75, but I was wrong," said Gene Cranick.

Because of that, not much is left of Cranick's house

Firefighters watch as home burns to the ground | WPSD Local 6 - News, Sports, Weather - Paducah KY | Local

Okay spin doctors, where is the, it started at the neighbor's and spread to the doublewide?
Okay, I stand corrected.
Would you like to respond the the liability issue which was the crux of the post?

"By the way, the neighbor whose grass caught fire is the actual cause of the fire which caused his neighbors house to burn.
It seems the neighbor who allowed his land to become a fire hazard breached his duty to the community and his neighbor.
The man whose who lost his house and all his possessions, lost three dogs and his grandchildren's cat, has a cause of action.
The suit will be quite interesting, I suspect, and hopefully very, very expensive.
I suspect the loss of $75 will pale in comparison to what the city will pay in legal fees and settlement costs."
Damn, you ARE lazy.

Read, and discover like most of the rest of us.

Or, just keep showing us your intellectual laziness.

Why continue to provide evidence you're an asshole? Need the attention that badly?
*sigh* Dear, I'm just highlighting your intellectual laziness because you've earned it.
And for 20 years, the voters have been apparently quite content with the policy. One moron wanted a free ride - if they wish to change the policy based on that, they are perfectly free to do so.
A local newspaper further pressed Mayor Crocker about the city’s policy, which has been in place since 1990. Crocker, a Republican who was elected in 2008 and serves with a county commission where every seat is also filled by a Republican, likened the policy to buying auto insurance
After you read your third or fourth account of this, it seems it might sink in the fire started at the doublewide.
A local newspaper further pressed Mayor Crocker about the city’s policy, which has been in place since 1990. Crocker, a Republican who was elected in 2008 and serves with a county commission where every seat is also filled by a Republican, likened the policy to buying auto insurance

Yep the result of libertarian leaning righties.
Wow. 30 pages on this thread.. Not something I expected. But anyways, I didn't make this to support this guys decision not to pay the fee.. Although it's a stupid-ass system to begin with. I made it to disagree with the decision of the REPUBLICAN leaders in that area, to just let the house burn down.
No matter how many times I say that, you righties won't get it through your thick skulls. YES, THE GUY SHOULDA PAYED THE FEE.. AND YES, THE FIRE DEPT. SHOULDA PUT THE FIRE OUT ANYWAYS.
People in the area are outraged, and for good reason. I know If I were a paying neighbour, I'd be saying, put that shit out before it spreads to my home, and I get damaged.

What ever happened to just helping people regardless of profit/cost? Or even helping, then worrying about the cost? Why not just bill the guy after putting the fire out?

Imagine with me, if it had been one of those republican leaders who hadn't payed the fine.. And their house cought fire. Gu-ran-tee they woulda put it out. He would've demanded it.
Sourcethat they are Republicans. Thanks.

And, do recall that this policy has been in place for 20+ years.

Thanks in advance for some attempt to back up nothing but cheap talk.

Go read the article from TP. All of the counties' board members are Republican.
Indeed they are, currently. What part of a policy being in place since 1990 has you confused?
Sourcethat they are Republicans. Thanks.

And, do recall that this policy has been in place for 20+ years.

Thanks in advance for some attempt to back up nothing but cheap talk.

Go read the article from TP. All of the counties' board members are Republican.
Indeed they are, currently. What part of a policy being in place since 1990 has you confused?

I'm not confused. I'm just saying.. Imagine if it was turned around, that Republican mayor's house was on fire, and he didn't pay his fee. Heads would roll if the firefighters stood by and watched as his house, and everything in it burned to the ground.

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