Firefighters Watch As House Burns Down


Nothing in regard to the house that was burning down.

While I agree the firefighters had the right to not do anything I think they are scum for not doing anything.

That is all.

They provided the service that they are paid to... nothing. They aren't scum, they're people with families to feed. No pay, no work. That's basic shit right there. I assume that you expect to get paid to work, do you not?
They got paid either way. They got paid to watch a house burn down, basically.

Yep. But, had the guy paid, then they would have provided the service for which they had been paid. That's how it works.

Nothing in regard to the house that was burning down.

While I agree the firefighters had the right to not do anything I think they are scum for not doing anything.

That is all.

They provided the service that they are paid to... nothing. They aren't scum, they're people with families to feed. No pay, no work. That's basic shit right there. I assume that you expect to get paid to work, do you not?
They got paid either way. They got paid to watch a house burn down, basically.
LMAO! No dear, they responded to the neighbor's brush fire - a neighbor who paid for the service. They got paid to attend to the brush fire.
As the fire department is in a different jurisdiction, collection would be a big problem. I doubt there's a way to tack it onto the property tax bill.
Question. I'm driving through this Tennessee town in my camper, a fire starts but i've not paid my $75 dollars. What's a firefighter to do?

By the way, the neighbor whose grass caught fire is the actual cause of the fire which caused his neighbors house to burn.
It seems the neighbor who allowed his land to become a fire hazard breached his duty to the community and his neighbor.
The man whose who lost his house and all his possessions, lost three dogs and his grandchildren's cat, has a cause of action.
The suit will be quite interesting, I suspect, and hopefully very, very expensive.
I suspect the loss of $75 will pale in comparison to what the city will pay in legal fees and settlement costs.
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A vehicle moving on the public road ways is not the same as a house on its own lot. The tax bases to support infrastructure are from different sources.

Try again.
Bullshit. They responded to the neighbor's (a neighbor who paid for the service) brush fire and acted on it. Imagine that.

Nothing in regard to the house that was burning down.

While I agree the firefighters had the right to not do anything I think they are scum for not doing anything.

That is all.

I'll take that as a debate win, if all I have to give up is the fire guys could have been nicer.
If that makes you happy...but I never said they were required to do it. They aren't, but they are scum for not doing it.
Question. I'm driving through this Tennessee town in my camper, a fire starts but i've not paid my $75 dollars. What's a firefighter to do?

If you're in the town itself, then South Fulton Fire Department responds to the fire like any other fire in their town.

The argument in this thread is over a fire outside of the city limits.

Nice try though.
They provided the service that they are paid to... nothing. They aren't scum, they're people with families to feed. No pay, no work. That's basic shit right there. I assume that you expect to get paid to work, do you not?
They got paid either way. They got paid to watch a house burn down, basically.
LMAO! No dear, they responded to the neighbor's brush fire - a neighbor who paid for the service. They got paid to attend to the brush fire.
They got paid no matter what they did.
They don't get paid to risk their lives for a moron who doesn't even think the safety of his home and family is worth $75.
Rav, you're got this one on lock.

I'm going to bail on this and let you take it from here :D
Question. I'm driving through this Tennessee town in my camper, a fire starts but i've not paid my $75 dollars. What's a firefighter to do?

Well, if your like the guy in this story, you've had a camper fire before. So you got experience on your side.

Your insurance coverage is limited to the loan balance on the trailer.

Call 911, and they will dispatch the town fire fighters.

Then...stop...drop... and roll!
You know.....if the guy pays property taxes to the county, he should have been able to have his house saved.

Incidentally.......this kinda happened before, and the previous fire chief told him that he'd put out the fire and the guy could pay the 75 dollar fee the next day (which he did).

This time, the current fire chief had no compassion and told the guy that since he hadn't paid yet, the fire department wasn't going to help.

Ain't it great when we privatize emergency services? If you're fond of being left to twist in the wind on your own then vote for the GOP this election.

If you still believe in a free country where you should have basic protection? Vote Democrat.

I'm going to vote against every fucking GOP retard on my ballot this year, I'm sick of how the Reps have been fucking this country over with their greed.
You will learn something when you grow up and live without parental support. You don't get what you don't pay for.

So you agree with the decision to let the guys house burn down? I'd imagine you would be singing a different tune if it was YOUR home.

No. I would have paid the fuckin fee on time.
Jesus Christ you lefites are a miracle.

Oh shut the hell up you right-wing schmuck; and that goes for all the rest of you that enjoy sucking big business's dick! Why change a paradigm that has been working successfully for everyone else in this fucking country? Might I suggest you look up the San Bruno, CA explosion that occurred just recently? Here was a case that a whole suburban block -and more- was decimated by a gas line explosion and PG&E was at total fault. Through the taxpayer's money, the firefighters did an amazing job and the Government helped the victims by providing shelter, food, and clothes. Do you really want a fee to pay for existing social services and privatize it all so the rich make even more profits? You fucking morons! Why do you thrive on sucking big business's dick when they're working very hard against your best interest? Oh, I know why: because 1) they've manipulated you think that you're freedom is getting robbed by the government and 2) that God is against these types of Government takeovers. All along, right behind your back, they're shutting down manufacturing plants, eliminating American jobs, cutting wages, killing the middle class dream, and sending more American jobs overseas. Why? Because 5 mansions isn't enough! They're just laughing at you schmucks because you bought into their fear induced propaganda which supports their agenda to saturate the wealth to the top 2%! Don't you think it's a little strange that Wall Street is doing well but at the same time unemployment is at it's highest right now? That's because when unemployment goes up; their profits go up! It's not rocket science you "God fearing" dimwits! WAKE UP!!!!

I do believe in God and in Christ; when it comes time to be judged, I pray that God forgives them greedy mother fuckers for destroying America even though I know they deserve to burn in hell and have their eyes gouged out by ravenous crows!!
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Paulie is right Ravi. During my career in the Navy, I was part of both the at sea fire party and the inport fire party.

There's a lot more to fighting a fire than merely squirting a hose.
I'm surprised the lefties aren't in favor of this whole scheme. It's basically a tax those who own property scheme. Those who own houses have to pay $75 a house to get that house covered by the fire dept. Those who don't own property don't have to pay. Those who don't own a house are usually lower income. So, it's fair to them.
They don't get paid to risk their lives for a moron who doesn't even think the safety of his home and family is worth $75.
Squirting a hose isn't much of a risk.

Where is your water source? How much do you have access to? What is stored in the house? Is the LP gas turned off? Abestos? Ammunition? Plastics?

Just squirt water? Let your local fire fighters know what you think.

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