First Family accepts delivery of Christmas tree

From a distance. :lol:

I am beginning to understand why we are at 19 pages about a Christmas tree.

I haven't read every post but the ones I have read are not about xmas tree. They're all about hating the black guy in the Oval Office.

Therefore, it really doesn't meant much. Just SSDD from the mindless haters.

There was a neg rep sent to me asking me for "black cock" i believe in response to a post where I said to respect the office. Clear example of an infuriated white man angry because the POTUS is Black evidently hence his reference to "black". i posted a screen shot of it and it turns out most of them are raging closet gays and obsessed with dick. Sunshine wishes she had some too but I can already tell she wouldn't measure up to my standards.
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I am beginning to understand why we are at 19 pages about a Christmas tree.

I haven't read every post but the ones I have read are not about xmas tree. They're all about hating the black guy in the Oval Office.

Therefore, it really doesn't meant much. Just SSDD from the mindless haters.

Actually, you should go back and count. MOST of them are about dick. Seems the boy Asclepias is obsessed with it.

You mean the dick who got us into two illegal wars just to line his own pockets?

Is that the dick you mean?
I haven't read every post but the ones I have read are not about xmas tree. They're all about hating the black guy in the Oval Office.

Therefore, it really doesn't meant much. Just SSDD from the mindless haters.

Actually, you should go back and count. MOST of them are about dick. Seems the boy Asclepias is obsessed with it.

You mean the dick who got us into two illegal wars just to line his own pockets?

Is that the dick you mean?

I haven't read every post but the ones I have read are not about xmas tree. They're all about hating the black guy in the Oval Office.

Therefore, it really doesn't meant much. Just SSDD from the mindless haters.

Actually, you should go back and count. MOST of them are about dick. Seems the boy Asclepias is obsessed with it.

You mean the dick who got us into two illegal wars just to line his own pockets?

Is that the dick you mean?

Yup, Obama. The surge in Afghanistan and Libya. That dick almost got us into another one in Syria but he backed down. And he started the Arab Spring in Egypt which they eventually came to their senses and rejected. He also instigated a border war with Mexico with operation Fast & Furious.
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I am beginning to understand why we are at 19 pages about a Christmas tree.

I haven't read every post but the ones I have read are not about xmas tree. They're all about hating the black guy in the Oval Office.

Therefore, it really doesn't meant much. Just SSDD from the mindless haters.

There was a neg rep sent to me asking me for "black cock" i believe in response to a post where I said to respect the office. Clear example of an infuriated white man angry because the POTUS is Black evidently hence his reference to "black". i posted a screen shot of it and it turns out most of them are raging closet gays and obsessed with dick. Sunshine wishes she had some too but I can already tell she wouldn't measure up to my standards.

This kind of crap is zackly why I shut off my rep.

The racist homophobes are rampant here. A HUGE reason they hate Obama is their own screwy belief that his is bigger than white mans'.

And, in this case, there's no doubt its true....

Actually, you should go back and count. MOST of them are about dick. Seems the boy Asclepias is obsessed with it.

You mean the dick who got us into two illegal wars just to line his own pockets?

Is that the dick you mean?

Yup, Obama. The surge in Afghanistan and Libya. That dick almost got us into another one in Syria but he backed down. And he started the Arab Spring in Egypt which they eventually came to their senses and rejected.

And to think, I actually believed you have no sense of humor.



I haven't read every post but the ones I have read are not about xmas tree. They're all about hating the black guy in the Oval Office.

Therefore, it really doesn't meant much. Just SSDD from the mindless haters.

There was a neg rep sent to me asking me for "black cock" i believe in response to a post where I said to respect the office. Clear example of an infuriated white man angry because the POTUS is Black evidently hence his reference to "black". i posted a screen shot of it and it turns out most of them are raging closet gays and obsessed with dick. Sunshine wishes she had some too but I can already tell she wouldn't measure up to my standards.

This kind of crap is zackly why I shut off my rep.

The racist homophobes are rampant here. A HUGE reason they hate Obama is their own screwy belief that his is bigger than white mans'.

And, in this case, there's no doubt its true....


True Dat
I haven't read every post but the ones I have read are not about xmas tree. They're all about hating the black guy in the Oval Office.

Therefore, it really doesn't meant much. Just SSDD from the mindless haters.

There was a neg rep sent to me asking me for "black cock" i believe in response to a post where I said to respect the office. Clear example of an infuriated white man angry because the POTUS is Black evidently hence his reference to "black". i posted a screen shot of it and it turns out most of them are raging closet gays and obsessed with dick. Sunshine wishes she had some too but I can already tell she wouldn't measure up to my standards.

This kind of crap is zackly why I shut off my rep.

The racist homophobes are rampant here. A HUGE reason they hate Obama is their own screwy belief that his is bigger than white mans'.

And, in this case, there's no doubt its true....


Chrissy (tingles) Matthews, is that you?
really you know it is? Were you a fly on his fly or something?
man crushes aren't pretty...goodgawd
And the reason you have your rep off is you're a coward...You can dish it but can't TAKE IT
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I haven't read every post but the ones I have read are not about xmas tree. They're all about hating the black guy in the Oval Office.

Therefore, it really doesn't meant much. Just SSDD from the mindless haters.

Actually, you should go back and count. MOST of them are about dick. Seems the boy Asclepias is obsessed with it.

You mean the dick who got us into two illegal wars just to line his own pockets?

Is that the dick you mean?

Unless you are a biased idiot or a liar, you must be talking about Bill Clinton! He laid the groundwork, refused to take Bin Laden and weakened the military.
You mean the dick who got us into two illegal wars just to line his own pockets?

Is that the dick you mean?

Yup, Obama. The surge in Afghanistan and Libya. That dick almost got us into another one in Syria but he backed down. And he started the Arab Spring in Egypt which they eventually came to their senses and rejected.

And to think, I actually believed you have no sense of humor.





I haven't read every post but the ones I have read are not about xmas tree. They're all about hating the black guy in the Oval Office.

Therefore, it really doesn't meant much. Just SSDD from the mindless haters.

There was a neg rep sent to me asking me for "black cock" i believe in response to a post where I said to respect the office. Clear example of an infuriated white man angry because the POTUS is Black evidently hence his reference to "black". i posted a screen shot of it and it turns out most of them are raging closet gays and obsessed with dick. Sunshine wishes she had some too but I can already tell she wouldn't measure up to my standards.

This kind of crap is zackly why I shut off my rep.

The racist homophobes are rampant here. A HUGE reason they hate Obama is their own screwy belief that his is bigger than white mans'.

And, in this case, there's no doubt its true....


What is this, Black Power Hour with your host Dudley Dumb shit?
Racists are truly confusing. Why is it racist to say the First Family is a beautiful Black family. Thats like calling the White House a beautiful white house and being accused of racism. Some of you have some screws loose.

Because ugliness is more than good looks. Your heroes are scum and Ted Kennedy, Sadham, and a few molten household items await their descent.

Can you imagine the shit that would hit the fan if anyone anywhere had pronounced any of our former first families, 'a beautiful White family?' Asclepias is a dick obsessed racist of the highest order.

I know how very proud I am of the white Bushes and the white Clintons. Such lovely white first families. Why, it nearly brings a tear to my eye. Actually, they're above white, they're pasty ... and it just doesn't get much whiter than that. :eusa_angel:
The point all of you morons miss is that Clinton, all the Bushes, and all the Obama's are scum and deserve to be burning in hell for their crimes. You don't get be president without first being a complete puppet.
I haven't read every post but the ones I have read are not about xmas tree. They're all about hating the black guy in the Oval Office.

Therefore, it really doesn't meant much. Just SSDD from the mindless haters.

Actually, you should go back and count. MOST of them are about dick. Seems the boy Asclepias is obsessed with it.

You mean the dick who got us into two illegal wars just to line his own pockets?

Is that the dick you mean?

Dick; Race; Bush; Christmas Tree

Some day, an enterprising young social science major will use this thread to get a masters degree.

I haven't read every post but the ones I have read are not about xmas tree. They're all about hating the black guy in the Oval Office.

Therefore, it really doesn't meant much. Just SSDD from the mindless haters.

There was a neg rep sent to me asking me for "black cock" i believe in response to a post where I said to respect the office. Clear example of an infuriated white man angry because the POTUS is Black evidently hence his reference to "black". i posted a screen shot of it and it turns out most of them are raging closet gays and obsessed with dick. Sunshine wishes she had some too but I can already tell she wouldn't measure up to my standards.

This kind of crap is zackly why I shut off my rep.

The racist homophobes are rampant here. A HUGE reason they hate Obama is their own screwy belief that his is bigger than white mans'.

And, in this case, there's no doubt its true....


I knew he was gay and moo a female impersonator.
Obama's approvals are so bad they have to try and prop him up by making a thread on the King and the Queen accepting, trees..

damn that's desperate
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