First Abolishing the Electoral College

but how the left wants to abolish the senate. Holy shit, why do they want Cuba so is with these people?

ThinkProgress Editor and Definitely Not Sith Lord Calls for Abolishing the Senate
It is all about fairness. Fairness to them is taking from those successful enough to be in the top 25%, while they wallow in the filth of the bottom 50%. So instead of them brushing off the failures of liberalism and its victimhood, they want to punish the rest of US with high taxes so then we are just as poor as they are. Misery and Poverty, that is what liberalism always brings, and even then they aren't fucking happy.


Was it all because of Castro? I think the sanctions that the US placed on Cuba after the missile crisis did more to push them into poverty.
Really? When Castro chased all the wealthy people out of the Las Vegas of the Caribbean, the only people left were the poor fucks who had to stick it out. Dumbass liberals have no clue, and never will..

Cuba Poverty and wealth, Information about Poverty and wealth in Cuba
He confiscated the large landholdings and companies of the very wealthy, causing much of the upper class to flee the country. In nationalizing most of the businesses in Cuba he placed the state in control of the economy, thus allowing it to control wages for all positions.
Liberals think being wealthy is luck, not's where they go really really wrong.
Trust me, the first popular vote election the Dem's lost they would be screaming to go back to the EC method. This is about rigging elections for Democrats, nothing more.
When a state popular vote election doesn't go the Dem's way what do they do? Yes they rush to the courts to overturn the will of the popular vote. The faux rage over the EC is fake news.
but how the left wants to abolish the senate. Holy shit, why do they want Cuba so is with these people?

ThinkProgress Editor and Definitely Not Sith Lord Calls for Abolishing the Senate
It is all about fairness. Fairness to them is taking from those successful enough to be in the top 25%, while they wallow in the filth of the bottom 50%. So instead of them brushing off the failures of liberalism and its victimhood, they want to punish the rest of US with high taxes so then we are just as poor as they are. Misery and Poverty, that is what liberalism always brings, and even then they aren't fucking happy.


Was it all because of Castro? I think the sanctions that the US placed on Cuba after the missile crisis did more to push them into poverty.
Really? When Castro chased all the wealthy people out of the Las Vegas of the Caribbean, the only people left were the poor fucks who had to stick it out. Dumbass liberals have no clue, and never will..

Cuba Poverty and wealth, Information about Poverty and wealth in Cuba
He confiscated the large landholdings and companies of the very wealthy, causing much of the upper class to flee the country. In nationalizing most of the businesses in Cuba he placed the state in control of the economy, thus allowing it to control wages for all positions.

Hey BikerSailor, Cuba is the epitome of greatness. Like many, I was enamored by Marx et. al. when I was 20......shit was fascinating to me. Must have read The German Ideology six times in college. Thought those who didn't embrace it were brainless. Then you dig deeper and recognize the level of suck communism brings to its people.............doy. Some people just never dig deeper, become losers and spend their lives trying to make everybody else miserable like them out of sheer jealousy. Jerkoffs like BikerSailor never want to take responsibility for the utter fuckedupedness of the ghey personal decisions they made in their life.:cul2::cul2:
The Senate wasn't created to represent the people. That's what the House of Representatives is for. The Senate was meant to represent the interests of the individual state governments to prevent an ovebearing federal government.

And most of the population were illiterate rural farmers.

True or not, so what?

The Senate has more power than the House. They didn't want the masses directly electing it's members.

They didn't want the masses directly electing it's members due to checks and balances of power between the executive and legislative branches. The House represented the people and the Senate represented the state government against the executive branch.
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but how the left wants to abolish the senate. Holy shit, why do they want Cuba so is with these people?

ThinkProgress Editor and Definitely Not Sith Lord Calls for Abolishing the Senate
It is all about fairness. Fairness to them is taking from those successful enough to be in the top 25%, while they wallow in the filth of the bottom 50%. So instead of them brushing off the failures of liberalism and its victimhood, they want to punish the rest of US with high taxes so then we are just as poor as they are. Misery and Poverty, that is what liberalism always brings, and even then they aren't fucking happy.


Was it all because of Castro? I think the sanctions that the US placed on Cuba after the missile crisis did more to push them into poverty.
Really? When Castro chased all the wealthy people out of the Las Vegas of the Caribbean, the only people left were the poor fucks who had to stick it out. Dumbass liberals have no clue, and never will..

Cuba Poverty and wealth, Information about Poverty and wealth in Cuba
He confiscated the large landholdings and companies of the very wealthy, causing much of the upper class to flee the country. In nationalizing most of the businesses in Cuba he placed the state in control of the economy, thus allowing it to control wages for all positions.

Hey BikerSailor, Cuba is the epitome of greatness. Like many, I was enamored by Marx et. al. when I was 20......shit was fascinating to me. Must have read The German Ideology six times in college. Thought those who didn't embrace it were brainless. Then you dig deeper and recognize the level of suck communism brings to its people.............doy. Some people just never dig deeper, become losers and spend their lives trying to make everybody else miserable like them out of sheer jealousy. Jerkoffs like BikerSailor never want to take responsibility for the utter fuckedupedness of the ghey personal decisions they made in their life.:cul2::cul2:

You may have had the luxury of reading Marx in your 20's, but during that time I was deploying to war zones onboard US Navy ships. Signed up for the delayed entry program in Feb. of my senior year, and was in boot camp a month after I graduated. Been a military man all my life, and never had any use for communism. Communism as Marx wrote it sounded good, but there is one problem with it. It doesn't take into account the greed that humans have.
but how the left wants to abolish the senate. Holy shit, why do they want Cuba so is with these people?

ThinkProgress Editor and Definitely Not Sith Lord Calls for Abolishing the Senate
It is all about fairness. Fairness to them is taking from those successful enough to be in the top 25%, while they wallow in the filth of the bottom 50%. So instead of them brushing off the failures of liberalism and its victimhood, they want to punish the rest of US with high taxes so then we are just as poor as they are. Misery and Poverty, that is what liberalism always brings, and even then they aren't fucking happy.


Was it all because of Castro? I think the sanctions that the US placed on Cuba after the missile crisis did more to push them into poverty.
Really? When Castro chased all the wealthy people out of the Las Vegas of the Caribbean, the only people left were the poor fucks who had to stick it out. Dumbass liberals have no clue, and never will..

Cuba Poverty and wealth, Information about Poverty and wealth in Cuba
He confiscated the large landholdings and companies of the very wealthy, causing much of the upper class to flee the country. In nationalizing most of the businesses in Cuba he placed the state in control of the economy, thus allowing it to control wages for all positions.

Hey BikerSailor, Cuba is the epitome of greatness. Like many, I was enamored by Marx et. al. when I was 20......shit was fascinating to me. Must have read The German Ideology six times in college. Thought those who didn't embrace it were brainless. Then you dig deeper and recognize the level of suck communism brings to its people.............doy. Some people just never dig deeper, become losers and spend their lives trying to make everybody else miserable like them out of sheer jealousy. Jerkoffs like BikerSailor never want to take responsibility for the utter fuckedupedness of the ghey personal decisions they made in their life.:cul2::cul2:

You may have had the luxury of reading Marx in your 20's, but during that time I was deploying to war zones onboard US Navy ships. Signed up for the delayed entry program in Feb. of my senior year, and was in boot camp a month after I graduated. Been a military man all my life, and never had any use for communism. Communism as Marx wrote it sounded good, but there is one problem with it. It doesn't take into account the greed that humans have.

I agree, which is why capitalism is the best system, it matches people's motivations. Sure people are awful sinners, but they do have their good moments like after a natural disaster, people unite. We need to remove politics as a deciding factor.
but how the left wants to abolish the senate. Holy shit, why do they want Cuba so is with these people?

ThinkProgress Editor and Definitely Not Sith Lord Calls for Abolishing the Senate

This was inevitable once someone explained the math to the progressives. Because the SENATE is FAR LESS "democratic" than the electoral college. They weren't smart enough to figure that out earlier.

BUT -- won't matter. What's happening is the Blues are beating the Reds to becoming One Party states. Just like the soviet Union or Cuba. Cali is already there with their totally fucked "Top 2 primary"... Not a single Repub, Indie, 3rd party choice for US senate. Just 2 Dems. THIS is party tyranny actually.

And pretty soon, more than 1/2 of nation will be completely "disenfranchised" by choosing to live in a hostile political state.
but how the left wants to abolish the senate. Holy shit, why do they want Cuba so is with these people?

ThinkProgress Editor and Definitely Not Sith Lord Calls for Abolishing the Senate

This was inevitable once someone explained the math to the progressives. Because the SENATE is FAR LESS "democratic" than the electoral college. They weren't smart enough to figure that out earlier.

BUT -- won't matter. What's happening is the Blues are beating the Reds to becoming One Party states. Just like the soviet Union or Cuba. Cali is already there with their totally fucked "Top 2 primary"... Not a single Repub, Indie, 3rd party choice for US senate. Just 2 Dems. THIS is party tyranny actually.

And pretty soon, more than 1/2 of nation will be completely "disenfranchised" by choosing to live in a hostile political state.

You say that it's "party tyranny" when a state is represented by 2 Democrat senators. My question is, how do you feel when a state has 2 Republican senators, with no Dems, Indies or 3rd party choice?

List of current members of the United States Senate - Wikipedia


The United States Senate party membership by state. States with two Democratic U.S. Senators are in blue, states with two Republican U.S. Senators are in red, and those with one of each are in purple. States with an independent U.S. Senator are marked with green stripes on a blue or red background, depending on the party of the other U.S. Senator.
but how the left wants to abolish the senate. Holy shit, why do they want Cuba so is with these people?

ThinkProgress Editor and Definitely Not Sith Lord Calls for Abolishing the Senate

This was inevitable once someone explained the math to the progressives. Because the SENATE is FAR LESS "democratic" than the electoral college. They weren't smart enough to figure that out earlier.

BUT -- won't matter. What's happening is the Blues are beating the Reds to becoming One Party states. Just like the soviet Union or Cuba. Cali is already there with their totally fucked "Top 2 primary"... Not a single Repub, Indie, 3rd party choice for US senate. Just 2 Dems. THIS is party tyranny actually.

And pretty soon, more than 1/2 of nation will be completely "disenfranchised" by choosing to live in a hostile political state.

The Democrats are trying to turn America into a one-party oligarchy like China. The Democratic goons in the IRS, FBI, DOJ, etc. nearly made that a reality. Like I've said, liberals have no problem with a police-state, as long as they're the ones running it.
but how the left wants to abolish the senate. Holy shit, why do they want Cuba so is with these people?

ThinkProgress Editor and Definitely Not Sith Lord Calls for Abolishing the Senate

This was inevitable once someone explained the math to the progressives. Because the SENATE is FAR LESS "democratic" than the electoral college. They weren't smart enough to figure that out earlier.

BUT -- won't matter. What's happening is the Blues are beating the Reds to becoming One Party states. Just like the soviet Union or Cuba. Cali is already there with their totally fucked "Top 2 primary"... Not a single Repub, Indie, 3rd party choice for US senate. Just 2 Dems. THIS is party tyranny actually.

And pretty soon, more than 1/2 of nation will be completely "disenfranchised" by choosing to live in a hostile political state.

You say that it's "party tyranny" when a state is represented by 2 Democrat senators. My question is, how do you feel when a state has 2 Republican senators, with no Dems, Indies or 3rd party choice?

List of current members of the United States Senate - Wikipedia


The United States Senate party membership by state. States with two Democratic U.S. Senators are in blue, states with two Republican U.S. Senators are in red, and those with one of each are in purple. States with an independent U.S. Senator are marked with green stripes on a blue or red background, depending on the party of the other U.S. Senator.

Florida is now red.
We can eliminate the electoral college right after states are given permission to secede from the union.
but how the left wants to abolish the senate. Holy shit, why do they want Cuba so is with these people?

ThinkProgress Editor and Definitely Not Sith Lord Calls for Abolishing the Senate

This was inevitable once someone explained the math to the progressives. Because the SENATE is FAR LESS "democratic" than the electoral college. They weren't smart enough to figure that out earlier.

BUT -- won't matter. What's happening is the Blues are beating the Reds to becoming One Party states. Just like the soviet Union or Cuba. Cali is already there with their totally fucked "Top 2 primary"... Not a single Repub, Indie, 3rd party choice for US senate. Just 2 Dems. THIS is party tyranny actually.

And pretty soon, more than 1/2 of nation will be completely "disenfranchised" by choosing to live in a hostile political state.

You say that it's "party tyranny" when a state is represented by 2 Democrat senators. My question is, how do you feel when a state has 2 Republican senators, with no Dems, Indies or 3rd party choice?

List of current members of the United States Senate - Wikipedia


The United States Senate party membership by state. States with two Democratic U.S. Senators are in blue, states with two Republican U.S. Senators are in red, and those with one of each are in purple. States with an independent U.S. Senator are marked with green stripes on a blue or red background, depending on the party of the other U.S. Senator.
Isn't what he said AT ALL, he is talking about how California changed their law to only let the top two vote getters in the primary run for the position, That is why only 2 democrats were running this time. Learn to read.
You say that it's "party tyranny" when a state is represented by 2 Democrat senators.

Nope. Never said that. The reference was to California BANNING other entries on the General Election other than the 2 top winners in their "jungle primary"... NO OTHER CHOICES OFFERED for the race. There starts the tyranny of a "one party state":...

When a long lost state like California institutionalizes the party system and USURPS the right of those parties to run candidates in the GENERAL elections -- it's tyranny. Because the primaries are a PARTY function to offer their constituents a WIDE CHOICE of candidates to run in the General election. So to survive the Jungle Primary in Cali -- the only sure way to WIN is to LIMIT the choices to the party faithful so as not to "dilute the vote". EVEN INDEPENDENTS are not legal on the California ballot for national offices if they don't survive the top 2 primary. NO CHOICE other than 2 Dems for California on the last 2 Cali US Senate races.

I don't care if it's Red or Blue -- one party states are the beginning of the end. It's gerrymandering on a national scale. Disenfranchising LARGE fractions of the residents there. As an Indie, I search long and hard to find the Dem candidate to vote for in Tenn. Found one. Voted for her. Because I don't want Tennessee to become California. If you look at the Tenn legislature, these folks are all genetic clones and interchangeable. It's not healthy here and it's gonna kill states like Cali much faster.
but how the left wants to abolish the senate. Holy shit, why do they want Cuba so is with these people?

ThinkProgress Editor and Definitely Not Sith Lord Calls for Abolishing the Senate

The leftists are running the Dem party now. They are as radical as they come.

While Dems pretend to care about any minorities, it's clear they are all about mob rule. The leaders know damn well that the electoral college exists to protect the minorities. They keep claiming that America is a democracy, which their poorly educated minions believe. Democracies are truly evil. Our system, from the constitution to the electoral college, protects the minorities from the mob mentality of the majority. That is why this is the best country and why people from the commie and socialist countries will literally risk dying to get here. It's nice having a voice instead of having things dictated by the fringe voters on the east and west coasts.
By the way, there's lots of other reasons why the Dem party is the party of disenfranchisement. Like their "superdelegate" system that counts party big whig votes equal to 70,000 party peons. In general -- their PRIMARY choices are FAR MORE LIMITED than what the Repubs or Libertarians or Greens offer their constituents. It's all heavily choreographed to prevent contention and competition of choices.

13 or 15 Repub presidential primary choices in 2016. Four serious contenders for Libertarian party. The Democrats offered their "trump card" candidate, allowed Bernie to be the shill, and isolated and killed off 2 minor candidates before Iowa.. Not really a choice was there? Since Uncle Bernie was screwed and pranked by the DNC from day one and throughout the race.

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