First democratic debates a disaster for NBC

Its funny how the networks have become political parties themselves-only problem, its two against one.
Two against one what?
Two liberal, one conservative.
You are only aware of 3 news programs?
CBS, NBC, ABC? They average about 6,000,000 viewers each for primetime and fox gets about 2,500,000.
Stop being obtuse. Major news/opinion networks-CNN, MSNBC, Fox.
Any liberal has to admit......the optics when the sound crapped out was real Bush League.

Maddow knew it looked bad
....not ready for prime time.

What's "Bush league" is the OP and his complete cluelessness about how things work.

Once again for the intellectually bereft --- the sound techs are going to be working for the venue or for a production company, not NBC.

"Cluelessness," "intellectually bereft." Gottcha. Everyone but you must have slept in and missed the meeting on how the universe really works?

No! No! No! I got it. You went to some sterling university with high honors while anyone on the Right obviously never graduated the 6th grade with Jethro Bodine and just fell off the turnip truck.

Or could it just be those superior liberal genes of yours and the fact that everyone from the inside 40 deplorable states are all inbred from sleeping with our own relatives?

PLEASE let us know what makes you SO DAMN SMART and the rest of us all imbecile hayseed hicks!

I'm a sound engineer. I work in this kind of milieu. It's a large part of what I do. That, and three decades in broadcasting.

That help?

Geez....s0n.....nobody cares.

You're the guy in the room watching live as a freight train is derailing and asking, "Wonder if the engineer lost a shoe?"

The social oddballs of the world never do get the big picture.

The entire country watched NBC fubar the sound due to lousy cheesy as it gets. Bush league:113:

Once AGAIN for the terminally slow --- "NBC" would have had nothing to do with "preparing" the sound. It simply doesn't work that way. That's all local.
So, nobody double checked them?
I guess they shouldn't have kicked GOD out of the Party. God will not be mocked.

A right wing, racist talking about God. What a fucking joke.
Lol, a racist calling someone else a racist. Your only good black people are the ones on the plantation. When they get an education and walk off, your kind calls them uncle Tom's. That's why you want to flood the United States with illegals, because minorities are walking off the plantation at a record rate. So carry on, racist.

Not true. Here's a recent breakdown of voting, where Asians, Blacks, and Hispanics overwhelmingly vote democratic .

The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education

Interesting that according to that chart, the less educated non college men and women slightly vote more for the GOP despite the fact that supposedly, it is the DNC who is both fighting more for the middle class and those of lower income!

Put another way: there seems to be a correlation between the time you spend being indoctrinated in liberal thinking promoted heavily by our college professors of today and people leaning more democrat. Of course, the popular view (by the Left) is that this is due to more smarts (apparently college raises your IQ as well) and not just more brainwashing.
They flushed down all their chances of ever beating Trump when they collectively raised their hands to guarantee free healthcare to anybody who breaks into our country illegally. Just shows how out of touch they are with everyday Americans.

I have to admit though, it's quite entertaining watching them self destruct on live TV, despite having only Leftist propagandists from failing fake news channels as moderators. It doesn't get any better!
Getting back to the actual debate and having recorded and panned through tonight's performance, I think it fair to say the two sides can be summed up thusly:

GOP: Our economy is a big private pie store of the people full of the people's pies and the goal of government ideally is to merely help those of lesser means learn to increase their own autonomy by baking their own big pies by giving them a little flour and water to get them going, and adding to the number of good pies in the shop making the whole business more profitable and healthy for all while protecting those already making good big pies because we need them to keep the pie business going. The name for that is --- CAPITALISM.

DNC: Our economy is ONE big pie of the government rather than many, and the rich are greedily hoarding most of the pie for themselves leaving little for the rest of us! We need to fight back against the evil rich, the corporations and allow them to keep much less pie for themselves even if they are the main ones baking it so that the rest of us can have some pie too. Of course, no one answers the question that if there is only one pie and the rich are the chief bakers and we hurt them, who will keep baking that good pie and won't it get much smaller in the end for all with more takers and less producing? The name for that is --- SOCIALISM.

------------- -------------- ------------- -------------


GENERAL: As usual, rather than placing the candidates randomly or alphabetically, the preferred candidates Biden and Sanders were center and with lesser candidates increasing out toward the edge. Also, the bigger names obviously got more camera and face time, pushing them yet farther ahead of the less well known people.

SANDERS: Free healthcare. Free college. Student loans forgiven. Everybody's happen and best of all, it's all paid for.

BIDEN: Clean air we can breathe. Clean water we can drink. Apparently the fact that our air and water are their cleanest since industry began escapes him.

HARRIS: Class envy. The rich are evil and the poor are screwed. Apparently the rich actually run and control everything while their government simply watches in the wings. It was the same story we've heard from the Left for 40 years. This is always the problem, they are always promising to tackle it yet it somehow still never gets fixed.

HICKENLOOPER: Don't let the GOP call us socialists! Never mind our every proposal is steeped in government solution pulling down the wealthy and raising the poor (with the wealthy's money (socialism).

GILLIBRAND: Anti-gun. Anti-NRA. Anti-greed. Typical safe woman's stance.

BENNET: More class envy. Rather than wanting to be rich and successful too, we have to fight back against the rich and successful (apparently so that NO ONE in the country is rich or successful)!

BUTTGIEG: Started out speaking Spanish. Apparently was not intended to address the nation at large just the Latino portion of it. The obvious solution to raising the middle class is to raise the minimum wage to at least $15.00/hour or more. Never mind the effect on jobs or that this is in effect a heavy subsidy tax on business and the nation raising the cost of everything. Somehow this is still good but Trump's tariffs are bad bad bad.

SWALWELL: Got to get them student loans down.

YANG: Trickle up something / Filter down something.

WILLIAMSON: Marianne Williamson, an author, actually surprised me. She was the last to speak, always shouted down, and way out on the end. But she was the only person of the night to actually say something intelligent that made sense. She correctly pointed out that our healthcare system is NOT a system of taking care of health but merely "SICKNESS CARE." They wait for you to get sick, then they argue who is going to pay for it. She correctly asked why we have more people in this country with chronic sickness, illness and chronic bad health despite the best healthcare system in the world. Now you wonder why Congress has their own healthcare system?

CONCLUSIONS / IMMIGRATION: All of the participants were for healthcare for illegals as well. It's one big happy world! They pointed out that when everyone is healthy, the nation is healthier. Never mind that these people are NOT part of the nation, and are coming here exactly because they are sick, poor and cannot pay for anything and EXPECT to get something for free. No one asked how we are to do all this yet supposed to be REDUCING Government debt?

The Left have thus just guaranteed that illegals will never stop coming here en masse, that non-whites vote predominantly democrat which is why there is no wall to stop them, and that a foreign country no longer needs to go to war to overcome us. They don't need planes, tanks, ships or armies, they just need to walk across our border with their hands out, and it will be our sworn duty and moral privilege to help one and all be healthy, happy, and fed at the detriment of us all, because you see, ultimately, WE are the evil rich needing brought down to THEIR level so that America's wealth be spread out and dissolved among the poor of the world until there is no longer any America as we know it.

Just a lot of poor. And the poor and helpless are easily ruled by the Elite.

Last edited:
Any liberal has to admit......the optics when the sound crapped out was real Bush League.

Maddow knew it looked bad
....not ready for prime time.

What's "Bush league" is the OP and his complete cluelessness about how things work.

Once again for the intellectually bereft --- the sound techs are going to be working for the venue or for a production company, not NBC.

"Cluelessness," "intellectually bereft." Gottcha. Everyone but you must have slept in and missed the meeting on how the universe really works?

No! No! No! I got it. You went to some sterling university with high honors while anyone on the Right obviously never graduated the 6th grade with Jethro Bodine and just fell off the turnip truck.

Or could it just be those superior liberal genes of yours and the fact that everyone from the inside 40 deplorable states are all inbred from sleeping with our own relatives?

PLEASE let us know what makes you SO DAMN SMART and the rest of us all imbecile hayseed hicks!

I'm a sound engineer. I work in this kind of milieu. It's a large part of what I do. That, and three decades in broadcasting.

That help?

Geez....s0n.....nobody cares.

You're the guy in the room watching live as a freight train is derailing and asking, "Wonder if the engineer lost a shoe?"

The social oddballs of the world never do get the big picture.

The entire country watched NBC fubar the sound due to lousy cheesy as it gets. Bush league:113:

Once AGAIN for the terminally slow --- "NBC" would have had nothing to do with "preparing" the sound. It simply doesn't work that way. That's all local.

Lol....only 1% of the audience knows that.....dummy. Duh:113:

To 15 million people, NBC looked totally incompetent.​
Two against one what?
Two liberal, one conservative.
You are only aware of 3 news programs?
CBS, NBC, ABC? They average about 6,000,000 viewers each for primetime and fox gets about 2,500,000.
Stop being obtuse. Major news/opinion networks-CNN, MSNBC, Fox.
News is what we're talking about here. Those are their primetime news program viewership. Faux and the other two added together don't even equal one of them.
Two liberal, one conservative.
You are only aware of 3 news programs?
CBS, NBC, ABC? They average about 6,000,000 viewers each for primetime and fox gets about 2,500,000.
Stop being obtuse. Major news/opinion networks-CNN, MSNBC, Fox.
News is what we're talking about here. Those are their primetime news program viewership. Faux and the other two added together don't even equal one of them.
Check out Martha MaCallum, Shepard Smith, or Brett Baier. You get real news. And ABC's George S is a former Clinton employee-wonder which way he leans? Duh.
You are only aware of 3 news programs?
CBS, NBC, ABC? They average about 6,000,000 viewers each for primetime and fox gets about 2,500,000.
Stop being obtuse. Major news/opinion networks-CNN, MSNBC, Fox.
News is what we're talking about here. Those are their primetime news program viewership. Faux and the other two added together don't even equal one of them.
Check out Martha MaCallum, Shepard Smith, or Brett Baier. You get real news. And ABC's George S is a former Clinton employee-wonder which way he leans? Duh.

CBS, NBC, ABC? They average about 6,000,000 viewers each for primetime and fox gets about 2,500,000.
Stop being obtuse. Major news/opinion networks-CNN, MSNBC, Fox.
News is what we're talking about here. Those are their primetime news program viewership. Faux and the other two added together don't even equal one of them.
Check out Martha MaCallum, Shepard Smith, or Brett Baier. You get real news. And ABC's George S is a former Clinton employee-wonder which way he leans? Duh.

I'm talking about the debate now-you continue the past argument without me.
Will NBC survive? They still have the most news viewers of any television news, burying FOX by 10 million viewers every day, not even counting their magazine-type news shows and specials.

Survive? Sure. Be asked to host another democratic debate? Unlikely.

FNC and NBC don't compete. One is cable news, one is over the air. I know you're probably too stupid to know the difference, so leave ratings up to the adults.

How about their ratings compared to another cable only news source, like CNN? Ooops.....FNC dominates.

Fox News Digital continues to dominate, tops CNN in several key metrics during May

CNN Ratings Plummet 26% In Prime Time As Fox News Dominates

FNC OWNS cable news.
Cable news relies on hype and marketing gimmicks. They are like pimples on a frogs ass compared to NBC, ABC, and CBS. What does that mean? Well, it means NBC is a giant and FOX is a dwarf as far as a news source for Americans.
Missed the whole, "they're free" part, didn't you?
CBS, NBC, ABC? They average about 6,000,000 viewers each for primetime and fox gets about 2,500,000.
Stop being obtuse. Major news/opinion networks-CNN, MSNBC, Fox.
News is what we're talking about here. Those are their primetime news program viewership. Faux and the other two added together don't even equal one of them.
Check out Martha MaCallum, Shepard Smith, or Brett Baier. You get real news. And ABC's George S is a former Clinton employee-wonder which way he leans? Duh.

I'm talking about the debate now-you continue the past argument without me.
Ah, capitulation.


Have a nice day.
Stop being obtuse. Major news/opinion networks-CNN, MSNBC, Fox.
News is what we're talking about here. Those are their primetime news program viewership. Faux and the other two added together don't even equal one of them.
Check out Martha MaCallum, Shepard Smith, or Brett Baier. You get real news. And ABC's George S is a former Clinton employee-wonder which way he leans? Duh.

I'm talking about the debate now-you continue the past argument without me.
Ah, capitulation.


Have a nice day.
Move on
Have whatever type day you want
Will NBC survive? They still have the most news viewers of any television news, burying FOX by 10 million viewers every day, not even counting their magazine-type news shows and specials.

Survive? Sure. Be asked to host another democratic debate? Unlikely.

FNC and NBC don't compete. One is cable news, one is over the air. I know you're probably too stupid to know the difference, so leave ratings up to the adults.

How about their ratings compared to another cable only news source, like CNN? Ooops.....FNC dominates.

Fox News Digital continues to dominate, tops CNN in several key metrics during May

CNN Ratings Plummet 26% In Prime Time As Fox News Dominates

FNC OWNS cable news.
Cable news relies on hype and marketing gimmicks. They are like pimples on a frogs ass compared to NBC, ABC, and CBS. What does that mean? Well, it means NBC is a giant and FOX is a dwarf as far as a news source for Americans.
Missed the whole, "they're free" part, didn't you?
Doesn't matter if they are free or just another channel available on cable. Cable news networks hype and propagandize the public into believing they are super relevant because of polls putting them in competition and comparison with cable only new channels. It's a gimmick. On it's best night and highest viewed show FOX may get maybe two million viewers. but often a few hundred thousand. NBC will get 10 or 12 million viewers every night for an evening news program.
Will NBC survive? They still have the most news viewers of any television news, burying FOX by 10 million viewers every day, not even counting their magazine-type news shows and specials.

Survive? Sure. Be asked to host another democratic debate? Unlikely.

FNC and NBC don't compete. One is cable news, one is over the air. I know you're probably too stupid to know the difference, so leave ratings up to the adults.

How about their ratings compared to another cable only news source, like CNN? Ooops.....FNC dominates.

Fox News Digital continues to dominate, tops CNN in several key metrics during May

CNN Ratings Plummet 26% In Prime Time As Fox News Dominates

FNC OWNS cable news.
Cable news relies on hype and marketing gimmicks. They are like pimples on a frogs ass compared to NBC, ABC, and CBS. What does that mean? Well, it means NBC is a giant and FOX is a dwarf as far as a news source for Americans.
Missed the whole, "they're free" part, didn't you?
Doesn't matter if they are free or just another channel available on cable. Cable news networks hype and propagandize the public into believing they are super relevant because of polls putting them in competition and comparison with cable only new channels. It's a gimmick. On it's best night and highest viewed show FOX may get maybe two million viewers. but often a few hundred thousand. NBC will get 10 or 12 million viewers every night for an evening news program.
It does matter. If it wasn't for all the free shit the Democrats offer, they'd have zero support in this country.

Broadcast media has the advantage that they have had 50+ years of brainwashing the masses and they reach the maximum number of households by dint of their being free.

They are as bad, if not worse, than the partisan traitors on the cable.
What's "Bush league" is the OP and his complete cluelessness about how things work.

Once again for the intellectually bereft --- the sound techs are going to be working for the venue or for a production company, not NBC.

"Cluelessness," "intellectually bereft." Gottcha. Everyone but you must have slept in and missed the meeting on how the universe really works?

No! No! No! I got it. You went to some sterling university with high honors while anyone on the Right obviously never graduated the 6th grade with Jethro Bodine and just fell off the turnip truck.

Or could it just be those superior liberal genes of yours and the fact that everyone from the inside 40 deplorable states are all inbred from sleeping with our own relatives?

PLEASE let us know what makes you SO DAMN SMART and the rest of us all imbecile hayseed hicks!

I'm a sound engineer. I work in this kind of milieu. It's a large part of what I do. That, and three decades in broadcasting.

That help?

Geez....s0n.....nobody cares.

You're the guy in the room watching live as a freight train is derailing and asking, "Wonder if the engineer lost a shoe?"

The social oddballs of the world never do get the big picture.

The entire country watched NBC fubar the sound due to lousy cheesy as it gets. Bush league:113:

Once AGAIN for the terminally slow --- "NBC" would have had nothing to do with "preparing" the sound. It simply doesn't work that way. That's all local.

Lol....only 1% of the audience knows that.....dummy. Duh:113:

To 15 million people, NBC looked totally incompetent.​

This is a hallucinatory fantasy only y'all partisan hacks entertain. Nobody in the TV audience comes up with this shit. They heard open mics, they chuckled momentarily, then there was a commercial and it was forgotten because let's face it, anyone watching this debate was there to hear political candidates, not what the freaking audio levels in an auditorium are. All this thread has shown is that y'all partisan hacks like to hallucinate. It's fun for your own self-delusion but that's as far as it goes.
What's "Bush league" is the OP and his complete cluelessness about how things work.

Once again for the intellectually bereft --- the sound techs are going to be working for the venue or for a production company, not NBC.

"Cluelessness," "intellectually bereft." Gottcha. Everyone but you must have slept in and missed the meeting on how the universe really works?

No! No! No! I got it. You went to some sterling university with high honors while anyone on the Right obviously never graduated the 6th grade with Jethro Bodine and just fell off the turnip truck.

Or could it just be those superior liberal genes of yours and the fact that everyone from the inside 40 deplorable states are all inbred from sleeping with our own relatives?

PLEASE let us know what makes you SO DAMN SMART and the rest of us all imbecile hayseed hicks!

I'm a sound engineer. I work in this kind of milieu. It's a large part of what I do. That, and three decades in broadcasting.

That help?

Geez....s0n.....nobody cares.

You're the guy in the room watching live as a freight train is derailing and asking, "Wonder if the engineer lost a shoe?"

The social oddballs of the world never do get the big picture.

The entire country watched NBC fubar the sound due to lousy cheesy as it gets. Bush league:113:

Once AGAIN for the terminally slow --- "NBC" would have had nothing to do with "preparing" the sound. It simply doesn't work that way. That's all local.
So, nobody double checked them?

"Double checked" what?

Here's how it works. The venue is set for the event, by local stagehands. Lighting, audio, camera placement, all that shit. What the network brings to the event is their "talent" (the talking heads, that's what they're collectively called), a director calling camera shots and cues, support for that director, and technicians to deliver the feed to the network. That's all they need.

The feed they get will come from the local techs in the venue. Whatever camera shot they want at a given moment, whatever mic they want on in that moment, whatever lighting changes they want, that's all called by the director, and executed by the local crew. The people who actually shoot that camera or bring up that mic or fade that lighting up or down are local freelance techs working that venue hired for the occasion. Some of them might have worked a Miami Marlins baseball game the day before. Some may work an American Heart Association convention the day after. That's the nature of show business --- you have A show, then you have ANOTHER show, then ANOTHER one, NONE of which are related to each other and none of which are related to the network (or to the baseball team, or to the AHA etc). NBC isn't going to trek their own sound techs and camera ops and lighting people around the country when they know they can hire locally. Nobody does that.

Now on this occasion apparently one set of talent had finished their shift and gone on to the green room while another set took the stage, and some sound tech forgot to mute the mics they were wearing, producing the feedback and the murmuring. The network has to run the audio that's delivered, and this part of the audio was faulty. Noticing that the error wasn't corrected, the director called an audible -- a commercial break to settle the dust; that order would have been relayed to the talent's ear, who then said to the camera "we're taking a break". The director in other words did his job.

That happened because sound techs and camera ops and lighting people are what we call "human". So that's all it was, and while that situation is not intended, it's also not unusual. What IS unusual is some jagoff on a message board trying to make an "issue" out of it as if it has something to do with "current events". This is no more a "current event" than Mrs. Irma Schwartz of Provo Utah deciding to have a piece of toast.
"Cluelessness," "intellectually bereft." Gottcha. Everyone but you must have slept in and missed the meeting on how the universe really works?

No! No! No! I got it. You went to some sterling university with high honors while anyone on the Right obviously never graduated the 6th grade with Jethro Bodine and just fell off the turnip truck.

Or could it just be those superior liberal genes of yours and the fact that everyone from the inside 40 deplorable states are all inbred from sleeping with our own relatives?

PLEASE let us know what makes you SO DAMN SMART and the rest of us all imbecile hayseed hicks!

I'm a sound engineer. I work in this kind of milieu. It's a large part of what I do. That, and three decades in broadcasting.

That help?

Geez....s0n.....nobody cares.

You're the guy in the room watching live as a freight train is derailing and asking, "Wonder if the engineer lost a shoe?"

The social oddballs of the world never do get the big picture.

The entire country watched NBC fubar the sound due to lousy cheesy as it gets. Bush league:113:

Once AGAIN for the terminally slow --- "NBC" would have had nothing to do with "preparing" the sound. It simply doesn't work that way. That's all local.
So, nobody double checked them?

"Double checked" what?

Here's how it works. The venue is set for the event, by local stagehands. Lighting, audio, camera placement, all that shit. What the network brings to the event is their "talent" (the talking heads, that's what they're collectively called), a director calling camera shots and cues, support for that director, and technicians to deliver the feed to the network. That's all they need.

The feed they get will come from the local techs in the venue. Whatever camera shot they want at a given moment, whatever mic they want on in that moment, whatever lighting changes they want, that's all called by the director, and executed by the local crew. The people who actually shoot that camera or bring up that mic or fade that lighting up or down are local freelance techs working that venue hired for the occasion. Some of them might have worked a Miami Marlins baseball game the day before. Some may work an American Heart Association convention the day after. That's the nature of show business --- you have A show, then you have ANOTHER show, then ANOTHER one, NONE of which are related to each other and none of which are related to the network (or to the baseball team, or to the AHA etc). NBC isn't going to trek their own sound techs and camera ops and lighting people around the country when they know they can hire locally. Nobody does that.

Now on this occasion apparently one set of talent had finished their shift and gone on to the green room while another set took the stage, and some sound tech forgot to mute the mics they were wearing, producing the feedback and the murmuring. The network has to run the audio that's delivered, and this part of the audio was faulty. Noticing that the error wasn't corrected, the director called an audible -- a commercial break to settle the dust; that order would have been relayed to the talent's ear, who then said to the camera "we're taking a break". The director in other words did his job.

That happened because sound techs and camera ops and lighting people are what we call "human". So that's all it was, and while that situation is not intended, it's also not unusual. What IS unusual is some jagoff on a message board trying to make an "issue" out of it as if it has something to do with "current events". This is no more a "current event" than Mrs. Irma Schwartz of Provo Utah deciding to have a piece of toast.
I would bring a QC tech to be safe-that's why.

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