First Biden presser in 10 months.

For the first time in my life, I was truly embarrassed for the guy, and for America, and by association, Jill Biden. Joe stood up there before the entire world and made a complete ass of himself as everyone in the room stood there flushed with the thought that: "Oh my God, this guy is one step from being the guy in a wheelchair in the nursing home talking to the candy machine, and he is our president? He is both the leader of the free world and the captain over all of this country's problems?"

And the room just became silent as everyone watching gulped and sweated just a little hoping this guy didn't put his other foot in his mouth.

Nancy was off camera yelling to someone: "Kill his mic! Pull the audio!"

People in the room felt a peculiar mixture of shock, awe, fear and helplessness as Joe Babbled on, occasionally becoming lucid for a few moments almost making sense ads everyone tried to tell themselves, "Whew," then next thing they knew, Joe was rambling on aimlessly for 5 minutes having flashbacks as the onlookers looked on realizing this guy was never going to fix anything important to the nation.

JOE'S BEST PLAN TO IMPROVE FOR THE NEW YEAR: To start listening more to people who actually know what they are talking about. :smoke:

JOE'S BEST PLAN ON RUSSIAN AGGRESSION: The same country that Nancy impeached a president over for simply delaying for a few days some aid they got anyway, Joe now won't bat an eye over if Putin invades with his military.

Highlight of the conference: When Joe Biddum called the Left a bunch of communists. :auiqs.jpg: Did anyone else catch that in the melee?! :spinner:

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I don't see how anyone who voted for him can't be embarrassed as hell right now. Unless they didn't watch that trainwreck..
Well that entire thing was a clusterfuck. Bet they don't let Joe go it along like that again. We have been given the opportunity to see the internal mental workings of the leader of the free world, and it's not a pretty sight.

The words come kinda sorta came but I don't think anyone had a fuckin' clue what he was trying to say. :laughing0301:
John Kennedy the Sen said it right

If aliens come to Earth and said, take me to your leader, everyone wold be embarrassed
You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump was the best President of modern times and this Potatohead sonofabitch stole an election and now we all know he is the worst President of all times.

That is saying a lot seeing that The Worthless Negro formerly held that distinction.
Trump stole your brain, fool.

I'd ask you for proof that the election was stolen but I know better then to ask a moron for facts.

Prove me wrong.
For the first time in my life, I was truly embarrassed for the guy, and for America, and by association, Jill Biden. Joe stood up there before the entire world and made a complete ass of himself as everyone in the room stood there flushed with the thought that: "Oh my God, this guy is one step from being the guy in a wheelchair in the nursing home talking to the candy machine, and he is our president? He is both the leader of the free world and the captain over all of this country's problems?"

And the room just became silent as everyone watching gulped and sweated just a little hoping this guy didn't put his other foot in his mouth.

Nancy was off camera yelling to someone: "Kill his mic! Pull the audio!"

People in the room felt a peculiar mixture of shock, awe, fear and helplessness as Joe babbled on, occasionally becoming lucid for a few moments almost making sense as everyone tried to tell themselves, "Whew," then next thing they knew, Joe was rambling on aimlessly for 5 minutes having flashbacks as the onlookers looked on realizing this guy was never going to fix anything important to the nation.

JOE'S BEST PLAN TO IMPROVE FOR THE NEW YEAR: To start listening more to people who actually know what they are talking about. :smoke:

JOE'S BEST PLAN ON RUSSIAN AGGRESSION: The same country that Nancy impeached a president over for simply delaying for a few days some aid they got anyway, Joe now won't bat an eye over if Putin invades with his military.

Highlight of the conference: When Joe Biddum called the Left a bunch of communists. :auiqs.jpg: Did anyone else catch that in the melee?! :spinner:

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JOE'S BEST PLAN FOR YEAR TWO? Campaign, we're going to raise lots of money. SMFH
I don't see how anyone who voted for him can't be embarrassed as hell right now. Unless they didn't watch that trainwreck..

If they cared enough to be informed, they watched and they were shocked, scared and embarrassed. All hope for the next three years was just dashed for the democrats. All hope for 2022 has been dashed. It's clear now this isn't just some "phase" that Joe is going through that he is just going to shrug off or outgrow anytime soon. They cannot afford to let Joe out unsupervised talking freely with the media like this again. They must scramble now to start thinking about who to put up there to run in 2024.

But the typical, plodding democrat won't bother, they will glean their thoughts from CNN, NBC or some other favorite late-night leftwing blowpipe to give them a few video flashes of the event along with THEIR synopsis and analysis of how it went and continue with their comfortable numbness.

Except for when Joe started going on one of his suddenly loud rants yelling angrily like an old man yelling at the clouds as his Lewy Body Syndrome took hold, trying to get the reporter to forget the question he asked or that he hadn't gotten any coherent answer.

But the collective Left who are staked in Joe Biddum bigly watched that presser closely, sucked in their sphincters, gulped a little vinegar, and even his supporting hopefuls said: "We're fucked."

Joe has proven to all that you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

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Ron Johnson: Biden says his administration is doing well. i don't know what planet he's living on


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