First direct observation of carbon dioxide's greenhouse effect at Earth's surface

Through 2010


^ After application of Mann's Hockey Stick Algorithm
Through 2010


^ After application of Mann's Hockey Stick Algorithm

Mann's algorithm does not produce hockey sticks and Mann had no involvement in their production. Try again. Or not.
At 96% CO2, Mars should be a sweat lodge

yes but the co2 of mars is different then that of the earth


it is also weird that for co2 being such a good insulator of heat

seeing the temp at the equator swing a hundred degrees

between noon and midnight martian time --LOL

That's the only explanation, Martian CO2 must be different
Wheres the runaway Martian Greenhouse Effect?

Oh, right, it's only Earth based CO2 that does that

another odd factoid

Mars has periodic "ice ages"

plus expanding and receding polar caps

similar to the earths

Surely you jest.

Ice ages are impossible in a 96% CO2 runaway Greenhouse atmosphere.

that would be co2 runaway greenhouse vacuum(thanks to oldie rocks two cents) atmosphere

Through 2010


^ After application of Mann's Hockey Stick Algorithm

Mann's algorithm does not produce hockey sticks and Mann had no involvement in their production. Try again. Or not.


Without Manns Hockey stick algorithm

They call it "the Pause"


The GISS data I posted goes back to 1880. This graph, by Bill Weller of the Daily Mail (major scientific facility, the Daily Mail) goes back to 1997. It also looks very much like a crayon drawing as your mates so often accuse Skeptical Science of producing.

And, BTW, have you seen the ocean plot?


Hmmm... which way is that going Frank?
Wheres the runaway Martian Greenhouse Effect?

Oh, right, it's only Earth based CO2 that does that

another odd factoid

Mars has periodic "ice ages"

plus expanding and receding polar caps

similar to the earths

Shhhhhh.. Your proving CO2 doesn't do anything... Your going to get them riled up again.. However, It is amazing how an insignificant 1% water vapor on mars can cause glaciation with that level of CO2..
Through 2010


^ After application of Mann's Hockey Stick Algorithm

Mann's algorithm does not produce hockey sticks and Mann had no involvement in their production. Try again. Or not.


Without Manns Hockey stick algorithm

They call it "the Pause"


The GISS data I posted goes back to 1880. This graph, by Bill Weller of the Daily Mail (major scientific facility, the Daily Mail) goes back to 1997. It also looks very much like a crayon drawing as your mates so often accuse Skeptical Science of producing.

And, BTW, have you seen the ocean plot?


Hmmm... which way is that going Frank?

Unadjusted data sets show it cooling by o.3 deg C over the last 20 years. Why is that? Why do you use only adjusted and approved data sets from the alarmist camp? Real scientist look at both and ask why the discrepancies... Empirical evidence is not supporting you Crick, it's outing you as a deceiver.
Through 2010


^ After application of Mann's Hockey Stick Algorithm

Its amazing that rise only appears AFTER homogenization and infilling of the data to higher temps. Yes, The bastardization of the temp record to keep the lie alive..

And your proof of this would be?

Empirical observation... ones that disprove your meme outright.

Tell me how an atmosphere of 96% CO2 allows glaciation? According to AGW theroy it is impossible, yet there it is...
Through 2010


^ After application of Mann's Hockey Stick Algorithm

Mann's algorithm does not produce hockey sticks and Mann had no involvement in their production. Try again. Or not.


Without Manns Hockey stick algorithm

They call it "the Pause"


The GISS data I posted goes back to 1880. This graph, by Bill Weller of the Daily Mail (major scientific facility, the Daily Mail) goes back to 1997. It also looks very much like a crayon drawing as your mates so often accuse Skeptical Science of producing.

And, BTW, have you seen the ocean plot?


Hmmm... which way is that going Frank?

Unadjusted data sets show it cooling by o.3 deg C over the last 20 years. Why is that? Why do you use only adjusted and approved data sets from the alarmist camp? Real scientist look at both and ask why the discrepancies... Empirical evidence is not supporting you Crick, it's outing you as a deceiver.

Erm, real scientists aren't publishing their results on
^ After application of Mann's Hockey Stick Algorithm

Mann's algorithm does not produce hockey sticks and Mann had no involvement in their production. Try again. Or not.


Without Manns Hockey stick algorithm

They call it "the Pause"


The GISS data I posted goes back to 1880. This graph, by Bill Weller of the Daily Mail (major scientific facility, the Daily Mail) goes back to 1997. It also looks very much like a crayon drawing as your mates so often accuse Skeptical Science of producing.

And, BTW, have you seen the ocean plot?


Hmmm... which way is that going Frank?

Unadjusted data sets show it cooling by o.3 deg C over the last 20 years. Why is that? Why do you use only adjusted and approved data sets from the alarmist camp? Real scientist look at both and ask why the discrepancies... Empirical evidence is not supporting you Crick, it's outing you as a deceiver.

Erm, real scientists aren't publishing their results on
Why wouldn't they? That isn't logical!
Scientists who make their living proving global warming, devised a study to prove global warming and what a surprise! They found global warming!

No one sees a problem here?
^ After application of Mann's Hockey Stick Algorithm

Mann's algorithm does not produce hockey sticks and Mann had no involvement in their production. Try again. Or not.


Without Manns Hockey stick algorithm

They call it "the Pause"


The GISS data I posted goes back to 1880. This graph, by Bill Weller of the Daily Mail (major scientific facility, the Daily Mail) goes back to 1997. It also looks very much like a crayon drawing as your mates so often accuse Skeptical Science of producing.

And, BTW, have you seen the ocean plot?


Hmmm... which way is that going Frank?

Unadjusted data sets show it cooling by o.3 deg C over the last 20 years. Why is that? Why do you use only adjusted and approved data sets from the alarmist camp? Real scientist look at both and ask why the discrepancies... Empirical evidence is not supporting you Crick, it's outing you as a deceiver.

Erm, real scientists aren't publishing their results on

No Response to the evidence,,, but a nice adhom on real science being done openly and publicly... What, your so called science cant stand open debate and light?
Mann's algorithm does not produce hockey sticks and Mann had no involvement in their production. Try again. Or not.


Without Manns Hockey stick algorithm

They call it "the Pause"


The GISS data I posted goes back to 1880. This graph, by Bill Weller of the Daily Mail (major scientific facility, the Daily Mail) goes back to 1997. It also looks very much like a crayon drawing as your mates so often accuse Skeptical Science of producing.

And, BTW, have you seen the ocean plot?


Hmmm... which way is that going Frank?

Unadjusted data sets show it cooling by o.3 deg C over the last 20 years. Why is that? Why do you use only adjusted and approved data sets from the alarmist camp? Real scientist look at both and ask why the discrepancies... Empirical evidence is not supporting you Crick, it's outing you as a deceiver.

Erm, real scientists aren't publishing their results on
Why wouldn't they? That isn't logical!

Because Watt is not a scientist, and wattsupwiththat is not an accredited peer reviewed scientific publication. It is a political blog, nothing more. It's hard to believe that you even asked that question.

Without Manns Hockey stick algorithm

They call it "the Pause"


The GISS data I posted goes back to 1880. This graph, by Bill Weller of the Daily Mail (major scientific facility, the Daily Mail) goes back to 1997. It also looks very much like a crayon drawing as your mates so often accuse Skeptical Science of producing.

And, BTW, have you seen the ocean plot?


Hmmm... which way is that going Frank?

Unadjusted data sets show it cooling by o.3 deg C over the last 20 years. Why is that? Why do you use only adjusted and approved data sets from the alarmist camp? Real scientist look at both and ask why the discrepancies... Empirical evidence is not supporting you Crick, it's outing you as a deceiver.

Erm, real scientists aren't publishing their results on
Why wouldn't they? That isn't logical!

Because Watt is not a scientist, and wattsupwiththat is not an accredited peer reviewed scientific publication. It is a political blog, nothing more. It's hard to believe that you even asked that question.
It is a website, it holds documents it has people who go read documents on it why wouldn't that be a good place for people to go get science papers that's just so confusing in so many ways dude.

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