First democratic debates a disaster for NBC

Any liberal has to admit......the optics when the sound crapped out was real Bush League.

Maddow knew it looked bad
....not ready for prime time.

What's "Bush league" is the OP and his complete cluelessness about how things work.

Once again for the intellectually bereft --- the sound techs are going to be working for the venue or for a production company, not NBC.

"Cluelessness," "intellectually bereft." Gottcha. Everyone but you must have slept in and missed the meeting on how the universe really works?

No! No! No! I got it. You went to some sterling university with high honors while anyone on the Right obviously never graduated the 6th grade with Jethro Bodine and just fell off the turnip truck.

Or could it just be those superior liberal genes of yours and the fact that everyone from the inside 40 deplorable states are all inbred from sleeping with our own relatives?

PLEASE let us know what makes you SO DAMN SMART and the rest of us all imbecile hayseed hicks!

I'm a sound engineer. I work in this kind of milieu. It's a large part of what I do. That, and three decades in broadcasting.

That help?

Funny. I know all about sound engineering, audio and acoustics. Have helped design some of sound system in major concert venues in the nearby city! I don't see how decibels or sound reflection or amplification or load impedance have a thing to do with politics or debates or said discussions! Please enlighten me! I also know a lot about radio, transmitters and receivers. Can build a radio receiver from scratch. Ditto. Tell us how a slope detector, demodulator or IM stage helps with political debates (other than perhaps improving noise rejection). Seems perhaps NBC could have used someone like you last night to get their microphones working.
This was FAR worse.

You have any idea how often mics get left on?

On the other hand it takes initiative action to actually construct a graphic that says "three Mexican countries" and then put it on the air.
Faux is deep in the "active/stupid" category.

"Three Mexican countries"... endless changing of subjects' political parties.... running B-roll from an entirely different event to slant the story.... astroturfing crowd scenes.... but it's NBC that has a "disaster" when some sound tech leaves a mic on and gets feedback. Partisan hackery is so much work.

All CFR Networks manufacture and create news.

This is well known to educated folks that deal in reality.

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)

Manufacturing Consent - Wikipedia

Fox is a member, so is NBC. They are NO different. Only folks with partisan blinders on, see them as different.

Brian Williams should have been fired. DAY ONE, End of story. Instead, the moved him from their more prestigious propaganda network, NBC, to their acknowledged shit shoveling, brainwashing network, MSNBC.



That's nice, and any reference to Bernays' Bullshit is always productive. But it's got nothing to do with mics being left on, or what that has to do with the network. Would have been more productive to end the post at the Bernays link, even if off-topic.

"Bernays' Bullshit"


You know, as well as I know, it isn't bullshit. It is the cornerstone of manipulating the thoughts and emotions of the public.

I was commenting on the fact that you think Fox is "faux news," yet somehow the other networks are any different.

It has everything to do with the topic.

You seem to think that Fox is somehow different than MSNBC or NBC. I agree with you, technical difficulties have nothing to do with the dissemination of propaganda, they all do it equally.

OTH, none of them is any better than the other.

You have this delusion that one is better than the other.

They aren't
You have any idea how often mics get left on?

On the other hand it takes initiative action to actually construct a graphic that says "three Mexican countries" and then put it on the air.
Faux is deep in the "active/stupid" category.

"Three Mexican countries"... endless changing of subjects' political parties.... running B-roll from an entirely different event to slant the story.... astroturfing crowd scenes.... but it's NBC that has a "disaster" when some sound tech leaves a mic on and gets feedback. Partisan hackery is so much work.

All CFR Networks manufacture and create news.

This is well known to educated folks that deal in reality.

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)

Manufacturing Consent - Wikipedia

Fox is a member, so is NBC. They are NO different. Only folks with partisan blinders on, see them as different.

Brian Williams should have been fired. DAY ONE, End of story. Instead, the moved him from their more prestigious propaganda network, NBC, to their acknowledged shit shoveling, brainwashing network, MSNBC.



That's nice, and any reference to Bernays' Bullshit is always productive. But it's got nothing to do with mics being left on, or what that has to do with the network. Would have been more productive to end the post at the Bernays link, even if off-topic.

"Bernays' Bullshit"


You know, as well as I know, it isn't bullshit. It is the cornerstone of manipulating the thoughts and emotions of the public.

I was commenting on the fact that you think Fox is "faux news," yet somehow the other networks are any different.

It has everything to do with the topic.

You seem to think that Fox is somehow different than MSNBC or NBC. I agree with you, technical difficulties have nothing to do with the dissemination of propaganda, they all do it equally.

OTH, none of them is any better than the other.

You have this delusion that one is better than the other.

They aren't

I'm afraid you've completely misinterpreted "Bernays' Bullshit". It absolutely WAS the dark art of manipulating thought, and as such, Bullshit. I see no socially redeeming value in that whatsoever. Bernays' entire career was built on Bullshit. I fully agree with your citation there.

My comparison was not a value judgment between networks; I noted that (a) the Foxpologists manage to ignore the egregious overreaches of their chosen hypnotist and somehow pretend that an open mic constitutes a "disaster" (which begs the question, what then does "three Mexican countries" constitute), and (b) that open mics have nothing to do with NBC anyway, certainly not its content.

So this is a bust of the OP for his bullshit in framing that canard. Which is just as insidious as Bernays but obviously done with far less dexterity..
Faux is deep in the "active/stupid" category.

"Three Mexican countries"... endless changing of subjects' political parties.... running B-roll from an entirely different event to slant the story.... astroturfing crowd scenes.... but it's NBC that has a "disaster" when some sound tech leaves a mic on and gets feedback. Partisan hackery is so much work.

All CFR Networks manufacture and create news.

This is well known to educated folks that deal in reality.

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)

Manufacturing Consent - Wikipedia

Fox is a member, so is NBC. They are NO different. Only folks with partisan blinders on, see them as different.

Brian Williams should have been fired. DAY ONE, End of story. Instead, the moved him from their more prestigious propaganda network, NBC, to their acknowledged shit shoveling, brainwashing network, MSNBC.



That's nice, and any reference to Bernays' Bullshit is always productive. But it's got nothing to do with mics being left on, or what that has to do with the network. Would have been more productive to end the post at the Bernays link, even if off-topic.

"Bernays' Bullshit"


You know, as well as I know, it isn't bullshit. It is the cornerstone of manipulating the thoughts and emotions of the public.

I was commenting on the fact that you think Fox is "faux news," yet somehow the other networks are any different.

It has everything to do with the topic.

You seem to think that Fox is somehow different than MSNBC or NBC. I agree with you, technical difficulties have nothing to do with the dissemination of propaganda, they all do it equally.

OTH, none of them is any better than the other.

You have this delusion that one is better than the other.

They aren't

I'm afraid you've completely misinterpreted "Bernays' Bullshit". It absolutely WAS the dark art of manipulating thought, and as such, Bullshit. I see no socially redeeming value in that whatsoever. Bernays' entire career was built on Bullshit. I fully agree with your citation there.

My comparison was not a value judgment between networks; I noted that (a) the Foxpologists manage to ignore the egregious overreaches of their chosen hypnotist and somehow pretend that an open mic constitutes a "disaster" (which begs the question, what then does "three Mexican countries" constitute), and (b) that open mics have nothing to do with NBC anyway, certainly not its content.

So this is a bust of the OP for his bullshit in framing that canard. Which is just as insidious as Bernays but obviously done with far less dexterity..

My whole post was directed at the argument you were having with posters over the "Faux is deep in the "active/stupid" category."

If you think any differently of MSNBC or NBC, then you don't get the point of the Bernays reference and you do not understand NBC's relationship to GE or the war profiteers.

Usually you are smart, but I think you are being stuck on stupid.

As far as the technical aspects, and the OP? Yeah, we are in agreement. Dump thread, dumb discussion. Stupid reasons for playing partisan politics.
"Three Mexican countries"... endless changing of subjects' political parties.... running B-roll from an entirely different event to slant the story.... astroturfing crowd scenes.... but it's NBC that has a "disaster" when some sound tech leaves a mic on and gets feedback. Partisan hackery is so much work.

All CFR Networks manufacture and create news.

This is well known to educated folks that deal in reality.

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)

Manufacturing Consent - Wikipedia

Fox is a member, so is NBC. They are NO different. Only folks with partisan blinders on, see them as different.

Brian Williams should have been fired. DAY ONE, End of story. Instead, the moved him from their more prestigious propaganda network, NBC, to their acknowledged shit shoveling, brainwashing network, MSNBC.



That's nice, and any reference to Bernays' Bullshit is always productive. But it's got nothing to do with mics being left on, or what that has to do with the network. Would have been more productive to end the post at the Bernays link, even if off-topic.

"Bernays' Bullshit"


You know, as well as I know, it isn't bullshit. It is the cornerstone of manipulating the thoughts and emotions of the public.

I was commenting on the fact that you think Fox is "faux news," yet somehow the other networks are any different.

It has everything to do with the topic.

You seem to think that Fox is somehow different than MSNBC or NBC. I agree with you, technical difficulties have nothing to do with the dissemination of propaganda, they all do it equally.

OTH, none of them is any better than the other.

You have this delusion that one is better than the other.

They aren't

I'm afraid you've completely misinterpreted "Bernays' Bullshit". It absolutely WAS the dark art of manipulating thought, and as such, Bullshit. I see no socially redeeming value in that whatsoever. Bernays' entire career was built on Bullshit. I fully agree with your citation there.

My comparison was not a value judgment between networks; I noted that (a) the Foxpologists manage to ignore the egregious overreaches of their chosen hypnotist and somehow pretend that an open mic constitutes a "disaster" (which begs the question, what then does "three Mexican countries" constitute), and (b) that open mics have nothing to do with NBC anyway, certainly not its content.

So this is a bust of the OP for his bullshit in framing that canard. Which is just as insidious as Bernays but obviously done with far less dexterity..

My whole post was directed at the argument you were having with posters over the "Faux is deep in the "active/stupid" category."

If you think any differently of MSNBC or NBC, then you don't get the point of the Bernays reference and you do not understand NBC's relationship to GE or the war profiteers.

AGAIN, the thread is not about network content, even if it wants to be, even if the OP wishes he could get away with it. Because sound tech failures have nothing to do with content, and arguably nothing to do with the network's structure (being stringers). Therefore there is no comparison of content in play here. I'm simply noting that the OP took an indirect technical issue (that has as just noted nothing to do with content) and calls it a "disaster", while simultaneously ignoring Fox Noise's commitment to far more direct fuckups that ARE related to content. In other words pointing out the OP for a Double Standard.

I'm well aware of questionable owner relationships, in fact if you peruse my past posts you'll note that NBC/GE is my poster child for why that's a bad idea, obviously because a corporation involved in both military contracts and nuclear power is not going to be expected to allow its network to cover either topic objectively. But again --- that's not the topic here, is it.

You'll also note that most of what I post about is tearing apart bad arguments. This is one of those times.

Usually you are smart, but I think you are being stuck on stupid.

I don't think you're grokking where I'm comin' from, man. You're trying to make it about a network comparison. That would be a whole 'nother thread. Again it's nice to wish the thread were about something else but it isn't.

As far as the technical aspects, and the OP? Yeah, we are in agreement. Dump thread, dumb discussion. Stupid reasons for playing partisan politics.

And that's what I noted in the first place. Maybe stop trying to make it about something else.
You actually started a thread to suggest the Fox Noise Channel, with it's "three Mexican countries", is better than somebodydat technical stuff??

TOO funneh.
This was FAR worse.

You have any idea how often mics get left on?

On the other hand it takes initiative action to actually construct a graphic that says "three Mexican countries" and then put it on the air.
Faux is deep in the "active/stupid" category.
Its funny how the networks have become political parties themselves-only problem, its two against one.
Two against one what?
Two liberal, one conservative.
NBC Hit With Technical Issues at Democratic Debate; Trump Blasts ‘Truly Unprofessional’ Network

That's why you need to get a real news organization in charge. I bet this shit wouldn't happen had it been on FNC. What a fucking embarrassment.

NBC was left red-faced during Wednesday night’s Democratic presidential debates when audio issues plagued moderators Chuck Todd and Rachel Maddow.

Following the gaffe, NBC quickly cut to commercial before returning with Todd and Maddow vowing to march on from the “technical difficulties.”
Extremely sloppy.
You have any idea how often mics get left on?

On the other hand it takes initiative action to actually construct a graphic that says "three Mexican countries" and then put it on the air.
Faux is deep in the "active/stupid" category.

"Three Mexican countries"... endless changing of subjects' political parties.... running B-roll from an entirely different event to slant the story.... astroturfing crowd scenes.... but it's NBC that has a "disaster" when some sound tech leaves a mic on and gets feedback. Partisan hackery is so much work.

All CFR Networks manufacture and create news.

This is well known to educated folks that deal in reality.

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)

Manufacturing Consent - Wikipedia

Fox is a member, so is NBC. They are NO different. Only folks with partisan blinders on, see them as different.

Brian Williams should have been fired. DAY ONE, End of story. Instead, the moved him from their more prestigious propaganda network, NBC, to their acknowledged shit shoveling, brainwashing network, MSNBC.



That's nice, and any reference to Bernays' Bullshit is always productive. But it's got nothing to do with mics being left on, or what that has to do with the network. Would have been more productive to end the post at the Bernays link, even if off-topic.

"Bernays' Bullshit"


You know, as well as I know, it isn't bullshit. It is the cornerstone of manipulating the thoughts and emotions of the public.

I was commenting on the fact that you think Fox is "faux news," yet somehow the other networks are any different.

It has everything to do with the topic.

You seem to think that Fox is somehow different than MSNBC or NBC. I agree with you, technical difficulties have nothing to do with the dissemination of propaganda, they all do it equally.

OTH, none of them is any better than the other.

You have this delusion that one is better than the other.

They aren't

As the saying goes, "mind your own mind".
All CFR Networks manufacture and create news.

This is well known to educated folks that deal in reality.

Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)

Manufacturing Consent - Wikipedia

Fox is a member, so is NBC. They are NO different. Only folks with partisan blinders on, see them as different.

Brian Williams should have been fired. DAY ONE, End of story. Instead, the moved him from their more prestigious propaganda network, NBC, to their acknowledged shit shoveling, brainwashing network, MSNBC.



That's nice, and any reference to Bernays' Bullshit is always productive. But it's got nothing to do with mics being left on, or what that has to do with the network. Would have been more productive to end the post at the Bernays link, even if off-topic.

"Bernays' Bullshit"


You know, as well as I know, it isn't bullshit. It is the cornerstone of manipulating the thoughts and emotions of the public.

I was commenting on the fact that you think Fox is "faux news," yet somehow the other networks are any different.

It has everything to do with the topic.

You seem to think that Fox is somehow different than MSNBC or NBC. I agree with you, technical difficulties have nothing to do with the dissemination of propaganda, they all do it equally.

OTH, none of them is any better than the other.

You have this delusion that one is better than the other.

They aren't

I'm afraid you've completely misinterpreted "Bernays' Bullshit". It absolutely WAS the dark art of manipulating thought, and as such, Bullshit. I see no socially redeeming value in that whatsoever. Bernays' entire career was built on Bullshit. I fully agree with your citation there.

My comparison was not a value judgment between networks; I noted that (a) the Foxpologists manage to ignore the egregious overreaches of their chosen hypnotist and somehow pretend that an open mic constitutes a "disaster" (which begs the question, what then does "three Mexican countries" constitute), and (b) that open mics have nothing to do with NBC anyway, certainly not its content.

So this is a bust of the OP for his bullshit in framing that canard. Which is just as insidious as Bernays but obviously done with far less dexterity..

My whole post was directed at the argument you were having with posters over the "Faux is deep in the "active/stupid" category."

If you think any differently of MSNBC or NBC, then you don't get the point of the Bernays reference and you do not understand NBC's relationship to GE or the war profiteers.

AGAIN, the thread is not about network content, even if it wants to be, even if the OP wishes he could get away with it. Because sound tech failures have nothing to do with content, and arguably nothing to do with the network's structure (being stringers). Therefore there is no comparison of content in play here. I'm simply noting that the OP took an indirect technical issue (that has as just noted nothing to do with content) and calls it a "disaster", while simultaneously ignoring Fox Noise's commitment to far more direct fuckups that ARE related to content. In other words pointing out the OP for a Double Standard.

I'm well aware of questionable owner relationships, in fact if you peruse my past posts you'll note that NBC/GE is my poster child for why that's a bad idea, obviously because a corporation involved in both military contracts and nuclear power is not going to be expected to allow its network to cover either topic objectively. But again --- that's not the topic here, is it.

You'll also note that most of what I post about is tearing apart bad arguments. This is one of those times.

Usually you are smart, but I think you are being stuck on stupid.

I don't think you're grokking where I'm comin' from, man. You're trying to make it about a network comparison. That would be a whole 'nother thread. Again it's nice to wish the thread were about something else but it isn't.

As far as the technical aspects, and the OP? Yeah, we are in agreement. Dump thread, dumb discussion. Stupid reasons for playing partisan politics.

And that's what I noted in the first place. Maybe stop trying to make it about something else.

Lol, a racist calling someone else a racist. Your only good black people are the ones on the plantation. When they get an education and walk off, your kind calls them uncle Tom's. That's why you want to flood the United States with illegals, because minorities are walking off the plantation at a record rate. So carry on, racist.

An ass clown quoting some bullshit he heard Rush Limpbaugh say.
Not at all, liberals are the most racist people on earth.

By definition, that's impossible. "All men are created equal" cannot be its own opposite. Fun fact.
Lol, yeah the way you treat minority conservatives.

Which is ---- what?
Ben Carson for one. How about Milo?

An ass clown quoting some bullshit he heard Rush Limpbaugh say.
Not at all, liberals are the most racist people on earth.

By definition, that's impossible. "All men are created equal" cannot be its own opposite. Fun fact.
Lol, yeah the way you treat minority conservatives.

Which is ---- what?
Ben Carson for one. How about Milo?

And what did I post about either of them? Hm?

Come on, let's see links. Quotes. Watcha got? Hm?
I guess they shouldn't have kicked GOD out of the Party. God will not be mocked.

A right wing, racist talking about God. What a fucking joke.
Lol, a racist calling someone else a racist. Your only good black people are the ones on the plantation. When they get an education and walk off, your kind calls them uncle Tom's. That's why you want to flood the United States with illegals, because minorities are walking off the plantation at a record rate. So carry on, racist.

Not true. Here's a recent breakdown of voting, where Asians, Blacks, and Hispanics overwhelmingly vote democratic .

The 2018 midterm vote: Divisions by race, gender, education
NBC Hit With Technical Issues at Democratic Debate; Trump Blasts ‘Truly Unprofessional’ Network

That's why you need to get a real news organization in charge. I bet this shit wouldn't happen had it been on FNC. What a fucking embarrassment.

You actually started a thread to suggest the Fox Noise Channel, with it's "three Mexican countries", is better than somebodydat technical stuff??

TOO funneh.
This was FAR worse.

You have any idea how often mics get left on?

On the other hand it takes initiative action to actually construct a graphic that says "three Mexican countries" and then put it on the air.
Faux is deep in the "active/stupid" category.

Do you idiots ever have anything FACTUAL to say about topics other than the usual always critiquing and putting down the opposition by just calling everything you don't like fake and/or stupid?
What are you babbling about? You started this thread about a mic left on, it has been pointed out that your chosen propaganda outlet does much worse. What else want said?
This was FAR worse.

You have any idea how often mics get left on?

On the other hand it takes initiative action to actually construct a graphic that says "three Mexican countries" and then put it on the air.
Faux is deep in the "active/stupid" category.
Its funny how the networks have become political parties themselves-only problem, its two against one.
Two against one what?
Two liberal, one conservative.
You are only aware of 3 news programs?
Any liberal has to admit......the optics when the sound crapped out was real Bush League.

Maddow knew it looked bad
....not ready for prime time.

What's "Bush league" is the OP and his complete cluelessness about how things work.

Once again for the intellectually bereft --- the sound techs are going to be working for the venue or for a production company, not NBC.

"Cluelessness," "intellectually bereft." Gottcha. Everyone but you must have slept in and missed the meeting on how the universe really works?

No! No! No! I got it. You went to some sterling university with high honors while anyone on the Right obviously never graduated the 6th grade with Jethro Bodine and just fell off the turnip truck.

Or could it just be those superior liberal genes of yours and the fact that everyone from the inside 40 deplorable states are all inbred from sleeping with our own relatives?

PLEASE let us know what makes you SO DAMN SMART and the rest of us all imbecile hayseed hicks!

I'm a sound engineer. I work in this kind of milieu. It's a large part of what I do. That, and three decades in broadcasting.

That help?

Geez....s0n.....nobody cares.

You're the guy in the room watching live as a freight train is derailing and asking, "Wonder if the engineer lost a shoe?"

The social oddballs of the world never do get the big picture.

The entire country watched NBC fubar the sound due to lousy cheesy as it gets. Bush league:113:
Any liberal has to admit......the optics when the sound crapped out was real Bush League.

Maddow knew it looked bad
....not ready for prime time.

What's "Bush league" is the OP and his complete cluelessness about how things work.

Once again for the intellectually bereft --- the sound techs are going to be working for the venue or for a production company, not NBC.

"Cluelessness," "intellectually bereft." Gottcha. Everyone but you must have slept in and missed the meeting on how the universe really works?

No! No! No! I got it. You went to some sterling university with high honors while anyone on the Right obviously never graduated the 6th grade with Jethro Bodine and just fell off the turnip truck.

Or could it just be those superior liberal genes of yours and the fact that everyone from the inside 40 deplorable states are all inbred from sleeping with our own relatives?

PLEASE let us know what makes you SO DAMN SMART and the rest of us all imbecile hayseed hicks!

I'm a sound engineer. I work in this kind of milieu. It's a large part of what I do. That, and three decades in broadcasting.

That help?

Geez....s0n.....nobody cares.

You're the guy in the room watching live as a freight train is derailing and asking, "Wonder if the engineer lost a shoe?"

The social oddballs of the world never do get the big picture.

The entire country watched NBC fubar the sound due to lousy cheesy as it gets. Bush league:113:

Once AGAIN for the terminally slow --- "NBC" would have had nothing to do with "preparing" the sound. It simply doesn't work that way. That's all local.
Not at all, liberals are the most racist people on earth.

By definition, that's impossible. "All men are created equal" cannot be its own opposite. Fun fact.
Lol, yeah the way you treat minority conservatives.

Which is ---- what?
Ben Carson for one. How about Milo?

And what did I post about either of them? Hm?

Come on, let's see links. Quotes. Watcha got? Hm?

Still waiting.
You have any idea how often mics get left on?

On the other hand it takes initiative action to actually construct a graphic that says "three Mexican countries" and then put it on the air.
Faux is deep in the "active/stupid" category.
Its funny how the networks have become political parties themselves-only problem, its two against one.
Two against one what?
Two liberal, one conservative.
You are only aware of 3 news programs?
Faux is deep in the "active/stupid" category.
Its funny how the networks have become political parties themselves-only problem, its two against one.
Two against one what?
Two liberal, one conservative.
You are only aware of 3 news programs?
CBS, NBC, ABC? They average about 6,000,000 viewers each for primetime and fox gets about 2,500,000.

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