First black candidate to win a statewide race in S. Carolina guess it..REPUBLICAN

Also, please deny that all those racist Dixiecrats became Republicans, and that the Republicans welcomed them with open arms.

Also, please deny that the modern GOP created the "southern strategy".

The Republicans on this thread are being particularly enthusiastic in their attempts to revise history. If they're going into such extreme contortions to hide the actions of their party, they're clearly deeply ashamed of those actions.That's good, they at least still understand that being seen as a racist is shameful, and that their racism needs to be hidden. And that means there's hope that they can eventually recover and rejoin normal society.
Sure, all denied.

Look, with Mia Love and Tim Scott, the Republicans now outnumber the Democrats in terms of having black politicians elected by white voters.
Your grasp of history is appalling and represents most of what's wrong with the United States.

You place identity over truth.

Dude, I schooled you on the history. You've imbibed the propaganda. The data sides with me, you simply point to statements and Big Lie narratives.
Also, please deny that all those racist Dixiecrats became Republicans, and that the Republicans welcomed them with open arms.

Also, please deny that the modern GOP created the "southern strategy".

The Republicans on this thread are being particularly enthusiastic in their attempts to revise history. If they're going into such extreme contortions to hide the actions of their party, they're clearly deeply ashamed of those actions.That's good, they at least still understand that being seen as a racist is shameful, and that their racism needs to be hidden. And that means there's hope that they can eventually recover and rejoin normal society.
Sure, all denied.

Look, with Mia Love and Tim Scott, the Republicans now outnumber the Democrats in terms of having black politicians elected by white voters.
Your grasp of history is appalling and represents most of what's wrong with the United States.

You place identity over truth.

Dude, I schooled you on the history. You've imbibed the propaganda. The data sides with me, you simply point to statements and Big Lie narratives.

All good.
People who read this know what's up.
Also, please deny that all those racist Dixiecrats became Republicans, and that the Republicans welcomed them with open arms.

Also, please deny that the modern GOP created the "southern strategy".

The Republicans on this thread are being particularly enthusiastic in their attempts to revise history. If they're going into such extreme contortions to hide the actions of their party, they're clearly deeply ashamed of those actions.That's good, they at least still understand that being seen as a racist is shameful, and that their racism needs to be hidden. And that means there's hope that they can eventually recover and rejoin normal society.
Sure, all denied.

Look, with Mia Love and Tim Scott, the Republicans now outnumber the Democrats in terms of having black politicians elected by white voters.
Your grasp of history is appalling and represents most of what's wrong with the United States.

You place identity over truth.

Dude, I schooled you on the history. You've imbibed the propaganda. The data sides with me, you simply point to statements and Big Lie narratives.
You've never schooled anyone. For a while I thought you were intelligent but intellectually dishonest.

Now I know better.

The wall the Democrats built is beginning to show some real cracks.

This sort of supports the old conservative line about how there were blacks who owned slaves.

There's the Uncle Tom comment we were waiting for.


Really? Do you wish to dispute that conservatives LOVE to point out how there were blacks who owned slaves?

Please!!!!!! Deny that. Deny that that is a popular RWnut talking point.

Go ahead and deny it and I will drown your fat smelly ass in links that prove you wrong, you cow.

Go ahead and deny that it was white aristocrat democrats that went to war to preserve slavery, go ahead.

Southern Democrats were conservatives. No sane person disputes that.

The Democrat left the conservatives, remember? That's what conservative segregationist Zell Miller said...'I didn't leave the Democratic party, the Democratic party left me.'

Yeah, no shit, the Democratic party threw its Southern conservative segregationist wing overboard...

...and the Republican Party promptly rowed out with the lifeboats.

Goal posts moved. YOU said democrats. I realize that the left wing liberals define conservative as bad and progressives as good and then define history by those parameters. But it was democrats that fought a war to perserve slavery. It was democrats that put AMERICANS into concentration camps. It was democrats that were the ONLY ones to use an Atomic weapon. It was democrats that targeted and killed people without due process. That is the history of the democrat party from the civil war to now, you can't deny it you can only deflect.

And no, the Dixiecrat did not leave the party of racism for the party of Lincoln there would be no reason to do so.
Also, please deny that all those racist Dixiecrats became Republicans, and that the Republicans welcomed them with open arms.

Actually, the only dixiecrat that became a Republican was Strom Thurmond...a Ranger who stormed the beaches during D-day, and he was informed by Nixon that he would have to give up his racist ways....

The other dixiecrats...stayed democrat....for example...robert "sheets" byrd....former klansman, and klan recruiter who stayed in thedemocrat party....

The myth of the Southern Strategy is exactly that...a myth...the Republicans won the younger, new south...the older racist south stayed democrat....I'll post about this later if someone else doesn't beat me to it...

You are obviously a student who graduated from a government school run by the education wing of the democrat wonder you think the Republicans are racist...the slave owning party has been running your education....
Also, please deny that all those racist Dixiecrats became Republicans, and that the Republicans welcomed them with open arms.

Also, please deny that the modern GOP created the "southern strategy".

The Republicans on this thread are being particularly enthusiastic in their attempts to revise history. If they're going into such extreme contortions to hide the actions of their party, they're clearly deeply ashamed of those actions.That's good, they at least still understand that being seen as a racist is shameful, and that their racism needs to be hidden. And that means there's hope that they can eventually recover and rejoin normal society.
Sure, all denied.

Look, with Mia Love and Tim Scott, the Republicans now outnumber the Democrats in terms of having black politicians elected by white voters.

We have ALWAYS broken ground when it comes to empowering minorities and women. Always. The dems lie about it to hide the fact that they are bigoted and sexist.
Also, please deny that all those racist Dixiecrats became Republicans, and that the Republicans welcomed them with open arms.

Also, please deny that the modern GOP created the "southern strategy".

The Republicans on this thread are being particularly enthusiastic in their attempts to revise history. If they're going into such extreme contortions to hide the actions of their party, they're clearly deeply ashamed of those actions.That's good, they at least still understand that being seen as a racist is shameful, and that their racism needs to be hidden. And that means there's hope that they can eventually recover and rejoin normal society.
Sure, all denied.

Look, with Mia Love and Tim Scott, the Republicans now outnumber the Democrats in terms of having black politicians elected by white voters.
Your grasp of history is appalling and represents most of what's wrong with the United States.

You place identity over truth.

A nice, non-specific little comment meant to marginalize and accuse via a lie about hisotry..without actually saying anything.

It's what the left does.
Also, please deny that all those racist Dixiecrats became Republicans, and that the Republicans welcomed them with open arms.

Also, please deny that the modern GOP created the "southern strategy".

The Republicans on this thread are being particularly enthusiastic in their attempts to revise history. If they're going into such extreme contortions to hide the actions of their party, they're clearly deeply ashamed of those actions.That's good, they at least still understand that being seen as a racist is shameful, and that their racism needs to be hidden. And that means there's hope that they can eventually recover and rejoin normal society.
Sure, all denied.

Look, with Mia Love and Tim Scott, the Republicans now outnumber the Democrats in terms of having black politicians elected by white voters.
Your grasp of history is appalling and represents most of what's wrong with the United States.

You place identity over truth.

A nice, non-specific little comment meant to marginalize and accuse via a lie about hisotry..without actually saying anything.

It's what the left does.
...and lest one forget, the Republican party was founded in 1854 by ANTI-SLAVERY Americans.
'Republicans are Racist', 'War on Women.' Blah Blah Blah.

Yeah, looks like most Americans are completely over that stale Democrat Bullshite.

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