First Biden presser in 10 months.

Trump told us the truth. We know now that the long-term politician is a bullshit artist. They told us. All the TV shills laughing at the Deplorables. Insulting them. Proposing killing them. Progs lied. Totally!
Independents laugh at magaturds too.
Notice how differently the Press treats Biden compared to Trump.
The Press is supposed to protect the citizens not these dirty corrupt cretins like Joe Biden.
Biden even asked for "easy questions" and he got them.
HaHaHa, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer either. The thread is a Biden presser discussion--Oh yeah, not much to discuss about a dumpster fire, eh? So all you have is more warmed over bs about the last POTUS. Typical democrat. Nothing burger.
He's been playing janitor since his first day in office. Not a sliver of help from the alt-right faithful. Yep, he's had his screwups...but, that is what I'd expect from a career politician.
Bottom line, he cares about this country and cares about doing the job....sorry, drawing a parallel to the last guy is unavoidable. The last guy...didn't give a shit.
And you own Trump.

Try to keep up yourself, Trump asslicker.

How's the SCOTUS decision handed down today workin' out for ya, Ace? Feelings hurt?
Is there any way to get it thru your thick skull this isn't a Trump thread?

And please seek professional help for your obsession with licking Trump's ass.
HaHaHa, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer either. The thread is a Biden presser discussion--Oh yeah, not much to discuss about a dumpster fire, eh? So all you have is more warmed over bs about the last POTUS. Typical democrat. Nothing burger.
Well I didn't watch his speech, because I stopped watching them at Obama, when they became unbearable. Political tourists watch speeches. And judging by the vast majority of magaturd comments, it was literally the worst thing in the world anyway. See? I have better things to do (& watch).

Oh, and Fuck Donald J Trump.
What is even crazier than that is that Veggie Joe thinks Putin is worried about the Berlin wall coming down.

Biden really humiliated himself, and America today. There is no way around it.
And he has put America in danger by showing that we are being “led” by a senile old man. Enemies take advantage of that type of thing.
Can someone help me out just in case I missed something........has any Dimwinger posted in this thread pointing out a question and answer today and then said: Biden nailed it. He is a genius!

or anything close to that?

All I have seen is a bunch of.....ORANGE MAN BAD! from the board Dimtards.
Can someone help me out just in case I missed something........has any Dimwinger posted in this thread pointing out a question and answer today and then said: Biden nailed it. He is a genius!

or anything close to that?

All I have seen is a bunch of.....ORANGE MAN BAD! from the board Dimtards.
I like how he blinks his eyes and closes them when he stumbles. It's like he's trying to read some lines on the inside of his eyelids.

Very few notice that he also slurs over many common words almost as though here were drunk. I get it that he’s a stutterer. But damn. Between his speech pathology, his dementia and his reliance on one or two displays of fake emotion, he is really hard to listen to.

It doesn’t help that he’s also stupid and a born liar.

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