First Gay Couple Receives Marriage License At Jailed Kentucky Clerk's Office

Sure it does, you know that. Crunch the electoral vote. Jimmy gave the white south hope in 1976, he broke it, and they went back to the GOP. Look at the states, son, look at the states in 68, 72, 76, and 80.

The southern strategy is a done deal in American history books and classes, and you revisionists are held up as the exceptions that prove the rule.

Back to the OP, now. Has Kim Davis gone to work today and has she perfomed her duties impartially?
American history books written by liberal college professors? I have no idea. I heard on the news this morning she was taking a few days off. Might not go back to work until Friday or Monday.
You have no idea who wrote college history books? OK. Yeah, I heard the same, she goes back on Friday and Monday. I hear a federal marshal will spend the day she returns in the office. The second she attempts to interfere with the issuance of marriage certificates, she will be arrested.

Well, if that is the case, they'd better go ahead and get a seat ready because I don't think she intends to follow the judges orders. I'd love to be wrong, but I think she's got the idea she's winning in this struggle.

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