First Grader In Georgia Bullied By Teachers Until He Agreed To Join Class Prayer

When some people cannot address the issue of the OP, they deflect. Pretty obvious.
There is nothing wrong with praying at school. We need to stay close to God, to our roots. That's the only way to create a functioning society.

Many people are of other faiths or no faith. Why should there be school prayer? Religion is not a state issue. Allowing school prayer would be promoting one faith over others.
Pray at home or in church
There's no need to "defend Islam". Islam simply IS NO PART OF THIS STORY AT ALL. .
The fact that you introduce it as a strawman... doesn't make Frankenstein somehow come to life. Therefore there's nothing present to "defend". Period.

Nor were that other clown's strawmen of "democrats" [sic], "repubs" [sic] or "blacks". Simple case of non-presence.

You were off topic. You tried to divert, and I called you on it.
Deal with that.

The other guy at least turned tail and ran away when called on it. You actually doubled down.
I introduced Islam per the bigoted OP. You deflect and try to pin it on me.

Then we're back to the original question from which you continue to run away.
To wit: where is any reference to "Islam" or "Muslim" anything -- either in the OP article OR the OP itself?

The first time it's brought up is in post 2. Which is yours.
Which is also the first instance of "black" being brought up.
---- Neither of which are any part of this story. Which is what I noted from the beginning.

Stop playing the Washington Generals to my Harlem Globetrotters. It's boring.

As I also noted, there are more deflections in this thread than actual posts. That must mean addressing the actual topic is inconvenient.
There is no reference, which is the point. The conspicuous recurrent omission from the OP's perpetual anti-Christian bigotry. Get over it.

Bigotry that non christians were being forces to say christian prayers?
Just waiting for little consistency from you, Wiz. The only consistency is in your duplicity.

Ironic term to bring up since it was you, not him, that brought up "Muslims" and "blacks" in a story that doesn't have either one.

When some people cannot address the issue of the OP, they deflect. Pretty obvious.

I know, right? They be all like "oh shit! Send in the clowns!"
I introduced Islam per the bigoted OP. You deflect and try to pin it on me.

Then we're back to the original question from which you continue to run away.
To wit: where is any reference to "Islam" or "Muslim" anything -- either in the OP article OR the OP itself?

The first time it's brought up is in post 2. Which is yours.
Which is also the first instance of "black" being brought up.
---- Neither of which are any part of this story. Which is what I noted from the beginning.

Stop playing the Washington Generals to my Harlem Globetrotters. It's boring.

As I also noted, there are more deflections in this thread than actual posts. That must mean addressing the actual topic is inconvenient.
There is no reference, which is the point. The conspicuous recurrent omission from the OP's perpetual anti-Christian bigotry. Get over it.

Bigotry that non christians were being forces to say christian prayers?
Just waiting for little consistency from you, Wiz. The only consistency is in your duplicity.

Ironic term to bring up since it was you, not him, that brought up "Muslims" and "blacks" in a story that doesn't have either one.

When some people cannot address the issue of the OP, they deflect. Pretty obvious.

I know, right? They be all like "oh shit! Send in the clowns!"
You argue like a five-year-old, too.
The christers in the Mississippi school did the same thing to Jewish students

Incidents included a ban on the Star of David as a “gang symbol,” teachers forcing the children to bow their heads when Christian prayers were being delivered, mandatory school assemblies where preachers spoke of salvation and faith in Jesus, and one daughter being sent to the hall so Gideons could distribute Christian Bibles in the classroom.

One teacher was alleged to have stated that if the parents weren’t going to save souls, the teachers would have to. The final straw came when one son, then in eighth grade, was sent to the office and as punishment ordered to write an essay on “Why Jesus Loves Me.”

Wayne Willis, parent in 1997 Pike County school church/state lawsuit, died in Wisconsin - Southern Jewish Life Magazine
The christers in the Mississippi school did the same thing to Jewish students

Incidents included a ban on the Star of David as a “gang symbol,” teachers forcing the children to bow their heads when Christian prayers were being delivered, mandatory school assemblies where preachers spoke of salvation and faith in Jesus, and one daughter being sent to the hall so Gideons could distribute Christian Bibles in the classroom.

One teacher was alleged to have stated that if the parents weren’t going to save souls, the teachers would have to. The final straw came when one son, then in eighth grade, was sent to the office and as punishment ordered to write an essay on “Why Jesus Loves Me.”

Wayne Willis, parent in 1997 Pike County school church/state lawsuit, died in Wisconsin - Southern Jewish Life Magazine
There you go again, Wiz. The most moderate Muslims are further right of the most conservative Christians yet you give muslims a pass while you go after Christians like the bigot you are.
The christers in the Mississippi school did the same thing to Jewish students

Incidents included a ban on the Star of David as a “gang symbol,” teachers forcing the children to bow their heads when Christian prayers were being delivered, mandatory school assemblies where preachers spoke of salvation and faith in Jesus, and one daughter being sent to the hall so Gideons could distribute Christian Bibles in the classroom.

One teacher was alleged to have stated that if the parents weren’t going to save souls, the teachers would have to. The final straw came when one son, then in eighth grade, was sent to the office and as punishment ordered to write an essay on “Why Jesus Loves Me.”

Wayne Willis, parent in 1997 Pike County school church/state lawsuit, died in Wisconsin - Southern Jewish Life Magazine
There you go again, Wiz. The most moderate Muslims are further right of the most conservative Christians yet you give muslims a pass while you go after Christians like the bigot you are.

Where does the article or OP mention "Muslims"?
To force children to pray to any God in a public school during class time violates the children's and their parents' rights.

The school district needs to pay out a big settlement, and the staff and teachers need document sensitivity training with a clear warning that further violations will lead to civil injuction bonds for good behavior.
Teach the kid to jack off and that's okay. Say a prayer and that's suppose to be child abuse.

This is a non-problem.
No, this is a very serious problem because here, by law, the state or an agent of the state cannot dictate religion to its citizens. It goes against a fundamental principle of this nation.

And BTW, jerking off is an approved secular activity. if that's all the kiddos did we'd have an induced abortion nearly at where we want it to be.
It's time to bring religion back into the classroom. You, Guno, Carla Danger and others like you might be nicer people if you were taught the 10 commandments in school and recited the Lord's Prayer.
Which 10 commandmants and which lord's prayer? There are several versions of both. Maybe in a class on mythology.

I wouldn't be so dismissive of that which you do not fully understand. All of mankind is spiritual by nature. In other words, it was literally born into us. And with mankind still a mystery even to the most learned among us, I'd have to say that many century's will come to pass before we get smart enough to ask the right questions. I mean look how long it took for mankind to cash in on his dream of flying like a bird. At least 40,000 years or so. And that was an easy one.
There is nothing wrong with praying at school. We need to stay close to God, to our roots. That's the only way to create a functioning society.

Many people are of other faiths or no faith. Why should there be school prayer? Religion is not a state issue. Allowing school prayer would be promoting one faith over others.
Pray at home or in church
It's important to teach about God our Creator. Let the unbelievers stand silent if they choose.
To force children to pray to any God in a public school during class time violates the children's and their parents' rights.

The school district needs to pay out a big settlement, and the staff and teachers need document sensitivity training with a clear warning that further violations will lead to civil injuction bonds for good behavior.
And the persecution of Christians continues. What next, beheadings? No child is harmed saying the Lord's Prayer.
To force children to pray to any God in a public school during class time violates the children's and their parents' rights.

The school district needs to pay out a big settlement, and the staff and teachers need document sensitivity training with a clear warning that further violations will lead to civil injuction bonds for good behavior.
And the persecution of Christians continues. What next, beheadings? No child is harmed saying the Lord's Prayer.
Having teachers comply with the law is not persecution. No teacher has the authority to make a child in a public school say any religion's prayer.
To force children to pray to any God in a public school during class time violates the children's and their parents' rights.

The school district needs to pay out a big settlement, and the staff and teachers need document sensitivity training with a clear warning that further violations will lead to civil injuction bonds for good behavior.
And the persecution of Christians continues. What next, beheadings? No child is harmed saying the Lord's Prayer.
Having teachers comply with the law is not persecution. No teacher has the authority to make a child in a public school say any religion's prayer.
. I agree with your second sentence. But prayer should not be disallowed by those who want to pray. Also, the church's part in establishing missions and settlements in North America should be taught in history classes again. That part of our history is being ignored and that's wrong.
That part of the history is a part of the social studies program in every state. If you have concerns talk to your local district. Having the teacher comply with the law is not persecution. Any person can pray in public school as long as s/he does not disturb those around and does not disrupt the educational process. Who should care if a student unrolls her prayer rug at the back of class and quietly bows and prays to Mecca, or sits in her chair and quietly says her prayers.

The state, however, can never be an authorized vehicle for mandating that children engage in public worship.
There is nothing wrong with praying at school. We need to stay close to God, to our roots. That's the only way to create a functioning society.

Many people are of other faiths or no faith. Why should there be school prayer? Religion is not a state issue. Allowing school prayer would be promoting one faith over others.
Pray at home or in church
It's important to teach about God our Creator. Let the unbelievers stand silent if they choose.

Why? it is a mythical figure that is beyond it earth and time. It servers no purpose but to control people by fear. God is not going to come on a charging horse to save the day, we have to do that. We have to believe in ourselves not magic and fantasy. Praying is not going to stop the storms and natural disasters. Prayer is nit going to stop the plagues. We have to do that.
Other than "creating the first one celled life on this planet, has this creator done? Creationists don't believe in dinosaurs yet we know they existed. They believe in supernatural causes for disasters but we know the scientific reasons for them.
Why do children of school age need fairy tales of a god rather than understanding and science for what has and will happen?
How much horrors has been perpetrated in the name of this or that god?

How many gods have their been throughout history around the world? How many have been real? How many more faiths or beliefs will there be with each thinking they are following god's will? Even those that believe in the same god are so very different, each believing they know the right way. Guess what, they are wrong. We have to find our own salvation on this earth here and now, not some future rapture or miracle. We have the power to save lives with science, our brains. We have the power to destroy the world also. We are the gods of this planet and this life, here and now.

When you meet god, you can ask why it did nothing for the life it created. Till then, we have to rely on ourselves to become better protectors of life on this small dot amongst trillions in the vast universe.

Your god can stay in the realm of sunday school fables, not in the realm of math, science and logic. With a hundred religions, which god or belief should be taught? Schools deal with fact not fiction, things we can all prove and repeat. Things everyone can agree on across the globe. Everyone believes their god is right but that is not possible. Science and math are. We can even prove how the spark of life began in a lab. God is just an ignorant way to dismiss what at the time was not yet known. Sorry be we ate the apple and we are on our own to learn and think and reason and act without some far out of reach being.

Keep your god at home and church. The rest of the world does not share your ideas and myths of the supernatural. You can fit it into your life, but the rest of the world does not have to.
aris2chat, all you do is show your hubris. You can never prove that God does not exist. That is why the Constitution protects us in our belief and our right how to exercise it.
There is nothing wrong with praying at school. We need to stay close to God, to our roots. That's the only way to create a functioning society.

Many people are of other faiths or no faith. Why should there be school prayer? Religion is not a state issue. Allowing school prayer would be promoting one faith over others.
Pray at home or in church
It's important to teach about God our Creator. Let the unbelievers stand silent if they choose.
Which god? Which creator? That would definitely fill an entire semester just covering them all in a basic way.
I hope the school and teachers get sued and the teachers lose their jobs

I have seen this behavior up front here in the south

"Two students, one in kindergarten and the other a first-grader, were identified in the suit as Jamie and Jesse Doe. They brought the forced prayers to the attention of the parents, identified as John and Jane Doe, in August 2014. John Doe notified the school that teacher-led prayers were a violation of the constitutional rights of his family.

But rather than stopping the prayers, the Doe children were told to sit in the hallway during class prayer time. Jesse, who was in first grade, told John and Jane Doe what happened, saying the teacher used “her mean voice” when she told the child to leave her classroom so she could lead the other students in prayer.

Additionally, another teacher would not allow Jesse from going to recess. According to legal documents from the case, the teacher wanted to:

“Talk to Jesse about her personal conception of the Christian god. She spent almost the entire recess period explaining her personal views on Christianity’s god: that God loves Jesse and that God made the world.”

First Grader In Georgia Bullied By Teachers Until He Agreed To Join Class Prayer
I call bullshit

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I hope the school and teachers get sued and the teachers lose their jobs

I have seen this behavior up front here in the south

"Two students, one in kindergarten and the other a first-grader, were identified in the suit as Jamie and Jesse Doe. They brought the forced prayers to the attention of the parents, identified as John and Jane Doe, in August 2014. John Doe notified the school that teacher-led prayers were a violation of the constitutional rights of his family.

But rather than stopping the prayers, the Doe children were told to sit in the hallway during class prayer time. Jesse, who was in first grade, told John and Jane Doe what happened, saying the teacher used “her mean voice” when she told the child to leave her classroom so she could lead the other students in prayer.

Additionally, another teacher would not allow Jesse from going to recess. According to legal documents from the case, the teacher wanted to:

“Talk to Jesse about her personal conception of the Christian god. She spent almost the entire recess period explaining her personal views on Christianity’s god: that God loves Jesse and that God made the world.”

First Grader In Georgia Bullied By Teachers Until He Agreed To Join Class Prayer
I call bullshit

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Group Says Emanuel County School Leaders Settle Lawsuit, School Prayer Stopped

With link to lawsuit documents.

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