First Biden presser in 10 months.

Trump stole your brain, fool.

I'd ask you for proof that the election was stolen but I know better then to ask a moron for facts.

Prove me wrong.

The thief is well know but denied by you stupid uneducated Moon Bats.

Unverified fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

Trump being ahead and the counting stopped and then opened up later with thousands of ballots magically appearing with nothing but a vote on them for Potatohead.

Republican observers prevented from observing the counting.

The evidence for the stolen election is overwhelming. Only you filthy Libtards, hell bent on making this country a Socialist shithole, are in denial.

Biden's Chicom buddies unleashed the bio weapon that created a pandemic that enabled the goddamn Democrats the opportunity to use the fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots to steal an election that Trump clearly won.

You know who Biden's Chicom buddies are, don't you? They are the ones that made the shithead Biden family filthy rich with a multi billion dollar investment. Their man is in the White House now and what an idiot he is.

President Potatohead made a fool out of himself today. You stupid uneducated Moon Bats were morons for voting for that dipshit and then ignoring the fact he stole an election from the American people.
I don't have a tangible relationship with the POTUS to 'distance' myself from, and neither do you. :auiqs.jpg: :spinner:

You're such fucking political fangirl for a magaturd.
Au Contraire, moron. Unlike you, I didn't vote for him and for someone who doesn't have any time to waste, you sure spend a lot of time here. I understand that you'll deny voting for potatohead. Democrats are jumping ship in droves. HaHaHa--don't blame me. LOL
Unlike you, I didn't vote for him
Surely you jest! Do you feel stating the fucking obvious helps or hinders your argument? We already know you didn't vote for him. Being willfully obtuse doesn't help.
and for someone who doesn't have any time to waste, you sure spend a lot of time here.
Do I?
I understand that you'll deny voting for potatohead.
Then you don't understand very much, do you, you useless magaturd hack? I would have voted for a house plant over Trump, and Biden was the next best option. And it's... Meh. :dunno:
Democrats are jumping ship in droves. HaHaHa--don't blame me. LOL
Why would I blame you? Are you fucking special needs or something?
So it shows that the only people who still think Biden was the better choice are ignorant, uninformed, unknowledgeable fools who are deliberately remaining blind to the damage they’ve done. Like you, fool.
He was the only logical choice given the abortion on the other side. If Biden had any of the nice, smooth sailing that your savior enjoyed for the first three years of his Presidency, then I'd agree with you if it went into the crapper, he's to blame.
But..when you have to be the janitor from Day 1..well..then, you get a long runway. I'm sorry, this will not turn out bad for Biden at the midterms. No farm betting yet. :)
This press conference is evidence that he should be 25thl but then we’d get the Marxist idiot, and she’s worse. I think we have to hold on for another year, pray Biden doesn’t destroy America beyond repair, and then impeach him for inability to serve, impeach her doe the same reason (might have to wait a few months until she exhibits the full extent of her incompetency), and then elevate the Republican Speaker of the House.

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