First democratic debates a disaster for NBC

That too is not uncommon, although ill-advised. I've seen countless times a sound tech will have mics MUTED when he thinks they're not in play, which is another invitation to embarrassment. That's when the violin player steps up to take a solo that he didn't know was coming, there's nothing there, the mute button is killed and the sound suddenly crashes in mid-note. That's just stupid. Sound boards should not even have mute buttons (in fact the one in front of me right now I got cheap because its mutes don't work). Running sound that way ensures a very busy show constantly looking for which channels to punch in or out. Besides which, you want to know your sound is set for worst-case, i.e. all mics open.

Now me, I'll keep all mics open and if one is not active I'll just keep it down maybe 15dB. That way extraneous unwanted sound is minimized, yet if that speaker (or that musician) suddenly pops up unexpectedly they're not shut out altogether and all that remains is to adjust the level. And I do that probably because I was trained in broadcasting before I was trained in live sound. Channels are never muted in a broadcast booth.

But ultimately that's up to the TD (tech director) who's calling those mics on the ClearCom. So it's entirely possible that Andrew Yang's mic was 'not on' just as it's possible that that violin player's channel was not on. It's a simple explanation, not requiring conspiracy theories. Occam's Razor. And it's also possible that Andrew Yang simply couldn't hear his monitor.

What's "funny" about that post MisterBeale ?

Andrew Yang on Twitter
Check out MSNBC's graphic. . . .

Apparently Yang is the only candidate that wants to break up MSNBC and Comcast's regulatory monopoly. Gee, ya think that might have something to do with it?
Acquisition of NBC Universal by Comcast - Wikipedia

Thanks for the video. But I'm not hearing it. I'm hearing a crescendo of multiple voices and audience noise. There's no way to discern a mic "not on". I don't see him speaking. You can't do a mic check without sound going in.

And trust me, I KNOW when a mic's not on. Been doing this since I was a toddler.

...And political correctness has made you fucking retarded

I know.

He actually wrote, "I am not HEARING a mic that is not on?!"


Actually hearing (the result of) a mic that is not on is crucial to recording and engineering live sound. What you hear is reflections from other mics, and there is a definite and distinct difference, and that's something (again due to my career) I'm acutely aware of because I jump immediately to fix it. And I don't hear that effect here, nor is it even possible as already noted. So that's wtf. K?
The reason MSNBC didn't want Yang to be heard, is he is against crony capitalism. He wants to break up the media monopoly.

There is no other DNC candidate that would DARE sit down and have a one on one debate with Shapiro, and they were out to punish him for it.

You may be correct in this, I wouldn't doubt it, I'd be quite sympathetic to it. And I still haven't seen the debates for context. And I read your Hill link about how little time he got while the Bidens and Harrises cleaned up, and that's a travesty. Such a telecast should if anything be skewed to the opposite direction --- "tell us something we don't know".

But don't sit here and tell me that mic is "muted", that's just stupid and it undermines the valid points you may have. If you're going to make a point you need to do so credibly.

As always, this is about honest argument versus dishonest.
That too is not uncommon, although ill-advised. I've seen countless times a sound tech will have mics MUTED when he thinks they're not in play, which is another invitation to embarrassment. That's when the violin player steps up to take a solo that he didn't know was coming, there's nothing there, the mute button is killed and the sound suddenly crashes in mid-note. That's just stupid. Sound boards should not even have mute buttons (in fact the one in front of me right now I got cheap because its mutes don't work). Running sound that way ensures a very busy show constantly looking for which channels to punch in or out. Besides which, you want to know your sound is set for worst-case, i.e. all mics open.

Now me, I'll keep all mics open and if one is not active I'll just keep it down maybe 15dB. That way extraneous unwanted sound is minimized, yet if that speaker (or that musician) suddenly pops up unexpectedly they're not shut out altogether and all that remains is to adjust the level. And I do that probably because I was trained in broadcasting before I was trained in live sound. Channels are never muted in a broadcast booth.

But ultimately that's up to the TD (tech director) who's calling those mics on the ClearCom. So it's entirely possible that Andrew Yang's mic was 'not on' just as it's possible that that violin player's channel was not on. It's a simple explanation, not requiring conspiracy theories. Occam's Razor. And it's also possible that Andrew Yang simply couldn't hear his monitor.

What's "funny" about that post MisterBeale ?

Andrew Yang on Twitter
Check out MSNBC's graphic. . . .

Apparently Yang is the only candidate that wants to break up MSNBC and Comcast's regulatory monopoly. Gee, ya think that might have something to do with it?
Acquisition of NBC Universal by Comcast - Wikipedia

Thanks for the video. But I'm not hearing it. I'm hearing a crescendo of multiple voices and audience noise. There's no way to discern a mic "not on". I don't see him speaking. You can't do a mic check without sound going in.

And trust me, I KNOW when a mic's not on. Been doing this since I was a toddler.

derp. Other than looking at them and not hearing them.

You are being obtuse.

You don't need any special expertise here, just common sense buddy.

Look Dipwad, it's my fucking JOB to know how mics work. If Yang had actually been speaking we would have heard something. No mic in the world can deliver sound that nobody made. All he says is "whoa, scuse me" and nothing more (because somebody else took the floor) but if his mic were "muted" you wouldn't have heard even that. Besides which, in an event with such rapid-fire interjections you CAN'T get away with muting mics. Had they done that you would have heard voices cutting in and out ALL NIGHT. Because nobody can react that fast. Interjections like that are what we call "unpredictable".

Are you actually suggesting that this local sound engineer --- or NBC itself -- knew in advance by some kind of psychic prescience, who's going to speak at each moment?? :cuckoo:

Look, it's all lotsa fun to imagine vast conspiracies of the Illumaniti-plus-Elvis sitting in some bunker in West Virginia controlling the price of Wonder Bread but when you engage in this level of self-delusion just so you can play with your paranoia game in spite of how the real world works, you surrender all credibility and may as well be posting from a very wonderful place in Germany where it's not raining under a windmill which gives you cancer.

That mic is not "muted". Get a freaking GRIP.

I'm suggesting the mic was muted the entire damn time. It was off. No point in speaking if you can't be heard.

I saw him attempt to talk.

You can't gas light me buddy. Sorry. It was never on. They only turned his mic on when they addressed him.

Stop already.
What's "funny" about that post MisterBeale ?

Andrew Yang on Twitter
Check out MSNBC's graphic. . . .

Apparently Yang is the only candidate that wants to break up MSNBC and Comcast's regulatory monopoly. Gee, ya think that might have something to do with it?
Acquisition of NBC Universal by Comcast - Wikipedia

Thanks for the video. But I'm not hearing it. I'm hearing a crescendo of multiple voices and audience noise. There's no way to discern a mic "not on". I don't see him speaking. You can't do a mic check without sound going in.

And trust me, I KNOW when a mic's not on. Been doing this since I was a toddler.

derp. Other than looking at them and not hearing them.

You are being obtuse.

You don't need any special expertise here, just common sense buddy.

Look Dipwad, it's my fucking JOB to know how mics work. If Yang had actually been speaking we would have heard something. No mic in the world can deliver sound that nobody made. All he says is "whoa, scuse me" and nothing more (because somebody else took the floor) but if his mic were "muted" you wouldn't have heard even that. Besides which, in an event with such rapid-fire interjections you CAN'T get away with muting mics. Had they done that you would have heard voices cutting in and out ALL NIGHT. Because nobody can react that fast. Interjections like that are what we call "unpredictable".

Are you actually suggesting that this local sound engineer --- or NBC itself -- knew in advance by some kind of psychic prescience, who's going to speak at each moment?? :cuckoo:

Look, it's all lotsa fun to imagine vast conspiracies of the Illumaniti-plus-Elvis sitting in some bunker in West Virginia controlling the price of Wonder Bread but when you engage in this level of self-delusion just so you can play with your paranoia game in spite of how the real world works, you surrender all credibility and may as well be posting from a very wonderful place in Germany where it's not raining under a windmill which gives you cancer.

That mic is not "muted". Get a freaking GRIP.

I'm suggesting the mic was muted the entire damn time. It was off. No point in speaking if you can't be heard.

I saw him attempt to talk.

You can't gas light me buddy. Sorry. It was never on. They only turned his mic on when they addressed him.

Stop already.

And I assure you, you CAN'T run sound that way. Period. Anyone who tried to would have been run out of the business LONG before an event like this.

Yeah I saw him attempt to talk too, and I heard what he said, as far as it could be heard over the rest of the audio. How the FUCK did I hear that out of a "muted" mic?

Andrew Yang on Twitter
Check out MSNBC's graphic. . . .

Apparently Yang is the only candidate that wants to break up MSNBC and Comcast's regulatory monopoly. Gee, ya think that might have something to do with it?
Acquisition of NBC Universal by Comcast - Wikipedia

Thanks for the video. But I'm not hearing it. I'm hearing a crescendo of multiple voices and audience noise. There's no way to discern a mic "not on". I don't see him speaking. You can't do a mic check without sound going in.

And trust me, I KNOW when a mic's not on. Been doing this since I was a toddler.

derp. Other than looking at them and not hearing them.

You are being obtuse.

You don't need any special expertise here, just common sense buddy.

Look Dipwad, it's my fucking JOB to know how mics work. If Yang had actually been speaking we would have heard something. No mic in the world can deliver sound that nobody made. All he says is "whoa, scuse me" and nothing more (because somebody else took the floor) but if his mic were "muted" you wouldn't have heard even that. Besides which, in an event with such rapid-fire interjections you CAN'T get away with muting mics. Had they done that you would have heard voices cutting in and out ALL NIGHT. Because nobody can react that fast. Interjections like that are what we call "unpredictable".

Are you actually suggesting that this local sound engineer --- or NBC itself -- knew in advance by some kind of psychic prescience, who's going to speak at each moment?? :cuckoo:

Look, it's all lotsa fun to imagine vast conspiracies of the Illumaniti-plus-Elvis sitting in some bunker in West Virginia controlling the price of Wonder Bread but when you engage in this level of self-delusion just so you can play with your paranoia game in spite of how the real world works, you surrender all credibility and may as well be posting from a very wonderful place in Germany where it's not raining under a windmill which gives you cancer.

That mic is not "muted". Get a freaking GRIP.

I'm suggesting the mic was muted the entire damn time. It was off. No point in speaking if you can't be heard.

I saw him attempt to talk.

You can't gas light me buddy. Sorry. It was never on. They only turned his mic on when they addressed him.

Stop already.

And I assure you, you CAN'T run sound that way. Period. Anyone who tried to would be run out of the business LONG before an event like this.

Sure they would. . . .


Because NBC is a company that is under just that much pressure to be honest and fair.

There is just no technical way to do that. Uh-huh.


NBC Hit With Technical Issues at Democratic Debate; Trump Blasts ‘Truly Unprofessional’ Network

That's why you need to get a real news organization in charge. I bet this shit wouldn't happen had it been on FNC. What a fucking embarrassment.

NBC was left red-faced during Wednesday night’s Democratic presidential debates when audio issues plagued moderators Chuck Todd and Rachel Maddow.

Following the gaffe, NBC quickly cut to commercial before returning with Todd and Maddow vowing to march on from the “technical difficulties.”

You actually started a thread to suggest the Fox Noise Channel, with it's "three Mexican countries", is better than somebody at technical stuff??

TOO funneh.

countless times they attributed a (D) in their crawler to a CONgress critter being a total douchebag when they were in fact (R)s. & i remember a story bill o'reilly did on union violence occurring in wisconsin showing footage of it & there were palm trees in the background. LOL!
oh & the ratings for both debates were bigley & huuuuuuuuuuuuge.........
Thanks for the video. But I'm not hearing it. I'm hearing a crescendo of multiple voices and audience noise. There's no way to discern a mic "not on". I don't see him speaking. You can't do a mic check without sound going in.

And trust me, I KNOW when a mic's not on. Been doing this since I was a toddler.

derp. Other than looking at them and not hearing them.

You are being obtuse.

You don't need any special expertise here, just common sense buddy.

Look Dipwad, it's my fucking JOB to know how mics work. If Yang had actually been speaking we would have heard something. No mic in the world can deliver sound that nobody made. All he says is "whoa, scuse me" and nothing more (because somebody else took the floor) but if his mic were "muted" you wouldn't have heard even that. Besides which, in an event with such rapid-fire interjections you CAN'T get away with muting mics. Had they done that you would have heard voices cutting in and out ALL NIGHT. Because nobody can react that fast. Interjections like that are what we call "unpredictable".

Are you actually suggesting that this local sound engineer --- or NBC itself -- knew in advance by some kind of psychic prescience, who's going to speak at each moment?? :cuckoo:

Look, it's all lotsa fun to imagine vast conspiracies of the Illumaniti-plus-Elvis sitting in some bunker in West Virginia controlling the price of Wonder Bread but when you engage in this level of self-delusion just so you can play with your paranoia game in spite of how the real world works, you surrender all credibility and may as well be posting from a very wonderful place in Germany where it's not raining under a windmill which gives you cancer.

That mic is not "muted". Get a freaking GRIP.

I'm suggesting the mic was muted the entire damn time. It was off. No point in speaking if you can't be heard.

I saw him attempt to talk.

You can't gas light me buddy. Sorry. It was never on. They only turned his mic on when they addressed him.

Stop already.

And I assure you, you CAN'T run sound that way. Period. Anyone who tried to would be run out of the business LONG before an event like this.

Sure they would. . . .


Because NBC is a company that is under just that much pressure to be honest and fair.

There is just no technical way to do that. Uh-huh.



NBC would also not have been running sound at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts either. But we've already noted that.

What is it about you conspiracy types that makes you go :lalala: when your theories get debunked? Do you not think that's a problem?

"When the known facts change, I change my mind. What do YOU do, sir?"
oh & the ratings for both debates were bigley & huuuuuuuuuuuuge.........

Funny how we saw nothing posted about that, after all the breathless recounts of how many heads aged 52 to 53½ born under Sagittarius that Rachel Maddow lost on May 24th at 9:13:38 in Dubuque.
NBC Hit With Technical Issues at Democratic Debate; Trump Blasts ‘Truly Unprofessional’ Network

That's why you need to get a real news organization in charge. I bet this shit wouldn't happen had it been on FNC. What a fucking embarrassment.

NBC was left red-faced during Wednesday night’s Democratic presidential debates when audio issues plagued moderators Chuck Todd and Rachel Maddow.

Following the gaffe, NBC quickly cut to commercial before returning with Todd and Maddow vowing to march on from the “technical difficulties.”

You actually started a thread to suggest the Fox Noise Channel, with it's "three Mexican countries", is better than somebody at technical stuff??

TOO funneh.

countless times they attributed a (D) in their crawler to a CONgress critter being a total douchebag when they were in fact (R)s. & i remember a story bill o'reilly did on union violence occurring in wisconsin showing footage of it & there were palm trees in the background. LOL!

ehhh--- just a couple

derp. Other than looking at them and not hearing them.

You are being obtuse.

You don't need any special expertise here, just common sense buddy.

Look Dipwad, it's my fucking JOB to know how mics work. If Yang had actually been speaking we would have heard something. No mic in the world can deliver sound that nobody made. All he says is "whoa, scuse me" and nothing more (because somebody else took the floor) but if his mic were "muted" you wouldn't have heard even that. Besides which, in an event with such rapid-fire interjections you CAN'T get away with muting mics. Had they done that you would have heard voices cutting in and out ALL NIGHT. Because nobody can react that fast. Interjections like that are what we call "unpredictable".

Are you actually suggesting that this local sound engineer --- or NBC itself -- knew in advance by some kind of psychic prescience, who's going to speak at each moment?? :cuckoo:

Look, it's all lotsa fun to imagine vast conspiracies of the Illumaniti-plus-Elvis sitting in some bunker in West Virginia controlling the price of Wonder Bread but when you engage in this level of self-delusion just so you can play with your paranoia game in spite of how the real world works, you surrender all credibility and may as well be posting from a very wonderful place in Germany where it's not raining under a windmill which gives you cancer.

That mic is not "muted". Get a freaking GRIP.

I'm suggesting the mic was muted the entire damn time. It was off. No point in speaking if you can't be heard.

I saw him attempt to talk.

You can't gas light me buddy. Sorry. It was never on. They only turned his mic on when they addressed him.

Stop already.

And I assure you, you CAN'T run sound that way. Period. Anyone who tried to would be run out of the business LONG before an event like this.

Sure they would. . . .


Because NBC is a company that is under just that much pressure to be honest and fair.

There is just no technical way to do that. Uh-huh.



NBC would also not have been running sound at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts either. But we've already noted that.

What is it about you conspiracy types that makes you go :lalala: when your theories get debunked? Do you not think that's a problem?

"When the known facts change, I change my mind. What do YOU do, sir?"

You never debunked anything.

All you said is, "I worked sound, they wouldn't ever do this because it would get out, someone would blow the whistle and they would lose all credibility."

Well, if it hadn't been for Wikileaks, I am not sure we would have ever known that CNN gave the Hillary campaign debate questions before a debate.

What you are doing is NOT debunking a hypothesis, it is sticking one's head in the sand and refusing to believe one's eyes and listen to the guy it happened to.

IF YOU want to believe a powerful corporation over the claims of the individual, have at it. I provided secondary proof in the form of that graphic posted by an MSNBC broadcast before the debate, and I provided motive for their behavior. . . .

YOU are the one that is going. . . . :lalala:

. . . . and now you are throwing out ad hominems at me to discredit my character, because you don't like the reality you are faced with. . .

That means we are done, and you surrender?


Look Dipwad, it's my fucking JOB to know how mics work. If Yang had actually been speaking we would have heard something. No mic in the world can deliver sound that nobody made. All he says is "whoa, scuse me" and nothing more (because somebody else took the floor) but if his mic were "muted" you wouldn't have heard even that. Besides which, in an event with such rapid-fire interjections you CAN'T get away with muting mics. Had they done that you would have heard voices cutting in and out ALL NIGHT. Because nobody can react that fast. Interjections like that are what we call "unpredictable".

Are you actually suggesting that this local sound engineer --- or NBC itself -- knew in advance by some kind of psychic prescience, who's going to speak at each moment?? :cuckoo:

Look, it's all lotsa fun to imagine vast conspiracies of the Illumaniti-plus-Elvis sitting in some bunker in West Virginia controlling the price of Wonder Bread but when you engage in this level of self-delusion just so you can play with your paranoia game in spite of how the real world works, you surrender all credibility and may as well be posting from a very wonderful place in Germany where it's not raining under a windmill which gives you cancer.

That mic is not "muted". Get a freaking GRIP.

I'm suggesting the mic was muted the entire damn time. It was off. No point in speaking if you can't be heard.

I saw him attempt to talk.

You can't gas light me buddy. Sorry. It was never on. They only turned his mic on when they addressed him.

Stop already.

And I assure you, you CAN'T run sound that way. Period. Anyone who tried to would be run out of the business LONG before an event like this.

Sure they would. . . .


Because NBC is a company that is under just that much pressure to be honest and fair.

There is just no technical way to do that. Uh-huh.



NBC would also not have been running sound at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts either. But we've already noted that.

What is it about you conspiracy types that makes you go :lalala: when your theories get debunked? Do you not think that's a problem?

"When the known facts change, I change my mind. What do YOU do, sir?"

You never debunked anything.

All you said is, "I worked sound, they wouldn't ever do this because it would get out, someone would blow the whistle and they would lose all credibility."

Now you're just flat-out lying. I said no such thing.

As I said, this is about honest argument, or in your case, lack thereof. Sucks to be where you are.

I'm suggesting the mic was muted the entire damn time. It was off. No point in speaking if you can't be heard.

I saw him attempt to talk.

You can't gas light me buddy. Sorry. It was never on. They only turned his mic on when they addressed him.

Stop already.

And I assure you, you CAN'T run sound that way. Period. Anyone who tried to would be run out of the business LONG before an event like this.

Sure they would. . . .


Because NBC is a company that is under just that much pressure to be honest and fair.

There is just no technical way to do that. Uh-huh.



NBC would also not have been running sound at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts either. But we've already noted that.

What is it about you conspiracy types that makes you go :lalala: when your theories get debunked? Do you not think that's a problem?

"When the known facts change, I change my mind. What do YOU do, sir?"

You never debunked anything.

All you said is, "I worked sound, they wouldn't ever do this because it would get out, someone would blow the whistle and they would lose all credibility."

Now you're just flat-out lying. I said no such thing.

As I said, this is about honest argument, or in your case, lack thereof. Sucks to be where you are.


And I assure you, you CAN'T run sound that way. Period. Anyone who tried to would have been run out of the business LONG before an event like this.
Paraphrase - Wikipedia
And I assure you, you CAN'T run sound that way. Period. Anyone who tried to would be run out of the business LONG before an event like this.

Sure they would. . . .


Because NBC is a company that is under just that much pressure to be honest and fair.

There is just no technical way to do that. Uh-huh.



NBC would also not have been running sound at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts either. But we've already noted that.

What is it about you conspiracy types that makes you go :lalala: when your theories get debunked? Do you not think that's a problem?

"When the known facts change, I change my mind. What do YOU do, sir?"

You never debunked anything.

All you said is, "I worked sound, they wouldn't ever do this because it would get out, someone would blow the whistle and they would lose all credibility."

Now you're just flat-out lying. I said no such thing.

As I said, this is about honest argument, or in your case, lack thereof. Sucks to be where you are.


And I assure you, you CAN'T run sound that way. Period. Anyone who tried to would have been run out of the business LONG before an event like this.
Paraphrase - Wikipedia

You CANNOT "paraphrase" my posts into something they didn't say. That's explicitly against the site rules.
And they'll be enforced if need be, so fair warning.

While you're desperately trying to deflect with that mendacious shit, you still have yet to essplain to the class how a mic that is "muted" can deliver speech, how a mic can possibly deliver speech that was never made ---- BOTH OF WHICH ARE DOCUMENTED IN YOUR OWN VIDEO LINKS, any evidence whatsoever that any such event even could be engineered that way, or why it is that you can't accept that you're flat out WRONG with this particular conspiracy theory shit, and why you'd rather double down on being WRONG than just admit you got punked.

And you won't explain any of that because you CAN'T.
Last edited:
Sure they would. . . .


Because NBC is a company that is under just that much pressure to be honest and fair.

There is just no technical way to do that. Uh-huh.



NBC would also not have been running sound at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts either. But we've already noted that.

What is it about you conspiracy types that makes you go :lalala: when your theories get debunked? Do you not think that's a problem?

"When the known facts change, I change my mind. What do YOU do, sir?"

You never debunked anything.

All you said is, "I worked sound, they wouldn't ever do this because it would get out, someone would blow the whistle and they would lose all credibility."

Now you're just flat-out lying. I said no such thing.

As I said, this is about honest argument, or in your case, lack thereof. Sucks to be where you are.


And I assure you, you CAN'T run sound that way. Period. Anyone who tried to would have been run out of the business LONG before an event like this.
Paraphrase - Wikipedia

You CANNOT "paraphrase" my posts into something they didn't say. That's explicitly against the site rules.
And they'll be enforced if need be, so fair warning.

Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote. When you comment on the quote, do it outside of the quote box. Do not post inside of the quote box or alter the member names in "link-back" text..

I did not edit your quote. The rules say nothing about paraphrasing.

That is what you meant. You believe that everyone in the establishment is honest and above board, and anyone who is not would be run out of the business. I think the reverse is true.

Corruption in the corporate and government sector is rewarded, not punished. Our system thrives on corruption.
NBC would also not have been running sound at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts either. But we've already noted that.

What is it about you conspiracy types that makes you go :lalala: when your theories get debunked? Do you not think that's a problem?

"When the known facts change, I change my mind. What do YOU do, sir?"

You never debunked anything.

All you said is, "I worked sound, they wouldn't ever do this because it would get out, someone would blow the whistle and they would lose all credibility."

Now you're just flat-out lying. I said no such thing.

As I said, this is about honest argument, or in your case, lack thereof. Sucks to be where you are.


And I assure you, you CAN'T run sound that way. Period. Anyone who tried to would have been run out of the business LONG before an event like this.
Paraphrase - Wikipedia

You CANNOT "paraphrase" my posts into something they didn't say. That's explicitly against the site rules.
And they'll be enforced if need be, so fair warning.

While you're desperately trying to deflect with that mendacious shit, you still have yet to essplain to the class how a mic that is "muted" can deliver speech, how a mic can possibly deliver speech that was never made ---- BOTH OF WHICH ARE DOCUMENTED IN YOUR OWN VIDEO LINKS, any evidence whatsoever that any such event even could be engineered that way, or why it is that you can't accept that you're flat out WRONG with this particular conspiracy theory shit, and why you'd rather double down on being WRONG than just admit you got punked.

And you won't explain any of that because you CAN'T.

Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote. When you comment on the quote, do it outside of the quote box. Do not post inside of the quote box or alter the member names in "link-back" text..

I did not edit your quote. The rules say nothing about paraphrasing.

That is what you meant. You believe that everyone in the establishment is honest and above board, and anyone who is not would be run out of the business. I think the reverse is true.

Corruption in the corporate and government sector is rewarded, not punished. Our system thrives on corruption.

Once AGAIN for the Illiterati --- I said NOTHING about the honesty of those "in the establishment". I said plenty about the honesty -- lack thereof -- of YOU and YOUR ARGUMENT. That's the part you can't deal with.

I'm sure you WISH I had said something that doesn't reflect on your dishonesty. But that's what I did.

Go read it again. I know god damned well what I wrote and what I didn't. And get THIS through your THICK OBSTINATE SKULL: **YOU** do not tell **ME** what I meant. EVER.
I never said anything about a muted mic delivering speech. I've reviewed the videos again, I hear no speech coming out of that mic.

I'm sure I have no idea what you are talking about.

Nor do I know what you are talking about calling me dishonest, I'm always honest.

Thanks for the discussion Pogo.
I never said anything about a muted mic delivering speech. I've reviewed the videos again, I hear no speech coming out of that mic.

I'm sure I have no idea what you are talking about.

Nor do I know what you are talking about calling me dishonest, I'm always honest.

Thanks for the discussion Pogo.

Correct, you said nothing about a muted mic delivering speech, because that's impossible.

Look AGAIN at your second video (because it's got the zoom-in). At the ten second mark where it loops the same scene and zooms in Yang's direction. Exactly as that loop starts you can hear him saying "whoa" or "oh", twice. WHO ELSE would be saying that? And after that point --- you can watch his lips --- he doesn't say anything. Again, there is no mic that will deliver speech that nobody uttered.
NBC so busy trying to get Todd a boner that they can’t silence a mike without a 7 minute break.

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