First Family accepts delivery of Christmas tree

Prudence would dictate that the first Magillas get a more sturdy timber on which they can swing and nest. A nice perch on which they can pluck and consume each others lice.

Don't the Obamas usually put Muslim crap etc on their tree?

you people never fail to produce the stereotypical rw results :clap2: The only caveat being you're n00bs but rw'ers nonetheless.

This is a non-story, unless your intention was to bring out the stupid comments of the right wingers who are saying stuff about "Muslim crap" and it costing too much, or their racist comments comparing the first family to monkeys.

The first family does not have anything to say about how much their tree or the capital tree costs. I'm sure the trees are just shipped to Washington after someone else in the government has selected them. This is done every year by every first family. Nothing new here.

They have contests every year and choose one. There is a certain amount of prize money for the one chosen but that's it. The government ships the tree. Wonderful tradition and one that Republicans can never change. Love it that they try though.
Our First Family makes me proud :)

Obamas welcome official White House Christmas tree* -
First lady Michelle Obama, her daughters, Sasha and Malia, and dogs, Bo and Sunny, welcomed the arrival of the official White House Christmas tree around 11 a.m.
You have to admit that this great nation has a model First Family. Go Michelle!!! :smiliehug:

this is pure bullshit, they are only doing the "Christmas" thing for image only, they hate Christianity, GOD and anything related to well over 300 years of American traditions. :up:
you people never fail to produce the stereotypical rw results :clap2: The only caveat being you're n00bs but rw'ers nonetheless.

This is a non-story, unless your intention was to bring out the stupid comments of the right wingers who are saying stuff about "Muslim crap" and it costing too much, or their racist comments comparing the first family to monkeys.

The first family does not have anything to say about how much their tree or the capital tree costs. I'm sure the trees are just shipped to Washington after someone else in the government has selected them. This is done every year by every first family. Nothing new here.

They have contests every year and choose one. There is a certain amount of prize money for the one chosen but that's it. The government ships the tree. Wonderful tradition and one that Republicans can never change. Love it that they try though.

Linky link link linkkkkkkk!
lol, How about some rodeo clown do a skit with Obama in it?

you want to see leftwing heads spinning around spewing green slime....

dear gawd, the Obama's are worshipped over "accepting" a damn tree that they won't be there to enjoy anyway...Off to Hawaii for 17 days
lol, How about some rodeo clown do a skit with Obama in it?

you want to see leftwing heads spinning around spewing green slime....

dear gawd, the Obama's are worshipped over "accepting" a damn tree that they won't be there to enjoy anyway...Off to Hawaii for 17 days
And I cannot wait to see their Barychnikov impersonations when the GOP retakes the Senate and bolsters their majority in the House.
lol, How about some rodeo clown do a skit with Obama in it?

you want to see leftwing heads spinning around spewing green slime....

dear gawd, the Obama's are worshipped over "accepting" a damn tree that they won't be there to enjoy anyway...Off to Hawaii for 17 days
And I cannot wait to see their Barychnikov impersonations when the GOP retakes the Senate and bolsters their majority in the House.

yep, it won't be pretty, but oh so sweet revenge it will we point and laugh and laugh and laugh
No, we most certainly will NOT shut our traps. He is a lousy president, is nothing but a drag on this country, is hell bent on destroying it, and he will be called out on it every chance we get.

Then stop lying about your respect for the office then.

I get it!

For the first time in your adult life, you're proud of your country [because they elected a (half) black man].

Bu....bu.....bu....he's not at ALL racist! LMAO. What a joke he is. (And he is rather dick obsessed.)
Racists are truly confusing. Why is it racist to say the First Family is a beautiful Black family. Thats like calling the White House a beautiful white house and being accused of racism. Some of you have some screws loose.

Because ugliness is more than good looks. Your heroes are scum and Ted Kennedy, Sadham, and a few molten household items await their descent.

Can you imagine the shit that would hit the fan if anyone anywhere had pronounced any of our former first families, 'a beautiful White family?' Asclepias is a dick obsessed racist of the highest order.
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lol, How about some rodeo clown do a skit with Obama in it?

you want to see leftwing heads spinning around spewing green slime....

dear gawd, the Obama's are worshipped over "accepting" a damn tree that they won't be there to enjoy anyway...Off to Hawaii for 17 days
And I cannot wait to see their Barychnikov impersonations when the GOP retakes the Senate and bolsters their majority in the House.

yep, it won't be pretty, but oh so sweet revenge it will we point and laugh and laugh and laugh

What would be icing on the cake is if the new GOP controlled Congress begins impeachment hearings and actually convicts the lying sack of shit Obamalama.
First Family accepts delivery of Vinyl Record.


What an amazing family. So many firsts for them. :lol:
lol, How about some rodeo clown do a skit with Obama in it?

you want to see leftwing heads spinning around spewing green slime....

dear gawd, the Obama's are worshipped over "accepting" a damn tree that they won't be there to enjoy anyway...Off to Hawaii for 17 days
And I cannot wait to see their Barychnikov impersonations when the GOP retakes the Senate and bolsters their majority in the House.

yep, it won't be pretty, but oh so sweet revenge it will we point and laugh and laugh and laugh

And visions of sugarplums dance in your pointy little heads ... :lol:
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And I cannot wait to see their Barychnikov impersonations when the GOP retakes the Senate and bolsters their majority in the House.

yep, it won't be pretty, but oh so sweet revenge it will we point and laugh and laugh and laugh

And visions of sugarplums dance in your pointy little heads ... :lol:

go on and laugh, you know you all have to be damn worried for your elected masters in your party...they are swirling down the toilet with the people in this country

Hope you aren't eating, crow...:eusa_whistle:
Racists are truly confusing. Why is it racist to say the First Family is a beautiful Black family. Thats like calling the White House a beautiful white house and being accused of racism. Some of you have some screws loose.

Because ugliness is more than good looks. Your heroes are scum and Ted Kennedy, Sadham, and a few molten household items await their descent.


If anyone watches Dancing with the Stars, last week you saw Amber Riley win the weeks long competition.

Just the casual observer might look at her and think she has a face that makes a case for evolution. But every time she came on stage, all I could think was how cute she is. However, what brought her to the top of that competition was her dancing and presentation of herself. I don't think she missed a step the entire competition. And I never saw an expression on her face that conveyed bitterness or anger. Quite the contrary, she was a very sympathetic person when she told how her family scraped to give her voice lessons, but couldn't afford dance lessons. Ginger Rogers never carried herself better than Amber Riley did. She deserved to win that competition and she did.

I don't know how she did all those moves as heavy as she is. I hope she decides to shed some of those pounds because they will shorten her life.

I can't get a pic to take, but maybe someone can. There certainly are plenty out there. The FLOTUS, who has had everything handed to her by whites and still hates white America, needs to take lessons from this girl who had nothing and did it all herself!
yet you are the one who complained about neg rep in this thread

loser :eusa_boohoo:
No I complained about him being gay and trying to get some dick.

no you whined about him PM'ing you when in fact he gave you a neg rep and then you kept PM'ing me and whining

it is sad that a grown person cares so much about rep

He sends like PMs to me when he gets a neg. He is incapable of understanding how this forum software works. Of course in his little sieve like mind, the software is overwhelmingly racist.
Its very special. Just a reminder how beautiful the family is. Beautiful, strong, Black woman. A picture of Gods first queen. 2 gorgeous little girls and the leader of the free world. Again Very special.

Please help me understand this comment.

I fully understand a Black man referencing his wife as Queen.

"Gods first queen" combined with "the leader of the free world" puzzles me.


Maybe that first black queen was a man in drag. Just sayin.'

Please help me understand this comment.

I fully understand a Black man referencing his wife as Queen.

"Gods first queen" combined with "the leader of the free world" puzzles me.


"Gods first queen" was in reference to Michelle and "the leader of the free world" was in reference to the POTUS.

'Queen' and 'free world' are mutually exclusive. She is not a queen. Well, she may be a drag queen. I could believe that.

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