First Family to reside in Kalorama so Malia can finish school

And private schools always better for their children than public schools.

Lord knows Hussein and family understand that well.

Let the sheeple attend public schools, it's good enough for them.
Theyre famous. Why would they go to a public school?

But the point isn't that they're famous. Its that their parents worked hard, got educations, got good paying jobs and can now afford the school of their choice.

Personally, I think the US lets its people down because we would rather buy more tanks we'll never use and more planes can can't fly than offer educations to all citizens.

Other countries, with much small tax bases, can afford to keep their people healthy and educated but not the US.
If I was a famous politician there would be no way my kids would got to public school. They just are not equipped to protect my kids from some nutbag.
Its always best to keep your kids where they are already acclimated.
So you say Kenya?
Thats a good thought because they have some great schools out there in Kenya but anyone with a brain and that can read can see that she is already attending the school. Dont you know what acclimated means?
Sure I do but does the DC school serve dog?
Obviously you dont know what acclimated means if you are suggesting Malia is acclimated to a school in Kenya she has never attended.

If you want some dog to eat I'm sure you could get away with eating your neighbors. I remember seeing a documentary about you chimps where you hunt and eat leopard but I had no idea you ate dog.
what a model First Family :salute:

Obamas' post-White House home: Rental in DC Kalorama neighborhood

Sasha is a freshman at Sidwell Friends, the private school her sister Malia, who turns 18 in July, is graduating from.

Last month, the White House announced that Malia was admitted to Harvard University but will first take off a gap year.

If the reports are right, then Obama will be the first former president since Woodrow Wilson left office in 1921 to maintain a main residence in Washington. Wilson bought a home in Kalorama, at 2340 S Street NW.
So she can stay in her private school with segregated male and female bathrooms and showers.
I think the US lets its people down because we would rather buy more tanks we'll never use and more planes can can't fly than offer educations to all citizens.
You never know when the Vietnamese, reinvigorated with the removal of their decades long arms embargo, suddenly reanimate their sublimated vengeance and storm the West coast.
They won't get to live there long since democrat whities are pricing the blacks out of the city. They call it gentrification.
Hillary and Bernie are trying to gentrify the White House.
Its always best to keep your kids where they are already acclimated.

On the contrary, being exposed to diverse demographics is much more educational. I don't mean the gay definition of "diverse," which is code word for anti-white, I mean a variety of different people. This prevents tribalism and cliques.

Here is the Home the Obama Family Will Live in After the White House ...
You never know when the Vietnamese, reinvigorated with the removal of their decades long arms embargo, suddenly reanimate their sublimated vengeance and storm the West coast.

They just didn't want foreign occupiers. Same w/ Iraq. Do YOU want occupiers?

Who cares? As long as the big eared disaster is out of the WH he and his brood can live in Timbuktu for all I care
Its always best to keep your kids where they are already acclimated.

So, is that the reason for African Americans stay in the ghetto rather than find a well paying job in North Dakota or Alaska?
Nope. No one wants to go to N Dakota and be around mostly a lot of inbred racist white people and Alaska is too fucking cold.
Its always best to keep your kids where they are already acclimated.

On the contrary, being exposed to diverse demographics is much more educational. I don't mean the gay definition of "diverse," which is code word for anti-white, I mean a variety of different people. This prevents tribalism and cliques.
That makes no sense at all. The school she is going to is diverse.

Sidwell Friends School Washington, DC Enrollment & Demographics
Its always best to keep your kids where they are already acclimated.

On the contrary, being exposed to diverse demographics is much more educational. I don't mean the gay definition of "diverse," which is code word for anti-white, I mean a variety of different people. This prevents tribalism and cliques.
That makes no sense at all. The school she is going to is diverse.

Sidwell Friends School Washington, DC Enrollment & Demographics

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