First, Let's Piss Off The Police

if you are stopped unlawfully you can resist to a point,,

if you wait til court it could cost you thousands of dollars you dont have,,
What point is that? Law enforcement is armed. You could lose a lot more than thousands of dollars, you could lose your life.
What point is that? Law enforcement is armed. You could lose a lot more than thousands of dollars, you could lose your life.
not all fights are physical,,

can cop walk up to you on a street and demand your ID or take you to jail if you dont give it to him??
not all fights are physical,,

can cop walk up to you on a street and demand your ID or take you to jail if you dont give it to him??
That depends on the laws in the State you are in. They had 'stop and frisk' in NY but that was for suspicious individuals. IOW they lowered 'probable cause' threshold. Cops were legally allowed to stop and frisk suspicious people. My point is, don't take it up with the cop on the street, it could get you killed. Other than that, if you get stopped for an expired tag, a tail light out, weird driving, those are all probable causes for a cop to pull you over. You'll probably just get a ticket but if you resist you could suffer injury or go to jail. It's just not worth it IMO.
not all fights are physical,,

can cop walk up to you on a street and demand your ID or take you to jail if you dont give it to him??

Nearly every single controversial police shooting has one thing in common: The suspect refused to listen to the orders of the police. It matters not if his or her actions were intended for nefarious purposes such as quickly taking your hand out of your coat pocket or reaching for a cell phone in your car during a traffic stop. Every one would still be alive today had they just obeyed orders.

That's why your best bet for staying alive or not getting arrested is to just listen to the officer, and any potential misconduct by the officer can be visited later on. You may very well be within your rights, but it's not worth getting seriously hurt or killed over. I speak from experience, as I stated, I'm a retired truck driver who interacted with state troopers all the time, and those guys are real pricks in my state.
That depends on the laws in the State you are in. They had 'stop and frisk' in NY but that was for suspicious individuals. IOW they lowered 'probable cause' threshold. Cops were legally allowed to stop and frisk suspicious people. My point is, don't take it up with the cop on the street, it could get you killed. Other than that, if you get stopped for an expired tag, a tail light out, weird driving, those are all probable causes for a cop to pull you over. You'll probably just get a ticket but if you resist you could suffer injury or go to jail. It's just not worth it IMO.
the answer is NO,, no state is a stop and ID state unless you are committing a crime have committed a crime or about to comitt a crime,, its called RAS reasonable articulable suspicion,,

stop a frisk "terry stop" does not allow them to ID you either,,
Nearly every single controversial police shooting has one thing in common: The suspect refused to listen to the orders of the police. It matters not if his or her actions were intended for nefarious purposes such as quickly taking your hand out of your coat pocket or reaching for a cell phone in your car during a traffic stop. Every one would still be alive today had they just obeyed orders.

That's why your best bet for staying alive or not getting arrested is to just listen to the officer, and any potential misconduct by the officer can be visited later on. You may very well be within your rights, but it's not worth getting seriously hurt or killed over. I speak from experience, as I stated, I'm a retired truck driver who interacted with state troopers all the time, and those guys are real pricks in my state.
thats called being a bootlicking pussy or useful idiot that refuses to stand up for his rights,,
thats called being a bootlicking pussy or useful idiot that refuses to stand up for his rights,,

No, no, no. You always stand up for your rights, but you don't do it on the street. You stand up for your rights when you address the superiors of the officer. By doing everything told, it makes your case much stronger. The chief, Mayor, Sheriff, whoever will more than likely lean your way if you listened to everything the officer commanded even though you were in the right.

Several years ago I got into a multi-car accident because of the weather. It was about 18 vehicles. I didn't hit anybody, but was struck by another truck. The officer and I were in his car and he repeated while writing the report that the other driver hit my truck. I said yes, the two outside wheels of my trailer. He was a N with a badge. He turned to me and gave me the dirtiest look and said "Did I ask you which wheels got hit? I have eyes you know!" Hey prick, I was just trying to help your affirmative action ass out. He said he was going to tow my truck, and I was about to explain that there's no difference between me pulling the trailer and a tow truck pulling my cab and trailer, but I just said "okay."

Next morning I gave my boss the details. He asked why the cop towed the truck? I said because the guy was a total prick and basically told me to shut up. My employer called the supervisor of the trooper to ask him, and he told me he kind of stuttered for an answer. If the guy wasn't an asshole, I would have explained to him that it made no difference who pulled the trailer, but after he told me off, F him. Let him answer to his boss. I don't care. If he got balled out, I could have saved him the trouble by telling him the best thing, least expensive, and fastest way to get me off the road.
No, no, no. You always stand up for your rights, but you don't do it on the street. You stand up for your rights when you address the superiors of the officer. By doing everything told, it makes your case much stronger. The chief, Mayor, Sheriff, whoever will more than likely lean your way if you listened to everything the officer commanded even though you were in the right.

Several years ago I got into a multi-car accident because of the weather. It was about 18 vehicles. I didn't hit anybody, but was struck by another truck. The officer and I were in his car and he repeated while writing the report that the other driver hit my truck. I said yes, the two outside wheels of my trailer. He was a N with a badge. He turned to me and gave me the dirtiest look and said "Did I ask you which wheels got hit? I have eyes you know!" Hey prick, I was just trying to help your affirmative action ass out. He said he was going to tow my truck, and I was about to explain that there's no difference between me pulling the trailer and a tow truck pulling my cab and trailer, but I just said "okay."

Next morning I gave my boss the details. He asked why the cop towed the truck? I said because the guy was a total prick and basically told me to shut up. My employer called the supervisor of the trooper to ask him, and he told me he kind of stuttered for an answer. If the guy wasn't an asshole, I would have explained to him that it made no difference who pulled the trailer, but after he told me off, F him. Let him answer to his boss. I don't care. If he got balled out, I could have saved him the trouble by telling him the best thing, least expensive, and fastest way to get me off the road.
I was right,,

sorry but you stand up for your rights at all times otherwise youre just another useful idiot licking the boot of your servants,,
Nearly every single controversial police shooting has one thing in common: The suspect refused to listen to the orders of the police. It matters not if his or her actions were intended for nefarious purposes such as quickly taking your hand out of your coat pocket or reaching for a cell phone in your car during a traffic stop. Every one would still be alive today had they just obeyed orders.

That's why your best bet for staying alive or not getting arrested is to just listen to the officer, and any potential misconduct by the officer can be visited later on. You may very well be within your rights, but it's not worth getting seriously hurt or killed over. I speak from experience, as I stated, I'm a retired truck driver who interacted with state troopers all the time, and those guys are real pricks in my state.
Yes, that was my point exactly. Case in point. A couple of months ago I was driving behind a guy going very slow due to a truck in front of him. 2-lane highway.....Dashed I floored it and shot past him and the truck. Unbeknownst to me, between the guy in front of me and the truck was a city cop. He lit up and stopped me. The speed limit was 55 and I was going bout 75 when I shot past the truck. I kept both hands on the steering wheel, was polite. The cop asked if I saw him and I said only when I passed. He asked if there was any reason I did not see him and I said the car in front of me blocked my view of him. Long story short, I got a lecture and not ticket. WHEW!!!!!!!!! Needless to say, If I'd have shouted and screamed about my 'rights' or tried to take of running I would probably have gone to jail.
Yes, that was my point exactly. Case in point. A couple of months ago I was driving behind a guy going very slow due to a truck in front of him. 2-lane highway.....Dashed I floored it and shot past him and the truck. Unbeknownst to me, between the guy in front of me and the truck was a city cop. He lit up and stopped me. The speed limit was 55 and I was going bout 75 when I shot past the truck. I kept both hands on the steering wheel, was polite. The cop asked if I saw him and I said only when I passed. He asked if there was any reason I did not see him and I said the car in front of me blocked my view of him. Long story short, I got a lecture and not ticket. WHEW!!!!!!!!! Needless to say, If I'd have shouted and screamed about my 'rights' or tried to take of running I would probably have gone to jail.
why would you even think about yelling at him or being unruly?? you were in the wrong after all,,
the answer is NO,, no state is a stop and ID state unless you are committing a crime have committed a crime or about to comitt a crime,, its called RAS reasonable articulable suspicion,,

stop a frisk "terry stop" does not allow them to ID you either,,
If you get stopped and frisked and illegal items are found, you go to jail. That being said, NY stopped the practice after Guiliani.
If you get stopped and frisked and illegal items are found, you go to jail. That being said, NY stopped the practice after Guiliani.
as long as its a legal stop,,

what about if youre stopped while walking down the street and they demand to see your ID and want to search you?? do you just bend over and let them or do you stand up for your rights??
why would you even think about yelling at him or being unruly?? you were in the wrong after all,,
Yes, that's my point, I WAS in the wrong but didn't resist and was polite. These much reported on incidents (George Floyd comes to mind) where cops used force were because the perps were doing wrong but resisted. If you are not committing a crime, not doing anything wrong, minding your own business etc. you are not going to get stopped in the first place.
If you are not committing a crime, not doing anything wrong, minding your own business etc. you are not going to get stopped in the first place.
I really hope you dont believe this cause its happening all over the country as we speak,,,
as long as its a legal stop,,

what about if youre stopped while walking down the street and they demand to see your ID and want to search you?? do you just bend over and let them or do you stand up for your rights??
Depends on the situation. If there was a recent criminal on the lose and you or your vehicle looked like the perp, you might get stopped and asked for an ID but the cop would explain why they were asking you to do that. I highly doubt you'd be asked to show ID for no reason because that cop would get in trouble if you lodged a complaint.

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