First Family accepts delivery of Christmas tree

Moo sow is the man in the office. That is why she strutted out to greet the tree! Barry's been bad. He was standing in the corner. Or whatever passes for a corner in the oval office.

please post in English, above the elementary school level, if you're going to post in the thread. Glad to help.

He's a trash can.

Way beyond help.

Says the woman who laments her current inability to access the secret web porn sites.
Every First Family has done this, what's the big deal? Why should the Obamas be different?

The husband is usually present. That's the big deal and why this Christmas is different. But you can't blame him for not going. It's just a small window of opportunity to get her off his back.
Our First Family makes me proud :)

Obamas welcome official White House Christmas tree* -
First lady Michelle Obama, her daughters, Sasha and Malia, and dogs, Bo and Sunny, welcomed the arrival of the official White House Christmas tree around 11 a.m.
You have to admit that this great nation has a model First Family. Go Michelle!!! :smiliehug:

Do you get this excited when the man signs for a package from UPS? Because that's what you essentially have here, the man took delivery of a package. That is all. Hell, he didn't even pick out the tree, someone else did that for him (he didn't build that).

All he did was show up and you're salivating like Bierka...

But that's just it. He didn't show up. He sent the wife and kids.
"Gods first queen" was in reference to Michelle and "the leader of the free world" was in reference to the POTUS.

is Michelle that old?.....hey just asking....

Naw. Thats why i said picture. She is a modern day example of the first queens.

now how would you know that? you know what the first Queens looked and acted like?...they may have put people to death just because they looked at them.....
First Family accepts stuff in Plastic bags.


What an amazing family. So many firsts for them. :lol:

Another first......Obama swears on a stack of books he doesn't believe in.....first time a President did this. Also the first president to swear an oath he has no intention of keeping.

This is why the first daughters aren't buying it.

Accepting the white house Christmas tree is supposed to make them seem like the kind of people that don't really hate America. That's why it's news. See, the obama's don't hate the country, its traditions and institutions, they got their picture taken accepting the Christmas tree.

It just isn't believable. It's a photo op. Like all the other pictures of the obamas, crafted and released by the white house itself.
First television interview when the First Family was high.........


Notice the headline.......joint.
Barry and Moochelle are a scurge on Americanism, and should be ousted immediately!
Barry and Moochelle are a scurge on Americanism, and should be ousted immediately!

Americanism????Hmm what does that really mean? To an old white man.

Let's see:

Everybody lives the same, to include: clothes, cars, houses , kids, hair, race and religion.
Then stop lying about your respect for the office then.

I get it!

For the first time in your adult life, you're proud of your country [because they elected a (half) black man].

Bu....bu.....bu....he's not at ALL racist! LMAO. What a joke he is. (And he is rather dick obsessed.)

Here we see how the mind of a white racist works. Notice that unconsciously she has immediately excluded Black people from being part of the country and made it all white and therefore I am racist. i don't really like talking bad about a woman but you need some help. :lol:
Barry and Moochelle are a scurge on Americanism, and should be ousted immediately!

Americanism????Hmm what does that really mean? To an old white man.

Let's see:

Everybody lives the same, to include: clothes, cars, houses , kids, hair, race and religion.

It means beating the pants off of everyone else.

Obama hates that.

The guy is a tool and everyone in the world uses him to put us down and prop themselves up.
Please help me understand this comment.

I fully understand a Black man referencing his wife as Queen.

"Gods first queen" combined with "the leader of the free world" puzzles me.


"Gods first queen" was in reference to Michelle and "the leader of the free world" was in reference to the POTUS.

'Queen' and 'free world' are mutually exclusive. She is not a queen. Well, she may be a drag queen. I could believe that.

Pretty sure she is a Queen. You really cant measure up to her power,influence, looks etc. and I have never even seen you. How many people will run to her beck and call vs how many you can garner? That green eyed monster will make you old and ugly fast.
Haven't we gotten beyond the real tree? Come on, we all should have fake trees, better for the environment.

I used to think the same thing but the opposite is true.

The usual xmas tree comes from a grower, not from a forest. A fake tree is not made from renewable resources.

A variable to consider - are you buying a fake tree every year? Probably not. So, if you buy one tree and use it every year, you wouldn't be using the resources that you would if you bought a new one every year.

The WH tree is old forest but since there are not millions cut for xmas every year, they don't make any real difference. If one wants to get hysterical about misuse of resources, this wouldn't be the one.

It you're just wanting to hate on the Obama's, have at it. If you really want to get pissed, they're gonna give each other presents.

BTW, I've always thought the American obsession with green lawns is utterly stupid. Instead of planting something we can eat, we plant something useless and then pour toxic chemicals on it and send the kiddies out to play on it. Its just dumb.

But, if you don't use the Scott's crap, its apparently not as bad for the environment as I thought because the grass pots out all that O2.

Its still dumb though.
From a distance. :lol:

I am beginning to understand why we are at 19 pages about a Christmas tree.

I haven't read every post but the ones I have read are not about xmas tree. They're all about hating the black guy in the Oval Office.

Therefore, it really doesn't meant much. Just SSDD from the mindless haters.

Actually, you should go back and count. MOST of them are about dick. Seems the boy Asclepias is obsessed with it.

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