First it was Homosexuality that should be normalized, now it is Bi-sexuality, soon it will be kids.

Should bi-sexuality be normalized so they too can be married in a polygamist way?

  • Yes, as a liberal, if they all love each other, then they should be married unless they are mormon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, as a conservative, these mentally ill people need to seek help not be codified in their beliefs.

    Votes: 9 100.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
I identify as bisexual — here are 5 things I wish people understood
I identify as bisexual — here are 5 things I wish people understood
There is no right or wrong way to own your sexuality.
  • People that identify as bisexual are not more likely to cheat.
  • We are not confused and this is not a phase.
First off, if these 3 or more people, decide they want to be married, because "they are in love with everyone" should polygamy then be allowed? It was said when Queers first started getting married, that soon other mentally ill people will want to have the same rights as the faggots, and we are starting to see it. Do we draw the line here, or allow it to be moved again, when child pedophilia is next in line to be normalized?
Queers should be able to marry queers
Lesbos should be able to marry lesbos
A bisexual man should be able to marry a chick and a dude
I should be able to marry chicks if I want. Stop telling how to live my life, faggot.
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First it was Homosexuality that should be normalized, now it is Bi-sexuality, soon it will be kids.

They're already going after kids. They mostly deny it, so far, but what do you think is the real reason for the LGBpbiWTF agenda being pushed on young children, in public schools? Quite obviously, it is a prelude to attempting to legitimize and normalize pedophilia.
First it was Homosexuality that should be normalized, now it is Bi-sexuality, soon it will be kids.

They're already going after kids. They mostly deny it, so far, but what do you think is the real reason for the LGBpbiWTF agenda being pushed on young children, in public schools? Quite obviously, it is a prelude to attempting to legitimize and normalize pedophilia.
Like how the religious used to do?
Maybe we will go back to complete biblical marriage and I will be able to buy your daughter for 5 goats!
In a polygamist marriage, who would have to pay the spousal support if someone wants out?
I remember watching a video sometime in early college advocating for polygamy (I think it was Penn and Teller's Bullshit, but I'm not sure). And I bought it. I knew it wasn't really for me, but I was like "Yea, OK. That makes sense." But in recent times, I keep hearing stories about polygamy and open relationships that have crumbled to dust because of jealousy which makes me laugh and have turned my mind to where it's clear as crystal that it doesn't work, even when both parties agree with the concept.
Bisexual people should be able to marry the person they want to marry.

There is nothing inherent in being bisexual that should allow for multiple spouses any more than if straight or gay.
I remember watching a video sometime in early college advocating for polygamy (I think it was Penn and Teller's Bullshit, but I'm not sure). And I bought it. I knew it wasn't really for me, but I was like "Yea, OK. That makes sense." But in recent times, I keep hearing stories about polygamy and open relationships that have crumbled to dust because of jealousy which makes me laugh and have turned my mind to where it's clear as crystal that it doesn't work, even when both parties agree with the concept.

I know of quite a few poly relationships that have been going to a very long time. It depends on the people. And with straight marriages having about a 50% divorce rate, its not as if there is great success there.
How about we make laws saying that all sexual relationship must be between consenting adults.

I identify as bisexual — here are 5 things I wish people understood
I identify as bisexual — here are 5 things I wish people understood
There is no right or wrong way to own your sexuality.
  • People that identify as bisexual are not more likely to cheat.
  • We are not confused and this is not a phase.
First off, if these 3 or more people, decide they want to be married, because "they are in love with everyone" should polygamy then be allowed? It was said when Queers first started getting married, that soon other mentally ill people will want to have the same rights as the faggots, and we are starting to see it. Do we draw the line here, or allow it to be moved again, when child pedophilia is next in line to be normalized?
Whenever I see evidence (like in a post) of someone unable to distinguish between what goes on between consenting adults and what goes on when an adult molests a non-consenting minor (or even an animal)....I become very concerned that such a person NOT be allowed near children and/or animals. If they cannot discern the difference, they have no business being near such.
Queers should be able to marry queers
Lesbos should be able to marry lesbos
A bisexual man should be able to marry a chick and a dude
I should be able to marry chicks if I want. Stop telling how to live my life, faggot.
I laugh at people who think being bi-sexual means being able to marry two people, one male/one female. That's not what it means at all.
First it was Homosexuality that should be normalized, now it is Bi-sexuality, soon it will be kids.

They're already going after kids. They mostly deny it, so far, but what do you think is the real reason for the LGBpbiWTF agenda being pushed on young children, in public schools? Quite obviously, it is a prelude to attempting to legitimize and normalize pedophilia.
This bears repeating: Whenever I see evidence (like in a post) of someone unable to distinguish between what goes on between consenting adults and what goes on when an adult molests a non-consenting minor (or even an animal)....I become very concerned that such a person NOT be allowed near children and/or animals. If they cannot discern the difference, they have no business being near such.
I am not married. But I am in a poly relationship. We decide what the rules are, and our are simple. We can date other people if we want. One of the best things about it is there is no more of that ridiculous "you were flirting with that girl/guy!". Sometimes we form good relationships outside our own. And sometimes it is a complete waste of time. But it make life better, imho.
I identify as bisexual — here are 5 things I wish people understood
I identify as bisexual — here are 5 things I wish people understood
There is no right or wrong way to own your sexuality.
  • People that identify as bisexual are not more likely to cheat.
  • We are not confused and this is not a phase.
First off, if these 3 or more people, decide they want to be married, because "they are in love with everyone" should polygamy then be allowed? It was said when Queers first started getting married, that soon other mentally ill people will want to have the same rights as the faggots, and we are starting to see it. Do we draw the line here, or allow it to be moved again, when child pedophilia is next in line to be normalized?

I beg your pardon? I've been waiting for a thread like this.

You want to have this argument with me? I am bisexual. A member of the silent LGBT community. Let's go. I have all day. Your stereotypes are nothing but stereotypes. I neither favor polygamy or pedophilia. Polygamy is the act of having more than one spouse, either of the opposite or same sex. Polyamory is the act of being in love with everyone, which I believe is the word you are looking for.

I support gay marriage and I support whatever equality we are to gain in this society, but not at the expense of others freedoms.

Granted, I am mentally ill, but not because of being bisexual. I will defend other people of my sexual inclination as fervently as I would anyone in a hetero relationship.

Care to put your hand in the jar and hope the viper doesn't strike?
I identify as bisexual — here are 5 things I wish people understood
I identify as bisexual — here are 5 things I wish people understood
There is no right or wrong way to own your sexuality.
  • People that identify as bisexual are not more likely to cheat.
  • We are not confused and this is not a phase.
First off, if these 3 or more people, decide they want to be married, because "they are in love with everyone" should polygamy then be allowed? It was said when Queers first started getting married, that soon other mentally ill people will want to have the same rights as the faggots, and we are starting to see it. Do we draw the line here, or allow it to be moved again, when child pedophilia is next in line to be normalized?

I beg your pardon? I've been waiting for a thread like this.

You want to have this argument with me? I am bisexual. A member of the silent LGBT community. Let's go. I have all day. Your stereotypes are nothing but stereotypes. I neither favor polygamy or pedophilia. Polygamy is the act of having more than one spouse, either of the opposite or same sex. Polyamory is the act of being in love with everyone, which I believe is the word you are looking for.

I support gay marriage and I support whatever equality we are to gain in this society, but not at the expense of others freedoms.

Granted, I am mentally ill, but not because of being bisexual. I will defend other people of my sexual inclination as fervently as I would anyone in a hetero relationship.

Care to put your hand in the jar and hope the viper doesn't strike?

Well said!!!

This idea that anyone who defends LGBT is a member is simply ignorant.

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