First Ladies of the USA - time for some civillity, folks.

I must concede. Michelle is pretty elegant and graceful. She puts these other two ladies to shame:


I remember this photograph. Syrenn posted it last year and I was looking at it and wondering why anyone would think the two women on left looked appopriately dressed. They weren't. They look like two high priced hookers coming up the steps of the Georgia Dome. I'm sorry but I have to be honest with you here, Drifting Sand. When it comes to politics? These two wives are a reflection of their husbands and the clothing they select sends a powerful message. ( wrong one )

A daytime outfit with a sleeveless white top and a pink skirt with flats is preferable to what these two have on but I would have selected a nice Jackie O two piece suit for Michele Obama. Still she is sending a far better message then the two on the left! My 2 cents.

- Jeri

Ummm --- that there is a photoshop.

>> A photograph from the latter event has been manipulated (as shown above) to add a figure representing Michelle Obama, making her appear to come off a very distant third in fashion sense with her plain, rumpled skirt contrasting with the shapely and stylish backsides of the two European women. That image is clearly a fabricated one, as Michelle Obama was not present at the Spanish dinner (she was back in Washington, where she participated in the unveiling of a memorial bust of Sojourner Truth), and other newspaper pictures of the same scene do not include her in the position shown (i.e., the Michelle Obama figure was obviously added to the original photograph later) -- see Snopes

You learn a lot about people's legitimacy of reasoning by what they have to make up lies about.
I must concede. Michelle is pretty elegant and graceful. She puts these other two ladies to shame:


I remember this photograph. Syrenn posted it last year and I was looking at it and wondering why anyone would think the two women on left looked appopriately dressed. They weren't. They look like two high priced hookers coming up the steps of the Georgia Dome. I'm sorry but I have to be honest with you here, Drifting Sand. When it comes to politics? These two wives are a reflection of their husbands and the clothing they select sends a powerful message. ( wrong one )

A daytime outfit with a sleeveless white top and a pink skirt with flats is preferable to what these two have on but I would have selected a nice Jackie O two piece suit for Michele Obama. Still she is sending a far better message then the two on the left! My 2 cents.

- Jeri

That photo is fake.

Michelle's outfit is with her girls on a casual outing. Do you think she looks like a hooker here? Or that she reflects poorly on her husband?


Thats attire for evening. She is most likely going to dinner and looks fine. Notice the dress from the waist down it begins to flair out - it isn't grabbing her - see the difference? Its' class vs classless. ( compared to other 2 dresses )

To be clear - I never said Michele was dressed like a high class hooker. I said the other two were. The tight dresses and high heels are not proper attire for where they are going. Micheles outfit was apparently photoshopped and that wasn't what she had on. I have found many photos in which Michele Obama's outfits reminded me of Jackie O's taste. I'm not sure what your point is here, RD.

- Jeremiah
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It's fair too to say that family members should be held to a higher standard since they got their power for free not having to run in, and win an election. The First Lady wields very real power and what she says can absolutely effect public perception and policy. But no one elected her. So certainly targetting her with opposition is just as fair as the President. The kids are off-limits naturally and completely.

Ah, bullshit. First ladies aren't elected to anything, hold no "office" (despite Wikipedia's hilarious sidebars) and the only "power" they wield is what we pretend to attribute to them. There can be no special "higher standard" for a person who didn't run for anything. That's absurd.
If she makes a statement about school lunches or diet people are free to comment to her ideas. Making jokes or insults on her jaw, her body, her clothing choices is not commenting on her ideas but her flaws as a woman. ( which are untrue ) In my opinion.
You think righties treat Michelle Obama bad......

Wait until Bill Clinton is First Lady

What is more disgusting is that someone like you would vote for that she bitch. Do you have any idea how vile that beast is or would you like a refresher course? I grew up with that Yankee usurper.

Rose Law Firm, money laundering, cocaine, ring a bell?

^A Catholic RWr
Guess you did miss a newscast. He is laughed at. He is a joke. And he damn sure in not the most powerful man in the world. Gimme a break. And the way things are going now, Russia is looking a helluvalot more interesting with a powerful man at the helm instead of the weakling schmuck we have at ours.

Don't like my opinion? Tough shit.


The office of the President of the United States of America - no matter who sits there, is the most powerful office in our world and has undeniably been so since at least 1945.

You want to think Obama is weak? Fine, your thing.

But he is the CIC of our armed forces and he is in possession of the nuclear codes.

And you can bet that Putin is already having second thoughts.

Where the fuck did all this sniping come from?


Uh ... ask the OP. :lol:

Uh ... Did you just tell the OP to ask the OP? Too funny. And that idiot RD thanked you as well.

I remember this photograph. Syrenn posted it last year and I was looking at it and wondering why anyone would think the two women on left looked appopriately dressed. They weren't. They look like two high priced hookers coming up the steps of the Georgia Dome. I'm sorry but I have to be honest with you here, Drifting Sand. When it comes to politics? These two wives are a reflection of their husbands and the clothing they select sends a powerful message. ( wrong one )

A daytime outfit with a sleeveless white top and a pink skirt with flats is preferable to what these two have on but I would have selected a nice Jackie O two piece suit for Michele Obama. Still she is sending a far better message then the two on the left! My 2 cents.

- Jeri

That photo is fake.

Michelle's outfit is with her girls on a casual outing. Do you think she looks like a hooker here? Or that she reflects poorly on her husband?


Thats attire for evening. She is most likely going to dinner and looks fine. Notice the dress from the waist down it begins to flair out - it isn't grabbing her - see the difference? Its' class vs classless. ( compared to other 2 dresses )

To be clear - I never said Michele was dressed like a high class hooker. I said the other two were. The tight dresses and high heels are not proper attire for where they are going. Micheles outfit was apparently photoshopped and that wasn't what she had on. I have found many photos in which Michele Obama's outfits reminded me of Jackie O's taste. I'm not sure what your point is here, RD.

- Jeremiah

I understood your first post, I just wasn't aware you know it was photoshopped. I was just saying I didn't think any of them looked like hookers. Chalk it up different tastes I guess. As someone pointed out before they are different ages so age appropriate comes to mind with the fitted dresses. I would wear what Michelle is wearing, but 10-15 years ago I would have worn the other dresses too.

If she makes a statement about school lunches or diet people are free to comment to her ideas. Making jokes or insults on her jaw, her body, her clothing choices is not commenting on her ideas but her flaws as a woman. ( which are untrue ) In my opinion.

That is the point many of us were trying to make
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I'm sorry but they are there to represent their husbands. Not Victoria Secret. It is the type dress you seen in a Victoria Secret womens clothing catalog for their dresses. ( although its obvious these are designer dresses - shoes ) It's poor taste. Watch how Jolie dresses when she appears as an ambassador for the UN. Look at her photo with Condi Rice. That is how you present yourself in the world of politics. She doesn't draw attention to herself. She knows how to dress for the occasion.

These two women? Not so much. The dresses are too tight. The high heels belong in a nightclub. It's too much. That is what I see when I look at the photo. Seductive clothing is a cry for attention. Not the message a politicans wife should be sending. Sorry.

Maybe Obama will 'stain' their dresses. The new norm for Dem POTUS :lol:


^ Can't stand that President Obama is a devoted husband and father.
I'm sorry but they are there to represent their husbands. Not Victoria Secret. It is the type dress you seen in a Victoria Secret womens clothing catalog for their dresses. ( although its obvious these are designer dresses - shoes ) It's poor taste. Watch how Jolie dresses when she appears as an ambassador for the UN. Look at her photo with Condi Rice. That is how you present yourself in the world of politics. She doesn't draw attention to herself. She knows how to dress for the occasion.

These two women? Not so much. The dresses are too tight. The high heels belong in a nightclub. It's too much. That is what I see when I look at the photo. Seductive clothing is a cry for attention. Not the message a politicans wife should be sending. Sorry.

Maybe Obama will 'stain' their dresses. The new norm for Dem POTUS :lol:


^ Can't stand that President Obama is a devoted husband and father.

Painfully obvious. Yup.

The office of the President of the United States of America - no matter who sits there, is the most powerful office in our world and has undeniably been so since at least 1945.

You want to think Obama is weak? Fine, your thing.

But he is the CIC of our armed forces and he is in possession of the nuclear codes.

And you can bet that Putin is already having second thoughts.

Where the fuck did all this sniping come from?


Uh ... ask the OP. :lol:

Uh ... Did you just tell the OP to ask the OP? Too funny. And that idiot RD thanked you as well.

You're about as sharp as a bowling ball sometimes. It was a joke :rolleyes:
NO Reporters Will Be Allowed On 5-Star Mooch's Vacation To China...

I don't know any first lady that tried to force her image of a lifestyle on me or push a tyrannical agenda like Micheal

well, Hillary did try to push her idiotic idea of health care on us

So tyrannical to suggest healthy eating habits, I think Hitler came up with that one to destroy human lives...

This is where Stephanie has REAL PROBLEMS....the idea that healthy eating habits might even be brought up in her hearing. Have another Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich with fries and a shake, Stephanie....better yet, have two.

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not the governement job


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:lol: Who said it is a job to recommend stuff? :rofl:
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"Walk a mile in my shoes" my fucking ass. Fucking bitch never did anything in her fucking life worthwhile. Free rides all the way.

LMAO...You are a disgrace to the GOP and conservatives. You are a racist, you have no sense of reality, and you embody the idea of white privilege as you complain that a Princeton and Harvard Law graduate has done nothing and took free rides all the way.

I may dislike Barry and Michelle's policies. I dislike Michelle's comments about being proud to be American for the first time. But I will guarantee that Michelle Obama is far more successful than you, your spouse, your mother, your father, your grandfather, your great grandfather...all put together.

But, then again, that's the real issue, isn't it. Black success is your excuse for hate and racism. Because your neighbor GAVE you $1 an think you worked hard for everything...even though the truth is you probably got that 'job' because your neighbor was giving you a HANDOUT. Doing you or your parents a favor...a free ride.

You are a racist, nothing more...I just want to make sure others don't confuse your racism for conservative thought.
You think righties treat Michelle Obama bad......

Wait until Bill Clinton is First Lady

What is more disgusting is that someone like you would vote for that she bitch. Do you have any idea how vile that beast is or would you like a refresher course? I grew up with that Yankee usurper.

Rose Law Firm, money laundering, cocaine, ring a bell?

We want someone that can make a complete sentence without going "uh, huh, duh, you, you can't fool me twice".....:)
Who is that, Oprah?

You sound like someone who is very jealous, cause Obama, was able to achieve the highest honor in the land, he directs politics while all you are able to do is discuss politics on a political board and throw insults at him he will never even read.....:lol::lol:

But, but...what about Bush???!!!


Yeah, it's hard to swallow that he was once also the most powerful man in the world....big difference between him and Obama.

for the first time in its life she's happy to spend your tax dollars

She's talking to the ones who voted for Romney.....glad to find out Grumpy cat is a conservative, no wonder he's always is so hard when you're butt hurt.

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