First Biden presser in 10 months.

And you own Trump.

Try to keep up yourself, Trump asslicker.

How's the SCOTUS decision handed down today workin' out for ya, Ace? Feelings hurt?
How's ramblin' Joes messer working for you, moron? That is what the thread is--once again stay on topic--or do you suffer from the same dementia that potatohead does? STFU--you can't keep up.
How would you know what the truth is, jerkoff? You defend Trump who's lied to this Country thousands of times including in his rant in Arizona on Saturday.

Still stuck in your craw that Biden whipped Trump's ass but good & tossed his ass out of the W.H.

Suck that down asscrack & let it hang there.

You’re anger and hate are proof positive Kid Drowning *Joe (another today) is an absolute failure and the laughingstock of the entire world.
I notice the two progressive liberal trolls that showed up today aren’t talking about the press conference at all….that speaks volumes.

Look, Joe Biden’s policies are destroying, dividing, and weakening this country…And no amount of his condescending bullshit changes that for the mass majority of Americans….Everyone is reminded of his failures every week when they go fill up the car, and hit the grocery store. I know I am…

Jimmy Carter is smiling.
Its plain that you didn't watch the stuttering fuck today. He couldn't put together a coherent sentence. I guess if that was my choice for a leader I'd be saying Bbbbbut, Trump too. But he wasn't my choice so I get to point out to morons like you just how much comedy you missed. Try again, shit for brains.
No, they aren't. The items in the bill enjoy wide support. I know you members of Alt-Right Nation don't, but I don't expect you to be in favor of anything that comes out of the office that has a guy with a "D" next to his name.

Or a VP with a “D” in …… I’ll let imaginations finish.
I am SO angry at the gullible fools who voted for this completely incompetent idiot who never accomplished a thing in 50 years of public service, other than to enrich his own son, that I find it difficult to engage with liberals IRL.

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