First Lady Birther Issue For Trump

Silliness aside, Americans got over their foolish disdain and mistrust of Eastern European immigrants decades ago. Us 'mill hunkies' used to get shit on and told we would never assimilate into American culture. Hell bells, my great-grandad wanted to disprove that poppycock so much he went and changed our Polish surname into something far more easier to pronounce. We did/do this to almost every immigrant group, legal or otherwise, that comes to America.
Silliness aside, Americans got over their foolish disdain and mistrust of Eastern European immigrants decades ago. Us 'mill hunkies' used to get shit on and told we would never assimilate into American culture. Hell bells, my great-grandad wanted to disprove that poppycock so much he went and changed our Polish surname into something far more easier to pronounce. We did/do this to almost every immigrant group, legal or otherwise, that comes to America.
Heck. Barry even changed his name.
As Americans we can't possibly tolerate having a foreign born First Lady.......calls into question Donald Trump's true loyalties.
That's nothing. Their other frontrunner spent his entire life as a Canadian citizen, and the circumstances of his birth and who his parents are is seriously in question.
Oh no! You don't say........well that is news.
Silliness aside, Americans got over their foolish disdain and mistrust of Eastern European immigrants decades ago. Us 'mill hunkies' used to get shit on and told we would never assimilate into American culture. Hell bells, my great-grandad wanted to disprove that poppycock so much he went and changed our Polish surname into something far more easier to pronounce. We did/do this to almost every immigrant group, legal or otherwise, that comes to America.
I'm sorry but I just don't see how we can tolerate having a Slovene in the White House.

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