First Ladies of the USA - time for some civillity, folks.

I'm sorry but they are there to represent their husbands. Not Victoria Secret. It is the type dress you seen in a Victoria Secret womens clothing catalog for their dresses. ( although its obvious these are designer dresses - shoes ) It's poor taste. Watch how Jolie dresses when she appears as an ambassador for the UN. Look at her photo with Condi Rice. That is how you present yourself in the world of politics. She doesn't draw attention to herself. She knows how to dress for the occasion.

These two women? Not so much. The dresses are too tight. The high heels belong in a nightclub. It's too much. That is what I see when I look at the photo. Seductive clothing is a cry for attention. Not the message a politicans wife should be sending. Sorry.

Maybe Obama will 'stain' their dresses. The new norm for Dem POTUS :lol:

How much did the Democrats cost taxpayers over Valerie Plame?

but hey, it's only a waste when it was done to that dear Democrat Billy boy Clinton and now under Obama with investigating the abuse of the IRS

then we hear wails of, it's a witch hunt, a waste of monies

And this somehow has to do with the topic of the OP, which is civility toward First Ladies?


And...? You still going by the story that Michelle was upset? :rofl:
rw hate, because of their shellacking in 2012 no doubt, is boiling over in this thread

they have zero understanding of why they lost, and will continue to lose national elections.

you people are hilarious...a Republican was president just six years ago for EIGHT years, yet you all act like it's been 100 years and it's because everyone now just loves loves loves the liberal/Democrat way..

If you're so loved why did you lose the house...THE PURSE...The people wised up there at least because they saw you Democrats were going to BANKRUPT our country so they gave the house to Republicans...TWICE...:lol:

If you are going to show your ass and go off topic about mid-term elections when this thread is about First Ladies, you might as well learn some electoral history in the process:
How much did the Democrats cost taxpayers over Valerie Plame?

but hey, it's only a waste when it was done to that dear Democrat Billy boy Clinton and now under Obama with investigating the abuse of the IRS

then we hear wails of, it's a witch hunt, a waste of monies

And this somehow has to do with the topic of the OP, which is civility toward First Ladies?


Sorry but it's hard for me to be civil when Barack Obama is in the process of changing the United States of America into something else, while people are suffering because of that fact and while he and his family live like royalty. Sorry... Maybe they can send a separate plane for the dog again..Helicopter ..whatever
they have zero understanding of why they lost, and will continue to lose national elections.

you people are hilarious...a Republican was president just six years ago for EIGHT years, yet you all act like it's been 100 years and it's because everyone now just loves loves loves the liberal/Democrat way..

If you're so loved why did you lose the house...THE PURSE...The people wised up there at least because they saw you Democrats were going to BANKRUPT our country so they gave the house to Republicans...TWICE...:lol:

If you are going to show your ass and go off topic about mid-term elections when this thread is about First Ladies, you might as well learn some electoral history in the process:

I'll go where I like...and I was replying to someone just because you started the whiney thread doesn't mean you are the whiny police of go stick your head up where you keep it stored speaking of asses...and that civility thing you were whining about? yeah that flew out your ass too eh?
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Meh, I think the pink dress on the right requires the blue pill to bring Ralo' from parade rest to attention, the ones on the left, not so much :lol:


luckily no one cares what you think of the first lady's sexuality. that isn't what she's there for.

but I guess in rightwingnutworld where palin is considered an appropriate representative of "the base", it'snot surprising tha the misogynists denigrate anyone who isn't a centerfold.

not that they'd ever get a centerfold either.
you people are hilarious...a Republican was president just six years ago for EIGHT years, yet you all act like it's been 100 years and it's because everyone now just loves loves loves the liberal/Democrat way..

If you're so loved why did you lose the house...THE PURSE...The people wised up there at least because they saw you Democrats were going to BANKRUPT our country so they gave the house to Republicans...TWICE...:lol:

If you are going to show your ass and go off topic about mid-term elections when this thread is about First Ladies, you might as well learn some electoral history in the process:

I'll go where I like...and I was replying to someone just because you started the whiney thread doesn't mean you are the whiny police of go stick your head up where you keep it stored speaking of asses...and that civility thing you were whining about? yeah that flew out your ass too eh?

Poor Stephanie, she just whines on and whines on and whines on, goes off topic, rants and crys like a four year old. So much anger in her.

Tsk. Tsk.

It is totally entertaining!

Oh, and btw, I go where I like, too. And I will remember to do that with you very often now...
someone should make a photo shop of Michelle in a bathing suit holding a gun like they did with Sarah Palin...

notice they didn't label that PDS

hypocrites every last one of you Obot cult memebers
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I'm sorry - apparently I missed a newscast. Who are you thinking is actually the most powerful?

And I'm betting the name you come up with isn't in the free world.

It does make a difference, because I sure as shit wouldn't want to live in Russia. I'm pretty sure there's a good reason my dad is first generation Russian-American.

Guess you did miss a newscast. He is laughed at. He is a joke. And he damn sure in not the most powerful man in the world. Gimme a break. And the way things are going now, Russia is looking a helluvalot more interesting with a powerful man at the helm instead of the weakling schmuck we have at ours.

Don't like my opinion? Tough shit.


The office of the President of the United States of America - no matter who sits there, is the most powerful office in our world and has undeniably been so since at least 1945.

You want to think Obama is weak? Fine, your thing.

But he is the CIC of our armed forces and he is in possession of the nuclear codes.

And you can bet that Putin is already having second thoughts.

Where the fuck did all this sniping come from?


Uh ... ask the OP. :lol:
someone should make a photo shop of Michelle in a bathing suit holding a gun like they did with Sarah Palin...

notice they didn't label that PDS

hypocrites every last one of you Obot cult memebers
What's left of the Orgasmic ObamaBot cult is beginning to look a little ridiculous.

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