First 'DREAMer' deported; Now they can dream from the other side

Our Pres. Is a tax evader, like most elites, and self professed women abuser, its ok, he was born here.
Nationalism is a beautiful thing isn't it? God I love it. I love the American exeptionalism. God bless our Constitutional natural born Citizens and may God bless America.
Bull-fucking-shit Penelope. I'd beat my sons ass and turn him in if he shoplifted and he's 18. Stealing from someone else is /never/ acceptable - at any age.

Disgusting. Many drive without a license and even shoplift when young. He is as much an American as all Americans. Trump is such a born loser.
The loser is the illegal going back home actually. And you of course....

You probably cheat on your taxes, and perhaps wife, if not married, probably your girlfriend. Maybe you snort coke. Maybe you have a history of dui. Ever been in a rehab for alcohol or drug abuse. Its ok, you were born here.

Now you're catching on.
Being a legal citizen gives you protection under certain laws....not being deported being one of them.

Disgusting. Many drive without a license and even shoplift when young. He is as much an American as all Americans. Trump is such a born loser.
The loser is the illegal going back home actually. And you of course....

You probably cheat on your taxes, and perhaps wife, if not married, probably your girlfriend. Maybe you snort coke. Maybe you have a history of dui. Ever been in a rehab for alcohol or drug abuse. Its ok, you were born here.
OMG! A wackier creature doesn't exist! What's the matter with you? You don't even know this person?
I support deporting all the loserterians...

How many men are walking around in arrears in child support. Too many to even name. Driving without a license, give me a break. Shoplifting, most teens try it once or twice, good grief. You guys are crazy.
When I'm in a foreign country, I'm on my best behaviour. Seems like common sense to me.
I support executing all American taliban...Lining them up....Can't wait for the civil war.
Yes. Americans involved with the Taliban need to be arrested and do time. But I'm guessing you mean liberals who push their idiotology on everyone else.
Steve King toasted it!

Hope they all get sent back to wherever they came from. Couldn't happen to a better bunch of non Americans.
Oh even better...

Another case of fools thinking quantity is more important than quality.

Disgusting. Many drive without a license and even shoplift when young. He is as much an American as all Americans. Trump is such a born loser.
Supporting criminals is a normal thing for you isn't it?
This from a Trump supporter is quite humorous. He supported a women groper, child raping, business cheat & liar. You have no room to talk about anyone.

Disgusting. Many drive without a license and even shoplift when young. He is as much an American as all Americans. Trump is such a born loser.
Supporting criminals is a normal thing for you isn't it?
She loves wetbacks because they're the only dudes who will bone her.
A bigoted POS gets two winner votes. Just as expected from the Trump supporters.

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