First, Let's Piss Off The Police

Yeah 'first amendment auditors'...I watched your link. These guys are nothing more than people trying to waste law enforcement's time for monetary gain. They purposely look suspicious so some citizen calls the cops and, at that point, the cops have to investigate. When the cops get there the 'auditor' gives them shit. Notice that none of these so-called 'auditors' were harmed in any way shape or form. It's nothing more than a You Tube scam to put up 'click bait' videos to garner viewers to a You Tube monetized site.
Yeah 'first amendment auditors'...I watched your link. These guys are nothing more than people trying to wast law enforcement's time. They purposely look suspicious so some citizen calls to cops and, at that point, the cops have to investigate. When the cops get there the 'auditor' gives them shit. Notice that none of these so-called 'auditors' were harmed in any way shape or form. It's nothing more than a You Tube scam to put up 'click bait' videos to garner viewers to a You Tube monetized site.
I will admit that some of them get testy and rude at times but not all of them,, either way its not a cops job to be a stormtrooper or to make up his own laws or ignore laws to suit his mood or that of the person hes dealing with
hers a guy thats as nice as can be and get treated like shit most of the time,,

are you against having accountability in law enforcement??
The cop did nothing wrong. Your beef is with the law not law enforcement.
his own people said he was in the wrong not me,,,

hers a guy that fought for his rights and ended up educating a lot of people including the cops that didnt even know the laws

his own people said he was in the wrong not me,,,

hers a guy that fought for his rights and ended up educating a lot of people including the cops that didnt even know the laws

The only reason the cops were there is because of a complaint by that stupid lady behind the counter. If there is a complaint, the cops have to investigate. I think the cops made a mistake though. Their knowledge of the law was obviously lacking. I will say that the video guy could have avoided all this by explaining why he was doing a video. But then he would not have been able to bait law enforcement like he did.

I have a job that requires me to take photos of buildings from public streets however, there have been occasions where I am confronted by people claiming I have no right to do so. I explain what I am doing and there is never any problem. To me, this is just causing problems for no reason other than playing gotcha.
his own people said he was in the wrong not me,,,

hers a guy that fought for his rights and ended up educating a lot of people including the cops that didnt even know the laws

Actually the video commentator said the cop did nothing wrong.
They know the profession they have chosen.

Yes, mistakes in judgement will be made. That can be excused.

But abuse of power, bullying, losing your temper can’t be excused.
It gives all Policemen a bad name
And how many do you think that is?
Sometimes police have a difficult job.
Like domestic disputes.
But most of the time, it is not such a bad job.
And police are very well paid for it.
Nor are police inherently the good guys, as all dictators exist due to inherent police corruption.
Then you should never avail yourself of their service should you need it. Given your opinion of them.
The only reason the cops were there is because of a complaint by that stupid lady behind the counter. If there is a complaint, the cops have to investigate. I think the cops made a mistake though. Their knowledge of the law was obviously lacking. I will say that the video guy could have avoided all this by explaining why he was doing a video. But then he would not have been able to bait law enforcement like he did.

I have a job that requires me to take photos of buildings from public streets however, there have been occasions where I am confronted by people claiming I have no right to do so. I explain what I am doing and there is never any problem. To me, this is just causing problems for no reason other than playing gotcha.
so standing up for your rights is playing gotcha,,,

if you took the time to watch several of the videos you will find out that many cops either dont know the law or dont care and that alone is more reason to do the audits and put them back in their place and restore the rule of law and our rights,,
unless of course youre a bootlicking pussy that bends over when youre told too,,
Yet, you speak as though it’s rampant…
I never said it was rampant

We didn’t have Black Lives Matter because all cops are bad
We had BLM because bad cops were being covered for
so standing up for your rights is playing gotcha,,,

if you took the time to watch several of the videos you will find out that many cops either dont know the law or dont care and that alone is more reason to do the audits and put them back in their place and restore the rule of law and our rights,,
unless of course youre a bootlicking pussy that bends over when youre told too,,
No, setting up a false situation in order to bait someone is playing gotcha. That guy was there in hopes of baiting law enforcement. What other reason would he be making a video of a federal building?

That there are many in law enforcement who don't know all the ins and outs of the law is true. However, none of those incidents resulted in anyone getting physically molested by law enforcement. Cops are there to protect citizens from criminal behavior, not to be lawyers. Like I said, the video guy could have explained what he was doing in the first place. Why didn't he?
No, setting up a false situation in order to bait someone is playing gotcha. That guy was there in hopes of baiting law enforcement. What other reason would he be making a video of a federal building?

That there are many in law enforcement who don't know all the ins and outs of the law is true. However, none of those incidents resulted in anyone getting physically molested by law enforcement. Cops are there to protect citizens from criminal behavior, not to be lawyers. Like I said, the video guy could have explained what he was doing in the first place. Why didn't he?
nothing false about it,, they go out and do a constitutionally protected activity and let the cards fall where they may,,

whats funny is some cops admit they know whats going on and still try and violate their oaths and arrest the guys,,

and again, which video are you talking about?? the post office or the suspended cop??

no they are not lawyers but they are expected to know the law so they can arrest people,, they cant just arrest people because they want to,,

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